April 1, 1985
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on Economic Assistance for Sudan
Accordance of the Personal Rank of Ambassador to Dean Burch While Serving as Chairman of the United States Delegation to the World Administrative Radio Conference on Space
Appointments, April 1, 1985
Interview With Lou Cannon, Dave Hoffman, and Lynn Downie of the Washington Post
April 2, 1985
Nominations, April 2, 1985
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey
Remarks at a Ceremony Celebrating the 90th Birthday of John J. McCloy
April 3, 1985
Appointments & Nominations, April 3, 1985
Remarks at a White House Meeting With a Group Concerned About Missing and Exploited Children
April 4, 1985
Remarks Congratulating the Villanova University Wildcats on Winning the National Collegiate Athletic Association Basketball Championship
Nominations & Appointments, April 4, 1985
Remarks Following Discussions With President Belisario Betancur Cuartas of Colombia
Joint Columbia-United States Statement on Drug Abuse and Trafficking
Remarks Announcing a Central American Peace Proposal and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Proclamations, April 4, 1985
Remarks in an Interview With Nicholas Ashford and Charles Douglas-Home of the Times of London, Together With Written Responses to Questions
Letter to the Presidents of Colombia, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela on the Central American Peace Proposal
April 5, 1985
Informal Exchange With Reporters
Statement on Signing the African Famine Relief Bill
Nominations & Appointments, April 5, 1985
April 6, 1985
Radio Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget and the Central American Peace Proposal
April 8, 1985
Announcement of the Recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom
April 9, 1985
Appointments, April 9, 1985
April 11, 1985
Statement on the Establishment of the Economic Policy Council and the Domestic Policy Council
April 13, 1985
Radio Address to the Nation on Tax Reform
April 14, 1985
Executive Order 12509 -- Technical Review Group on Inertial Confinement Fusion
April 15, 1985
Remarks to Reporters on the Central American Peace Proposal
Remarks at a Performance of the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Export-Import Bank of the United States
Appointments & Nominations, April 15, 1985
Remarks at a Reception Honoring Milton Pitts' 20 Years of Service as the Presidents' Barber
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner for the Nicaragua Refugee Fund
Proclamations, April 15, 1985
April 16, 1985
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Reporting on the Cyprus Conflict
Nominations & Appointments, April 16, 1985
Statement on Signing the Bill Extending Conditional Loan Guarantee Agreements for Ethanol Fuel Production Facilities
Remarks at a Conference on Religious Liberty
Remarks at a White House Meeting with the Deficit Reduction Coalition
April 17, 1985
Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony for President Chadli Bendjedid of Algeria
Announcement of the Recipients of the National Medal of Arts
Executive Order 12510 -- Non-Foreign Area Cost-of-Living Allowances
Nomination of Roger William Jepsen To Be a Member of the National Credit Union Administration Board, and Designation as Chairman
Toasts at the State Dinner for President Chadli Bendjedid of Algeria
April 18, 1985
Telephone Conversation With the Astronauts on Board the Space Shuttle Discovery
Statement on the Festival of India
Nominations, April 18, 1985
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Regional Editors and Broadcasters
Remarks at a White House Ceremony Honoring National Teacher of the Year Theresa K. Dozier
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by ABC of Spain
April 19, 1985
Remarks on Presenting the Congressional Gold Medal to Elie Wisel and on Signing the Jewish Heritage Week Proclamation
Proclamations, April 19, 1985
Remarks on Signing the Victims of Crime Week Proclamation
Message on the Observance of National Volunteer Week, April 22 - 28, 1985
Message on the Observance of Secretaries Week, April 21 - 27, 1985
Appointment of Ronald H. Walker as a Special Consultant to the Office of Presidential Personnel
April 20, 1985
Radio Address to the Nation on the Central American Peace Proposal
April 22, 1985
Remarks at the President's Volunteer Action Awards Luncheon
Message to President Jose Sarney of Brazil on the Death of President-elect Tancredo de Almeida Neves
Nominations & Appointments, April 22, 1985
Message to the Congress Reporting on the National Emergency With Respect to Iran
Proclamations, April 22,1985
Statement on the Israel-United States Free Trade Area Agreement
April 23, 1985
Remarks at the Midyear Conference of the National Association of Realtors
Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Peace Corps Volunteers for Africa
Nominations & Appointments, April 23, 1985
Statement by Principal Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Death of Major Arthur D. Nicholson, Jr., in the German Democratic Republic
Remarks at a Luncheon for Recipients of the National Medal of Arts
Proclamation 5326 -- National Defense Transportation Day and National Transportation Week, 1985
Statement on Senate Approval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
Letter to Senate Majority Leader Dole on the Central American Peace Proposal and United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
April 24, 1985
Nominations, Designations & Appointments, April 24, 1985
Address to the Nation on the Federal Budget and Deficit Reduction
Statement on House of Representatives Disapproval of United States Assistance for the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance
April 25, 1985
Remarks at a Ceremony Honoring Youth Volunteers
Proclamations, April 25, 1985
Nominations, Designations & Appointments, April 25, 1985
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by La Vanguardia of Spain
Interview With Foreign Journalists
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Cambio 16 of Spain
April 26, 1985
Proclamation 5330 -- Prayer for Peace, Memorial Day, May 27, 1985
Message to the Congress Proposing Additions to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers and National Wilderness Preservation Systems
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on United States Participation in the United Nations
Remarks at a White House Ceremony Honoring Participants in the Retired Senior Volunteer Program
Nominations, April 26, 1985
Remarks Following Discussions With President Chun Doo Hwan of the Republic of Korea
April 27, 1985
Radio Address to the Nation on the Bonn Economic Summit and the Federal Budget
April 29, 1985
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate on the Designation of Least-Developed Beneficiary Developing Countries
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Israel-United States Free Trade Area Agreement
Remarks on Signing the Proclamation and Executive Order on Child Safety
Proclamations, April 29, 1985
Executive Order 12511 -- President's Child Safety Partnership
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States
Interview With Foreign Journalists
Executive Order 12512 -- Federal Real Property Management
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by El Pais of Spain
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by EFE of Spain
Written Responses to Questions Submitted by Diario De Noticias of Portugal
April 30, 1985
Proclamation 5334 -- Helsinki Human Rights Day, 1985
Message to the Congress Transmitting a Report on POW's and MIA's in Southeast Asia
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report of the National Science Foundation
Statement on the Soviet-United States Nuclear and Space Arms Negotiations
Nominations & Appointments, April 30, 1985
Statement on Senate Action on the Budget Resolution
Remarks on Departure for Europe