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Showing 8891-8900 of 8919 records

Remarks on Presenting the Medal of Honor to Master Sergeant Roy P. Benavidez

February 24, 1981 (02/24/1981) Men and women of the Armed Forces, ladies and gentlemen: Several years ago, we brought home a group of American fighting men who had obeyed their country's call and who ...

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Executive Order & Message to Congress re: Suspension of Litigation Against Iran

February 24, 1981 (02/24/1981) By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States, including Section 203 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Ac...

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Remarks of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom Following Their Meetings

February 26, 1981 (02/26/1981) The President . I just have a few words here -- both of us -- but I also want to say that due to the schedule that has been arranged and the meetings of the Prime Minist...

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Toasts of the President and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom at the Dinner Honoring the President

February 27, 1981 (02/27/1981) The Prime Minister . Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, ladies and gentlemen: Mr. President, an earlier visitor to the United States, Charles Dickens, described our Amer...

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Remarks to Members of the Reserve Officers Association

January 27, 1988 (01/27/1988) Well, thank you. And General Sandler, General Hultman, distinguished guests and Reserve officers, I'm grateful for this opportunity to be with you and to thank personally...

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Proclamation 5926 -- National Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service Centennial Day, 1989

December 23, 1988 (12/23/1988) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation On January 4, 1989 (01/04/1989) , the members of the Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Healt...

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Statement on the Ninth Anniversary of the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

December 27, 1988 (12/27/1988) This has been an historic year for Afghanistan . For the Afghan people, years of determination in the face of great adversity have been rewarded by the promise of peace....

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Proclamation 5928 -- Territorial Sea of the United States

December 27, 1988 (12/27/1988) By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation International law recognizes that coastal nations may exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over their te...

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January 4, 1971 (01/04/1971) Inaugural Address

JANUARY 4, 1971 Lieutenant Governor Reinecke , our fellow constitutional officers, leaders and members of the Senate and Assembly my fellow Californians: Remembering our last meeting here under these ...

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January 11, 1967 (01/11/1967) Address by Governor Ronald Reagan to the California Teachers Association Legislative Seminar

California Teachers Association Legislative Seminar January 11, 1967 (01/11/1967) Fellow members of the Administration, the Legislature, ladies and gentlemen of the California Teachers Association, la...

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