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Showing 21-30 of 69 records

Statement on the Death of Emperor Hirohito of Japan

January 6, 1989 (01/06/1989) Mrs. Reagan and I have just been informed that His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Hirohito , died earlier today. On behalf of the people and Government of the United States , w...

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Remarks at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library 50th Anniversary Luncheon

January 10, 1989 (01/10/1989) Well, thank you, Senator Mitchell and Ambassador vanden Heuvel . It's a particular pleasure for me to be here today, as I near the end of my career in public life. The hi...

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Remarks at the Armed Forces Farewell Salute in Camp Springs, Maryland

January 12, 1989 (01/12/1989) Thank you all very much. And I express the thanks of my roommate, who unfortunately is ill and has no voice, tried to get up and get here, and I sent her back to bed. It'...

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Final Radio Address to the Nation

January 14, 1989 (01/14/1989) My fellow Americans: Over the years I've greatly enjoyed this opportunity to get together with you and report on the week's events here in Washington . But next week, aft...

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Appointment of George A. Sinner as a Member of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations

January 17, 1989 (01/17/1989) The President today announced his intention to appoint Governor George A. Sinner to be a member of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations for a term of 2 ...

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Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the President's Hand Surgery

January 7, 1989 (01/07/1989) President Reagan's operation to repair a Dupuytren's contracture of the ring finger of his left hand was successfully completed at approximately 11:00 this morning, Januar...

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Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Recommending Adjustments of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries

January 9, 1989 (01/09/1989) Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) As required by section 225 of the Federal Salary Act of 1967, Public Law 90 - 206 (2 U.S.C. 351 et seq.), the latest Quadrennial Co...

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Remarks at a White House Briefing for the Coalition for Fiscal Restraint

January 9, 1989 (01/09/1989) You know, actually, I could tell this was a very supportive group when I walked into the room. Someone in the back of the room began to chant, ``Two more weeks! Two more w...

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Remarks on Presenting Congressional Gold Medals to Natan and Avital Shcharanskiy and an Informal Exchange With Reporters

January 11, 1989 (01/11/1989) The President. We're very pleased today to be presenting these medals to Natan Shcharanskiy and his wife, Avital , who couldn't be here with us today. And we're going for...

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Letter to Congressional Leaders Transmitting a Report on Nuclear Weapons Modernization

January 12, 1989 (01/12/1989) Dear Mr. Chairman: In response to Section 3132 of the Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1988 (Public Law 100 - 180), I commissioned a study of the United States n...

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