Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research

File Code Description Research

Housing (4.8 linear feet; Boxes 1-12)
This primary subject category contains material relating to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sponsored housing;  H.R. 5922 -  the Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 1982; Commerce Department statistics regarding housing starts and sales; the National Association of Home Builders' industry forecasts; Section 8 public assistance; the FHMA and VA housing; homelessness; S. 2819 - the Housing and Community Development Technical Amendments Act of 1984; housing reports to Congress; HHS action in providing shelter; public housing tenant home ownership, especially in the Kenilworth-Parkside Resident Management Corporation in Washington, DC; multiple House and Senate Resolutions authorizing the Temporary Extension of Certain Housing and Hazard Insurance Authorities; S. 667 -  the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1985; the Community for Creative Non-violence and Mitch Snyder; S. 410 - Repeal of Commercial and Apartment Conservation Service; HR 558 - Homeless Assistance Act; and S. 825 - Omnibus Housing Bill.

In the second Reagan administration, the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) changed its filing classifications for letters from the public expressing problems finding housing or housing assistance.  Beginning in 1985, these letters were filed in the Alpha File by the individual correspondent’s last name.  Boxes 1 through 9 of this series primarily contain these letters from the public, while boxes 10 through 12 have relatively few letters of this type.
