Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Requests

Under the provisions of Executive Order 13526 an individual may request the declassification review of specific classified material at the Reagan Presidential Library.

How to Make a Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Request

To request an MDR, the information must be classified and the following conditions met:

  • The request for a review describes the document or material containing the information with sufficient specificity to enable the Reagan Presidential library to locate it with a reasonable amount of effort.
  • The document or material containing the information responsive to the request is not contained within an operational file exempted from search and review, publication, and or disclosure under 5 U.S.C. 552 in accordance with law.
  • The information has not been reviewed for declassification within the past 2 years. If the agency has reviewed the information within the past 2 years, or the information is the subject of pending litigation, the Reagan Presidential Library will inform the requester of this fact and of the requester’s appeal rights.

If the above criteria has been met, the requester can use the Presidential Libraries Mandatory Review Request – NA Form 14020 [linked] to complete their request.

Instructions for Completing the Mandatory Review Request (NA Form 14020)

For ease of use, attach this MDR Request Form Below

Section I: Complete with your contact information.

Sections II and III: Complete using information from either a Withdrawal Sheet or an Inventory. Identify the folder or documents to be reviewed with as much specificity as possible.

Example of Information You Can Use from a Reagan Library Withdrawal Sheet:

  • Collection: Counterterrorism and Narcotics Office, NSC
  • Box Number: RAC Box 1
  • Folder Name: Terrorism: Exercises
  • Item: #10 Paper re: The Terrorist Threat in the Republic of Korea (2pp. partial) (Or Document numbers and their descriptions)
  • Date of Document: 8/18/87.

Please note the documents on the request form should be from one folder only. If needed, use additional forms.

Example of Information You Can Use from a Reagan Library Office, Staff or Subject File Inventory

  • Collection: Counterterrorism and Narcotics Office, NSC
  • Box Number: RAC Box 1
  • Folder Name: Alliance
  • Item: All Classified (B1) Material

Please note each unprocessed folders should be listed individually on one form. For additional folders use a new form.

Once your form/forms are complete, you may mail, email or fax your request to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.


Ronald Reagan Presidential Library
c/o FOIA Coordinator
40 Presidential Drive
Simi Valley CA 93065

Subject line: Mandatory Declassification Review Request


Subject line: Mandatory Declassification Review Request

MDRs are to be filed only for the declassification and release of information known to be classified. MDRs will not be processed for general requests for information, e.g. “information on USSR-US relations from 1980 to 1989. " For broad requests on material such as this at the Reagan Library, please use the Freedom of Information Act process.

After You Have Submitted Your Request - An Overview of Mandatory Declassification Review Process

  • The Reagan Presidential Library will submit copies of your requested documents to the originating agency and/or other agencies that have primary subject matter interest in the document.
  • Each agency that has primary subject matter interest will review the document and advise the Reagan Presidential Library of its decision.
  • After all agency responses have been received by the Reagan Presidential Library, the requester will be notified of the results of the declassification reviews. Documents will be released in accordance with 44 USC § 2201-2207 and Executive Order 13526. Since these are Presidential records administered in accordance with 44 U.S.C. § 2201-2207 and Executive Order 13526, NARA must notify the former and incumbent Presidents prior to the release of any information in response to these Mandatory Declassification Review requests. If an agency denies a request for declassification, the requestor may appeal this decision to the agency's appellate authority through the Reagan Presidential Library. The Reagan Presidential Library will provide the requestor with appeal instructions in its notification letter prior to public release. An appeal of a sanitized or exempted document must be received by the Reagan Presidential Library within 60 days of the document’s public release.
  • If the agency reviews the document on appeal and determines that more information may be released without harm to national security, the document will be released in accordance with the regulations governing access to the Reagan Presidential Records (44 U.S.C. § 2201-2207 and Executive Order 13526). The requestor then has the right to appeal the agency’s determination to the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) within 60 days of the document’s public release.
  • If the agency reviews the document on appeal and determines that it cannot release any further information without harm to national security, the requester will be notified immediately and informed of the right to file an appeal with the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) for final adjudication.

Submit a Mandatory Declassification Review Request
Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) requests must be submitted in writing, either handwritten or typed. They may be submitted online through this form or by email, mail, or fax. 

Read Executive Order 13526 for more information.

Full Name

The description of the records you are requesting is important. Provide as much information as is available.

Attach Supporting Files
Additional information can be provided by attaching supporting documentation. You may attach withdrawal sheets and/or finding aids for the documents you are requesting.

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Authority for solicitation of the information is 5 U.S.C 552a. Disclosure of this information is voluntary. If the information is not provided, however, the individual’s declassification review request may not be processed.