Federal Records, 1980-1989
These are the Federal records held at the Reagan Library. The largest holdings are the 1980 and 1985 Inaugural Committees and the remainder of the material is for task forces and commissions usually created by the President but run as federal task forces. The Library also has a large collection of published materials from various agencies.
Some collections are fully available for research. Access to closed material is through the Freedom of Information Act.
For more information regarding these files please e-mail us: reagan.library@nara.gov
List of Federal Records
1981 Presidential Inaugural Committee: Records, 1980-1981
1985 Presidential Inaugural Committee: Records, 1984-1985
President's Task Force on the American Outdoors
President's Task Force on International Private Enterprise
President's Task Force on Private Sector Initiatives
List of Federal Publications
Federal Agency Telephone Books, 1981-1989