August 1, 1988
Remarks Congratulating the Eastern High School Choir
Message to the Senate Transmitting a Protocol to the France-United States Convention on Taxation
Nomination of Roberts T. Jones To Be an Assistant Secretary of Labor
Proclamation 5843 -- Helsinki Human Rights Day, 1988
Statement on Proposed Legislation to Amend the Fair Housing Act
Appointments and Nominations August 1, 1988
Remarks at a Fundraising Reception for Senator William V. Roth, Jr., of Delaware
Letter to Congressional Leaders on Legislation To Provide Restitution for Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians
August 2, 1988
Statement on the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
Statement Announcing a Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic Action Plan
Remarks at the Presentation Ceremony for the Distinguished Rank Awards
Executive Order 12647 -- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
Nominations and Appointments August 2, 1988
August 3, 1988
Remarks on the Veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989, and a Question-and-Answer Session With Reporters
Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989
Remarks to Media Executives at a White House Briefing on Nicaragua
Nominations and Appointments August 3, 1988
White House Statement on the Report of Presidential Emergency Board No. 215 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Statement on the Senate's Approval of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
August 4, 1988
Nominations and Appointments I August 4, 1988
Proclamation 5844 -- Thanksgiving Day, 1988
Nominations and Appointments II August 4, 1988
August 5, 1988
White House Statement on the President's Meeting With Secretary of Agriculture Richard Lyng on Drought Relief
Message to the Senate Transmitting the Indonesia-United States Convention on Taxation
Memorandums on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic
Message to the Congress on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic Action Plan
Letter Accepting the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Secretary of the Treasury
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of James A. Baker III as Secretary of the Treasury and the Nomination of Nicholas F. Brady
August 6, 1988
Radio Address to the Nation on the Veto of the National Defense Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1989
August 8, 1988
Remarks to the Employees of United States Precision Lens, Inc., in Cincinnati, Ohio
Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Governors' Association in Cincinnati, Ohio
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Terrorist Bomb Attack on Secretary of State Shultz in Bolivia
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Antiballistic Missile Treaty Review
Designation of William Barclay Allen as Chairman of the Commission on Civil Rights
Nomination of Thomas C. Griscom To Be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Communications Satellite Corporation
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Cease-Fire in Angola
August 9, 1988
Remarks at a White House Luncheon for the Recipients of the National Medal of Arts
Appointments and Nominations August 9, 1988
Remarks Announcing the Resignation of William J. Bennett as Secretary of Education and the Nomination of Lauro F. Cavazos
Nominations and Appointments August 9, 1988
Proclamation 5845 -- National Neighborhood Crime Watch Day, 1988
August 10, 1988
Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Thorsteinn Palsson of Iceland
Message to the Congress Transmitting the Annual Report on Federal Energy Conservation Programs
Appointments and Nominations August 10, 1988
Remarks on Signing the Bill Providing Restitution for the Wartime Internment of Japanese-American Civilians
August 11, 1988
Remarks on Signing the Disaster Assistance Act of 1988
Nominations and Appointments I August 11, 1988
White House Statement on the Report of Presidential Emergency Board No. 214 To Investigate a Railroad Labor Dispute
Executive Order 12648 -- Relating to the Implementation of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction
Executive Order 12649 -- Offsets in Military-Related Exports
Nominations and Appointments II August 11, 1988
Designation of Sam A. Nixon as Chairman of the Board of Regents of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Nomination of Jeanne J. Smoot To Be a Member of the National Council on the Humanities
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Transmitting Supplemental Appropriations Requests for the District of Columbia
August 12, 1988
Statement on the 27th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall
Remarks to Reagan Administration Political Appointees
Remarks at the Swearing-in Ceremony for Richard L. Thornburgh as Attorney General of the United States
Proclamation 5846 -- National Civil Rights Day, 1988
Nominations and Appointments August 12, 1988
August 13, 1988
Radio Address to the Nation on the Administration's Goals and Achievements
Appointments and Nominations August 13, 1988
August 14, 1988
Remarks at the Welcoming Rally at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana
August 15, 1988
Remarks at a Luncheon Honoring Nancy Reagan at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana
Remarks at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana
August 16, 1988
Remarks to Armed Services Personnel and Their Families at Belle Chasse Naval Air Station, Louisiana
Statement on the Selection of Senator Dan Quayle of Indiana as the Republican Vice Presidential Nominee
August 17, 1988
White House Statement on the Soviet-United States Joint Verification Experiment for Nuclear Testing
Statement on the Deaths of President Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan and United States Ambassador Arnold Raphel
August 18, 1988
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the United States Delegation to the Funeral of President Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan
Nomination of Robert B. Oakley To Be United States Ambassador to Pakistan
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the General Accounting Office Investigation of General Noriega of Panama
August 19, 1988
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater on the Investigation of the Accidental Attack on an Iranian Jetliner
Proclamation 5847 -- National Senior Citizens Day, 1988
Statement on Signing the Department of Housing and Urban Development -- Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1989
August 20, 1988
Radio Address to the Nation on the Republican National Convention and George Bush
Statement on the 20th Anniversary of the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Statement on Signing the Price-Anderson Amendments Act of 1988
August 22, 1988
Proclamation 5848 -- Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month, 1989
August 23, 1988
Remarks on Signing the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 in Long Beach, California
Remarks at a Campaign Fundraising Luncheon for Senator Pete Wilson in Irvine, California
Letter to Senator Phil Gramm of Texas Concerning the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988
August 24, 1988
Remarks at a Presidential Campaign Rally for George Bush in Los Angeles, California
Statement by Assistant to the President for Press Relations Fitzwater and Press Secretary to the Vice President Tate on the Republican Presidential Campaign in California
August 25, 1988
Initial Order for Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1989
Statement on Signing the Initial Order for Emergency Deficit Control Measures for Fiscal Year 1989
Appointment of Rudy Beserra as Special Assistant to the President for Public Liaison
Proclamation 5849 -- National Drive for Life Weekend, 1988
Proclamation 5850 -- Women's Equality Day, 1988
August 27, 1988
Radio Address to the Nation on Foreign Policy Achievements
Remarks at a Fundraiser for Representative Robert J. Lagomarsino in Santa Barbara, California
White House Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the March on Washington
August 29, 1988
White House Statement on the Resumption of the Soviet-United States Nuclear Testing Talks
August 30, 1988
White House Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the Hotline Between the Soviet Union and the United States
Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate Transmitting an Alternate Federal Civilian Pay Plan
August 31, 1988
Message on the Observance of the Jewish High Holy Days
Message on the Observance of Labor Day
Message on the Observance of National Hispanic Heritage Week