February 13, 1981
"We The People" -- these words, which helped forge a nation, still describe the spirit and meaning of America today.
Ours is a Nation of many heritages. Diverse religious, ethnic, and racial backgrounds find unity in our common belief in the dignity of the individual and our national commitment to the right of self-government.
All Americans share in this heritage. During National Brotherhood Week, I join the National Conference of Christians and Jews in asking everyone to make a special effort to reach across political, religious, and racial boundaries and extend to each other a warm hand of fellowship.
Let us also work this week to extend the hand of brotherhood to all the peoples and nations of the world. ``The world is now too dangerous for anything but the truth,'' the Reverend A. Powell Davies once said, ``and too small for anything but brotherhood.''
Because we are made in the image and likeness of God -- because we are as one on this planet -- let us this week renew our commitment to a world where our Nation and all nations grow and prosper together in a spirit of love and brotherhood.
Ronald Reagan