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C89-10, President Reagan signing Executive Order on federal hiring freeze and cabinet member nominations in the President's Room in the United States Capitol with George Bush, Howard Baker, Tip O'Neill, Robert Byrd, Mark Hatfield, Jim Wright, and Robert Michel. 01/20/1981.

C251-24, President signing Executive Order on Reductions in Government Spending with James Brady in oval office. 01/22/1981.

C1366-13A, President Reagan signing Executive Order creating Presidential Council on Integrity and Efficiency and announcing six Inspector Generals with Ed Harper and William Webster in Roosevelt Room. 03/26/1981.

C3851-16, President Reagan's remarks at Signing ceremony for Yorktown Bicentennial Proclamation with Secretary of the Navy John Lehman and Secretary of the Army John Marsh in first lady garden. 09/14/1981.

C4280-22, President Reagan, Tom Lantos, Annette Lantos and Nina Lagergren at the signing ceremony in the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for S.J. Resolution 65 "The Wallenberg Resolution" proclaiming Raoul Wallenberg a Swedish national to be an honorary citizen of the United States. 10/05/1981.

C5562-17A, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for H.J. Resolution 370, Continuing Resolution Providing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1982 with Senators Howard Baker, Mark Hatfield and Congressman Silvio Conte in the Oval Office. 12/15/1981.

C5733-9, President Reagan at a Bill signing Ceremony for 35 separate Bills in Suite 1915 at the Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, California. 12/29/1981.

C7200-6a, President Reagan speaking during a Signing Ceremony for Older Americans Month Proclamation with George Bush and Elizabeth Dole in Rose Garden. 04/02/1982.

7558-10, President Reagan at the signing ceremony for the Law Day, USA, 1982 Proclamation with Senator Strom Thurmond in the background in the Rose Garden. 06/23/1982.

C8787-5, President Reagan signing the Intelligence Identities Protection Act with William Casey, John Warner, Strom Thurmond, John Chaffee, Bill Young, Romano Mazzoli and Jeremiah Denton at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. 06/23/1982.

8867-11, President Reagan signing Voting Rights Act legislation with Bob Dole, Orrin Hatch, Bob Michel, Howard Baker, George Bush, William French Smith, Joseph Biden, Charles Mathias, Melvin Bradley and Thelma Duggin in East Room. 06/29/1982.

C8869-28, President Reagan signing Voting Rights Act legislation with William French Smith, Bob Dole, Orrin Hatch, Bob Michel, Howard Baker in East Room. 06/29/1982.

C10565-18, Signing Ceremony for Export Trading Company Act of 1982 S 734. Public Law 97-290. with Jesse Calhoon in Long Beach, California. 10/08/1982.

C10712-13, Signing Ceremony for H.R. 6267, The Depository Institutions Amendments Act of 1982 in the rose garden with Don Regan, Chalmers Wylie, Jake Garn and Fernard St. Germain. 10/15/1982.

C11247-6A, President Reagan at a Signing Ceremony for Proclamation 4999 designating National Family Week in State Dining Room with Nancy Reagan and Richard Schweiker. 11/12/1982.

C11818-8, President Reagan signs Proclamations 5003 and 5004 to Commemorate Human Rights Week and the First Anniversary of Martial Law in Poland in the East Room. 12/10/1982.

C12263-16A, President Reagan participating in a Signing Ceremony for HR 6211 the Surface Transportation Assistance Act in the East Room with George Bush, Dan Rostenkowski, Howard Baker, Drew Lewis and Robert Dole. 01/06/1983.

C12322-9, President Reagan at a Signing ceremony for HR 3809 the nuclear waste policy act of 1982 with George Bush and Don Hodel in the State Dining Room. 01/07/1983.

C14075-23, President Reagan speaking at the signing ceremony for the Social Security Amendments Act of 1983, HR1900 on the south lawn. From left to right: Dan Rostenkowski, Alan Greenspan, Bob Michel, Robert Dole, Claude Pepper, Daniel Moynihan, Tip O'Neill, Barber Conable, Howard Baker, George Bush. 04/20/1983.

C14079-18A, President Reagan signing the Social Security Amendments Act of 1983, HR1900 on the south lawn. From left to right: Dan Rostenkowski, Robert Dole, J.J. Pickle, Claude Pepper, Bob Michel, President Reagan, Daniel Moynihan, Tip O'Neill, Barber Conable, Howard Baker, George Bush. 04/20/1983.

C14661-17A, President Reagan at a Signing ceremony for SJ Resolution 51 designating May 21 1983 as National Andrei Sakharov Day with Robert Dole and Jack Kemp in the Rose Garden. 05/18/1983.

C18018-5, President Reagan and Signing Ceremony for Proclamation 5123, National Drug Abuse Education Week, with Nancy Reagan, Charles Rangel, Lawton Chiles, Strom Thurmond, Benjamin Gilman, Jean Bennett, James Bennett, Lucinda Bennett in the east room. 11/1/1983.

C18041-36, Coretta Scott King speaking at the Signing Ceremony for Martin Luther King Holiday Legislation in the rose garden. 11/02/1983.

C18048-3, President Reagan and Signing Ceremony for Martin Luther King Holiday Legislation in the rose garden. 11/02/1983.

C18048-8, President Reagan shaking hands with Coretta Scott King at a Signing Ceremony for Martin Luther King Holiday Legislation with Edward Kennedy, Robert Dole, Katie Hall and Howard Baker in the rose garden. 11/02/1983.

C18067-24, President with Bruce Jenner, Linda Jenner, Margaret Heckler, Tekisha Simpson at a Signing Ceremony for Proclamation for "National Diabetes Month" and launch American Diabetes Association annual campaign in oval office. 11/03/1983.

C18660-19, President Reagan with Linda Chavez, Clarence Pendleton at Signing ceremony for HR 2230, establishing a new Commission on Civil Rights in Oval Office. 11/30/1983.

C18881-14, President Reagan at a Signing ceremony for International Human Rights Day in room 450 in the OEOB. 12/09/1983.

C19791-2, President Reagan signing Proclamation 5149 "National Tourism Week" in the East Room with Senators John Warner, Dale Bumpers and Congressmen Robert Badham and James Florio. 02/01/1984.

C20164-13, President Reagan speaking during the signing ceremony for executive order 12465, in order to encourage, facilitate and coordinate the development of commercial expendable launch vehicle ELV operations by private U.S. enterprises with George Bush and Elizabeth Dole in the East Room. 04/30/1984.

C21559-20, President Reagan and Premier Zhao Ziyang during Signing Ceremony for Four U.S.-China agreements at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. 04/30/1984.

C21990-13, President Reagan signing HR 3635, the Child Protection Act of 1984 in the Rose Garden with Strom Thurmond, William French Smith, Ed Meese, Dan Lungren, William Webster, and Harold Sawyer. 05/21/1984.

C22941-16A, President Reagan at a signing Ceremony in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the Duck Stamp, one of the country's oldest and most successful wildlife conservation programs, with David Pryor in the Rose Garden. 07/03/1984.

C23189-9, President Reagan Signing H.R. 4170 the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984 in the oval office. 07/18/1984.

C23556-2, President Reagan at a Signing Ceremony for HR 4325, the Child Support Enforcement Act of 1984 in conjunction with the symposium on Child Support Enforcement with Mario Biaggi, Elizabeth Dole, Margaret Heckler, Marge Roukema at Sheraton Washington Hotel. Washington, DC. 08/16/1984.

C24495-11, President Reagan at Signing ceremony for S 1538 Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984 with Strom Thurmond, Margaret Heckler, Charles Mathias, Henry Waxman and Orrin Hatch in the Rose Garden. 09/24/1984.

C25218-14, President Reagan at a Signing ceremony for the 1984 Act to Combat International Terrorism, HR 6311 in the Oval Office 10/19/1984.

C27946-14A, Signing ceremony for National Skin Cancer Prevention and Detection Week, H.J. Resolution 85 with Nancy Reagan, Orrin Hatch, William Narva, Dr. Clayton Wheeler, Dr. Richard Dobson, Dr. Thomas Jansen, Bradford Claxton, Dr. John Grupinhoff, Dr. Gerald Krueger in the oval office. 03/22/1985.

C28469-14, President Reagan at Signing ceremony to present Congressional Gold Medal to Wiesel and sign Proclamation 5321 Jewish Heritage Week in Roosevelt Room with Peggy Tishman and Elie Wiesel. 04/19/1985.

C32702-19, President Reagan with George Bush, Bob Dole, John Block, Richard Lugar, Charles Stenholm, Spark Matsunaga and Virginia Smith during the Signing Ceremony for Farm Bill H.R. 2100 and S. 1884 Farm Credit Legislation in the State Dining Room. 12/23/1985.

C35043-21, President Reagan signing S. 49 the Firearms Owners' Protection Act of 1986 with Robert Dole, Strom Thurmond, James McClure, Orrin Hatch, James Abdnor, Steven Symms, Jeremiah Denton, Harold Volkmer, John Dingell, Ron Marlenee, James Broyhill and William Ball in the Oval Office. 05/19/1986.

C35369-16, President Reagan signing HR 2672 the Federal Employee's Retirement System Act of 1986 with William Roth, Ted Stevens, James Wright, James Miller and others in the Cabinet Room. 06/06/1986.

C37018-12, President Reagan at a Commemorative Signing ceremony of HR 4151 the Omnibus Diplomatic Security and Anti-terrorism Act of 1986 with George Shultz and Caspar Weinberger with Richard Lugar, William Broomfield, Claiborne Pell, Dan Mica, Dante Fascell, Robert Lamb and other members of Congress in the Oval Office. 09/19/1986.

C37617-6, President Reagan signing the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with members of Congress and White House staff present on the south lawn. 10/22/1986.

C37622-26, President Reagan signing the Tax Reform Act of 1986 with members of Congress and White House staff present on the south lawn. 10/22/1986.

C37703-19,President Reagan with Nancy Reagan during the signing ceremony for H.R. 5484 the Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1986 with Senator Paula Hawkins and Representatives Charles Rangel and Benjamin Gilman in the east room. 10/27/1986.

C37895-16, President Reagan in the Roosevelt Room signing S. 1200 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 with Dan Lungren, Strom Thurmond,George Bush, Romano Mazzoli and Alan Simpson. 11/06/1986.

C37891-4, President Reagan in the Roosevelt Room signing S. 1200 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 with Dan Lungren, Romano Mazzoli and William French Smith. 11/06/1986.

C38361-4, President Reagan signing Proclamation 5589( International Human Rights Day) with Yuri Orlov, Ambassador Richard Schifter, Ginetta Sagan and Mari Maseng in Room 450 of the OEOB. 12/10/1986.

C39675-14, Signing ceremony for Proclamation 5621, designating March 21, 1987 as "Afghanistan Day" with Bill Bradley, William Broomfield, Gordon Humphreys, Claiborne Pell, Steve Symms, Habibullah Mayar, Eshan Jan Areef, Mohammad Gailani, and Mohamad Salehi in the roosevelt room. 03/20/1987.

C39794-8, President Reagan signing the veto of HR 2, the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act in the Oval Office with Elizabeth Dole, George Bush and Bob Dole. 03/27/1987.

C40487-25, President Reagan at the Signing Ceremony for Executive Order 12595, establishing a White House Conference for a Drug Free America with Lois Herrington, Ed Meese, William Bennett, Samuel Pierce, George Shultz, Orrin Hatch, Benjamin Gilman, James Baker, John Herrington, Drew Lewis, Otis Bowen, Ted Stevens, Charles Rangel in the Rose Garden. 05/05/1987.

C40492-25, President Reagan at a the Signing Ceremony for Executive Order 12595 and establishing a White House Conference for a Drug Free America with Ed Meese, William Brock, Samuel Pierce, George Shultz, Orrin Hatch, Benjamin Gilman, James Baker, Lois Herrington, and Charles Rangel in the Rose Garden. 05/05/1987.

C40985-4A, President Reagan's Remarks during a Signing Ceremony for HR 1085, the New GI Bill Continuation Act with Thomas Turnage, Strom Thurmond, Alan Simpson, Trent Lott and others behind him in the Rose Garden. 06/01/1987.

C42477-12, Secretary of State George Shultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze with President Reagan at Signing Ceremony for USSR/US Nuclear Risk Reduction Centers Agreement in rose garden. 09/15/1987.

C42770-32, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for HR 324 the Federal Debt Limit and Deficit Reduction Bill with Robert Dole, Bob Packwood, James Miller, John Chafee, Robert Michel, Phil Gramm, Connie Mack, Richard Cheney, Pete Domenici, Ernest (Fritz) Hollings, Warren Rudman and Trent Lott in rose garden. 09/29/1987.

C43754-13, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5746, National Adoption Week, 1987 in the Oval Office. 11/19/1987.

C44543-19, President Reagan Signing Continuing Resolution and Reconciliation Bill in oval office. 12/22/1987.

C44648-13, President Reagan Signing US - Canada Free Trade Agreement at Sunnylands, Annenberg Estate in Rancho Mirage, California. 01/02/1988.

C48152-19A, President Signing HR 2470, the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 in Rose Garden. 07/01/1988.

C48603-5, President Reagan, with Colin Powell, George Bush and Ken Duberstein, signing veto of Defense Authorization Bill in oval office. 08/03/1988.

C48754-4, President Reagan signs the Reparations Bill for Japanese-Americans ("Civil Liberties Act of 1988") in the Old Executive Office Building with (left to right) Spark Matsunaga, Daniel Inouye, Norman Mineta, Patricia Saiki, Pete Wilson, Don Young, Robert Matsui, Bill Lowery, Harry Kajihara. 08/10/1988.

C48754-19, President Reagan signs the Reparations Bill for Japanese-Americans ("Civil Liberties Act of 1988") in the Old Executive Office Building with (left to right) Spark Matsunaga, Daniel Inouye, Norman Mineta, Patricia Saiki, Pete Wilson, Don Young, Robert Matsui, Bill Lowery, Harry Kajihara. 08/10/1988.

C48974-8, President Reagan signs the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act with Senators Pete Wilson and Alan Cranston and Clayton Yeutter at Pier G, Long Beach, California. 08/23/1988.

C49187-6, President Reagan signing HR 1158, the Fair Housing Amendments Act, with Samuel Pierce, Senators Paul Simon, Edward Kennedy, Strom Thurmond, Bob Dole and Orrin Hatch and Representatives Bob Michel and John Lewis in the rose garden. 09/13/1988.

C49190-9, President Reagan signs the Hispanic Heritage Week Proclamation in the rose garden. 09/13/1988.

C49504-9, President Reagan with James Baker, Clayton Yeutter and Allan Gotlieb signing the Canada United States Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act in rose garden. 09/28/1988.

C49561-28, President Reagan signing the Fiscal Year 1989 Appropriations Bills at his desk in the Oval Office. 10/01/1988.

C49847-9, President Reagan's remarks during a Signing Ceremony for HR 1720, the Welfare Reform Act of 1988 in the Rose Garden. 10/12/1988.

C50037-12, President Reagan with Frank Carlucci, Richard Armey, Susan Armey, Jack Katzen and George Schlossberg at a signing ceremony for S 2749, Defense Authorization Amendments and Base Closure and Realignment Act in the Oval Office. 10/24/1988.

C50064-6, President Reagan signing of Department of Veterans Affairs Act HR 3471 with Frank Carlucci and Thomas Turnage at the National Defense University in Fort McNair, Virginia. 10/25/1988.

C50181-28, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988 HR 4262 at Century Plaza Hotel with Rosey Grier, Donald O'Connor, Tony Martin, Cyd Charisse, Cesar Romero, A.C. Lyles, Chuck Norris, Charlton Heston, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Connors, Robert Stack, Andy Williams, Merv Griffin, Jaclyn Smith, Buddy Ebsen, Donald O'Connor, Johnny Grant, Los Angeles, California. 10/31/1988.

C50244-11, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for Genocide Implementation Act S 1815 at O'Hare Airport with Jim Thompson, Bob Neal, Jan Carlson, W. Clement Stone, Julie Pawelcyck and Ken Hanson looking on in Chicago, Illinois. 11/04/1988.

C50253-27, President Reagan at a signing ceremony for Genocide Implementation Act S 1815 at O'Hare Airport with Jim Thompson, Bob Neal, Jan Carlson, W Clement Stone, Julie Pawelcyck and Ken Hanson looking on in Chicago, Illinois. 11/04/1988.

C50599-16, President Reagan, with Nancy Reagan, signing HR 5210 Anti Drug Abuse Act of 1988 in East Room. 11/18/1988.