Select Speeches and Statements by Governor Reagan

Please note this is not a complete list of Governor Reagan's speeches while Governor of California from 1967-1975.


January 2, 1967
Inaugural Address (Midnight Ceremony)   downloadable mp3
Inaugural Invocation and Prayer Breakfast invocation delivered by the Reverend Donald L. Moomaw

January 5, 1967
Inaugural Address (Public Ceremony)   downloadable mp3

January 11, 1967
Address by Governor Ronald Reagan to the California Teachers Association Legislative Seminar

January 16, 1967
Statement of Governor Ronald Reagan on Crime

January 17, 1967
Statement of Governor Ronald Reagan on Tuition

February 3, 1967
Address by Governor Reagan at California Newspaper Publishers Association Banquet, Hilton Hotel, San Francisco

February 11, 1967
Governor Ronald Reagan’s Remarks to Marchers on the West Steps of the Capitol

March 28, 1967
Statement by Mr. Philip Battaglia, Executive Secretary to Governor Ronald Reagan, to the Senate Standing Committee on Business and Professions [re: Mental Hospitals]

April 1, 1967
Address of Governor Ronald Reagan to California Republican Assembly, Lafayette Hotel, Long Beach

April 29, 1967
Speech by Governor Ronald Reagan before the University of Southern California Law Day Luncheon, Los Angeles

May 3, 1967
Statement of Governor Ronald Reagan on Colorado River Legislation

May 4, 1967
Statement of Honorable Ronald Reagan, Governor of California Before the Public Works Subcommittee, Committee of Appropriations, U.S. House of Representatives

May 6, 1967
Address by Governor Ronald Reagan at the United Republicans of California Convention, Long Beach Arena

May 20, 1967
Address by Governor Ronald Reagan on the Installation of President Robert Hill, Chico State College


January 4, 1971
Inaugural Address    downloadable mp3

