August 8, 1983

Memorandum for the Heads of Departments and Agencies

This Administration is committed to helping people help themselves by strengthening private sector initiatives. We have supported the many efforts made by corporations, civic and religious groups, and other voluntary organizations to increase their involvement in meeting the needs of the people in their communities.

As leaders of the Federal government we have a great opportunity to practice what we preach through the Combined Federal Campaign.

Secretary of the Air Force Verne Orr has agreed to serve as the 1984 Combined Federal Campaign Chairman for the National Capital Area. I hope that you will agree to serve as Chairman of the Campaign in your organization and appoint a top official as your Vice-Chairman. Please advise Secretary Orr of the person you designate. Your visible support and active participation in this important program is vital to our success.

I am counting on you to take a personal interest in this year's Campaign, to make a special effort to encourage your employees to achieve greater levels of support than ever before for the programs of the Combined Federal Campaign. This is our chance to serve as an example of American volunteerism and concern.

Our neighbors in need are counting on us. The private voluntary agencies are counting on us. Let our increased giving through the Combined Federal Campaign clearly demonstrate our commitment.

Ronald Reagan
