July 1, 1985
The President today announced his intention to nominate Anne Graham to be a Commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a term of 7 years from October 27, 1984. She would succeed Nancy Harvey Steorts.
Since 1981 Ms. Graham has been serving at the Department of Education as Assistant Secretary for Legislation and Public Affairs. During the 1980 Presidential campaign, she was assistant press secretary to the Reagan-Bush Committee. In 1976 - 1979 she was press secretary to Senator Harrison Schmitt (R-NM). Ms. Graham worked for Secretary of the Treasury Simon in 1974 - 1975 and served in the White House News Summary Office in 1973. She was special assistant to the deputy director for communications, Republican National Committee, in 1971.
Ms. Graham graduated from Bradford College and attended Columbia University. She was born December 28, 1949, in Annapolis, MD, and now resides in Alexandria, VA.