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Showing 5151-5160 of 5208 records

Letter Accepting the Resignation of Edward J. Rollins, Jr., as Assistant to the President for Political and Governmental Affairs

September 30, 1985 (09/30/1985) Dear Ed: It is with deep regret that I accept your resignation as Assistant to the President for Political and Governmental Affairs, effective October 1, 1985 (10/01/19...

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Statement on Signing the Federal Highway Funding Bill

October 1, 1985 (10/01/1985) I have signed S. 1514, which will approve the Interstate Cost Estimate (ICE) and the Interstate Substitute Cost Estimate (ISCE). Signing this bill will permit the timely r...

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Executive Order 12535 -- Prohibition of the Importation of the South African Krugerrand

October 1, 1985 (10/01/1985) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S....

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Remarks to the 54th General Assembly of Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization

October 2, 1985 (10/02/1985) I wanted to stop by briefly today and extend my good wishes to each of you. The United States is honored and proud that you would choose our Capital as the site of your co...

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Remarks at a State Republican Fundraising Luncheon in Parsippany, New Jersey

October 4, 1985 (10/04/1985) Thank you very much, and thank you very much, Governor Tom Kean. My friends, Frank Holman, Members of the Congress, it's great to see you all. You know, I have a spot in m...

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Proclamations, October 7, 1985 (10/07/1985)

Proclamation 5378 -- Twenty-fifth Anniversary Year of the Peace Corps October 7, 1985 (10/07/1985) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation The American people throughout our hi...

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Informal Exchange With Reporters on the Achille Lauro Hijacking Incident

October 10, 1985 (10/10/1985) The President. Listen, I'm just going to take a second. I've got 30 people waiting in there to have lunch. But apparently there's a little confusion, and maybe I'm respon...

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Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Transmitting a Report on the Export-Import Bank of the United States

April 14, 1986 (04/14/1986) Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:) This report is being transmitted pursuant to Section 7(a)(2) of the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, as amended (12 U.S.C. 635e(a)(2)...

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January 11, 1967 (01/11/1967) Address by Governor Ronald Reagan to the California Teachers Association Legislative Seminar

California Teachers Association Legislative Seminar January 11, 1967 (01/11/1967) Fellow members of the Administration, the Legislature, ladies and gentlemen of the California Teachers Association, la...

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April 1, 1967 (04/01/1967) Address of Governor Ronald Reagan to California Republican Assembly, Lafayette Hotel, Long Beach

Lafayette Hotel, Long Beach April 1, 1967 (04/01/1967) It is a pleasure to be here tonight ,, talking again to the members of the California Republican Assembly, California s oldest volunteer Republic...

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