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C181-16A, President Reagan's First Cabinet Meeting with George Bush, Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, James Watt, Malcolm Baldrige, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ed Meese, Don Regan, Richard Schweiker and Terel Bell in cabinet room. 01/21/1981.

C181-23A, President Reagan's First Cabinet Meeting with George Bush, Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, James Watt, Malcolm Baldrige, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ed Meese, Don Regan, Richard Schweiker and Terel Bell in cabinet room. 01/21/1981.

C487-2, 1981 Cabinet - Class Photo. 02/4/1981.
Front row: Alexander Haig, Secretary of State; President Reagan; Vice President Bush; Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense
Second row: Raymond Donovan, Secretary of Labor; Donald Regan, Secretary of Labor; Terrel Bell, Secretary of Education; David Stockman, Director, Office of Management & Budget; Andrew Lewis, Secretary of Transportation, Samuel Pierce, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; William French Smith, Attorney General; James Watt, Secretary of the Interior; Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.S. Representative to the United Nations; Edwin Meese III, Counselor to the President; James Edwards, Secretary of Energy; Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce; William E. Brock, United States Trade Representative; Richard Schweiker, Secretary of Health & Human Services; John Block, Secretary of Agriculture; William Casey, Director, Central Intelligence Agency

C951-35, President Reagan in a Cabinet Meeting receiving a plaque "Code of Federal Regulations" and knife cleaver from Secretary James Watt in cabinet room with Don Regan and David Stockman. 02/27/1981.

C1947-7A, President Reagan in a working Lunch Cabinet Meeting with Bill Clark, Frank Carlucci, Joseph Wright, Drew Lewis and others in the Cabinet Room. 05/14/1981.

C5255-5A, Cabinet meeting in progress with David Stockman, Drew Lewis, Ed Meese and William Brock watching the President on Television. 11/23/1981.

C12339-26, President Reagan, James Baker, Ed Meese, Donald Regan, George Shultz, David Stockman, Caspar Weinberger, and William Clark meeting to discuss the 1984 budget of the United States in the Cabinet Room. 01/10/1983.

C19565-5, 1984 Cabinet - Class Photo. 01/20/1984.
Front row : Donald Regan, Secretary of the Treasury; Vice President Bush; President Reagan; George Shultz, Secretary of State; Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense
Second row : Terrel Bell, Secretary of Education; Jeane Kirkpatrick, U.S. Representative to the United Nations; David Stockman, Director, Office of Management & Budget; William French Smith, Attorney General; Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation; Donald Hodel, Secretary of Energy; Margaret Heckler, Secretary of Health & Human Services
Third row : John Block, Secretary of Agriculture; Raymond Donovan, Secretary of Labor; Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce; Samuel Pierce, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; William Clark, Secretary of the Interior; William Casey, Director, Central Intelligence Agency; Edwin Meese, III, Counselor to the President; William Brock, U.S. Trade Representative

C26434-3A, President Reagan with Caspar Weinberger during a Cabinet Meeting in the Cabinet Room. 12/19/1984.

C32960-5, President Reagan in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the 1987 Budget with George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, William Casey, John Poindexter and others in the Cabinet Room. 01/16/1986.

C32960-6, President Reagan in a Cabinet Meeting to discuss the 1987 Budget with George Shultz, George Bush, Caspar Weinberger, William Casey, Jim Miller, Vernon Walters, Otis Bowen, John Poindexter and others in the Cabinet Room. 01/16/1986.

C36864-19, President Reagan leads a Cabinet Meeting. 09/11/1986.

C41605-11, 1987 Cabinet - Class Photo. 07/01/1987.
Front row: Caspar Weinberger, Secretary of Defense; James Baker III, Secretary of the Treasury; George Shultz, Secretary of State; Edwin Meese, III, Attorney General; Elizabeth Dole, Secretary of Transportation; Howard Baker, White House Chief of Staff ; Donald Hodel, Secretary of the Interior; Richard Lyng, Secretary of Agriculture; Samuel Pierce, Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; President Reagan; Vice President Bush
Back row: William Bennett; Secretary of Education; John Herrington, Secretary of Energy; Clayton Yeutter, U.S. Trade Representative; James Miller III, Director, Office of Management & Budget; Malcolm Baldrige, Secretary of Commerce; William Brock, Secretary of Labor; Otis Bowen, Secretary of Health & Human Services

C39545-4, President Reagan leads a cabinet meeting in the cabinet room with Secretary Shultz and Secretary Weinberger at his sides. 03/13/1987.

C51448-7, 1989 Cabinet - Class Photo. 01/11/1989.
Front row: Frank Carlucci, Secretary of Defense; George Shultz, Secretary of State; President Reagan; Vice President Bush; Nicholas Brady, Secretary of Treasury; Richard Thornburgh, Attorney General
Middle row: C. William Verity, Secretary of Commerce; Ann McLaughlin, Secretary of Labor; Don Hodel, Secretary of Interior; Richard Lyng, Secretary of Agriculture; Otis Bowen, Secretary of Health and Human Services; Samuel Pierce, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Back row: James Burnley IV, Secretary of Transportation; John Herrington, Secretary of Energy; Lauro Cavazos, Secretary of Education; Ken Duberstein, Chief of Staff; Joseph Wright, Director, Office of Management and Budget; Vernon Walters, U.S. Representative to the United Nations; Clayton Yeutter, U.S. Trade Representative; William Webster, Director of Central Intelligence