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This collection is available in whole for research use. Some folders may still have withdrawn material due to Freedom of Information Act restrictions. Most frequently withdrawn material is national security classified material, personal privacy, protection of the President, etc.

Collection Description

This collection consists of material donated to the Library from the Department of State; Office of the Historian. The Library separated the Department of Defense publications from this donation and created a Department of Defense publications only collection. It consists of daily, weekly and/or monthly publications from the Department of Defense. The publications include collected and organized outside news clippings, journals, television show transcripts and print information related to the Department of Defense. Publications are usually not complete for the Reagan Administration. Series descriptions show the date runs for most titles. The library disposed of a certain amount of the donated materials due extensive mold damage.

This collection has been arranged in 10 series: SERIES I: Current News; SERIES II: Radio-TV Defense Dialog; SERIES III: Department of Defense News Release; SERIES IV: The Friday Review of Defense Department Literature; SERIES V: Defense Issues; SERIES VI: Public Statements of Secretary of Defense Weinberger; SERIES VII: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Speakers Schedule; SERIES VIII: Department of Defense Publications-Various; SERIES IX: Department of Defense Publications-General Interest; and SERIES X: Posters.


SERIES I: Current News, (12.4 l. ft; Boxes 1-30)

This series is arranged in three subseries: Subseries A: Current News, Subseries B: Current News: Special Edition and Subseries C: Current News: Special Edition Selected Statements


SUBSERIES A: Current News, 1981-1986, (9.2 l. ft; Boxes 1-23)

This subseries consists of issues of Current News for 1981-1986. Current News was a compilation of news article reprints from major national newspapers relating to defense issues. During the Reagan Administration, Current News was published daily in two editions. There was a morning edition or “Early Bird Edition” and an afternoon edition, “Main Edition”. Editions vary from five to ten pages in length. A weekend edition was published and delivered each Monday covering Defense Department news from the previous weekend. Effective January 6, 1986 the Main Edition and the Weekend Edition were discontinued and the Early Bird Edition was expanded until it was discontinued in 1989. The material is arranged in chronological order

SUBSERIES B: Current News: Special Edition, 1981-1986 (2.8 l. ft; Boxes 23-30)

This subseries consists of issues of Current News: Special Edition. It was published randomly containing reprints of various journal articles on defense and Department of Defense topics. On occasion, full transcripts of journals or magazines are reprinted. The material is arranged chronologically

SUBSERIES C: Current News: Special Edition Selected Statements, 1985-1986 (.4 l. ft; Box 30)

This subseries consists of issues of Current News: Special Edition Selected Statements. This monthly publication consists of public statements made by various government officials related to the Department of Defense. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES II: Radio-TV Defense Dialog, 1981-1984, (1.6 l. ft; Boxes 30-34)

This series consists of the publication, Radio-TV Defense Dialog. This serial contains summaries of the major network news show segments regarding Department of Defense issues and was published several times each week. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES III: Department of Defense News Release, 1985, (.2 l. ft; Box 34)

This series consists of selected Department of Defense news releases directly related to Department of State foreign affairs issues from the year 1985-1987. The material is a small sample of daily news releases. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES IV: The Friday Review of Defense Department Literature, 1982-1983, 1985 (2 folders Box 34)

This series consists of a small sample of The Friday Review of Defense Department Literature. This material consists of reviews of recent books, and journal articles published for the defense industry. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES V: Defense Issues, 1985-1986, (3 folders Box 34)

This series consists of selected Department of Defense Defense Issues. Defense Issues is a serialized publication containing remarks and statements regarding defense issues from various Defense Department officials. The brief collection consists of partial material from 1985 and 1986 only. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES VI: Public Statements of Secretary of Defense Weinberger, 1985-1987 (1 l. ft; Boxes 35-36)

This series consists of selected statements by Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger. This material is primarily transcripts of television new shows, speeches and testimony before Congress. For selected statements of Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, the library has a published bound version in our reference room. The material is arranged chronologically

SERIES VII: Office of the Secretary of Defense, Speakers Schedule, 1984-1986 (1 folder, Box 36)

This series consists of a partial list of Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger’s public speaking schedules for 1984-1986. Schedules for other Department of Defense officials are included for 1986. The material is arranged chronologically.

SERIES VIII: Department of Defense Publications-Various, 1980-1989 (6.8 l. ft; Boxes 37-52)

This series consists of various publications for Department of Defense officials. The majority of this series contains single or individual publications. The topics covered in this series range from the Air Force Budget Process to A Guide to Western Bases. Please see the container list of journal titles for a fuller understanding of the topics covered. The series is arranged alphabetically and there under chronologically.

SERIES IX: Department of Defense Publications-General Interest 1980-1989 (8.4 l. ft; Boxes 53-73)

This series consists of serialized publications intended for members of the military, enlisted personnel and officers. These are printed by the Department of Defense and provide information from the Department of Defense directly to members of the armed forces. The collection is not comprehensive for the time period but offers a sample of the publications available to personnel of the Department of Defense. The material is arranged alphabetically and there under chronologically.

SERIES X: Posters Box 74

This series consists of military information and historical posters. These posters were printed by the Department of Defense and provided a variety of information to service personnel.

Last Updated: 11/07/2024 02:49PM

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