August 1, 1982
Exchange With Reporters on the Situation in Lebanon
August 2, 1982
White House Statement Following the Meeting Between the President and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yitzhak Shamir of Israel
Statement on Signing a Bill Amending the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Nominations & Appointment
Remarks at the Annual Convention of the National Corn Growers Association in Des Moines, Iowa
Question-and-Answer Session with Farmers in State Center, Iowa
August 3, 1982
Remarks at the Centennial Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Knights of Columbus in Hartford, Connecticut
Nomination of Robert John Hughes To Be an Assistant Secretary of State
Letter to the Chairman of the House Committee on Armed Services Concerning Strategic Arms Reduction
Statement on Signing the Energy Emergency Preparedness Act of 1982
August 4, 1982
Statement on the Situation in Lebanon
Statement on Senate Approval of the Proposed Constitutional Amendment for a Balanced Federal Budget
Proclamation 4957 -- Working Mothers' Day
Executive Order 12375 -- Motor Vehicles
August 5, 1982
Remarks Announcing Federal Support of the National Health Fair Partnership Program
Executive Order 12376 -- Presidential Commission on Drunk Driving
Statement on House of Representatives Approval of a Strategic Arms Reduction Resolution
August 6, 1982
Nominations & Appointments
Executive Order 12377 -- Joint Mexican-United States Defense Commission
Executive Order 12378 -- President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes Concerning a European Communities Steel Exports Arrangement
August 9, 1982
Nominations & Appointments
August 10, 1982
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-Austria Convention on Taxation and Fiscal Evasion
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon
Remarks to Reporters on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation
August 11, 1982
Remarks in Billings, Montana, at a Celebration Marking the Centennial of Billings and Yellowstone County
Remarks at a Fundraising Luncheon in Billings, Montana, for United States Senate Candidate Larry Williams
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Republic of Korea Fishery Agreement
Nomination of Robert B. Hotz To Be a Member of the General Advisory Committee of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
August 12, 1982
Nominations & Appointments
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon
August 13, 1982
Message to the Senate Transmitting the United States-New Zealand Convention on Taxation and Fiscal Evasion
Message to the Congress Transmitting the United States-Spain Fishery Agreement
Nomination of Fernando E. Rondon To Be United States Ambassador to the Comoros
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters on Federal Tax Legislation and the Situation in Lebanon
Proclamation 4958 -- Women's Equality Day, 1982
Interview with Jeremiah O'Leary of the Washington Times on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation
August 16, 1982
Address to the Nation on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation
August 17, 1982
United States-China Joint Communique on United States Arms Sales to Taiwan
Statement on United States Arms Sales to Taiwan
Nomination of Three Members of the National Council on Educational Research
Remarks of the President and Head of State Samuel K. Doe of Liberia Following Their Meetings
Executive Order 12379 -- Termination of Boards, Committees, and Commissions
Letter to Representative Trent Lott, House Republican Whip, on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation
August 18, 1982
Nomination of William Alexander Hewitt To Be United States Ambassador to Jamaica
August 19, 1982
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Situation in Lebanon
Remarks to Reporters on House of Representatives Approval of Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation
August 20, 1982
Nominations and Appointments
Remarks to Reporters Announcing the Deployment of United States Forces in Beirut, Lebanon
Telegram to Ambassador Philip C. Habib on United States Negotiations for Peace in Lebanon
Statement on Signing a Bill Concerning the Space Shuttle Program
August 23, 1982
Message to the Congress Reporting a Budget Rescission and Deferrals
Nominations & Appointments
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Presidential Election in Lebanon
Remarks at a Fundraising Dinner in Los Angeles, California, for United States Senate Candidate Pete Wilson
August 24, 1982
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report on United States Aeronautics and Space Activities
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report on East-West Trade
Statement on Signing a Bill Authorizing Fiscal Years 1982 and 1983 Appropriations for Certain Federal Agencies
Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session at a Reception in Los Angeles, California, for Gubernatorial Candidate George Deukmejian
Letter to the Speaker of the House and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate on the Deployment of United States Forces in Beirut, Lebanon
August 25, 1982
Message to the United States Marine Forces Participating in the Multinational Force in Beirut, Lebanon
Nomination of K. William O'Connor To Be Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board
August 26, 1982
Message to the Congress Transmitting an Alternate Plan for Federal Civilian Pay Increases
Reappointment of Three Members of the Intergovernmental Advisory Council on Education
Proclamation 4959 -- Nordic-America Week, 1982
August 27, 1982
Announcement of the Formation and Membership of the White House Coordinating Council on Women
Appointment of Three Members of the White House Staff
August 28, 1982
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval a Fiscal Year 1982 Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Statement on Signing the Patent and Trademark Office Appropriations Bill
Radio Address to the Nation on the Economy
August 30, 1982
Statement by Deputy Press Secretary Speakes on the Palestinian Situation
August 31, 1982
Appointment of 16 Members of the Advisory Committee for Trade Negotiations
Letter to President Aristides Pereira of Cape Verde on United States Acceptance of the Gift of the Schooner Ernestina