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Showing 91-100 of 4514 records

Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the National Science Foundation

April 30, 1985 (04/30/1985) To the Congress of the United States: I am pleased to send to you the annual report of the National Science Foundation for Fiscal Year 1984. This report describes research ...

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Statement on Senate Action on the Budget Resolution

April 30, 1985 (04/30/1985) A short time ago the Senate took an important step toward putting our nation's fiscal house in order. The vote today on the $300 billion taxpayers' protection plan demonstr...

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Message to the Congress on Economic Sanctions Against Nicaragua

May 1, 1985 (05/01/1985) To the Congress of the United States: Pursuant to section 204(b) of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, 50 U.S.C. 1703, I hereby report to the Congress that I hav...

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Remarks at a Luncheon With Community Leaders in Buffalo, New York

September 12, 1984 (09/12/1984) The President. Thank you all very much. Bishop Head and Mr. Mayor, I thank you for a most gracious introduction, and all who have spoken here. I have to say a nerve was...

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Memorandum on the Combined Federal Campaign

September 12, 1984 (09/12/1984) Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies Our Administration is committed to improving the lives of all people. We can be proud of our record of en...

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Executive Order 12487 -- Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay

September 14, 1984 (09/14/1984) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, and in accordance with section 2207 of the Deficit Reduction Ac...

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Remarks Announcing a Farm Credit Initiative Program

September 18, 1984 (09/18/1984) The President . I'd like to make a statement now on the announcement of our farm credit initiative. Our approach to the farm economy and the problem of farm credit is b...

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Remarks at a Reagan-Bush Rally in Hammonton, New Jersey

September 19, 1984 (09/19/1984) The President. Thank you very much. You know, it's been almost 8 weeks. I was even starting to get a little lonely, but now I feel glad again. I'm glad I'm back in your...

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Remarks on Signing the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984

September 24, 1984 (09/24/1984) Thank you all. I don't know why it is on some of these hot rallies out in the countryside the chairs are black instead of white, and they get very warm when you stand t...

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Message on the Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days

September 25, 1984 (09/25/1984) The year 5745 of the Jewish calendar is about to be ushered in with the soul-stirring blast of the shofar. And while the ram's horn is traditionally meant to summon Jew...

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