Photos of the Reagan's two White House dogs "Lucky" and Rex" and Ranch dogs "Victory" "Freebo" and Millie".
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C3474-28, President Reagan playing with his dog "Victory" outside of the Marine One helicopter at Rancho Del Cielo, California. 08/06/1981.

C3488-10A, Nancy Reagan with her dog "Victory" at Rancho Del Cielo. 08/13/1981.

C26185-19, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan showing off new puppy "Lucky" and meeting with 1985 March of Dimes Poster Child, Kristen Ellis from Hebron, New York. 12/06/1984.

C26666-5A, Trip to Camp David, Nancy Reagan flying aboard helicopter Marine One with her dog "Lucky." 01/12/1985.

C27120-11, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan in a photo opportunity with their dog "Lucky" in the diplomatic reception room. 02/01/1985

C27120-19, President and Nancy Reagan driving in the limousine with their dog "Lucky" on a trip to Camp David. 02/01/1985.

C27361-25, President Reagan walking his dog "Lucky" with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom in the rose garden. 02/20/1985.

C27627-10, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with their dog "Lucky" in the oval office. 03/07/1985.

C28089-21A, Nancy Reagan giving her dog "Lucky" a bath at the White House. 04/01/1985.

C29222-6, Nancy Reagan holding her dog "Lucky" before boarding Marine One for trip to Camp David. 05/17/1985.

C29231-15A, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan walking their dog "Lucky" at Camp David, Maryland. 05/18/1985.

C30464-9, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and their dog "Lucky" on the South Lawn after returning from a trip to Camp David on Marine One. 08/04/1985.

C31325-14, President Reagan playing with his dog "Lucky" for a filming session for a CBS documentary in the Rose Garden. 10/19/1985.

C31744-13A, President Reagan aboard the helicopter with his dog "Lucky" on his lap. 11/01/1985.

C31627-4, President Reagan Playing with dog "Lucky" in Laurel Lodge at at Camp David. 10/26/1985.

C31744-17, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan arrive for post-operative medical procedure, Shelby Scarbrough trying to control the Reagan's dog "Lucky" with Jim Kuhn at Bethesda, Maryland. 11/01/1985.

C32353-17, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with their new dog "Rex", a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. 12/06/1985.

C32519-36, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with their dog "Rex" at a Ceremony to light the National Christmas Tree at the Diplomatic entrance. 12/12/1985.

C33344-32, President Reagan playing with his dog "Lucky" during a visit to Rancho Del Cielo with Denny Brisley looking on. 07/14/1985.

C33344-33A, President Reagan playing with his dog "Lucky" during a visit to Rancho Del Cielo with Ray Shaddick and Denny Brisley looking on. 07/14/1985.

C33542-26, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with Barbara Walters and their dog "Rex" during an interview session in the residence. 02/25/1986.

C33599-21, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan and their dog "Rex" with the 1986 National Easter Seal Child in the Oval Office. 02/27/1986.

C33601-6A, President Reagan talking with Nancy Reagan and Assistant Jim Kuhn with dog "Rex" in the Oval Office. 02/27/1986.

C33718-20, President holding his dog "Rex" in the Diplomatic Reception Room. 03/07/1986.

C33762-16, President Reagan greeting his dog "Rex" with Jim Kuhn, Don Regan and Dennis Thomas in the Rose garden. 03/11/1986.

C34171-13A, Nancy Reagan and her dog "Rex" on the South Lawn. 04/08/1986.

C34221-14A, Nancy Reagan petting her dog "Rex" at the Diplomatic Entrance of the White House. 04/10/1986.

C34221-16A, Nancy Reagan petting her dog "Rex" at the Diplomatic Entrance of the White House. 04/10/1986.

C34510-8, "Rex" the dog sitting on a couch in the White House. 04/24/1986.

C35640-7, Nancy Reagan playing with her dog "Rex" during an interview with Barry Seaman in the Map Room. 06/19/1986.

C36668-4, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with their dog "Lucky" and cats at Rancho Del Cielo in Santa Barbara, California. 08/23/1986.

C39198-19, President Reagan with Nancy Reagan and their dog "Rex" arriving via Marine One on the South Lawn. 02/22/1987.

C40228-11A, The Reagans being greeted by their dog "Rex" after arriving at the White House by helicopter (Marine One). 04/20/1987.

C41649-34, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with their dog "Rex" outside the White House for a Trip via helicopter (Marine One). 07/03/1987.

C42189-25, President Reagan exiting Marine One greeted by his Ranch dogs, "Lucky," "Freebo," "Victory" and "Millie" at Rancho Del Cielo, Santa Barbara, California. 08/13/1987.

C44838-27, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan walking with their dog “Rex” at Camp David. 01/16/1988.

C47544-13, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan greet their dog "Rex" after arrival via Marine One on South Lawn. 06/03/1988.