July 22, 1985
Over the past 24 years, Federal employees and members of the Armed Forces have had the opportunity to show their concern for those in need through participation in the Combined Federal Campaign. They have responded to the opportunity during this time by contributing over $1.1 billion to charitable organizations through the CFC.
I ask each of you now to continue that tradition of voluntary sharing.
Through the Combined Federal Campaign, we can assist the less fortunate in our country and extend a nurturing hand to friends around the world. We can help relieve pain and health problems now and support research to eliminate them in the future. We can help our neighbors without making them dependent on government.
You have a record of generosity and concern for others. I am confident that that proud record will continue in the fall 1985 Combined Federal Campaign. While the decision to give is personal and voluntary, I encourage each of you to join me in wholeheartedly supporting this year's CFC.
Ronald Reagan