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C161-11, President Reagan speaks in the east room at the White House staff swearing in. 01/21/1981.


C179-2A, President Reagan with his Secretary Helene Von Damm on the First Day in Oval Office. 01/21/1981.


C179-22A, President Reagan holds an oval office staff meeting on his first full day in office (from left to right) Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, Counselor to the President Ed Meese, Chief of Staff James Baker III, Press Secretary James Brady, President Reagan. 01/21/1981.

C191-23, President Reagan and National Security Advisor Richard Allen in the Oval Office.  01/21/1981.

C372-15, President Reagan meeting with White House photographer Michael Evans in the Oval Office.  01/28/1981.

C398-4, President Reagan meeting with Budget Director David Stockman, Secretary of Treasury Don Regan, Chairman of Council of Economic Advisors Murray Weidenbaum, and Assistant for Policy Development Martin Anderson to discuss the economy in the Oval Office. 01/28/1981.

C426-12A, President Reagan talking with David Stockman in the Oval Office. 01/30/1981.

C687-9A, President Reagan in a meeting with the President's Economic Policy Advisory Board with members George Shultz, Murray Weidenbaum and Jack Kemp in the Cabinet Room. 02/10/1981.

C749-30, President and Nancy Reagan laughing with Press Secretary James Brady in the White House ground floor corridor. 02/18/1981.

C733-24, President Reagan Meeting with speechwriter Ken Khachigian in the Oval Office. 02/18/1981.

1014-6, President Reagan meeting with Anne Gorsuch, EPA Administrator-Designate in Oval Office. 03/05/1981.

C1001-19A, President Reagan attending a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting in the Situation Room with William Casey, Alexander Haig, George Bush and Caspar Weinberger. 03/04/1981.

C1034-11, President Reagan talking to his secretary Helene Von Damm at his desk in the Oval Office. 03/06/1981.

C1178-11, President Reagan meeting with Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver, Chief of Staff James Baker III, Counselor to the President Ed Meese in Oval Office. 03/13/1981.

C1343-13, President meeting with Assistant for Communications David Gergen in the Oval Office. 03/20/1981.


C1638-23, President Reagan attends his first cabinet meeting after the assassination attempt as Secretary of State Al Haig, Secretary of Interior James Watt, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci applaud.  04/24/1981.

C1641-19, President Reagan, Michael Deaver, Ed Meese, and James Baker III having first staff meeting in the Oval Office after the assassination attempt. 04/24/1981.

C2164-14A, President Reagan and staff during a cabinet room meeting (from left to right) Secretary of State Alexander Haig, National Security Advisor Richard Allen, President Reagan, Deputy Secretary of State William Clark, Chief of Staff James Baker III and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger. 05/28/1981.

C2323-10A, Working luncheon with President Reagan and National Security Advisor Richard Allen during visit of President Jose Lopez Portillo of Mexico at Camp David. 06/08/1981.

C2479-25A, President Reagan in a news conference meeting in the cabinet room with Chief of Staff James Baker III (at left) and Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver. 06/16/1981.


2614-2A, President Reagan meeting with Senior Staff, Max Friedersdorf, James Baker, Ed Meese, Michael Deaver, Larry Speakes and David Gergen in the oval office. 06/23/1981.

C2619-14, President Reagan greeting Thelma Duggin from Office of Public Liaison during a meeting to discuss the 72nd annual NAACP Convention in the oval office. 06/23/1981.

2774-6A, President Reagan meeting with Science Advisor George Keyworth in the Oval Office. 07/02/1981.

C3147-25, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush horseback riding at Quantico Marine Corps Base. 07/22/1981.


C3284-17, President Reagan celebrates with his staff in the oval office the passage of Federal Tax Legislation (from left to right) Assistant for Intergovernmental Affairs Richard Williamson, Assistant for Public Liaison Elizabeth Dole, Dennis Thomas, Secretary of Treasury Don Regan, Ann McLaughlin, Counselor to the President Ed Meese, Vice President George Bush, Karna Small, Assistant for Communications David Gergen, and President Reagan. 07/29/1981.


3384-20A, President Reagan with Attorney General William French Smith making a statement to the press regarding the air traffic controllers strike (PATCO) from the Rose Garden.  08/03/1981.


C3546-18A, David Stockman speaking at a Budget Working Group meeting to discuss Defense spending at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, California. 08/18/1981.


C3649-22, President Reagan eating lunch with Secretary of Labor Raymond Donovan aboard Air Force One.  09/03/1981.


C3748-5, White House photographers Jack Kightlinger, Mary Anne Fackelman, Bill Fitz-Patrick and Cynthia Johnson preparing for a photo shoot on the north lawn at the White House. 09/09/1981.


C4025-7A, President Reagan talking with Assistant for Political Affairs Lyn Nofziger, with Counselor to the President Ed Meese at left, in the Oval Office. 09/22/1981.

C4056-16, President Reagan meeting with Rick Ahearn in the Oval Office. 09/23/1981.

C4243-9, President Reagan walking with Michael Deaver, James Baker III and Ed Meese while talking to Dave Fischer along the colonnade. 10/01/1981.


C4306-19, President Reagan and Budget Director David Stockman during a legislative strategy group meeting in the Oval Office. 10/05/1981.

C4423-10A, President Reagan meeting with Assistant for Policy Development Martin Anderson in the Oval Office. 10/09/1981.

C4562-6, President Reagan meeting with Counselor to the President Ed Meese in Oval Office. 10/16/1981.


C4800-16A, President Reagan and Chief of Staff James Baker III examining the Senate vote on the proposed sale of air defense enhancement package AWACS to Saudi Arabia, in the Oval Office. 10/28/1981.

C4999-6A, President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, and Press Secretary James Brady at the ceremony to reopen the White House Press Room. 11/09/1981.

C5348-9A, President Reagan meeting with Alexander Haig in Oval Office. 12/02/1981.

C5351-7, "The Troika" (from left to right) Chief of Staff James Baker III, Counselor to the President Ed Meese, Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver at the White House. 12/14/1981.

C5478-11, President Reagan greeting Elliott Abrams, Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs in Oval Office. 12/10/1981.

C5512-6A, President Reagan Meeting to discuss monetary policy with Chairman of the Federal Reserve Paul Volker in Oval Office. 12/14/1981.


C5518-2A, President Reagan and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Samuel Pierce in the Oval Office. 12/02/1981.


C5577-6A, President Reagan meeting with James Baker and Richard Darman in the Oval Office. 12/16/1981.

C5935-7, President Reagan, Ed Meese, William Clark, David Gergen, James Baker, Mark Goode and Jose Muratti watching a television monitor with senior staff before a Press Conference in Red Room. 01/19/1982.

C5981-23, Lyn Nofziger talking with Lee Atwater in Nofziger's office in the White House. 01/21/1982.

C6249-18, Portrait of National Security Advisor Bill Clark in the White House. 02/06/1982.

C6570-17A, President Reagan with Assistant for Policy Development Martin Anderson and wife Annelise Anderson during a farewell party in honor of Martin Anderson. 02/25/1982.

C6602-9, President Reagan, Bill Clark, David Gergen, James Baker, Ed Meese, Larry Speakes, Dave Fischer walking to Marine One for Trip to California. 03/02/1982.

C6617-14, President Reagan meeting with J. Peter Grace at Century Plaza Hotel in Los Angeles, California. 03/03/1982.

C6955-17A, President Reagan with Director of Communications Pat Buchanan in the Oval Office. 03/19/1982.


C7536-11A, President Reagan and Secretary of State Alexander Haig meeting in the Oval Office to discuss the Falkland Island situation.  04/20/1982.

C7647-13A, President Reagan laughing with Melvin Bradley, Dennis Kass and Wendell Gunn in the Oval Office.  04/27/1982.

C7661-17, President Reagan talking with Senator Howard Baker, Donald Regan, Ed Meese, Richard Darman, James Baker and Ken Duberstein during a budget compromise meeting with bipartisan Congressmen at the United States Capitol.  04/28/1982.

C7667-25, President Reagan talking with Senator Paul Laxalt, Ken Duberstein, Senator Howard Baker, Ed Meese. Donald Regan, Ed Meese, Richard Darman, James Baker, Don Regan, Larry Speakes and David Gergen during a budget compromise meeting with bipartisan Congressmen at the United States Capitol.  04/28/1982.

C7997-21A, President Reagan talking with Anne Armstrong of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board in cabinet room. 05/13/1982.

C8076-23, President Reagan Meeting with Mike McManus, William Sittmann and Michael Deaver in oval office. 05/18/1982.

C8146-28, President Reagan meeting with EPA administrator Anne Gorsuch with Craig Fuller in the oval office. 05/20/1982.

C8845-17A, George Shultz, James Baker, Ed Meese, Bill Clark and Helena Obie Shultz arrival at National airport on their way to Camp David, Washington, DC. 06/26/1982.


C9226-8, President Reagan meeting with Director of the Peace Corps Loret Ruppe and William Clark in the oval office. 07/21/1982.


C9227-10, William Casey and George Shultz talking before a National Security Council (NSC) meeting in the Cabinet Room. 07/21/1982.


C9503-26, President Reagan and Secretary of Agriculture John Block visiting the Dee Family Farm in State Center, Iowa.  08/02/1982.

C9544-9, President Reagan meeting with Ed Meese, James Baker III, National Security Advisor Bill Clark and George Bush in the Oval Office.  08/04/1982.

C9755-14A, President Reagan conferring with Press Secretary Larry Speakes in the State Dining Room. 08/18/1982.


C9896-29, President Reagan greeting Oliver North during a Ceremony to present the Medal of Freedom to Ambassador Philip Habib in the blue room. 09/07/1982.

C10119-17A, President Reagan in a National Security Council (NSC) Meeting on Lebanon with with George Shultz, Ed Meese in the Situation room. 09/19/1982

C10159-33, President Reagan in a National Security Council (NSC) Meeting with George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, Philip Habib in the Cabinet room. 09/20/1982.

C10498-13A, President Reagan talking to Ambassador Philip Habib, special emissary to the Middle East outside the Oval Office. 10/06/1982.

C10709-12, President Reagan talking to Secretary of Agriculture John Block before delivering a radio address to Farm communities regarding Agriculture and Grain exports in Roosevelt Room. 10/15/1982.


C11151-11A, President Reagan meeting with Jeane Kirkpatrick in the Oval Office. 11/05/1982.

C11444-4, James Baker talking on telephone with Margaret Tutwiler standing nearby at Dave Fischer's desk. 11/23/1982.

C11867-17, President Reagan Meeting with Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis and Ed Meese in Oval Office. 12/13/1982.


C11997-13, President Reagan having lunch with Vice President George Bush in the Oval Office. 12/16/1982.


C12146-11A, President Reagan meeting with Secretary of State George Shultz at the Annenberg Estate in Rancho Mirage, California. 12/31/1982.

C12250-3A, President Reagan departing from Press Conference with Elizabeth Dole in East Room. 01/05/1983.

C12279-20A, President Reagan greets John Roberts during a photo opportunity with members of the White House Counsel's Office in the Oval Office. 01/06/1983.

C12342-31A, President Reagan meeting with Philip Habib Special Emissary to the Middle East and with George Bush, Ed Meese, Caspar Weinberger, William Clark, Kenneth Dam, Geoffrey Kemp, Howard Teicher, Robert McFarlane, Nicholas Veliotes and Philip Dur in the Oval Office. 01/10/1983.

C12343-16A, Meeting to discuss the 1984 Budget of the United States with Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and senior staff in Oval Office. 01/10/1983.

C12386-22A, President Reagan meeting with the Director of CIA William Casey in the Oval Office. 01/23/1983.

C12536-10A, President Reagan in an Oval Office meeting with Ed Meese, Michael Deaver and James Baker. 01/21/1983.

C12536-13A, President Reagan in an Oval Office meeting with Ed Meese, Michael Deaver and James Baker. 01/21/1983.

C12544-7A, President Reagan talking to Ken Adelman on Strategic Arms Negotiations in Oval Office. 01/21/1983.

C12574-18A, President Reagan with Weidenbaum, Martin Anderson, Milton Friedman, Herb Stein, Arthur Laffer, Arthur Burns and Alan Greenspan during an Economic Advisory Board Meeting in the Roosevelt Room.  01/24/1983.

C12684-6A, President Reagan in a Photo Op. with James Cicconi in the Oval Office.  01/27/1983.

C12759-9A, President Reagan walking with Senior Staff Ed Meese, James Baker, David Stockman, Martin Feldstein, Ken Duberstein and Donald Regan along the colonnade. 01/31/1983.

C12872-15a, President Reagan in a meeting with speechwriters to discuss upcoming speeches with Aram Bakshian, Nancy Roberts, Anthony Dolan, Landon Parvin, Bentley Elliott, Mari Maseng and Dana Rohrabacher in the Oval Office. 02/04/1983.

C12954-28,President Reagan having a luncheon meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, John Vessey, Edward Meyer, Robert Barrow, James Watkins, and Charles Gabriel along with staff Caspar Weinberger and Robert McFarlane in Cabinet Room.  02/11/1983.

C13092-14A, President Reagan having lunch with George Bush in Oval Office. 02/24/1983.

C13108-16, President Reagan meeting with Campaign Deputy Director Lee Atwater in the Oval Office. 02/24/1983.

C13248-7, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger presents "Soviet Military Power" to President Reagan in the Oval Office. 03/08/1983.

C13369-13, President Reagan meeting with the Director of CIA William Casey in the Oval Office. 03/11/1983.

C13570-3, President Reagan Remarks on his Speech to the Nation to Administration Officials and invited guests in the Blue Room. 03/23/1983.

C13932-23, President Reagan meeting with National Security Advisor William Clark and Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger during the state visit of Sultan Qaboos bin Said of the Sultanate of Oman. 04/12/1983.

C15354-25A, President Reagan listening to Chief of Staff James Baker III during a Regional Forum on the National Commission on Excellence in Education Report at Farragut High School in Knoxville, Tennessee.  06/14/1983.


C15763-24, President Reagan with Secretary of Education Terrel Bell during trip to Shawnee Mission Northwest High School in Shawnee, Kansas.  06/29/1983.


C16422-5A, President Reagan meeting with speechwriter director Aram Bakshian in the Oval Office. 08/05/1983.


C16471-15, President Reagan and Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy William Barr pose for a photo in the Oval Office. 08/09/1983.


C16492-10, President Reagan Meeting with Henry Kissinger and other Members of Bipartisan Commission on Central America in the cabinet room. 08/11/1983.

C17194-31, President Reagan attending the Swearing-In Ceremony for Barbara McConnell, as member of Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) with Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, Elizabeth Dole and Dan McKinnon. 09/23/1983.

C17489-3, President Reagan in a National Security Briefing with Ed Meese, Vice President George Bush, Bill Clark and Oliver North in the Oval Office. 10/04/1983.

C17548-2, President Reagan shaking hands with Marlin Fitzwater, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public affairs at the Department of the Treasury, in the Oval Office before a briefing with staff on the Associated Press Board of Directors meeting. 10/05/1983.

C17860-15, President Reagan talking with Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver about the Marine Barracks bombing in Lebanon in the oval office. 10/24/1983.

C18058-20, President Reagan having a National Security Briefing with Donald Rumsfeld with Secretary of State George Shultz in oval office. 11/03/1983.

C18515-16, President Reagan during a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting with George Bush, George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger, William Casey, John Vessey and Robert McFarlane in the Situation Room. 11/18/1983.

C18684-21A, President Reagan talking with Donald Rumsfeld on the colonnade during a working visit of President Gemayel of Lebanon. 12/01/1983.

C19551-16, President Reagan with David Gergen at his farewell reception in the Roosevelt room. 01/19/1984.

C19697-6, President meeting with Deputy Chief of Staff Michael Deaver in oval office. 01/27/1984.

C20287-5, President Reagan talking to Vice President George Bush in the oval office. 03/01/1984.

C20619-7, President Reagan talking with his secretary Kathy Osborne in oval office. 03/20/1984.

C21657-4A, President Reagan having the regular Thursday lunch with Vice President George Bush in the oval office. 05/03/1984.

C21720-5, President Reagan meeting with Frank Donatelli, Lyn Nofziger, James Baker, and Michael Deaver in the oval office; 05/09/1984.

C22681-19, Robert McFarlane James Baker and John Poindexter talking before a National Security Briefing in the Oval Office. 06/19/1984.

C23219-3, President Reagan Meeting Speechwriter Peggy Noonan and other Speechwriters in oval office. 07/19/1984.


C24605-9, President Reagan meeting with Robert Oakley to receive a preliminary inquiry into security measures at the United States Embassy annex in Beirut, Lebanon with Robert McFarlane, John Poindexter, Oliver North, James Baker, Ed Meese and Michael Deaver in the Oval Office. 09/27/1984.

C26155-27, President Reagan meeting with Bill Hart and Ben Jarratt and other members of the White House News Summary Office. 12/05/1984.


C26253-4, President Reagan walking with his doctor Dr. Daniel Ruge outside of the Old Executive Office Building. 12/10/1984.


C26269-5, President Reagan meeting with United Nations Representative Jeane Kirkpatrick in the Oval Office.  12/11/1984.

C26553-8A, President Reagan meeting with George Shultz and Robert McFarlane. 01/04/1985.

C26624-7A, President Reagan making a statement to the press announcing the nomination of James Baker to be Secretary of the Treasury and the appointment of Donald Regan as Chief of Staff, speaking at the podium in press room. 01/08/1985.

C26626-9A, President Reagan making a statement to the press announcing the nomination of James Baker to be Secretary of the Treasury and the appointment of Donald Regan as Chief of Staff, speaking at the podium in press room. 01/08/1985.

C26631-12A, Secretary of the Treasury James Baker and Chief of Staff Donald Regan talking in the Cabinet Room. 01/09/1985.

C26639-6A, President Reagan interviewing John Herrington for the cabinet position of Secretary of Energy with James Baker in Oval Office. 01/10/1985.


C27067-13, President Reagan talking to new Secretary of Treasury James Baker III and Chief of Staff Don Regan about their switch of staff positions in the Oval Office. 01/29/1985.


C27220-8, President Reagan meeting to discuss personnel matters with Robert Tuttle and Becky Norton Dunlop in the Oval Office. 02/08/1985.


C27448-7A, President Reagan attending the Swearing In of Ed Meese as Attorney General with Ursula Meese, George Bush and Daniel Marks in oval office. 02/25/1985.


27698-8, President Reagan meeting with Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldrige in the Oval Office. 03/13/1985.

C28003-14, President Reagan talking with Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler after a cabinet meeting to discuss health aspects of drug abuse and drug trafficking in cabinet room. 03/27/1985.

C28060-8, President Reagan farewell photo op with departing Assistant and Deputy to the Chief of Staff, Michael McManus Jr. in the oval office. 03/29/1985.

C28660-11, Farewell Photo Opportunity with William Sittmann and family in oval office. 04/26/1985.

C29795-9A, President Reagan holds a National Security Council Briefing on the TWA 847 airliner hijacking (from left to right) General John Vessey, Caspar Weinberger, Vice President George Bush, President Reagan, George Shultz, William Casey, Don Reagan in the White House Situation Room. 06/16/1985.


C29841-5A, President Reagan being briefed National Security Briefing in the Oval Office on the TWA airliner hostage crisis (from left to right) Chief of Staff Don Regan, President Reagan, Vice President George Bush, National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Admiral John Poindexter. 06/18/1985.


C30163-6A, President Reagan during a briefing on the Budget with Don Regan, David Stockman and George Bush in the Oval Office. 07/08/1985.


C30190-7, President Reagan walking with his chief of staff Donald Reagan and his dog "Lucky" along the White House colonnade. 07/10/1985.

C30191-16A, National Security Council NSC Briefing with Ambassador to the United Nations Vernon Walters in the oval office. 07/10/1985.

C30379-22, President Reagan during a National Security Council NSC briefing with Don Regan, George Bush and Robert McFarlane in the West Sitting Hall Residence. 07/24/1985.

C30392-23, Larry Speakes working in his office on his computer. 07/25/1985.

C30456-17, President Reagan having lunch with Vice President George Bush to discuss the budget on the Truman balcony. 08/01/1985.

C30467-2, President Reagan in a National Security Briefing with George Bush, Robert McFarlane and Donald Regan in the oval office. 08/05/1985.

C30480-14, Meeting with Vice President George Bush, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, General John Vessey, Chief of Staff Donald Regan and National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane in oval office. 08/06/1985.

C30665-10, President Reagan in a meeting with Secretary of State George Shultz and National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane in the Oval Office. 09/04/1985.

C30926-10, Meeting with speechwriters Dana Rohrabacher, Peter Robinson, Peggy Noonan in oval office. 09/18/1985.

C31187-4, President Reagan talking with William Bennett in oval office. 10/01/1985.

C31773-11, President Reagan talking to Vice President George Bush during a Meeting to discuss recent developments in the economy, with Don Regan, Jack Svahn, Al Kingon and Beryl Sprinkel in the oval office. 11/05/1985.

C31923-6A, President Reagan talking to William Casey in a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) with James Baker, George Shultz and Don Regan in the Situation Room. 11/12/1985.

C31939-20, President Reagan in a National Security Council (NSC) Meeting regarding Geneva with William Casey, Don Regan, Tyrus Cobb, George Shultz and Robert Gates in the oval office. 11/13/1985.

C32987-29, Meeting with CIA Director William Casey and Vice President George Bush, National Security Advisor John Poindexter, Chief of Staff Don Regan and Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs Don Fortier in the oval office. 01/21/1986.

C33027-18, President Reagan talking to C. Everett Koop at a meeting with Pro Life Leaders in the cabinet room. 01/22/1986.

C33173-14, President Reagan Farewell meeting with Assistant for Public Liaison Linda Chavez in the oval office. 02/03/1986.

C33445-9, President Reagan meeting Peter Wallison, new Counsel to the President with Don Regan in oval office. 02/21/1986.


C33522-8, President Reagan meeting with Chief of Staff Don Regan and National Security Advisor John Poindexter regarding the Philippines in oval office. 02/25/1986.


33529-11A, President Reagan meeting with Chief of Staff Don Regan and National Security Advisor John Poindexter regarding the Philippines in oval office. 02/25/1986.


C33658-8, President Reagan during a briefing for an upcoming meeting with the Godfrey Sperling Group holding up a T shirt with Larry Speakes and Dennis Thomas in the Oval Office. 03/04/1986.

C33740-2, President Reagan meeting with Campaign Manager Stu Spencer in oval office. 03/10/1986.

C33914-4, Nancy Reagan talking with George Shultz at the State Visit of Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada in the Yellow Oval Room. 03/18/1986.

C33992-4, President Reagan meeting with Elliott Abrams about his trip to Central America with John Whitehead, John Poindexter, Oliver North, Don Regan, Don Fortier and George Bush in the Oval Office. 03/24/1986.

C34996-7, President Reagan in a National Security Council Meeting with George Shultz, William Casey, John Poindexter, Caspar Weinberger and others in the Cabinet Room. 05/15/1986.

C34998-6a, President Reagan with George Shultz, Caspar Weinberger and Malcolm Baldrige viewing a model of NASA rockets during a National Security Council (NSC) meeting in the Cabinet Room. 05/15/1986.

C35113-3A, President Reagan in the Oval Office Meeting with Gerald Carmen United States Representative to the European Office of the United Nations. 05/22/1986.

C35361-13, President Reagan meeting with George Bush, Ken Adelman, John Poindexter, Sven Kraemer and with Donald Lowitz, the United States Ambassador to the 40-Nation Conference on Disarmament in Geneva, in the oval office. 06/05/1986.

C35696-12, President Reagan Farewell Photo Op. with Clarence Thomas of the EEOC, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in oval office. 06/23/1986.

C35779-12, President Reagan, National Security Advisor John Poindexter and Chief of Staff Donald Regan walking to the White House after a National Security Council Meeting at the OEOB, 07/01/1986.

C35797-10A, President Reagan talking with Donald Regan in the Chief of Staff's office. 07/01/1986.

C36200-7, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan in a farewell photo opportunity with Eugene Allen, retiring Maitre d' in the oval office. 07/17/1986.

C36364-15, President Reagan talking with assistant Jim Kuhn and Deputy Press Secretary Larry Speakes in the Oval Office. 07/28/1986.

C36569-9, President Reagan meeting with George Shultz, James Baker, George Bush, Caspar Weinberger, Don Regan, William Casey, James Miller, William Crowe, John Poindexter, and Howard Teicher in the situation room. 08/14/1986.

C36906-4, President Reagan talking to Television Office Special Assistant Elizabeth Board before his Address to the Nation on Drug Abuse in the residence. 09/14/1986.

C37135-20, President Reagan working with Pamela Turner in Oval Office. 09/25/1986.

C37419-20, President Reagan, Ken Adelman, Secretary of State George Shultz, Chief of Staff Donald Regan, Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle, Max Kampelman, Paul Nitze, and National Security Advisor John Poindexter during staff briefing at Hofdi House, Reykjavik Summit, Iceland. 10/12/1986.


C38208-20, President Reagan walking with Secretary of State George Shultz outside the oval office. 12/04/1986.


C38524-6A, President Reagan attending an Economic Policy Council Meeting with James Baker and George Shultz in the Cabinet Room. 12/17/1986.

C38604-12, President Reagan during a farewell photo opportunity with Carol McCain in the Oval Office. 12/22/1986.

C38749-33, President Reagan meeting with Assistant Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater in the oval office. 01/12/1987.

C38750-6, President Reagan meeting with Assistant Press Secretary Marlin Fitzwater, Don Regan and Vice President George Bush in the oval office. 01/12/1987.

C38750-12, President Reagan meeting with Arms Negotiators Max Kampelman, Maynard Glitman and Ronald Lehman with the Press Photographers in the Oval Office. 01/12/1987.

C38812-12, President Reagan's arrival in snow via a Chevy Suburban at White House and talking to Dr. Hutton at the Diplomatic Entrance. 01/25/1987.

C39113-6, President Reagan talking with Nancy Roberts of the speechwriters office in the oval office. 02/17/1987.

C39249-31A, President Reagan holds a National Security Council (NSC) meeting with George Bush, Donald Regan, Frank Carlucci, Colin Powell, Robert Oakley, Robert Gates in oval office. 02/25/1987.

C39351-17A, President Reagan talking with Howard Baker and speechwriter Landon Parvin in the President's Secretary's Office. 03/03/1987.

C39563-9A, President Reagan in a meeting with Howard Baker, Arthur Culvahouse and David Abshire in the Oval Office. 03/16/1987.

C39715-16, President Reagan in a National Security Council Briefing on the new Space Station with Ken Duberstein, Howard Baker, William Cockell, Frank Carlucci and Colin Powell in the oval office. 03/24/1987.


C40763-15, President Reagan holds a National Security Planning Group meeting on the U.S.S. Stark attack in the White House Situation Room (from left to right) General Robert Herres, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and President Reagan. 05/18/1987.

C40764-24, President Reagan talking to General Robert Herres during a National Security Planning Group meeting on the U.S.S. Stark attack in the White House Situation Room. 05/18/1987.

C41723-8, President Reagan meeting with Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle in oval office. 05/20/1987.

C40898-5A, President Reagan's remarks at the swearing ceremony for William Webster as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia with William Webster, George Bush and Robert Gates. 05/26/1987.

C40898-18A, President Reagan with William Webster and Lynda Clugston at the swearing ceremony for William Webster as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia. 05/26/1987.

C40912-22, President Reagan in a National Security briefing with George Bush, Howard Baker and Ken Duberstein in the Oval Office Study. 05/27/1987.

C40997-2, President Reagan with Secretary of Treasury James Baker III, Alan Greenspan, and Paul Volcker in the Press Room as he announces the nomination of Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Board. 06/02/1987.

C41610-15, President Reagan and Vice President Bush together for a cabinet photo shoot in the Treaty Room. 07/01/1987.

C41863-12A, President Reagan meeting with USIA Director Charles Wick in oval office. 07/22/1987.

C41865-13, President Reagan in a meeting with Charles Wick, Marvin Stone, George Shultz, Colin Powell and Howard Baker in the Oval Office. 07/22/1987.

C41912-19, President Reagan's announcement of nomination of Williams Sessions as new Director of FBI with Ed Meese, Howard Baker, William Webster on south lawn. 07/24/1987.

C42007-16, President Reagan during the farewell photo opportunity with Director of Media Relations Sue Mathis Richard and her family in the Oval Office. 07/30/1987.

C42121-19, William Verity Jr. making a statement to the press on his appointment as Secretary of Commerce in the press briefing room. 08/10/1987.

C42145-20, President Reagan attends the Swearing-in ceremony for Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, Sworn in by Vice President George Bush, in the East Room. 08/11/1987.

C42544-14, President Reagan meeting with Chief of Staff Howard Baker and Ken Duberstein in the residence private study. 09/17/1987.

lee thomas

C42567-6, President Reagan meeting with EPA administrator Lee Thomas with Nancy Risque in the oval office. 09/18/1987.


C42858-4, President Reagan meeting with Secretary of Education William Bennett in the Oval Office. 10/05/1987.


C43170-18, President Reagan with George Bush during a National Security Council (NSC) Briefing, sitting by the fireplace in the Oval Office. 10/20/1987.


C43175-10, President Reagan attends an economic meeting with Alan Greenspan, Chief of Staff Howard Baker, and Secretary of Treasury James Baker III in the West Sitting Hall. 10/20/1987.


C43272-14, President Reagan meeting with George Shultz and Frank Carlucci to to receive a report on recent meetings with Soviet Leaders in the West Sitting Hall. 10/25/1987.

C43417-23, President Reagan attending swearing-in ceremony for Judge William Sessions as Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations FBI with Alice Sessions and Justice Warren Burger. 11/02/1987.

C43439-14, Ann McLaughlin speaking to the press about her nomination as Secretary of Labor in rose garden. 11/03/1987.

C43463-15, President Reagan meeting with William Webster, Robert Gates and Frank Carlucci in the oval office. 11/04/1987.


C43481-12, President Reagan announcing nomination of Frank Carlucci as Secretary of Defense and Colin Powell as National Security Advisor upon the resignation of Caspar Weinberger. 11/05/1987.


C43514-24, President Reagan in a group photo opportunity with staff members of the Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) in the Oval Office. 11/05/1987.

C43921-11, Kenneth Starr swearing in James Burnley as Secretary of Transportation with wife Jane Burnley in Roosevelt room. 12/03/1987.

C44547-7, President Reagan during a farewell photo op with Special Assistant for Management and Director John F.W. Rogers in the Oval Office. 12/22/1987.

C44579-8, President Reagan Meeting with Counsel to the President Arthur Culvahouse in Oval Office. 12/24/1987.

C44813-4, The Reagan's meeting with Secretary of Health and Human Services Otis Bowen to present high school drug abuse study in White House residence. 01/14/1988.

C44868-4, President Reagan holding a poster "Russia visit us before we visit you" during a National Security Planning Group (NSPG) meeting in the situation room with George Shultz, James Baker, Ed Meese, Admiral Crowe. 01/19/1988.

44987-26, President Reagan meeting with Colin Powell, John Negroponte, Howard Baker and Ken Duberstein for a national security briefing in oval office with Jim Kuhn. 01/26/1988.


C45316-14, President Reagan holds an economic briefing with Secretary of Treasury James Baker III, Alan Greenspan, Beryl Sprinkel, Chief of Staff Howard Baker and Dan Crippen in the Oval Office. 02/10/1988.


C46184-26, President Reagan having lunch with George Shultz, Ken Duberstein, Colin Powell, and Howard Baker on the White House Patio. 03/30/1988.

C46448-13, President Reagan holds a National Security Council meeting on the Persian Gulf with National Security Advisor Colin Powell in the Oval Office. 04/18/1988.

C46512-5, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush in the Oval Office. 04/20/1988.

46518-12, President Reagan talking with Attorney General Ed Meese, Chief of Staff Howard Baker, A.B. Culvahouse and Ken Cribb in the oval office. 04/20/1988.

C46533-14, President Reagan greeting Deputy Secretary of State John Whitehead during the Signing Ceremony for the Memorandum of the Agreement with Israel for an Israel Independence Day in the Oval Office. 04/21/1988.

C46769-8A, President Reagan walking with Vice President George Bush along the Colonnade. 05/03/1988.

C46769-19, President Reagan walking with Vice President George Bush along the Colonnade. 05/03/1988.

C46771-11, President Reagan meeting with George Bush in the Oval Office. 05/03/1988.

C46781-3, President Reagan talking with Chief of Staff Howard Baker and Jim Kuhn in the Oval Office. 05/03/1988.

C46902-9A, President Reagan shaking hands with Vice President Bush during a meeting to discuss major legislative issues with Republican Members of Congress in the Cabinet Room. 05/11/1988.

C47144-25, President Reagan in a meeting to discuss situation in Panama with Colin Powell, Kenneth Duberstein, Howard Baker, George Bush, George Shultz, James Baker, William Webster, Frank Carlucci, Michael Armacost, Elliott Abrams, Michael Kozak, J. Negroponte in the Yellow Oval Room. 05/22/1988.

C47687-5, President Reagan in a meeting with Secretary of State George Shultz and National Security Advisor Colin Powell in the Oval Office. 06/13/1988.


C47788-12, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush discuss the status of the drought situation with Secretary of Agriculture Richard Lyng in the Oval Office. 06/17/1988.

C47855-22, President Reagan, Chief of Staff James Baker III and Secretary of State George Shultz talking while departing from the G-7 Economic Summit in Metro Toronto Convention Center, Canada. 06/20/1988.

C48233-12, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush talking on Colonnade. 07/07/1988.

C48234-31, President Reagan and Vice President George Bush talking on Colonnade. 07/07/1988.

C48463-14, National Security Council Meeting with staff and briefing by Edward Teller in the situation room. 07/26/1988.


C48475-15, President Reagan in a briefing for a working visit of General Secretary Karoly Grosz of Hungary with Colin Powell, George Shultz, James Baker, John Whitehead, Rozanne Ridgway and Rudolf Perina in the Oval Office. 07/27/1988.

C48561-10, President Reagan and Secretary of Interior Donald Hodel speaking at a briefing on the Yellowstone Forest Fire in the Oval Office. 08/01/1988.

C48776-9, President Reagan saying goodbye to speechwriter Peter Robinson on his last day. 08/11/1988.

C48806-14, President Reagan attending the Swearing In of Richard Thornburgh as Attorney General by Justice Antonin Scalia with George Bush and Ginny Thornburgh in Roosevelt Room. 08/12/1988.

C49335-6, President Reagan meeting with Secretary of Treasury Nicholas Brady in the Oval Office. 09/21/1988.

C49337-9, President Reagan eating lunch with Vice President George Bush in the oval office patio. 09/21/1988.

C50434-19, President Reagan talking with Cabinet Affairs assistant Nancy Risque in the oval office. 11/14/1988.

C50804-20, President Reagan in a meeting with George Shultz, Ken Duberstein, Bill Burns, Charles Hill, Colin Powell and MB Oglesby in the Oval Office. 12/06/1988.

C50878-20, President Reagan at a National Security Council (NSC) briefing watching Middle East situation on television with MB Oglesby, Ken Duberstein, Colin Powell, George Bush, John Negroponte in oval office study. 12/09/1988.

C51161-3A, President Reagan meeting with speechwriter Peggy Noonan, Mari Maseng and Ken Duberstein in the Oval Office. 12/20/1988.

C51161-10A, President Reagan meeting with speechwriter Peggy Noonan in the Oval Office. 12/20/1988.

C51233-29, President Reagan talking to Misty Church and other staff and looking at a scrapbook in the OEOB, Old Executive Office Building. 12/22/1988.

C51468-10, President Reagan having lunch with George Bush in the Oval Office Study. 01/12/1989.


C51514-1,President Reagan meeting with speechwriter Tony Dolan in the Oval Office. 01/13/1989.


C51618-11, President Reagan meeting with Chief of Staff Ken Duberstein in the Oval Office. 01/19/1989.


C51648-2, President Reagan presenting the Medal of Freedom to Secretary of State George Shultz during a Luncheon in the East Room. 01/19/1989.