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C543-12, President Reagan, with Nancy Reagan, talking to House Speaker Tip O'Neill during the President's 70th birthday party in the Oval Office. 02/06/1981.

C801-23A, President Reagan meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater and Ray Renfroe an Arizona Sculptor in the Oval Office. 02/23/1981.

C970-18, President Reagan Meeting with Congressman Silvio Conte in oval office. 03/2/1981

C1142-13A, President Reagan visiting Senator Robert Dole at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. 03/12/1981

C1648-10, President Reagan Meeting with Senator Paul Laxalt in Oval Office. 04/24/1981

C1673-6, President Reagan exiting the United States Capitol after economic speech to Congress. 04/28/1981

C2199-10A, Meeting with Ted Kennedy to discuss the situation in Ireland and gun control in Oval Office. 06/01/1981.

C2208-18, President Reagan and George Bush meeting with House Speaker Tip O'Neill, Robert Byrd, Jim Wright and Dan Rostenkowski to discuss Tax Bill in Oval Office. 06/01/1981.

C2208-19, President Reagan and George Bush meeting with House Speaker Tip O'Neill to discuss Tax Bill in Oval Office. 06/01/1981.

C5467-19, President Reagan meeting with Thomas "Tip" O'Neill in the Oval Office. 12/09/1981.

C6013-8, Senator Howard Baker, Congressman Jim Wright, House Speaker Tip O'Neill, Senator James McClure and Michael Deaver toasting President Reagan at a Dinner for bipartisan members of congress in Blue Room. 01/25/1982.

C6567-18, President Reagan in a photo opportunity with Congressman Eldon Rudd to present a replica of an American Indian Hopi Eagle Kachini Doll in the Oval Office. 02/25/1982.

C7661-8A, President Reagan meeting with House Speaker Tip O'Neill, Senator Howard Baker and other bipartisan members of congress to discuss budget compromise at U.S. Capitol. 04/28/1982.

C7742-22, The Reagan's arrive at Senator Howard Baker's Residence for dinner in Huntsville, Tennessee. 05/01/1982.

C9067-15, Speaker Tip O'Neill in a Meeting with Bipartisan Congressional Leadership on crisis in Lebanon in the cabinet room. 07/13/1982.

C9078-6, Meeting with Senator Howard Baker and Representative Bob Michel and Republican Congressional Leaders to discuss Lebanon and Foreign policy in cabinet room. 07/14/1982.

C9102-14, President Reagan Meeting with Bob Michel and other Republican members of the House Committee on Agriculture with Ed Meese and Edwin Harper in Roosevelt Room. 07/15/1982.

C9762-0, President Reagan and House Speaker Thomas "Tip" O'Neill exiting the Oval Office for a press conference regarding Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation in the Rose Garden. 08/18/1982.

C9762-8, President Reagan makes remarks to the press regarding Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation in the Rose Garden with Speaker Tip O'Neill, Bob Michel, Trent Lott, Tom Foley, Sonny Montgomery and Dan Rostenkowski. 08/18/1982.

C10517-12, Senator Howard Baker taking photos during his family visit with President Reagan in the Oval Office. 10/05/1982.

C11084-11, President Reagan having Lunch with Senator Paul Laxalt outside oval office. 11/02/1982.

c11817-16A, President Reagan meeting to discuss MX missile with Senator Henry Scoop Jackson, George Bush, James Baker, Caspar Weinberger in the oval office. 12/10/1982.

C12549-4, President Reagan in a photo op with Queen of Mardi Gras Sally Johnston and Senator J. Bennett Johnston of Louisiana in the Oval Office. 01/21/1983.

C12755-22A, President Reagan and House Speaker Tip O'Neill discussing the Budget in the Oval Office. 01/31/1983.

C13466-30, President Reagan attending a luncheon in honor of St. Patrick's Day and hosted by Tip O'Neill at the United States Capitol Speakers office with Congressman Robert Michel and Ed Bolland. 03/17/1983.

C13539-3A, Meeting with Jack Kemp and a group of Republican Members of Congress to discuss the 1984 budget of the United States in cabinet room. 03/22/1983.

C13539-13A, President Reagan meeting with Jack Kemp and William Broomfield and a group of Republican Members of Congress to discuss the 1984 budget of the United States in cabinet room. 03/22/1983.

C15635-10, President Reagan shaking hands with Congressman Newt Gingrich during a meeting in the Cabinet Room to discuss Central America. 06/24/1983.

C16217-3, President Reagan meeting to discuss the recent trip to the Soviet Union by Congressman Richard Cheney in the Oval Office. 07/25/1983.

C17592-20A, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Paul Laxalt, Bob Michel, Corrine Michel, and Carol Laxalt watch the Oak Ridge Boys performance during the Barbecue for Members of Congress on the South Lawn. 10/06/1983.

C20310-10, President Reagan meeting with George Bush, Howard Baker, Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond, Fred Fielding, Jim Baker and MB Oglesby to discuss the upcoming debate in the Senate on the Proposed school prayer amendment in the Yellow Oval Room. 03/02/1984.

C20355-18, President Reagan meeting with Senator Joseph Biden and Senator William Cohen to discuss arms control and the results of their trip to the Soviet Union last month in the Oval Office. 03/06/1984.

C20754-22, President Reagan meeting with United States Observer Delegation to the Election in El Salvador in cabinet room. 03/26/1984.

C21678-14A, President Reagan meeting with House Democrats to discuss arms control and MX Peacekeeper program in the Family Dining Room 05/08/1984.

C26162-23, President Reagan's Remarks during a ceremony with members of Congress to announce additional aide to famine victims in Africa with Bob Dole, Mickey Leland, William Broomfield, John Block, Robert McFarlane and M Peter McPherson in the Roosevelt Room. 12/14/1984.

C26304-6, President Reagan meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater in Oval Office. 12/12/1984.

C27065-10, Group Photo with House Republican Whip Organization Trent Lott, Dan Burton, Ben Campbell, Ronald Coleman, Jim Courter, William Dickinson, Dean Gallo, Judd Gregg, Duncan Hunter, Bob Livingston, Manuel Lujan, Mr. Morrison, Carl Pursell, Richard Schulze, Olympia Snowe, Arlan Strangland, Vin Weber, Chalmers Wylie, Edward Boland, Mr. Mason, Mr. Whittinghill in cabinet room. 01/28/1985.

C27491-16, President at a Breakfast Meeting with Senate Republican "Class of 1980" Group photograph with Paula Hawkins, Bob Dole, Arlen Specter, John Heinz, Dan Quayle, Alan Simpson, James Abdnor Andrews Alfonse D'Amato, Jeremiah Denton, Slade Gorton, Charles Grassley, Bob Kasten, Mack Mattingly, Frank Murkowski, Don Nickles, Warren Rudman, Steve Symms in Entrance Hall. 02/27/1985.

C27608-19, President Reagan having lunch with Tip O'Neill in the Oval Office. 03/07/1985.

28137-6, President Reagan in a Meeting to discuss an upcoming Congressional trip to the Soviet Union with Vice President Bush, Tip O'Neill, Don Regan, Robert McFarlane and George Shultz in oval office. 04/03/1985.

C28310-36, President Reagan meeting with Republican Congressional Leadership with Bob Michel, Bob Dole and Alan Simpson in cabinet room. 04/16/1985.

C29258-4A, President Reagan meeting with Congressman Newt Gingrich and other "Core" Members of the Conservative Opportunity Society (COS) in Oval Office. 05/20/1985.

C30187-3A, President Reagan talking with Congressman Speaker Tip O'Neill on the Oval Office patio. 07/09/1985.

C30375-20, President Reagan concludes a Bipartisan Congressional Leadership meeting in the White House Treaty room several days after returning from cancer surgery. From left to right: Representative Jim Wright, Senator Strom Thurmond, Senator Robert Dole. 07/23/1985.

C31509-12, President Reagan and Senator Bob Dole in the Cabinet Room during a Republican Congressional Leadership Meeting. 10/22/1985.

C31920-21, President Reagan at a Bipartisan Congressional Leadership Meeting with Alan Simpson, Bob Dole, Robert Byrd, Bob Michel, and Jim Wright in the cabinet room. 11/12/1985.

C32588-18, President Reagan's Remarks during a meeting with House Republican Conference Committee in the U.S. Capitol Rayburn House Office Building with Jack Kemp and James Baker and Don Regan. 12/16/1985.

C33079-7, Meeting with Senator Edward Ted Kennedy in Oval Office. 01/27/1986.

C33201-18, President Reagan shaking hands with Senator John Glenn during a photo opportunity with the State of the Union Address Congressional Escort Committee in the Speaker's Office of the U. S. Capitol. 02/04/1986.

C33477-2, Briefing with Senator Paul Laxalt regarding the Philippines and President Marcos in Oval Office. 02/24/1986.

C33749-6, President Reagan with Senator Bob Dole at a Salute to Congressional Leadership and Senator Dole's Political Action Committee Dinner at the J.W. Marriott hotel in Washington, DC. 03/10/1986.

C33772-7, President Reagan meeting with Senator Bob Packwood to discuss Tax Reform with Bill Diefenderfer in the Oval Office. 03/11/1986.

C36373-2, President Reagan in a meeting with Senator Jake Garn and James Fletcher with John Poindexter and Caspar Weinberger in the Oval Office 07/29/1986.

C36411-9, President Reagan meeting with Republican Senate Candidate John McCain in Oval Office. 07/31/1986.

C36458-21, President Reagan meeting with Congressman Richard Cheney, Don Regan and William Ball in the Oval Office. 08/05/1986.

C36995-3, President Reagan at a Campaign rally for Senator Jeremiah Denton at the Montgomery Civic Center in Montgomery, Alabama. 09/18/1986.

C37460-9, President Reagan in a Briefing for Bipartisan members of Congress on Iceland Summit with Tip O'Neill, Bob Michel and Bob Dole in cabinet room. 10/14/1986.

C39301-4, President Reagan in a meeting to discuss the report of the Special Review Board for the National Security Council (NSC) Tower Commission with Republican Congressional leaders Robert Dole, Alan Simpson, Bob Michel and Richard Cheney in the Oval Office. 02/27/1987.

C39369-13, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan greet John McCain in the Blue Room during a dinner for newly elected members of the 100th Congress. 03/03/1987.

C39369-22, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan greet John Lewis in the Blue Room during a dinner for newly elected members of the 100th Congress. 03/03/1987.

C39838-5, President Reagan in a meeting with Senator Mitch McConnell and Secretary Richard Lyng, George Bush, William Ball and Howard Baker in the Oval Office. 03/30/1987.

C39918-17A, President Reagan meeting with Members of Congress at the U.S. Capitol regarding the Highway Bill veto vote with Elizabeth Dole, Pete Wilson, Bob Dole, John Heinz, Alan Simpson, Chic Hecht, Kenneth Duberstein, William Ball, David Durenberger and Christopher Kit Bond. 04/02/1987.

C41302-9, President Reagan, Howard Baker, Kenneth Duberstein, James Baker and Frank Carlucci meeting with Bipartisan Congressional leaders Tom Foley, Robert Byrd and Jim Wright in the Oval Office. 06/15/1987.

C41603-10, President Reagan meeting with Senator Strom Thurmond in the Oval Office. 07/01/987.

C42063-15A, President Reagan in a meeting to discuss Central America policy with ranking Bipartisan members of Congress Senator Robert Dole, Congressman Jim Wright, Bob Michel, Tom Foley and staff Colin Powell, George Shultz, and Ken Duberstein. 08/05/1987.

C43629-21, President Reagan meeting with Senator Joseph Biden to discuss the Senate schedule with regard to nomination of Judge Anthony Kennedy to the United States Supreme Court in the Oval Office. 11/12/1987.

C43717-2, President Reagan, Robert Michel, Howard Baker, and James Baker meeting to discuss budget negotiations in the East Sitting Hall. 11/18/1987.

C43936-6, President Reagan talking during a bipartisan Congressional meeting to discuss the upcoming US-Soviet Summit with Senator Robert Byrd, Congressman Jim Wright and Congressman Richard Cheney in the Cabinet Room. 12/04/1987.

C44441-6, President Reagan's remarks announcing Senator Bob Dole's support of INF Treaty in the press room. 12/17/1987.

C44443-6, President Reagan meeting with Senator Bob Dole on INF Treaty in oval office. 12/17/1987.

C44985-8, President Reagan in a meeting to discuss the 1988 legislative agenda including aid to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance (Contras) with Republican Congressional leaders Robert Dole and Alan Simpson in the cabinet room. 01/26/1988.

C45012-17, President Reagan meeting with House Speaker James Wright on Aid to Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance (Contras) with Ken Duberstein, Howard Baker, Colin Powell and William Ball in the Oval Office. 01/27/1988.

C45914-17, President Reagan's Toast at a St. Patrick's Day Luncheon at the US Capitol with James Wright, Padraic MacKernan and Edward Kennedy. 03/17/1988.

C47718-10, President Reagan meeting with Senator Alan Simpson to receive gift of saddle bags and book in the Oval Office. 06/14/1988.

C48092-18, President Reagan's Photo Ops. with unidentified Republican Congressional candidates in Blue room. 06/28/1988.

C48709-16, President Reagan meeting with Republican Congressional Leadership with Robert Dole, Alan Simpson, Bob Michel, Trent Lott, Ken Duberstein, MB Oglesby, Alan Kranowitz, Marlin Fitzwater, Ted Morse and John Whitehead in the Oval Office. 08/19/1988.