April 1, 1981
Executive Order 12302 -- Amending the Generalized System of Preferences
Nominations, April 1, 1981
April 2, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President and Deputy Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Jagielski of Poland Following Their Meeting
Proclamation 4830 -- Law Day, U.S.A.
Nominations, April 2, 1981
White House Statements Re: Turkey
April 3, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President on Presenting the Annual Cancer Courage Award to Karen Eakens Anderson
Remarks of the Vice President on Senate Passage of Federal Budget Legislation
Letter to the Chairmen of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Situation in Zimbabwe
Nominations, April 3, 1981
April 6, 1981
Remarks of the Vice President Concerning Law Day, U.S.A., 1981
Nominations, April 6, 1981
Statement on Assistance for the Domestic Automobile Industry
April 7, 1981
Message to the Congress Transmitting Additional Details on Fiscal Year 1982 Budget Revisions
Remarks of the Vice President at the Annual Republican Senate-House Dinner
April 8, 1981
Proclamation 4831 -- Victims Rights Weeks
Executive Order 12303 -- Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Statement on Signing the Executive Order Establishing the Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Appointment of the Membership of the Presidential Advisory Committee on Federalism
Letter to the House Minority Leader on the Program for Economic Recovery
April 9, 1981
Statement on the Death of General Omar Bradley
Proclamation 4832 -- Death of General Bradley
Statement by Deputy White House Press Secretary Larry M. Speakes About the NATO Defense Ministers Position on Poland
Nominations, April 9, 1981
Proclamation 4833 -- African Refugee Relief Day
Message to the Columbia Astronuats on the Inaugural Flight of the Space Shuttle
April 10, 1981
Nominations & Appointments, April 10, 1981
April 11, 1981
Statement Upon Leaving George Washington University Hospital
April 13, 1981
Nomination of Kent Lloyd To Be a Deputy Under Secretary of Education
Statement on the Death of Former World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Joe Louis
Statement Honoring the Freed American Hostages
Proclamation 4834 -- Mother's Day
April 14, 1981
Statement on the Landing of the Space Shuttle Columbia Following Its Inaugural Flight
April 15, 1981
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report of the United States Sinai Support Mission
Nominations, April 15, 1981
Statement on Federal Income Tax Reductions
Statement on Granting Pardons to W. Mark Felt and Edward S. Miller
April 16, 1981
Statement on Actions Taken Against Waste, Fraud, and Abuse in the Federal Government
April 17, 1981
Statement on the Celebration of Passover and Easter
Nominations & Appointments, April 17, 1981
April 20, 1981
Statement on Federal Audiovisual Aids and Publications
Proclamation 4837 -- Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week
Nomination of Robert Gerhard Neumann To Be United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia
April 21, 1981
Message to the Senate on the United States-Canada Maritime Boundary Treaty and Fishery Agreement
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-British Virgin Islands Convention on Taxation and Fiscal Evasion
Nominations, April 21, 1981
April 22, 1981
Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters Helen Thomas and Jim Gerstenzang on the President's Recovery Period
Nominations, April 22, 1981
Proclamations, April 22, 1981
April 23, 1981
Statement & Memorandum on Federal Credit Management
Nominations, April 23, 1981
Proclamation 4841 -- National Day of Recognition for Veterans of the Vietnam Era
April 24, 1981
Statement on Terminating United States Restrictions on Agricultural Sales to the Soviet Union
Memorandum Directing the Termination of United States Restrictions on Agricultural Sales to the Soviet Union
Nomination of Alan Green, Jr., To Be a Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission, and Designation as Chairman
Proclamation 4842 -- Memorial Day
April 25, 1981
Remarks by Telephone at the Annual Dinner of the White House Correspondents Association
April 27, 1981
Nominations, April 27, 1981
Message to the Congress Reporting Budget Rescissions and Deferrals
April 28, 1981
Nominations, April 28, 1981
Statement on Action by the Senate Budget Committee on a Fiscal Year 1982 Budget Resolution
Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress on the Program for Economic Recovery
April 29, 1981
Proclamation 4843 -- Older Americans Month
Executive Order 12304 -- Seal for the Panama Canal Commission
Nomination of Jonathan C. Rose To Be an Assistant Attorney General
April 30, 1981
Remarks at the First Annual Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust
Nominations, April 30, 1981