This collection consists of videotape footage recorded off the air of edited nightly newscasts from CBS, ABC and NBC. The footage is subject to copyright law and duplication is restricted in most cases to private study, scholarship or research. Audiovisual researchers must obtain permission from the copyright holder to publish or display materials. If you have any questions please contact the Reagan Library audiovisual staff. audiovisual staff. Times listed are approximate and signify the beginning of each news story.
Tape Date Title Reporters(italics) Time Counter Network
R1233, 01/01/1983, Taxes and Social Security, Stahl/Plante (39:39 CBS)
R1233, 01/01/1983, Drunk Drivers, Stahl (41:51 CBS)
R1233, 01/01/1983, Surplus Dairy Products, Stahl/Snyder (42:09 CBS)
R1233, 01/02/1983, President Reagan Visits Flood Victims in Louisiana, Donaldson (47:54 ABC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, Kremlin and Nuclear Talks, Donaldson/Vanocur (49:32 ABC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, France and Nuclear Weapons, Donaldson (52:15 ABC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, United States/China Textile Trade Dispute, Donaldson (52:43 ABC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, Social Security Reforms, Donaldson (53:08 ABC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, Federal Budget with President Regan, Wallace/King (53:37 NBC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, 98th Congress, Wallace/Hazinski (55:47 NBC)
R1233, 01/02/1983, Acid Rain, Wallace/McCarthy (57:31 NBC)
60:54 End of Summary
R1237, 01/03/1983, 98th Congress, Reynolds/Gibson/Donaldson (00:00 ABC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, EPA and Clean Water, Reynolds/Peterson (03:54 ABC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Orphan Drug Act, Reynolds/Strait (08:58 ABC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, California Governor, Reynolds/Kashawahara (10:41 ABC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Poland, Jennings/Ensor (13:05 ABC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, 98th Congress, Rather/Jones (14:36 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Factory Orders, Rather/Brady (17:23 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, MX Missile, Rather/Stahl (19:28 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Leblanc, Rather (21:37 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Democratic Hopefuls, Rather/Morton (22:07 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Social Security, Rather/Moyers (24:41 CBS)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Vice President George Bush and Swearing in, Mudd (26:41 NBC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, President Reagan and MX Basing, Mudd/Wallace (27:48 NBC)
R1237, 01/03/1983, Leblanc, Mudd (29:41 NBC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Foreclosures, Reynolds/Murphy/Shepard (30:05 ABC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, President Reagan and Economy with Senator Robert Dole, Reynolds/Donaldson (34:37 ABC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Representative Gramm, Reynolds/Gibson (36:33 ABC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, President Reagan and Orphan Drugs, Reynolds (38:22 ABC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Budget Cuts, Rather/Stahl (38:53 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Orphan Drugs, Rather (41:32 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Rather (41:56 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Weapons in Syria, Rather (42:15 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Western Reporting on Poland, Rather/Schecter (42:30 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Soviet Peace Movement, Rather/Morton (44:31 CBS)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Senators, President Reagan and Budget, Mudd/Wallace (46:41 NBC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, Orphan Drugs and President Reagan with Secretary Richard Schweiker, Mudd/Hager (49:03 NBC)
R1237, 01/04/1983, MX Basing, Mudd/Chancellor (50:53 NBC)
R1237, 01/05/1983, Soviet Nuclear Satellite, Reynolds/McWethy (52:41 ABC)
R1237, 01/05/1983, Dioxin at Times Beach, Reynolds/Burry (54:48 ABC)
R1237, 01/05/1983, Gramm Changes Parties, Reynolds/Gibson (56:47 ABC)
R1237, 01/05/1983, Warsaw Pact Reduction Offer, Jennings/Zelnik/Garrels (57:14 ABC)
R1237, 01/05/1983, Elizabeth Dole Appointed Secretary of Transportation, Reynolds (61:47 ABC)
R1238, 01/05/1983, EPA and Times Beach, Rather/Currier (00:00 CBS)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Illinois Exports to USSR, Rather (01:43 CBS)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Elizabeth Dole as Secretary of Transportation, Rather (02:05 CBS)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Campaign 84, Rather/Moyers (02:24 CBS)
R1238, 01/05/1983, President Reagan and the Budget, Mudd/Wallace (04:32 NBC)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Warsaw Pact and Arms Talks, Mudd/Kalb (07:08 NBC)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Truck Manufacturing in USSR, Mudd/Hager (08:37 NBC)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Super NOW Accounts, Mudd/Jensen (10:17 NBC)
R1238, 01/05/1983, Social Security, Mudd/Chancellor (12:31 NBC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, President Reagan Signs Gas Tax, Reynolds/Peterson (14:32 ABC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Farmers Protest, Reynolds/Miller (16:16 ABC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Chicago Desegregation, Reynolds (18:03 ABC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, President Reagan’s Economic Forecast, Rather/Stahl (18:25 CBS)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Deficit and Politics, Rather/Morton (21:06 CBS)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Legal Services Investigation, Mudd (23:52 NBC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Social Security, Mudd (24:11 NBC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Gas Tax and President Reagan, Mudd/Cummings (24:36 NBC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, Women in President Reagan’s Administration with Secretary Elizabeth Dole and Helene Van Damm, Mudd/Mitchell (26:27 NBC)
R1238, 01/06/1983, President Reagan and 1984, Mudd/Chancellor (28:11 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Unemployment Rate, Reynolds (30:09 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Chicago Jobs, Reynolds (32:05 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, White House and the Budget, Reynolds/Donaldson/McWethy (32:22 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Wall Street, Reynolds (35:17 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Quotas and the Reagan Administration, Reynolds (35:26 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, State Department and Guatemala Arms, Reynolds (35:46 ABC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Unemployment, Rather/Morton (36:14 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Job Quotas and Justice Department, Rather (38:25 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, President Reagan and Nuclear Waste, Rather (38:55 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Guatemala and Arms, Rather (39:16 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, President Reagan Goes to Camp David, Rather (39:41 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Deficits, Rather/Moyers (40:12 CBS)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Unemployment, Mudd/Hart (42:19 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, President Reagan and Unemployment Forecast with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Mudd/Wallace (45:57 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Budget, Mudd/Peterson (47:25 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Embargo Lifted on Guatemala, Mudd/Anderson (47:48 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, Quota Challenge, Mudd (50:48 NBC)
R1238, 01/07/1983, President Reagan and Nuclear Waste, Mudd (50:48 NBC)
R1238, 01/08/1983, NATO and Vice President George Bush to Visit Europe, Schieffer/Ferugia (51:03 CBS)
R1238, 01/08/1983, Lumber Industry and Economy, Schieffer/Peterson (53:32 CBS)
R1238, 01/08/1983, Political Unrest in El Salvador, Schieffer/Gomez (56:07 CBS)
R1238, 01/08/1983, Justice Department and Quotas, Schieffer/Braymer (58:09 CBS)
R1239, 01/08/1983, Farm Foreclosures, Schieffer/Ferguson (00:00 CBS)
R1239, 01/08/1983, Soviet Economy, Schieffer (02:18 CBS)
R1239, 01/09/1983, President Reagan and Budget with Senator Paul Laxalt, Donaldson/VonFremd (02:44 ABC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Senator Paul Laxalt and the Budget, Donaldson (04:42 ABC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Steel Mill Opens in Ohio, Donaldson/Burry (04:57 ABC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Social Security Commission, Donaldson/Serafin (07:07 ABC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Tax Increases with President Reagan, Wallace/King (07:44 NBC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Farm Depression, Wallace/Molina (09:44 NBC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, Nicaragua Protest Letter, Wallace (11:36 NBC)
R1239, 01/09/1983, United States on Soviet Peace with President Reagan, Wallace/Kalb (11:58 NBC)
14:47 End of Summary
R1247, 01/10/1983, Presidential Gag Order, Reynolds/VonFremd (00:00 ABC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, President Reagan on Taxes, Reynolds (01:53 ABC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Israel/Lebanon Talks, Jennings (02:26 ABC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, King Hussein meets Yasir Arafat, Jennings (02:25 ABC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, President Mugabe, Jennings (03:08 ABC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Sing Sing Prison, Rather/Wagner (03:29 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, White House Staff Gag Order, Rather/Plante (05:41 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Wall Street, Rather (07:21 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Draft Registration and College Loans, Rather/Simon (07:38 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, De-Industrialization-Steel Industry, Rather/Rabel (09:58 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Senator Howard Baker talks to Staff, Rather (15:40 CBS)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Freedom of Information Act, Mudd/Stern (16:01 NBC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Defense Costs, Mudd/Valeriani (17:56 NBC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Philip Habib to the Mid East with President Reagan, Mudd (19:47 NBC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Presidential Gag Order, Mudd/Wallace (20:29 NBC)
R1247, 01/10/1983, Secretary Richard Schweiker on Birth Control Notifications, Mudd (22:27 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Defense Cuts with President Reagan, Reynolds/Donaldson/Miller (22:47 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Richard Schweiker Resigns, Reynolds (21:23 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Social Security Commission, Reynolds/Serafin (21:41 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Administration and the Supreme Court, Reynolds (30:23 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Soviet Arms Reduction, Jennings (30:54 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in the Falklands, Jennings (31:43 ABC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, David Stockman vs. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (32:28 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Soviet Arms Reduction, Rather (35:00 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Interest Rates, Rather/Brady (35:34 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Richard Schweiker Resigns, Rather (37:56 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Rather (38:10 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, President Reagan in Dallas, Texas, Rather (38:35 CBS)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Defense Cuts with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Valeriani (39:15 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, President Reagan in Dallas, Texas on Farm Problems, Mudd (41:12 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Interview with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd (41:52 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, President Reagan’s Farm Speech, Mudd/Molina (43:07 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Prime Rate, Mudd (45:12 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Richard Schweiker Resigns, Mudd (45:04 NBC)
R1247, 01/11/1983, Federal Deficit, Mudd/Chancellor (47:43 NBC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Arms Control and Rostow Resignation, Reynolds/VonFremd (47:34 ABC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Economy and Budget with President Reagan, Reynolds/Hume/Donaldson (49:31 ABC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Social Security at Blair House, Reynolds/Serafin (53:23 ABC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Poland Expels UPI Reporter, Jennings (55:49 ABC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Soviet Podgorney Dies, Jennings (56:34 ABC)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Arms Control and Rostow Resignation with President Reagan, Rather/Schieffer (56:55 CBS)
R1247, 01/12/1983, Adelman Appointed to Replace Rostow, Rather (60:03 CBS)
R1248, 01/12/1983, President Reagan’s Mid East Policy Swing, Rather/McLaughlin (00:00 CBS)
R1248, 01/12/1983, President Reagan and the Deficit with Secretary Donald Regan, Rather/Plante (02:25 CBS)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Margaret Heckler Appointment, Rather (04:10 CBS)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Arms Control and Rostow Resignation, Mudd/Kalb/Mudd (04:34 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, President Reagan’s Letter to King Hussein, Mudd (06:21 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Poland Ejects UPI Reporter, Brokaw/Cochran (06:37 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Margaret Heckler to Replace Richard Schweiker, Mudd/Wallace/Mudd (08:53 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Social Security, Mudd/Kiker (10:55 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Flat Tax Rate, Mudd (13:26 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Teen Age Minimum Wage, Brokaw (13:38 NBC)
R1248, 01/12/1983, Defense Cuts, Mudd/Chancellor (13:55 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Arms Control Policy with Secretary of State George Shultz, Reynolds/Dunsmore (15:48 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, European and Soviet Reaction, Jennings (18:10 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Budget with President Reagan, Reynolds/Donaldson (18:47 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, James Baker on Social Security, Reynolds (20:46 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Supreme Court and Evidence, Reynolds (21:22 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, PLO and Andropov, Jennings (21:44 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Israeli and Lebanon Talks, Jennings/Seamans (22:08 ABC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Arms Control Policy, Rather/Schieffer/McNeil (23:52 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Air Force COS on the Pay Freeze, Rather (26:50 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, President Reagan Veto’s Crime Bill, Rather (27:21 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, James Baker on Social Security, Rather/Engberg (27:39 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Israel/Lebanon Talks, Rather (31:27 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, West Bank Settlements, Rather/Faw (31:45 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, United States/China Talks, Rather (34:05 CBS)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Arms Control with Secretary George Shultz, Mudd/Kalb/Mudd (34:22 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, European Reaction, Brokaw/Compton (36:16 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Poland Expels Reporter, Brokaw (38:22 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Military Pay Freeze with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Valeriani (38:40 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Unraveling Administration, Mudd/Wallace (40:40 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Business Hiring the Unemployed, Mudd (42:49 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Flat Tax Proposal, Mudd/Hager (43:03 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Social Security, Mudd (44:48 NBC)
R1248, 01/13/1983, Israel/Lebanon Talks, Brokaw (45:05 NBC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, President Reagan’s News Conference, Reynolds/Donaldson (45:25 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Economy, Reynolds/Cortdz (48:01 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Social Security, Reynolds/Serafin (49:53 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Interview with Alan Greenspan, Reynolds (51:53 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, President Reagan Veto’s Crime Bill, Reynolds (53:37 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, South Florida Task Force Bennies, Reynolds/Chase (53:57 ABC)
R1248, 01/14/1983, President Reagan’s Anger, Rather/Plante (55:55 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Rostow Named to White House Advisory Board, Rather (58:43 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Social Security Layoff, Rather (58:56 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, President Reagan Veto’s Wilderness Area, Rather (59:10 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, President Reagan Veto’s Crime Bill, Rather (59:27 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Wholesale Prices, Rather (59:37 CBS)
R1248, 01/14/1983, Economy, Rather (60:01 CBS)
R1249, 01/14/1983, Industrial Production, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1249, 01/14/1983, Farm Auction, Rather/Blakely (00:23 CBS)
R1249, 01/14/1983, President Reagan’s News Conference, Mudd/Wallace (02:24 NBC)
R1249, 01/14/1983, Social Security, Mudd/Dancy (04:38 NBC)
R1249, 01/14/1983, Effects of Social Security, Brokaw/Hart/Utley (06:07 NBC)
R1249, 01/14/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan to Visit on Trade, Mudd/Frazier (11:06 NBC)
01/15/1983 No News Aired
R1249, 01/16/1983, Social Security, Donaldson/Compton (13:52 ABC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Alan Cranston, Donaldson/Vanocur (16:32 ABC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, President Reagan’s Foreign Policy, Donaldson/Enderfurth (18:38 ABC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Nitze and Missiles, Donaldson (21:00 ABC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone and Japan, Donaldson (21:37 ABC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Social Security Plan, Wallace/Hazinski (22:00 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Social Security Bailout with Alan Greenspan, Wallace/Levine (23:52 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Gromyko in West Germany, Wallace/Kalb (27:07 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, USSR and Satellite, Wallace (29:35 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, 1984 Democratic Race, Wallace/Bode (29:47 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Florida Drug Traffic and Police, Wallace/Lloyd (32:06 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Certification and El Salvador, Wallace/Anderson (33:33 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, Philip Habib, Wallace (35:42 NBC)
R1249, 01/16/1983, United States/Japan Trade with Prime Minister Nakasone, Wallace/Frazier (35:59 NBC)
38:03 End of Summary
R1259, 01/17/1983, Jobs in Milwaukee, Koppel/Bury/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Soviet Missiles in Syria, Koppel/McWethy (03:31 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, London Missile Demonstration, Jennings (04:47 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, West Germans and Soviets on Missiles, Jennings (05:14 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Americans in the Sinai, Jennings (05:38 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Official and Book Publishing, Koppel (05:56 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Social Security Commission Findings, Koppel/Serafin (06:21 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone in Washington, Koppel/Dunsmore (08:24 ABC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Social Security Commission Findings, Rather/Stahl (10:21 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Jobs in Milwaukee, Rather/Vieria (12:22 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Arms Control, Rather/Schieffer (14:14 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Israel and Lebanon Talks, Rather (16:46 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Poland, Rather/Quint (17:07 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone in Washington, Rather (18:43 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Ron Reagan Quits Ballet, Rather (19:07 CBS)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Lech Walesa and Pope meet, Brokaw/Cochran (19:33 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Gromyko in West Germany, Brokaw (21:34 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Social Security Plan, Mudd/Dancy/Levine (22:04 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan in Washington, Mudd (26:41 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, El Salvador, Mudd/Anderson (27:19 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter in the Mid East, Mudd (29:22 NBC)
R1259, 01/17/1983, Americans in the Sinai, Brokaw (29:39 NBC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Economy, Personal Income, Koppel/Cortdz/Donaldson (30:01 ABC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Soviet, West German Arms Talks, Jennings/Walker (33:41 ABC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, United States Reaction to Arms Talks, Dunsmore (35:36 ABC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan, Koppel (37:14 ABC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Paris IMF meeting, Jennings/Salinger (37:39 ABC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Deficits, Rather/Stahl (42:05 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Conservatives meet in Dallas, Texas, Rather (43:58 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan, Rather/Plante (44:22 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Joint Honduran Exercises, Rather (46:44 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, United States/Soviet Arms in Europe, Rather/Fenton (47:07 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, State Department Response, Rather/Schieffer (49:54 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Unemployment, Rather (51:29 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Commerce Department on Personal Income, Rather (52:16 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Commerce Department on Housing Starts, Rather (52:33 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Secretary of Interior James Watt on Indians, Rather (52:47 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, British Falkland Investigation, Rather/Lynch (53:04 CBS)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan meets with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (54:42 NBC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, United States/Japanese Trade Relations, Mudd/Frazier (56:38 NBC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Housing Starts, Brokaw (57:59 NBC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Budget Deficit, Brokaw (58:19 NBC)
R1259, 01/18/1983, Soviet Arms Control, Brokaw/Bernard (58:40 NBC)
R1260, 01/18/1983, United States Arms Control, Mudd (00:00 NBC)
R1260, 01/18/1983, Nuclear Disarmament, Mudd/Chancellor (01:29 NBC)
R1260, 01/18/1983, State Department Deports Reporter, Mudd (03:03 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/82, GNP Down, Koppel/Cortdz/Serafin (03:28 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Interview with William Simon, Koppel (08:10 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Illinois, Robinson (10:43 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Indians, Koppel/Smith (11:00 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan in Washington, Koppel (12:53 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Trade with Japan, Koppel (13:32 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, China Imports, Koppel/Jennings (14:06 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Soviet Nuclear Threat, Jennings (14:31 ABC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Soviet Warning to Japan, Rather (14:41 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Soviet Arms Talks, Rather (14:48 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, China Trade Ban, Rather/Schieffer (15:18 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Japan Trade Surplus, Rather (17:30 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (17:45 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Budget Deficits, Rather (20:21 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, National Urban League on the Poor, Rather (21:00 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Illinois, Rather/Stahl (21:22 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, James Watt and Indians, Rather/Wallace (22:59 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Judges Sue Administration, Rather (25:05 CBS)
R1260, 01/19/1983, State on Black America, Mudd/Hager (25:30 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Illinois, Brokaw/Wallace (27:27 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Nancy Reagan at Mid Term, Brokaw (29:26 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, GNP Down, Mudd/Levine (29:41 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Taxes, Mudd (31:18 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, James Watt on Indians, Brokaw/Lloyd/O’Neil (31:58 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Motorcycle Imports, Mudd (35:14 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan in Washington, Mudd (35:38 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Commentary-Visit of Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan, Mudd/Chancellor (36:08 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, United States/China Trade Wars, Mudd (37:55 NBC)
R1260, 01/19/1983, Cosmos 1402 to Crash This Weekend, Mudd (38:12 NBC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, President Reagan at Mid Term, Koppel/Donaldson/Hume (38:38 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Interview with Mr. Vigurie, Koppel (43:20 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Cosmos 1402, Koppel/McWethy (45:35 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Pershing Missile Test, Koppel (47:05 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, United States/Soviet Arms Talks, Jennings (47:21 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Japanese Arms, Jennings (47:40 ABC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Soviet Propaganda Campaign, Rather/Schieffer (47:51 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Soviet Diplomat Ousted, Rather (50:06 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, President Reagan at Mid Term, Rather/Stahl (50:25 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Conservatives Delay meeting, Rather (53:14 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Congress Grades President Reagan, Rather/Jones (53:27 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Collecting Unemployment, Rather (55:04 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt, Rather (55:23 CBS)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Missile Talks, Mudd (56:15 NBC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, President Reagan at Mid Term, Mudd/Wallace (56:33 NBC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, President Reagan and Changes, Brokaw/Chancellor (58:52 NBC)
R1260, 01/20/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt, Brokaw (60:44 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, CPI Down, Koppel/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Senator Howard Baker Not to Run in ’84, Koppel/Greenwood (02:40 ABC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Cost of Living, Rather/Brady (04:36 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Durable Goods, Rather (07:21 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Cicero, Illinois and Blacks, Rather/Courier (07:31 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, El Salvador, Rather (09:53 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Arms Talks, Rather/Stahl (10:11 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Pershing Missile Test, Rather (12:16 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Soviet Reaction to Pershing, Rather (12:30 CBS)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Cosmos 1402, Brokaw/Murphy/Fernandez/Compton (12:50 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Cost of Living, Mudd/Levine (16:29 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Factory Orders, Mudd (18:25 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Senator Howard Baker Not to Run in ’84, Brokaw/Dancy (18:51 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, President Reagan’s Reaction to Baker, Brokaw (20:37 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Arms Talks, Mudd (21:07 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Pershing Missile Test, Mudd/Valeriani (21:35 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, El Salvador, Mudd (23:03 NBC)
R1261, 01/21/1983, Redskins, Mudd/Kiker (23:22 NBC)
R1261, 01/22/1983, Abortion Decision, Savitch/Stern (25:44 NBC)
R1261, 01/22/1983, Secretary Caspar Weinberger Launches Ship, Savitch/Hazinski (28:10 NBC)
R1261, 01/22/1983, Falklands, Savitch (30:01 NBC)
R1261, 01/22/1983, OPEC and Oil Prices, Savitch/Jensen (30:20 NBC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Cosmos 1402, Donaldson/McWethy (33:12 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, FEMA, Donaldson/Gregory (35:22 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Donaldson/VonFremd (36:19 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, OPEC, Donaldson/Dobbs (38:35 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Gas Prices, Donaldson (40:52 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, El Salvador, Donaldson/Collins (41:06 ABC)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Mid East Peace Talks, Dean/Sherman (44:00 CBS)
R1261, 01/23/1983, F18 Cost Overruns, Dean (47:01 CBS)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Prime Rate Predictions, Dean (47:39 CBS)
R1261, 01/23/1983, Economy and the States, Dean/Dow (48:02 CBS)
52:42 End of Summary
R1275, 01/24/1983, ABC News Poll on President Reagan, Reynolds/Hume (00:00 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, President Reagan at Mid Term with James Lofton and James Baker, Reynolds/Donaldson (01:46 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, OPEC Oil meeting, Jennings/Dobbs/Cortdz (07:13 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Anti-Nuclear Demonstration at Vandenberg AFB, Robinson (10:54 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, El Salvador Demonstration at the State Department, Reynolds (11:13 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Supreme Court and Busing, Reynolds (11:29 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Plot Against the Pope, Jennings (11:50 ABC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, OPEC and Oil Prices, Rather/Phillips/Brady (13:49 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Parole Guidelines, Rather (17:48 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and President Reagan on the Indians, Rather (18:03 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, CBS news Poll on President Reagan, Rather/Plante (18:29 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Crop Swap, Rather/Blakely (21:18 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Mid East, Rather (23:08 CBS)
R1275, 01/24/1983, Supreme Court and Busing, Mudd/Stern (23:37 NBC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, El Salvador Protest, Mudd/Anderson (25:15 NBC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, 9th North Carolina Congressional District and Reaganomics, Mudd/Kur (28:03 NBC)
R1275, 01/24/1983, State of the Union Rules with Former President’s Gerald Ford, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and President Reagan, Mudd (31:24 NBC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, President Reagan’s State of the Union Address, Reynolds/Donaldson/Hume (33:17 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Recession Snowball, Reynolds (37:29 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, President Reagan at Mid Term, Reynolds/Cortdz (37:55 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Israel and Philip Habib, Jennings/Seamans (41:50 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Social Security Buys Japanese Computer, Reynolds (43:31 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt on the Indians, Reynolds (43:52 ABC)
R1275, 01/25/1983, President Reagan’s State of the Union Address, Rather/Plant (44:26 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Alice Rivlin and the Deficit, Rather (47:26 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and the Indians, Rather/Engberg (47:47 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Arms Talks, Rather (49:16 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, Soviets want Out of Afghanistan, Rather (49:43 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Simon (50:08 CBS)
R1275, 01/25/1983, President Reagan’s State of the Union Address, Mudd/Brokaw/Wallace/Kur/Dancy (54:42 NBC)
R1276, 01/25/1983, Working vs. Non Working and President Reagan, Brokaw/O’Neil (00:00 NBC)
R1276, 01/25/1983, Democratic Response, Mudd/Bode/Brokaw (02:09 NBC)
R1276, 01/25/1983, John Glenn on the State of the Union, Mudd (04:13 NBC)
R1276, 01/25/1983, Plot against the Pope and the United States Embassy, Mudd/Kalb (04:33 NBC)
R1276, 01/25/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and the Indians, Mudd/McCarthy/Mudd (06:23 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Reagan in Boston and the Budget Battle, Reynolds/Donaldson/Hume (08:30 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Bethlehem Steel Loses, Reynolds (12:40 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Hearings for Elizabeth Dole, Reynolds (13:06 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to Visit Washington, Reynolds (13:40 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Yasir Arafat’s Message to President Reagan, Jennings (14:11 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, United States Foreign Policy with President Reagan, Reynolds/Dunsmore (14:46 ABC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Reagan in Boston, Massachusetts, Rather/Plante/Young (19:49 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, State of the Union and Capitol Hill with President Reagan, Rather/Jones (24:13 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Import/Export Ratio, Rather (26:51 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Family Planning, Rather/Bowen (27:05 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Russian Response to President Reagan, Rather (29:11 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, West German Visit to Washington, Rather (29:40 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to Visit Washington, Rather (29:59 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Lebanon, Rather/Faw (30:18 CBS)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Reagan in Boston, Massachusetts, Mudd/Wallace (32:07 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Trade Deficit, Mudd (34:33 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Networks and News, Brokaw (34:58 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Selling Job for the Budget with Secretary Donald Regan, Mudd/Kur (35:25 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Prime Minister Begin will not come to Washington, Mudd (37:20 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt to Visit Washington, Mudd/Miller (37:40 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Middle East, Mudd (39:09 NBC)
R1276, 01/26/1983, Soviet Economy, Brokaw/Bernard (39:20 NBC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Auto Manufacturers Recall Workers, Robinson (41:33 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, New Unemployment Claims, Robinson/Cortdz (41:53 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, President Reagan on Leading Economic Indicators, Reynolds (43:04 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, President Reagan on the Corporate Tax Flap, Reynolds/Donaldson (43:14 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Defense Spending, Reynolds/McWethy (44:55 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Interview with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Reynolds (49:20 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Adelman Hearings, Reynolds/Garrels (51:56 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Latest Pershing Missile Tests, Reynolds (53:27 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Vice President George Bush on Pershing Missile Deployment, Reynolds (53:40 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Vice President George Bush to Visit Europe, Jennings (54:03 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings/Hickey (54:30 ABC)
R1276, 01/27/1983, Presidents Reagan and Mubarak, Reynolds (55:55 ABC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Auto Manufacturers Recall Workers, Rather/Potter (00:00 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, New Unemployment Claims, Rather (01:59 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Chairman Paul Volker’s Economic Forecasts with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (02:06 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, President Reagan and the Standby Tax, Rather (04:20 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Arms Talks, Rather/Schieffer (04:43 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, President Hosni Mubarak’s Visit, Rather (07:12 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, President Reagan on Victims of Crime, Unknown (07:32 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Budget and Rent A Weapons, Rather/Lynch (08:20 CBS)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Auto Workers Called Back, Brokaw/Cummins (10:21 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Jobs Bill, Mudd/Kur (12:52 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Tax Surcharge, Mudd (14:40 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Arms Talks with Nitze, Brokaw/Utley (14:53 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Adelman Hearings, Mudd (17:59 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, President Mubaraks Visit, Mudd (19:06 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, Corporate Tax Flap with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (19:34 NBC)
R1277, 01/27/1983, President Reagan at the Bar, Mudd (21:27 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Budget, Reynolds/Hume (21:49 ABC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Reynolds/Cortdz (24:31 ABC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Address by President Reagan and Media meeting, Reynolds/Smith (26:32 ABC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, President Reagan at Midstream, Reynolds/Vanocur (28:29 ABC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Super Bowl Frenzy with Secretary of State George Shultz, Reynolds/Whitaker (33:03 ABC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Budget Rumors, Rather/Plante (36:05 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, President Reagan with Light at the End of the Tunnel, Rather (38:59 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Rather/Brady (39:14 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, United States/Israeli Relations, Rather (41:19 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Israeli Defense Minister Sharon Bombshells, Rather (41:38 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Pratt and Whitney Jet Scandal, Rather/Graham (42:14 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, President Reagan Addresses the MIA, Rather (44:08 CBS)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Brokaw/Jensen (44:39 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Feldstein on Economic Indicators, Brokaw (47:02 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, 1984 Budget, Mudd/Dancy/Mudd (47:17 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Boston Globe and President Reagan at the Bar, Mudd (49:27 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Republican National Committee and Democratic Dreamers, Mudd (49:53 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, New Realism for President Reagan, Mudd/Chancellor (50:26 NBC)
R1277, 01/28/1983, Super Bowl Frenzy with Secretary of State George Shultz, Mudd (52:09 NBC)
R1277, 01/29/1983, President Reagan’s 1984 Budget with Audio of the President, Stahl/Ferugia/Miller (53:03 CBS)
R1277, 01/29/1983, Secretary George Shultz to Travel, Stahl (56:50 CBS)
R1277, 01/29/1983, Vice President George Bush to Travel, Stahl (57:03 CBS)
R1277, 01/29/1983, Peace Keeping Force, Stahl (57:13 CBS)
R1277, 01/29/1983, President Mubarak and Prime Minister Begin, Stahl/Faw (57:31 CBS)
R1278, 01/29/1983, President Reagan’s Budget and the Deficit with Senator Robert Dole, Savitch/Levine (00:00 NBC)
R1278, 01/29/1983, Vice President George Bush Prepares for Trip to Europe, Savitch/King (02:29 NBC)
R1278, 01/29/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Trip to Asia, Savitch (04:08 NBC)
R1278, 01/29/1983, Will President Reagan Run Again, Savitch/Bode (04:28 NBC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Budget with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and Senator Paul Laxalt, Donaldson/Compton (06:44 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Social Services Cut with Senator Pete Domenici, Donaldson/Gregory (08:50 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Donaldson (10:48 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Vice President George Bush Visits West Germany, Donaldson/Berger (11:08 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Visits Asia, Donaldson/Laurie (13:07 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Pope Plans to Visit Poland, Donaldson (15:08 ABC)
R1278, 01/30/1983, Beirut, Donaldson (15:31 ABC)
15:58 End of Summary
R1287, 01/31/1983, Budget, Reynolds/Cortdz/Gibson (00:00 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Trucker Strike, Robinson/Peterson (04:11 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, United States Arms Proposal with Vice President George Bush, Reynolds/Jennings (08:23 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Japan, Jennings (14:29 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Laos Mission for MIA’s, Reynolds/McWethy (14:46 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, President Reagan welcomes Washington Redskins, Reynolds (16:29 ABC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, President Reagan’s Arms Proposal with Vice President George Bush, Curtis/Pierpoint/Schieffer (17:00 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger on Soviets, Curtis (20:21 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, EPA Violators Funds Withheld, Curtis/Douglas (20:45 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, President Reagan and EPA Budget, Curtis (22:55 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, White House Budget, Curtis (23:18 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Trucker Strike with Secretary Drew Lewis, Curtis/Potter (23:33 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Bad Meat from USDA Inspector, Curtis (25:25 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Budget and Congress with David Stockman and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Curtis/Stahl/Morton (26:00 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, United States/Japan Trade Deficit, Curtis/Goldberg (30:26 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Super Bowl Fever with President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz, Curtis/Engberg (34:09 CBS)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Arms Proposal with Vice President George Bush, Brokaw/Compton (36:28 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s Reaction, Brokaw (38:17 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Summit Proposal, Mudd/Kalb (38:31 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Tokyo, Mudd (39:45 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Budget with David Stockman, President Reagan and Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Mudd/Wallace (39:58 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, Air Pollution Standards, Mudd/Hager (42:36 NBC)
R1287, 01/31/1983, President Reagan welcomes Super Bowl Champions Washington Redskins, Mudd (44:22 NBC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Oil Prices, Reynolds/Cortdz (45:10 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Senate Confirms Elizabeth Dole, Reynolds (46:50 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Defense Spending with David Stockman and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Reynolds/Hume (47:08 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, President Reagan to St. Louis, Robinson/Donaldson (49:26 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, President Reagan on Open Letter, Reynolds (51:32 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Andropov’s Response to Open Letter, Jennings (52:01 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Vice President George Bush in Europe, Jennings (52:26 ABC)
R1287, 02/01/1983, Anti Nuclear Movement in Holland, Jennings (52:42 ABC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Trucker Strike, Rather/Hall/Potter (00:00 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, President Reagan in St. Louis, Rather/Stahl (03:59 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, President Reagan does not Visit Times Beach Mo., Rather (06:19 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Social Security and Congress, Rather/Quinn (06:36 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Andropov’s Response to Letter, Rather (09:14 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Vice President George Bush in Europe, Rather (09:32 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Oil Prices, Rather (09:46 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Unemployment, Rather/Rabel (10:13 CBS)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Soviet Response with Vice President George Bush, Mudd/Compton (14:23 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, President Reagan on Message, Mudd (16:36 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Operation Big Pine, Brokaw/Lloyd/Brokaw (16:47 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, President Reagan in St. Louis, Brokaw/Wallace (18:55 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Budget, Mudd (20:48 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Defense Policy with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Valeriani (21:12 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Defense Department and Olympic Security, Mudd (22:51 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Legal Services Head removes Name, Mudd/Stern (23:04 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Social Security, Mudd (25:25 NBC)
R1288, 02/01/1983, Social Security Reforms, Brokaw/Chancellor (25:48 NBC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Beirut Tensions with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Reynolds/McWethy (27:42 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Honduras Operation, Reynolds/Quinones (29:53 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Economy and Unemployment with Secretary Donald Regan and David Stockman, Reynolds/Gibson (31:46 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Senator Alan Cranston Announces Candidacy, Reynolds/Vanocur (33:54 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Peking, Jennings (36:39 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Vice President George Bush in Belgium, Jennings (37:09 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings (37:34 ABC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Beirut Tensions with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Lynch (37:50 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Honduras Operation, Rather/Gomez (40:04 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, El Salvador, Rather (42:07 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Peking, Rather (42:20 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Trucker Strike, Rather/Potter/Hall (42:40 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Social Security, Rather (46:41 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Senator Alan Cranston Announces Candidacy, Rather/Engberg (47:06 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Afghan Resistance Fighters meet President Reagan, Rather (48:45 CBS)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Beirut Tensions with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Aicken/Kalb (49:05 NBC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Social Security Compromise, Mudd (52:08 NBC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Senator Alan Cranston Announces Candidacy, Mudd (52:44 NBC)
R1288, 02/02/1983, Oil Profits and Prices, Brokaw/Chancellor (55:21 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, El Salvador, Reynolds/Keonis (00:00 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Lebanon, Jennings/McCourt/Seamans (02:03 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Economy, Reynolds (05:48 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Adelman Hearings, Reynolds/Garrels (06:13 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Defense Budget Hearings with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Reynolds (08:03 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Poland and UPI, Jennings (09:46 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Spies in the Sky, Reynolds/McWethy (10:05 ABC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Gomez (14:54 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Lebanon, Rather/Faw (16:39 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Edwin Wilson Trial, Rather (18:50 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Adelman Hearings, Rather/Jones (19:27 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Defense Budget Hearings with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Lynch (21:11 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Jobs Program, Rather (23:10 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Economic Forecast, Rather (23:36 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Economic Report Card, Rather (24:08 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Ann Gorsuch, Rather (24:31 CBS)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Defense Hearings with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Valeriani, (25:03 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Pentagon Forecast and Cost Estimates, Mudd (27:11 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, El Salvador and Military Adviser Wounded, Brokaw/Molina (27:37 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, United States and Israeli Troops, Brokaw/Aicken/Fletcher (29:16 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Trucker Strike, Brokaw/O’Neil (31:44 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Squeal Rule, Mudd/Burns (34:01 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, President Reagan and Government Building Projects, Mudd (36:12 NBC)
R1289, 02/03/1983, Adelman Hearings, Mudd/Chancellor (36:27 NBC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Unemployment Rate with President Reagan, Reynolds/Cortdz/Donaldson (38:57 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Social Security, Reynolds (42:50 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Medical Benefits, Reynolds/Gregory (43:16 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Vice President George Bush in Europe, Jennings/Walker (45:08 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in China, Jennings (46:44 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, President Reagan’s Birthday with the President and Nancy Reagan, Reynolds (47:03 ABC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Unemployment with President Reagan, Rather/Engberg/Stahl (47:42 CBS)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Vice President George Bush in Europe, Rather (51:39 CBS)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Military Aid to Israel and Egypt, Rather (52:00 CBS)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Unemployment Count with President Reagan, Mudd/Levine (52:17 NBC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, President Reagan on Trucker Strike, Lebanon and President’s Birthday, Mudd/Wallace (54:30 NBC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, Vice President George Bush in Switzerland, Mudd/Bitterman (56:09 NBC)
R1289, 02/04/1983, United States and Israeli Troops, Brokaw/Chancellor (57:59 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, El Salvador, Stahl/Lewis (00:00 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in China, Stahl/Ferugia/Schieffer (02:02 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Reaganomics, Stahl (05:32 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Senator Edward Kennedy on Reaganomics, Stahl/Miller (05:51 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Trucker Strike, Stahl/Dick (07:20 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Cuba and Ban on Travel by Americans, Stahl/McLaughlin (10:37 CBS)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Three United States Advisors Sent Home from El Salvador, Savitch/Molina (15:11 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Wounded United States Advisor, Savitch/Kalb (16:52 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, President Reagan on Reaganomics, Savitch/Rush (18:37 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in China, Savitch/Reynolds (20:05 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Vice President George Bush in Germany, Savitch (21:58 NBC)
R1290, 02/05/1983, Nuclear Freeze Movement, Savitch/Abernathy (22:12 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Korea, Dean/Schieffer (24:03 CBS)
R1290, 02/06/1983, China and United States Relations, Dean/Dunning (25:29 CBS)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Defense Spending and Unemployment, Dean (27:16 CBS)
R1290, 02/06/1983, President Reagan Returns to the White House, Dean (27:48 CBS)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Home Mortgages (From Baltimore), Dean (28:15 CBS)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Vice President George Bush in Italy, Wallace/Kalb (28:35 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Israel and USSR, Wallace (31:00 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Marine Captain and Israeli Newspaper, Wallace (31:15 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Defense and President Reagan with David Stockman, Wallace/Mitchell (31:42 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, West Germany Sends Aid to United States Unemployed, Wallace/Bernard (33:13 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Korea, Wallace (35:22 NBC)
R1290, 02/06/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/Molina (35:46 NBC)
37:47 End of Summary
R1297, 02/07/1983, Tamper Resistance Regulations, Reynolds/Simpson (00:00 ABC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Israeli Massacre Report, Jennings (01:52 ABC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan on Israel, Reynolds (02:28 ABC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Elizabeth Dole Sworn in, Reynolds (02:43 ABC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Social Security, Reynolds/Smith (03:09 ABC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan on Israel, Rather/Plante (04:59 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Korea, Rather (06:55 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Nuke Freeze with Vice President George Bush, Rather/Morton (07:19 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Trucker’s Strike, Rather (10:08 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, G.M. Profits, Rather (10:28 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, White House and EPA Rita Lavelle, Rather (10:46 CBS)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan and Israel, Mudd/Wallace/Mudd (11:35 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Israeli Investigation of Massacre, Brokaw/Fletcher (13:34 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan on Economy, Mudd (15:29 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Defense Budget, Mudd (15:48 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Vice President George Bush in Rome, Mudd (16:01 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, China President to Visit United States, Mudd (16:21 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, EPA Fires Rita Lavelle, Mudd/Hager (16:38 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, Elizabeth Dole Sworn in, Mudd (18:14 NBC)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan’s Luncheon, Chapman/Schumacher (19:07 WJLA)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan’s Luncheon, Mickleberry (23:20 WDVM)
R1297, 02/07/1983, President Reagan’s Luncheon, Vance (25:02 WRC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Massacre Report, Reynolds/Jennings/Seamans (28:16 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Lebanon Investigation, Jennings/McCourt (32:37 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, PLO Reaction, Jennings (33:58 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, United States Reaction, Reynolds/Vanocur (35:34 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Dan Rostenkowski on Tax Freeze, Reynolds (37:20 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Interest Withholding Revolt, Reynolds/Gibson (37:39 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Congress, Reynolds/McWethy (39:26 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Human Rights Report, Reynolds (41:27 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Commentary on Mid East, Reynolds (41:49 ABC)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Massacre Report, Rather/Faw (42:46 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Yasir Arafat Reaction, Rather (46:21 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Palestinian Reaction, Rather/Sherman (46:36 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Lebanon Reaction, Rather (47:41 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, President Reagan on Report, Rather/McLaughlin (47:56 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Haddad on Mid East, Rather (50:05 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, British Troops Join Mid East Force, Rather (50:19 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, United States Ships F-104’s to Taiwan, Rather (50:33 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Larry Speakes on Gas Deregulation, Rather (51:12 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Trucker’s Strike, Rather/Potter (51:45 CBS)
R1297, 02/08/1983, Homeless, Rather/Vierra (53:48 CBS)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Massacre Report, Brokaw/Fletcher/Brokaw (00:00 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, United States Reaction, Mudd (05:21 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Arab Reaction, Mudd/Aicken (06:11 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Prime Minister Begins Troubles, Brokaw/Chancellor (08:16 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Dan Rostenkowski on Taxes, Mudd (09:58 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Withholding Interest Taxes, Mudd/Kur (10:17 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Economy, Mudd (11:58 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Hard Sell on United States Bonds with President Reagan, Mudd/Levine (12:06 NBC)
R1298, 02/08/1983, Natural Gas Deregulation, Mudd (14:07 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Israeli Crisis, Reynolds/Jennings/Seamans/Donaldson (14:35 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Israeli Chief of Staff Investigation, Jennings (19:34 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Philip Habib meets with Prime Minister Begin, Jennings (20:08 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, MX Missile, Reynolds (20:50 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Pershing Missile in Europe with Vice President George Bush, Reynolds (20:57 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle Controversy with Ann Gorsuch, Reynolds/Gregory (21:14 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, South Carolina Reactor, Robinson/Chase (22:59 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, ABA and Insanity, Robinson (25:34 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Israeli Defense Criticism, Jennings (25:52 ABC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Israeli Crisis, Rather/Faw (28:51 CBS)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Iraq/Iran War, Rather/Pentak (31:06 CBS)
R1298, 02/09/1983, United States Involvement and Klaus Barbie, Rather (32:43 CBS)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Mo Udall Won’t Run, Rather (33:06 CBS)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Arms Talks and Soviets, Rather/McNeil (33:30 CBS)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Israeli Crisis, Brokaw/Fletcher/Brokaw (37:58 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, MX Commission Extended, Mudd (42:29 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Vice President George Bush in London, Mudd/Porter (42:52 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Nuke Freeze and President Reagan, Mudd (44:45 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle, Mudd/Hager (45:12 NBC)
R1298, 02/09/1983, Nixon Comeback, Brokaw/Chancellor (47:00 NBC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Ariel Sharon Out, Reynolds/Jennings/Seamans (48:59 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Violence in Jerusalem, Jennings (51:46 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, White House on Sharon, Reynolds (53:21 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Soviets in Mid East, Reynolds/McWethy (53:40 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, President Reagan on Jobs Bill, Reynolds/Gibson (55:33 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Economy, Reynolds/Cortdz (57:08 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Church of England on Nukes, Reynolds (59:13 ABC)
R1298, 02/10/1983, Navy Ship Shoots Itself, Reynolds (59:31 ABC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Ariel Sharon Out, Rather/Faw (00:00 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Israeli Report Not Published, Rather (03:04 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Truckers Strike, Rather/Potter (03:42 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, EPA and Congress, Rather/Engberg (05:22 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, EPA and Documents, Rather (08:46 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Jobs Bill, Rather (09:07 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, New Unemployment Claims, Rather (09:25 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Klaus Barbie and United States Involvement, Rather/Andleman (09:34 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, United Nations on El Salvador Human Rights, Rather (11:39 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Space Shuttle, Rather (12:03 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Church of England and Nukes, Rather (12:19 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Chemical Weapons in Geneva, Rather (12:42 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Soviet Military Mentality, Rather/McNeil (12:59 CBS)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Ariel Sharon Out, Brokaw/Fletcher (17:02 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, President Reagan on Sharon, Mudd/Aicken (20:50 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Jobs Bill, Mudd (22:25 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, EPA and Congress, Mudd/Hager (23:04 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Church of England and Nuke Vote, Brokaw (24:47 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, CIA Turns Down Israeli Intelligence, Mudd (25:04 NBC)
R1299, 02/10/1983, Administration Denies Dual El Salvador Policy, Mudd (25:20 NBC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Producer Prices, Reynolds/Cortdz (25:47 ABC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, El Salvador, Reynolds/Quince (28:18 ABC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Events in Israel This Week, Jennings/Seamans (29:30 ABC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Vice President George Bush and Secretary of State George Shultz Brief President Reagan, Reynolds (33:26 ABC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Wholesale Prices, Rather/Goldberg (34:09 CBS)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Ariel Sharon Resigns, Rather/Faw (36:13 CBS)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Weather of 1983, Rather/Simon (38:24 CBS)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Vice President George Bush and Secretary George Shultz Brief President Reagan, Rather (40:00 CBS)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Nuclear Arms Debate and England, Rather/Fenton (40:23 CBS)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Wholesale Prices, Mudd/Levine (42:51 NBC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Ariel Sharon Resigns, Brokaw/Fletcher (44:44 NBC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Vice President George Bush and Secretary George Shultz Brief President Reagan, Mudd (47:21 NBC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, Commentary on Vice President George Bush and Secretary George Shultz Trips, Mudd/Chancellor (47:46 NBC)
R1299, 02/11/1983, EPA and Ann Gorsuch, Brokaw (49:03 NBC)
R1299, 02/12/1983, Israel, Schieffer/Faw (49:44 CBS)
R1299, 02/12/1983, EPA and Ann Gorsuch, Schieffer/Engberg (51:34 CBS)
R1299, 02/12/1983, EPA Battle, Jamieson/Hager (53:40 NBC)
R1299, 02/12/1983, President Reagan on David Stockman, Jamieson/Levine (55:30 NBC)
R1299, 02/12/1983, Israel, Jamieson/Seamans (58:03 NBC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Suicide and Hinckley, Donaldson/Howes (00:00 ABC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Israeli Crisis, Donaldson/Donvan/Garrels (01:59 ABC)
R1300, 02/13/1984, PLO, Donaldson/Dale (05:13 ABC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, John Hinckley, Dean/Ford (07:24 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Ariel Sharon, Dean/Faw (08:56 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Lebanon Murders, Dean/Sherman (11:13 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, PLO, Dean/Pizzey (13:02 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Senator Phil Gramm wins Re-Election with President Reagan, Dean/Dick (15:06 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Vice President George Bush and Nuclear Weapons, Dean/Pierpoint (16:41 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, OPEC and Oil Supplies, Dean/Orgare (17:51 CBS)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Hinckley’s Suicide Attempt, Wallace (20:36 NBC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Israel’s Problems, Wallace/Fletcher (22:14 NBC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, Arens and Israel, Wallace/Kalb (23:59 NBC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, PLO, Wallace/Bitterman (25:42 NBC)
R1300, 02/13/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle, Wallace (27:31 NBC)
27:50 End of Summary
R1308, 02/14/1983, Doctors in Houston and Food in Los Angeles, Reynolds/Trout/Geer (00:00 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Democrats on Job Bill with President Reagan, Reynolds/Gibson (03:37 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (05:23 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, EPA and Kaufman, Reynolds/Gregory (12:29 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Federal Judge Rules on Squeal Rule, Reynolds (14:12 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Ariel Sharon Out, Jennings (14:33 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, PLO meeting in Algiers, Jennings/Dale (15:05 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Soviet Spy Arrested in Italy, Jennings (15:25 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Poland, Jennings/Ensor (16:50 ABC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Hinckley Update, Rather (18:14 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Ariel Sharon Out Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Faw (18:38 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, PLO meeting, Rather/Pizzey (20:59 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Federal Judge Rules on Squeal Rule, Rather (22:30 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Poland, Rather/Quint (23:10 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Farm Problems, Rather (24:32 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Bankruptcies, Rather/Brady (24:54 CBS)
R1308, 02/14/1983, John Hinckley, President Reagan, Mudd/Polk (29:11 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, John Hinckley’s Parents, Mudd (34:04 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Ariel Sharon Out Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Fletcher (34:14 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Federal Judge Rules on Squeal Rule, Mudd/Stern (35:44 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, EPA and Kaufman, Mudd/Hager (37:16 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, Jobs Bill, Mudd (38:59 NBC)
R1308, 02/14/1983, President Reagan Buys Card for Nancy Reagan, Mudd (39:26 NBC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, John Hinckley, Reynolds (40:21 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Auto Sales, Robinson (40:35 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (40:56 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Lebanon Army in East Beirut, Jennings/McCourt (47:37 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, PLO meeting in Algiers, Jennings (49:14 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Klaus Barbie Helped by United States, Jennings (49:41 ABC)
R1308, 02/15/1983, President Reagan and Jobs Bill, Voice of the President, Rather/Stahl (50:07 CBS)
R1308, 02/15/1983, EPA Investigation with Ann Gorsuch, Rather/Engberg (52:14 CBS)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Lebanon Army in East Beirut, Rather (54:39 CBS)
R1308, 02/15/1983, Soviet Spy Arrested in Italy, Rather/Roth (55:19 CBS)
R1309, 02/15/1983, Drugs, Mudd/Stern (00:00 NBC)
R1309, 03/15/1983, Jobs Bill with Alan Greenspan, Mudd/Meyers (01:48 NBC)
R1309, 02/15/1983, Secretary Margaret Heckler on Squeal Rule, Mudd (03:59 NBC)
R1309, 02/15/1983, EPA and the FBI, Mudd/Hager (04:19 NBC)
R1309, 02/15/1983, Israel Divided, Mudd/Utley (06:08 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, USS Nimitz in Libya, Reynolds/McWethy/Dunsmore (10:15 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Economy, Reynolds/Cortdz (13:50 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Burt Confirmed, Reynolds (15:14 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Adelman Delayed, Reynolds/Hume (15:40 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, President Reagan and Ann Gorsuch Fred Fielding, Reynolds/Gregory (17:48 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Crime in America, Robinson/Threlkeld (19:23 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Israeli Government Survives no Confidence Vote, Reynolds (25:50 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Miami Plane with President Reagan’s Phone Call, Robinson (26:34 ABC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, President Reagan Sends USS Nimitz to Libya, Rather (28:22 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Adelman Delayed, Rather/McLaughlin (28:52 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Burt Confirmed, Rather (31:29 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Economy, Rather/Jones (31:49 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Defense Spending, Rather (31:03 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle, Rather (33:29 CBS)
R1309, 03/16/1983, Israel Survives no Confidence Vote, Rather (34:09 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Lebanon Army in East Beirut, Rather (34:34 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Israeli Aid to Guatemala, Rather/Simon (34:44 CBS)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Economy, Mudd/Levine (40:14 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Press Conference, Mudd (42:10 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Miami Plane with President Reagan’s Phone Call, Brokaw/Lloyd (42:28 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Israeli Soldiers on Trial, Brokaw/Fletcher (34:28 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on Capitol Hill, Mudd/Kalb (47:32 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, President Reagan Sends USS Nimitz to Libya, Mudd (49:11 NBC)
R1309, 02/16/1983, International Monetary Fund, Brokaw/Chancellor (49:36 NBC)
R1309, 02/17/1983, Libya and the United States, Reynolds/McWethy (51:47 ABC)
R1309, 02/17/1983, Egypt and Sudan Reactions, Jennings/Dale (54:03 ABC)
R1309, 02/17/1983, Administration on the Naval Movement, Reynolds/Donaldson (55:53 ABC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (00:00 ABC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Senator Gary Hart Announcement, Reynolds/Vanocur (06:51 ABC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Larry Speakes on Ann Gorsuch Affair, Reynolds (09:02 ABC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Economy, Robinson (09:35 ABC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Libya Affair with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Schieffer (10:10 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Gaddafi Background, Rather/Blackstone (13:14 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle, Rather/Engberg (14:14 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Senator Gary Hart Declaration, Rather/Shepard (16:29 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Martin Feldstein on Jobs Bill, Rather (17:52 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, PLO Divisions, Rather (18:23 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Israeli Court Convicts Soldiers, Rather/Faw (18:51 CBS)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Libya and the United States, Mudd/Kalb (21:30 NBC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Gaddafi, Mudd/Compton (23:24 NBC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Soldiers on Trial, Mudd (25:52 NBC)
R1310, 02/17/1983, Ann Gorsuch and President Reagan Summit, Mudd/Wallace (26:04 NBC)
R1310, 02/27/1983, Senator Gary Hart Announcement, Mudd (28:13 NBC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Libya and the United States and Interview with Gaddafi, Reynolds/McWethy/Jennings (29:57 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, EPA and the Superfund,Fred Fielding, Reynolds/Gregory (35:07 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Pope in Nicaragua, Reynolds (37:04 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, El Salvador, Reynolds/Ross (38:00 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Crime in America, Robinson/Threlkeld (39:39 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Soviet Spy Arrested in West Germany, Jennings (46:23 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Oil War, Jennings (46:44 ABC)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Libya and Interview with Gaddafi, Rather (47:18 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Administration Position on Sudan, Rather/Schieffer (50:09 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Pentagon on the USS Nimitz, Rather (51:57 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, EPA and the Superfund, Rather/Engberg 52:07 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Family Planning and Birth Control, Rather (53:20 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, FBI and Domestic Spying, Rather (53:33 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Brazil Devalues its Money, Rather (55:52 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, British Oil Price, Rather (56:05 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Unemployment and the Economy, Rather/Rabel (56:31 CBS)
R1310, 02/18/1983, Temik Contamination in Florida, Rather (61:10 CBS)
R1311, 02/18/1983, Coup in Sudan Failed, Mudd/Miller (00:00 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, EPA and the Superfund President Reagan, Mudd/Hager (02:12 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, Banks and Interest Withholding, Mudd/Dancy (04:21 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, Squeal Rule, Mudd (06:20 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, School Busing, Mudd (06:41 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, Oil Prices Down, Mudd/Jensen (07:00 NBC)
R1311, 02/18/1983, Marines in Beirut, Mudd (09:14 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, EPA and the Superfund, Schieffer/Engberg (09:36 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, USS Nimitz and Libya, Schieffer/Blackstone (11:49 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Lebanon Marines Extend their Patrols, Schieffer/Sherman (14:13 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Nigerian Oil Price, Schieffer (15:52 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, President Reagan at Conservative Convention, Schieffer/Miller (16:09 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, President Reagan’s Radio Message, Schieffer (18:37 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, New Tank (M1) Problems, Schieffer/Lynch (18:56 CBS)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Libya and Egypt and Interview of Gaddafi, Savitch (22:29 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Libya’s Position on United States Allies, Savitch/Compton (24:39 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Egyptian Response, Savitch/Miller (26:23 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, State Department and Libya, Savitch/Francis (27:55 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, EPA Map of Dioxin in Times Beach, Savitch/Nykanen (29:49 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, EPA Superfund Compromise, Savitch (31:55 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Mexico and United States Waste Disposal, Savitch/Polk (32:18 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, President Reagan and the Budget, Savitch (34:33 NBC)
R1311, 02/19/1983, Conservative Convention with President Reagan and Lyn Nofziger, Savitch/Myers (34:48 NBC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, United States and Libya with Secretary of State George Shultz, Donaldson/McWethy (36:22 ABC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, OPEC Prices with Secretary of State George Shultz, Donaldson/Garrels (38:31 ABC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, EPA and Computer Disks, Donaldson/Gregory (41:04 ABC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Walter Mondale Announcement, Donaldson (43:08 ABC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Prince Andrew and Secret Service, Donaldson (43:22 ABC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, United States Military Leaves Libya Area, Dean/Ferrugia (43:46 CBS)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Ariel Sharon in the Israeli Cabinet, Dean/Faw (45:17 CBS)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Mid East Talks and Winter Snows, Dean/Sherman (47:07 CBS)
R1311, 02/20/1983, PLO and the Reagan Peace Plan, Dean/Pizzey (48:55 CBS)
R1311, 02/20/1983, AFL-CIO meeting and Democratic Candidates, Dean/Pappas (51:15 CBS)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Dioxin and the EPA, Wallace/Nykanen (53:41 NBC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, EPA and Computer Disks, Wallace/Hager (56:00 NBC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on Libya, Wallace/Francis (57:50 NBC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, West Germany Envoy on Arms Control, Wallace (59:42 NBC)
R1311, 02/20/1983, Soviet Moles in Britain, Wallace (60:00 NBC)
60:27 End of Summary
R1328, 02/21/1983, OPEC Oil Prices, Reynolds/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, EPA Investigation and Times Beach, Reynolds/Bury (02:37 ABC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Former Vice President Walter Mondale to Run for President, Reynolds/Vanocur (04:57 ABC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (07:08 ABC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Oil Prices, Rather/Brady (13:32 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, India Massacre, Rather/Osgood (15:59 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Medicare Crisis, Rather/Jones (18:31 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, GAO and Social Security Cost Savings, Rather (20:38 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Welfare Fraud, Rather/Young (21:00 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, AFL-CIO and Defense Spending, Rather (23:43 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Economic Recovery Starting, Rather (24:13 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Former Vice President Walter Mondale to Run for President, Rather/Morton (24:29 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Defense Spending and the F-18, Rather/Lynch (26:22 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Beirut Troops, Rather (29:31 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, PLO meeting in Algiers, Rather (29:51 CBS)
R1328, 02/21/1983, Former Vice President Walter Mondale to Run for President, Mudd (30:16 NBC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, AFL-CIO and Democratic Candidates, Brokaw/Levine (33:06 NBC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, AWACS and Egypt’s Anger at the United States, Brokaw/Seamans (35:00 NBC)
R1328, 02/21/1983, EPA and the Superfund, Brokaw/Hager (37:08 NBC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Times Beach, Missouri, Reynolds/Bury (44:31 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Representative Tip O’Neill on the ERA, Reynolds (46:39 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Rita Lavelle, Reynolds (47:03 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, President Reagan on Lebanon, Reynolds/Donaldson (47:16 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Jennings (49:06 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, PLO on the Reagan Plan, Jennings (49:20 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Yasir Arafat and the United States, Jennings (49:39 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, OPEC, Jennings (49:48 ABC)
R1328, 02/22/1983, Crime in America, Robinson/Threlkeld (50:24 ABC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Oil Price War, Rather/Tichner/Brady (00:00 CBS)
R1329, 03/22/1983, President Reagan on Lebanon, Rather/Plante (04:09 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Hijacking in Malta, Rather (05:53 CBS)
R1329, 03/22/1983, EPA and Times Beach with Burford, Rather/Blakely (06:16 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Canada and Acid Rain, Rather (08:18 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Insurance Equality, Rather/Stahl (08:56 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Tennessee Butter Giveaway, Rather (11:41 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, American Unemployment, Rather/Goldberg (12:00 CBS)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Time Beach, Missouri with Burford, Brokaw/Nykanen (16:19 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, EPA and Congress, Mudd/Hager (18:33 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, President Reagan on Lebanon, Mudd/Wallace (20:40 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Shamir on Lebanon, Mudd (22:42 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Marines to the Rescue in Lebanon, Brokaw/Aicken (22:59 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Hosni Mubarak, Nimeri and Lebanon, Brokaw (24:19 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, Foreclosures, Mudd/Myer (24:40 NBC)
R1329, 02/22/1983, PLO, Brokaw/Chancellor (26:28 NBC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, EPA with Burford and Rita Lavelle, Reynolds/Donaldson/Gregory 28:26 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Durable Goods Orders, Robinson (32:20 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Wall Street, Robinson (32:39 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, OPEC Oil Meeting, Jennings (32:50 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Premier Andropov on the Soviet Union, Jennings (33:21 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (33:53 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Former Governor Askew to Run for President, Reynolds/Vanocur (40:55 ABC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, EPA with Burford and Rita Lavelle, Rather/Engberg (42:44 CBS)
R1329, 02/23/1983, OPEC Oil meeting, Rather/Tichner (45:32 CBS)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Libyan Hijacking Over, Rather (47:00 CBS)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Former Governor Askew to Run for President, Rather/Morton (47:16 CBS)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Congress is working Slowly, Rather/Jones (48:40 CBS)
R1329, 02/23/1983, White House, Congress, EPA and Rita Lavelle Hearings, Mudd/Hager (51:00 NBC)
R1329, 02/23/1983, Former Governor Askew to Run for President, Mudd (53:37 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Wall Street, Reynolds/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, President Reagan on the Jobs Bill, Reynolds (02:03 ABC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Adelman Vote, Reynolds (02:21 ABC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, EPA with President Reagan, Reynolds/Donaldson/Gregory (02:50 ABC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (06:28 ABC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Wall Street with President Reagan, Rather/Brady (13:24 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, OPEC, Rather (16:36 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Adelman, Rather/Jones (16:56 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, EPA with President Reagan, Rather/Spencer (19:16 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and United States Troops in Lebanon, Rather (22:00 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Canadian Film Board, Rather (22:31 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Soviet Spy, Rather (23:02 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, El Salvador Rebels, Rather/Rabel (23:12 CBS)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Adelman, Mudd/Dancy (25:57 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, EPA with President Reagan, Mudd/Hager (27:58 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Wall Street, Brokaw/Jensen (30:07 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Japanese American and World War II, Mudd/Gangel (31:46 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and United States Troops in Lebanon, Mudd (33:26 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, Adelman, Brokaw/Chancellor (33:46 NBC)
R1330, 02/24/1983, United States Navy’s Old Submarines, Brokaw/Burrington (35:30 NBC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Good Economic News, Reynolds/Cortdz (37:26 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Jobs Bill, Reynolds/Gibson (39:41 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Canadian Films with Actor Ronald Reagan (1945), Reynolds/Peterson (41:12 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Military Budget, Reynolds/McWethy (43:20 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Crime in America, Reynolds/Threlkeld (44:57 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, President Reagan and Close Up Students, Reynolds/Donaldson (51:25 ABC)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Good Economic News, Rather/Brady (53:20 CBS)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Unemployment and Helping Out, Rather/Vierra (56:29 CBS)
R1330, 02/25/1983, Jobs Bill, Rather (59:04 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Oil Prices, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Natural Gas Prices, Rather/Plante (00:18 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, EPA, Rather (01:56 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Defense Costs Over Runs, Rather/Lynch (02:20 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Canadian Films with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/Barber (04:29 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit to the United States, Rather/Bowen (06:44 CBS)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Good Economic News, Mudd/Jensen/Levine (10:41 NBC)
R1331, 02/25/1983, United States and Canada’s Film Dispute with Senator Edward Kennedy, Mudd/Stern (13:42 NBC)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Justice Department and Taping Phone Calls, Mudd (15:30 NBC)
R1331, 02/25/1983, EPA Investigation with Attorney General Ed Meese, Mudd/Wallace (16:00 NBC)
R1331, 02/25/1983, Burford and Firing, Mudd (18:05 NBC)
R1331, 02/25/1983, EPA and Federal Law, Brokaw/Chancellor (18:18 NBC)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Natural Gas Deregulation with President Reagan, Schieffer/Ferugia (20:11 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Capitol Hill Opposition, Miller (CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Other Opposition, Schieffer/Kelley (23:43 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Queen Elizabeth Arrives in San Diego, Schieffer/Bowen (25:53 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, EPA Problems, Schieffer (28:28 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, El Salvadorian Rebels, Schieffer (28:54 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Unemployment in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Schieffer/Bowzer (29:11 CBS)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Natural Gas De-Regulation with President Reagan, Savitch/King (32:45 NBC)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Natural Gas Protest, Savitch/Myers (34:30 NBC)
R1331, 02/26/1983, OPEC, Savitch/Seamans (36:53 NBC)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Burford and the EPA, Savitch (38:41 NBC)
R1331, 02/26/1983, Open Letter to President Reagan for Israel, Savitch (39:10 NBC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, OPEC Oil War with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Martin Feldstein and Chairman Paul Volcker, Donaldson/Compton (42:34 ABC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, National Governors Association, Donaldson/Vanocur (44:53 ABC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, Philip Habib in Israel, Donaldson/Donvan (47:41 ABC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, Queen Elizabeth in California, Donaldson/Schell (49:38 ABC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, President Reagan to Fly to California to see Queen Elizabeth, Donaldson (51:00 ABC)
R1331, 02/27/1983, Governors Conference and Drugs with Attorney General William French Smith, Dean/Braver (51:10 CBS)
R1331, 02/27/1983, Nancy Reagan and the Royal Couple, Dean/Bowen (52:56 CBS)
R1331, 02/27/1983, El Salvador, Dean/Ferugia (55:52 CBS)
R1331, 02/27/1983, Economy with Chairman Paul Volcker, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and Martin Feldstein, Dean/Herman (58:18 CBS)
R1332, 02/27/1983, Acid Rain: The PH Factor in Maine, Dean/Young (00:00 CBS)
R1332, 02/27/1983, 1984 Democratic Presidential Race with Senator John Glenn, Dean/Engberg (02:50 CBS)
R1332, 02/27/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/King (05:12 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, Granada and the CIA, Wallace (05:58 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, OPEC with Chairman Paul Volcker, Wallace/Jensen (07:44 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, SAM 5 Missiles in Syria, Wallace/Kalb (08:00 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, Rita Lavelle and the FBI, Wallace/Hager (12:33 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, President Reagan’s Commission and Health in the United States, Wallace (14:14 NBC)
R1332, 02/27/1983, The Royal Visit, Wallace/Champ (14:29 NBC)
16:16 End of Summary
R1335, 02/28/1983, United States Central American Policy with Secretary of State George Shultz, Reynolds/Hume (00:00 ABC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz meets Ambassador of El Salvador, Reynolds (02:15 ABC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Cleveland Hunger, Robinson/Miller (02:30 ABC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, United States Trade Balance, Robinson (04:32 ABC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit, Reynolds/Geer (04:44 ABC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, United States Central American Policy with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/Schieffer (06:44 CBS)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Mexico Problems, Rather (09:23 CBS)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Gold Price, Rather/Brady (09:46 CBS)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Commerce Department on Trade Balance, Rather (11:39 CBS)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Supreme Court Decisions, Rather (11:50 CBS)
R1335, 02/28/1983, American Steel, Brokaw/Nicannon (12:13 NBC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, OPEC meeting, Brokaw/Jamieson (14:06 NBC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit, Brokaw/Champ (15:38 NBC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, El Salvador, Brokaw/Wallace (17:35 NBC)
R1335, 02/28/1983, EPA and Politics, Brokaw/Hager (19:49 NBC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit,Donaldson (21:41 ABC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, EPA Scandal, Reynolds/Gregory (23:15 ABC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Oil Prices Effect on the United States, Jennings/Cortdz (25:27 ABC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, United States Fears on Pope’s Visit, Reynolds (27:48 ABC)
R1335, 03/10/1983, El Salvador Aid in Congress, Reynolds/McWethy (28:16 ABC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit, Stahl (30:04 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, EPA Scandal, Rather/Engberg (32:04 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Governor’s Conference on Defense Spending, Rather (34:47 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Supreme Court on Exclusionary Rule, Rather/Graham (35:06 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, United States Israeli Tensions in the Mid East, Rather/McLaughlin (37:55 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Under Secretary Enders on Domino Effect, Rather (42:20 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Senator Howard Baker on Gas Deregulation, Rather (42:36 CBS)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Queen Elizabeth’s Visit, President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (43:00 NBC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, EPA Scandal, Brokaw/Hager (45:01 NBC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Sanderson and EPA, Brokaw/Nicannon (47:06 NBC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, National Governor’s Conference, Brokaw (49:07 NBC)
R1335, 03/01/1983, Supreme Court and Exclusionary Rule, Brokaw/Stern (49:23 NBC)
R1335, 03/02/1983, Dunsmore on Popes Visit, Reynolds (51:17 ABC)
R1335, 03/02/1983, Leading Economic Indicator with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Reynolds/Cortdz (51:49 ABC)
R1335, 03/02/1983, EPA with Burford and Representative Dingle, Reynolds/Donaldson/Gregory (53:29 ABC)
R1335, 03/02/1983, Supreme Court and Age Discrimination, Reynolds (56:06 ABC)
R1335, 03/02/1983, Leading Economic Indicators with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Rather/Brady (56:33 CBS)
R1335, 03/02/1983, Wall Street, Rather (58:57 CBS)
R1335, 03/02/1983, EPA and Burford, Rather/Stahl (59:12 CBS)
R1336, 03/02/1983, Economy Up with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan, Brokaw/Jensen (00:00 NBC)
R1336, 03/02/1983, EPA and Access to Records, Brokaw/Nicannon (01:51 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, El Salvador, Reynolds/McWethy (04:18 ABC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, White House on Burford, Reynolds (06:43 ABC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, New Unemployment Claims, Reynolds (07:02 ABC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Jobs Bill on Capitol Hill, Reynolds/Gibson (07:13 ABC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, President Reagan Inspects California Damage, Rather/Peterson (09:07 CBS)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Jobs Bill, Rather (10:51 CBS)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Air Line Deregulation, Rather/Vierra (11:14 CBS)
R1336, 03/03/1983, President Reagan on News Coverage, Rather (13:50 CBS)
R1336, 03/03/1983, El Salvador Aid with Ambassador Hinton, Brokaw/Anderson (14:07 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, President Reagan on Network Coverage of Good News, Brokaw/Wallace (16:33 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, NBC Reply to Above, Brokaw (18:31 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Jobs Bill, Brokaw (18:38 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Dioxin in Michigan, Brokaw/Cummins (18:53 NBC)
R1336, 03/03/1983, Gasoline Taxes, Brokaw/Chancellor (20:47 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, President Reagan on El Salvador, Reynolds/Donaldson (22:36 ABC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, EPA Scandal, Reynolds/Gregory (24:33 ABC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Unemployment Rate, Reynolds/Cortdz (26:59 ABC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, President Reagan on El Salvador, Rather/Stahl (32:39 CBS)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Unemployment, Rather/Brady (34:45 CBS)
R1336, 03/04/1983, EPA Scandal with Burford, Rather/Spencer (36:42 CBS)
R1336, 03/04/1983, West German Elections, Rather/Fenton (38:59 CBS)
R1336, 03/04/1983, President Reagan on El Salvador, Brokaw/Francis/Wallace (42:15 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Mrs. Allende and the State Department, Brokaw (45:52 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, EPA Scandal with Burford, Brokaw/Hager (46:13 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Bioethics and Reagan Policy, Brokaw/Gangel (48:03 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Draft Resisters and College Funding, Brokaw/Fernandez (49:45 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, Unemployment Rate, Brokaw (51:34 NBC)
R1336, 03/04/1983, West German Elections, Brokaw (51:59 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Visit of Queen Elizabeth, Schieffer/Bowen (00:00 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, President Reagan to Oregon, Schieffer/Plante (02:43 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, President Reagan’s Radio Message, Schieffer (05:11 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Newsweek Poll, Schieffer (05:34 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Australia’s New Government, Schieffer (05:49 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, West German Elections, Schieffer (06:14 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Senate and American Oil Reserves, Schieffer/Pierpoint (06:32 CBS)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Pope in Nicaragua, Scarborough/Miller (09:22 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Pope in El Salvador, Scarborough/Anderson (11:44 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, El Salvador with Thomas Enders, Scarborough/Francis (14:01 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, EPA Scandal with President Reagan, Scarbrough/Nicannon (16:17 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Presidential Support for Burford, Scarbrough/Mitchell (18:51 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, President Reagan in Oregon, Scarbrough/King (20:39 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, Visit of Queen Elizabeth, Scarbrough/Champ (22:17 NBC)
R1337, 03/05/1983, New Australian Government, Scarbrough (23:32 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, El Salvador Elections, Donaldson/Collins (24:02 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Costa Rica Proposes Summit, Donaldson (26:33 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, West German Elections, Donaldson/Walker (26:54 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, French Elections, Donaldson (27:08 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, OPEC, Donaldson (29:34 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Unemployment, Donaldson/Simpson (29:59 ABC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, West German Elections, Dean/Fenton (32:07 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, President Reagan Calls Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Dean (34:09 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, French Elections, Dean/Kladstrup (34:22 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Jordan in the Peace Process, Dean/Pentak (36:18 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Queen Elizabeth Writes USSS Families, Dean (38:53 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Non Aligned Nations, Dean/Joseloff (39:45 CBS)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Costa Rica Proposes Summit, Wallace (41:26 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, West German Elections, Wallace/Bernard (41:38 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, President Reagan Calls Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Wallace/Kalb (43:39 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Air Force ABM Study, Wallace (45:20 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, French Elections, Wallace/Bitterman (45:43 NBC)
R1337, 03/06/1983, Japan Car Imports, Wallace/Frasier (47:16 NBC)
49:08 End of Summary
R1344, 03/07/1983, FBI Investigations, Reynolds/O’Brien (00:00 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Klaus Barbie and Congress, Reynolds/Martin (02:19 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Bishops and United States Central American Policy, Reynolds (04:20 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, West German Elections, Jennings/Walker (04:55 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, French Elections, Jennings (06:48 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Fidel Castro and CIA, Jennings (07:14 ABC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Coors and Burford with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (07:40 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Ed Meese and Reserve Colonel Slot, Rather (09:55 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, OPEC, Rather (10:17 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, French and West German Elections, Rather/Fenton (10:34 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, USSR Reaction to Vote, Rather (13:05 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Non Aligned Nations Summit, Rather (13:20 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, Attorney General William French Smith and Terrorism, Rather (13:57 CBS)
R1344, 03/07/1983, West German Elections, Brokaw (14:30 NBC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, United States Reaction to Elections, Mudd/Kalb (17:23 NBC)
R1344, 03/07/1983, EPA, Mudd/Hager (18:22 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Nuclear Freeze Vote with President Reagan, Reynolds/Gibson/Donaldson (20:21 ABC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, USSR Missile Development, Reynolds/McWethy (24:30 ABC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Pope in Honduras, Reynolds/Collins/Dunsmore (25:57 ABC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Secretary Paul Volcker and Oil Tax, Reynolds (29:51 ABC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, President Reagan and Weather Service, Reynolds/Serafin (30:04 ABC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, President Reagan on Nuclear Freeze, Rather/Plante (32:03 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, House Vote and Nuclear Freeze, Rather/Morton (34:16 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, El Salvador and United States Aid, Rather (37:11 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Veterans Administration and Agent Orange, Rather (37:32 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Canadian Lumber, Rather (37:56 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Alabama Carburetor Plant, Rather/Hall (38:32 CBS)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Nuclear Freeze Vote, Mudd/Abernathy (40:39 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, President Reagan on Nuclear Freeze, Brokaw/Wallace (42:54 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, President Reagan and Church, Brokaw (44:54 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Dioxin, Mudd/O’Neil (45:06 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Math and Science Education with President Reagan, Mudd/Kur (46:47 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Anne Burford under Attack, Brokaw (49:57 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Liability Limit Treaty, Mudd (50:16 NBC)
R1344, 03/08/1983, Nuclear Summit, Mudd/Chancellor (50:39 NBC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, Anne Burford Quits, Reynolds/Compton/Gregory (52:14 ABC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, Soviet Military Power, Reynolds/McWethy (55:13 ABC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, Soviet Reaction, Reynolds (57:37 ABC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, United States Defense Spending, Reynolds (57:45 ABC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, Social Security, Reynolds/Gibson (58:00 ABC)
R1344, 03/09/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador Aid, Reynolds (59:57 ABC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Pope and Poland, Reynolds/Ensor (00:00 ABC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Soil Erosion, Reynolds/Strait (01:40 ABC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Anne Burford Quits, Rather/Plante (06:26 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Dismissed Aids, Rather (08:21 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Social Security, Rather/Jones (08:34 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Military Aid to El Salvador, Rather/Schieffer (10:30 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Soviet Military Power, Rather/Lynch (11:04 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, West Bank Violence, Rather (13:29 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Knomo flees Zimbabwe, Rather/Phillips (13:57 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Computer Classes in Prison, Rather/Peterson (16:51 CBS)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Anne Burford Quits, Mudd/Wallace (19:37 NBC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Soviet Military Power, Mudd/Valeriani (20:52 NBC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Social Security, Mudd/Myer (22:42 NBC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, El Salvador and Military Aid, Mudd/Chancellor (24:34 NBC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, West Bank Violence with Former President Jimmy Carter, Mudd/Fletcher (26:31 NBC)
R1345, 03/09/1983, Secretary of Health and Human Services Margaret Heckler Sworn in with President Reagan, Mudd (28:37 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador, Reynolds/Donaldson/Gibson (30:01 ABC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Interview with Anne Burford, Reynolds/Gregory (33:37 ABC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, United States Spy Caught by USSR, Reynolds/Dunsmore (36:23 ABC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Unemployment Claims and Retail Sales, Robinson (38:01 ABC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Nancy Reagan on TV Show “Different Strokes”, Robinson/Greer (38:34 ABC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Anne Burford Quits, Rather/Spencer (40:13 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, EPA and Congress, Rather/Schackne (43:19 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador Aid, Rather/Plante (45:44 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Guatemala and Human Rights, Rather/Schieffer (47:57 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Economy Looking Up, Rather (49:15 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Cancelled Kuwait Deal, Rather (49:54 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Nancy Reagan on TV Show “Different Strokes”, Rather/Drinkwater (50:10 CBS)
R1345, 03/10/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador Aid, Mudd/Wallace (51:54 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, El Salvador and United States Aid, Brokaw/Anderson (54:19 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Vietnam and United States POW’s, Brokaw (56:01 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Anne Burford’s Successor’s and EPA, Mudd/Hager (56:21 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Mayor Byne to be Republican, Mudd (58:19 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, Draft and College Funds, Brokaw/Stern (58:45 NBC)
R1345, 03/10/1983, United States Spy Caught by USSR, Brokaw/Bernard (60:14 NBC)
R1346, 03/10/1983, Patriot Missile, Mudd/Hart (00:00 NBC)
R1346, 03/10/1983, Nancy Reagan on TV Show “Different Strokes”, Mudd (04:04 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Bankers vs. President Reagan, Reynolds/VonFremd/Hume (04:55 ABC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Social Security and Medicare, Reynolds/Serafin (08:31 ABC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, President Reagan on Anne Burford and EPA, Reynolds/Gregory (09:52 ABC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Savings and Income with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (11:50 CBS)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Jobs Bill and Youth Wage, Rather (14:04 CBS)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Lie Detectors and President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (14:18 CBS)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz, Adelman and Arms Talk Hit List, Rather (15:57 CBS)
R1346, 03/11/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador Aid, Rather/Schieffer (16:42 CBS)
R1346, 03/11/1983, President Reagan’s Mini Press Conference, Mudd/Wallace (18:57 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Reaction to President Reagan, Mudd (20:54 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Sanderson and EPA, Mudd/Nykanen (21:07 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, President Reagan and El Salvador Aid, Mudd (22:25 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Death of Michael Kline in El Salvador, Mudd/Anderson (22:41 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Arms Talks and Hit List, Mudd (24:22 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Gritz Kicked out of Thailand, Brokaw/Davis (24:43 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Lie Detector and President Reagan, Mudd/Stern (26:28 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Jobs Bill Delayed, Mudd (27:52 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Youth Wage, Mudd (28:11 NBC)
R1346, 03/11/1983, Border Angel Dead, Mudd/Molina (28:21 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Mid East, Schieffer/Pappas (29:56 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Former President Jimmy Carter in Israel, Schieffer/Faw/Schieffer (32:19 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Thomas Reed, Schieffer/Ferrugia (34:26 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, President Reagan’s Radio Address, Schieffer (37:02 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, President Reagan and Policy, Schieffer (37:14 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, El Salvador and United States Aid, Schieffer (38:14 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Salvadorian Refugees in the United States, Schieffer/Sanders (38:32 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Increases in Green Berets, Schieffer/Pierpoint (42:08 CBS)
R1346, 03/12/1983, El Salvador, Savitch/Anderson (47:28 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Nicaragua, Savitch (49:13 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Naval Fleet in Key West, Savitch/Lloyd (49:23 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Japan and United States Navy, Savitch (51:03 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Nuclear Missiles and Option Plans, Savitch/O’Neil (51:16 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, ABM Plan, Savitch/Hart (52:58 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Former President Jimmy Carter and West Bank, Savitch/Fletcher (55:48 NBC)
R1346, 03/12/1983, Thomas Reed and Investigation, Savitch/Myers (56:58 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and Mid East, Donaldson/Scali (00:00 ABC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Lebanon and Israel, Donaldson/Donvan (02:06 ABC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Former President Jimmy Carter and King Hussein of Jordan, Donaldson (04:06 ABC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Nuclear Arms Talks, Donaldson/Compton (04:33 ABC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, El Salvador, Donaldson/Collins (06:50 ABC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, OPEC, Wallace/Jensen (09:00 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Venezuelan Oil, Wallace (10:30 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz meets with Yitzhak Shamir, Wallace/Kalb (10:55 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Comments by Chancellor Helmut Kohl of West Germany on United States/Soviet Relations, Wallace (13:20 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and the Soviets, Wallace (13:43 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/Francis (14:00 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, Environmentalists and EPA, Wallace/Nykanen (15:47 NBC)
R1347, 03/13/1983, President Reagan’s Environmental Policy, Wallace/Mitchell (18:00 NBC)
20:18 End of Summary
R1351, 03/14/1983, Justice Department Investigation of Nazi Officer Klaus Barbie, Koppel/Martin (00:00 ABC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, General Motors Plant in Massachusetts, McKenzie (03:14 ABC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, United States and Israel on Lebanon, Koppel (04:47 ABC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Poland and Solidarity, Koppel/Ensor (05:07 ABC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, OPEC Oil Prices Cut, Rather/Tischner/Brady (06:44 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Employees Buy Weirton, West Virginia Steel Plant, Rather/Kelly (11:01 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Thomas Reed Affair, Rather/Stahl (13:13 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Contributions to the United Way Campaign, Rather (15:48 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, President Reagan and Israel on Lebanon, Rather/Schieffer (16:03 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Moscow Meeting, Rather (17:13 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Soviets in Central America, Rather/Lynch (17:26 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Justice Departments Investigation of Nazi Officer Klaus Barbie, Rather (19:29 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Unemployment Benefits Continue Without Bill, Rather (19:50 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Air Traffic Controllers Less Reliable, Rather (20:05 CBS)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Jobs Bill and Interest Amendment, Mudd (20:35 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, President Reagan on His Crime Package, Mudd/Wallace (20:53 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Thomas Reed Affair, Mudd (22:41 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Peace Push, United States and Israel on Lebanon, Mudd/Kalb (23:05 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Justice Departments Investigation of Nazi Officer Klaus Barbie, Mudd (24:39 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, Bully Pulpip, Jerry Falwell and President Reagan on Nuclear Freeze, Mudd/Abernathy (24:59 NBC)
R1351, 03/14/1983, United States Air Traffic Controllers, Mudd (26:55 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, EPA Investigation, Reynolds/Gregory (27:20 ABC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, White House on Thomas Reed, Reynolds (29:37 ABC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Justice Department Investigation of Nazi Officer Klaus Barbie with Attorney General William French Smith, Reynolds/Serafin (30:08 ABC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Soviet Oil Prices, Robinson/Cortdz (31:38 ABC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Democratic Budget, Reynolds/Gibson/Hume (34:35 ABC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Thomas Reed Departs, Rather/Stahl (37:42 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, EPA Investigation, Rather/Courier (40:04 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Agriculture Department Sells Forests, Rather (42:18 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Food and Drug Administration and Chemicals in Meat, Rather/McNamara (42:43 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Industrial Production, Rather (45:21 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Soviet Oil Prices, Rather (45:40 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, President Reagan Needs more Time on Budget, Rather (46:14 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir, Rather (46:41 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Nuclear Waste, Rather/Morton (47:01 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Arms Talk Position Reviewed, Rather (49:31 CBS)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Thomas Reed Quits, Mudd/Mitchell (49:50 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Defense Budget, Mudd (51:55 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Dioxin and Dow Chemical, Brokaw/Nykanen (52:15 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Lech Walesa Target, Brokaw/Cochran (54:09 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, President Reagan and the Nuclear Freeze Vote, Mudd (56:08 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Tax Cut and the 1984 Budget, Mudd (56:31 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Jobs Bill, Mudd/Dancy (56:54 NBC)
R1351, 03/15/1983, Will President Reagan Run Again, Brokaw/Chancellor (58:20 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Arthur Godfrey Dies, Koppel/Wooten (00:00 ABC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Mayor Jane Byrn, Robinson/Vanocur (03:37 ABC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, White House and Nuclear Freeze Vote in the House, Koppel/Gibson (07:50 ABC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Marines Hurt in Beirut, Koppel (09:58 ABC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, EPA and Dow Chemical, Koppel (10:21 ABC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Nuclear Freeze Vote in the House, Rather/Jones (10:42 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Nuclear Power Plant Safety, Rather/Wallace (13:00 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Mayor Jane Byrn, Rather/Valeriani (14:55 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Factory Output, Rather (17:12 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Adelman Troubles, Rather/Schieffer/Rather (17:42 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, El Salvador Trial, Rather (19:17 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Marines Hurt in Beirut, Rather (19:47 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, EPA and Dow Chemical, Rather/Engberg (20:13 CBS)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Toxic Waste Funds, Rather (22:02 CBS)
R1352, 03/1`6/1983, Mayor Jane Byrn, Brokaw/Cummins (22:44 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Nuclear Freeze Vote, Mudd/Kur (25:32 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, President Reagan and Defense Speech, Mudd (27:33 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Marines Hurt in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (27:48 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, El Salvador Aid and Senator Jesse Helms with Secretary of State George Shultz, Mudd/Kalb (29:57 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, EPA, Hernandez and Dow Chemical, Mudd/Hager (31:42 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, Welfare Fraud in California, Brokaw (33:30 NBC)
R1352, 03/16/1983, President Reagan, the Budget and Women, Mudd (33:55 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Jobs Bill and Public Work, Koppel/Hume/Cortdz (34:13 ABC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Balance of Payments, Koppel (38:05 ABC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Lebanon and the Peace Keeping Forces, Koppel (38:20 ABC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, El Salvador, Koppel/Dunsmore/Collins (38:54 ABC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, President Reagan and His Irish Day, Donaldson (42:19 ABC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Israel and United States Troops, Rather/McLaughlin (43:46 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Israel Responses, Rather (46:37 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Nuclear Missiles and the USSR, Rather (47:13 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Nuclear Freeze and the Jobs Bill, Rather/Jones (47:59 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Unemployment Claims and College Aid, Rather (50:04 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Spying for Libya, Rather (50:45 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Defense Spending, Rather (51:02 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Fort Dix Deaths, Rather (51:21 CBS)
R1352, 03/17/1983, President Reagan and St. Patrick’s Day, Mudd (51:34 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Jobs Bill Passes the Senate, Mudd/Dancy (52:27 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Law Suits Against John Hinckley’s Psychiatrist, Mudd (54:27 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Marine Commandant on Israel with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Valeriani (54:58 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Dioxin in Michigan, Mudd/Nykanen (56:39 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, USSR Chief of Staff and Trade War, Brokaw/Chancellor (58:22 NBC)
R1352, 03/17/1983, Swiss Arrest American Woman for Spying for Libya, Brokaw (60:44 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, The Budget and Democrats, Koppel/Compton/Gibson (00:00 ABC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Law Suit against John Hinckley’s Psychiatrists, Koppel/O’Brien (04:09 ABC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, EPA and Dioxin, Koppel/Gregory (06:07 ABC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Video Tapes and Censorship by the USSR, Koppel (07:57 ABC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, El Salvador, Koppel/Dunsmore/Collins (08:29 ABC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, New EPA Chief, Rather/Plante (12:40 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Dioxin and the EPA, Rather/Engberg (14:05 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Toxic Waste, Rather (16:13 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Economy with President Reagan, Rather/Brady (16:37 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Budget Alternatives, Rather (18:28 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Arens and the United States, Rather (18:49 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, John Hinckley and Lawyers, Rather/Graham (19:06 CBS)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Israeli and United States Marines, Mudd/Aicken (21:57 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Israeli Jets Fly by, Mudd (23:58 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Phone Call to Colonel Mead, Brokaw (24:04 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Hernandez and Senate Hearing, Mudd/Hager (25:59 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Life and Death and Handicapped Babies, Mudd/Gangel (28:12 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, President Reagan and the Federal Budget, Mudd (30:03 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, Whole sale Prices, Mudd (30:33 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, USSR and Tape Censorship, Brokaw/Bernard (30:41 NBC)
R1353, 03/18/1983, United States Shoe Factory, Mudd/McCarthy (31:37 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, William Ruckleshaus and the EPA, Savitch/Hager (33:48 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Former President Richard Nixon and William Ruckleshaus, Savitch (35:54 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, William Ruckleshaus, Savitch/Burrington (36:08 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Dioxin and the Times Beach Buy-Out, Savitch/Briggs (37:59 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Federal Forest Land sale with Former Vice President Walter Mondale, Savitch/Oliver (39:41 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, President Reagan’s Ranch and Federal Forestland, Savitch (41:33 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Fighting in Nicaragua, Savitch (41:53 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Salvadorian Defense Minister, Savitch/Anderson (42:15 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Salvadorian Ambassador Rivas Visits Vermont Town Meeting, Savitch/Francis (44:11 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, King Hussein and Philip Habib, Savitch/Porter (46:35 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, A Nuclear Bomb Train, Savitch/Rolet (47:59 NBC)
R1353, 03/19/1983, Job Hunt, Savitch (49:36 NBC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, European Currency, Donaldson/Salinger (50:04 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, President Reagan and the 1984 Budget, Donaldson (52:03 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, Black Leaders and the Democratic Party, Donaldson/VonFremd (52:27 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, Ruckleshaus, Donaldson (54:57 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Philip Habib on Lebanon Peace, Donaldson/Seamans (55:01 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, Colonel Mead and the Israeli Army, Donaldson (56:36 ABC)
R1353, 03/20/1983, USS Enterprise to Visit Sasebo, Japan Under Protest, Donaldson/Liskey (57:00 ABC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, William Ruckleshaus and the EPA, Dean/Ferugia (00:00 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Troop Withdrawal from Beirut, Dean/Faw (02:32 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger to Visit Portugal, Dean (04:44 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Arms Deployment/Negotiations, Dean/Pierpoint (05:03 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Possible Summit between President Reagan and Premier Andropov, Dean (09:00 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Andropov and Soviet Crackdown, Dean (09:14 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, El Salvador Elections, Dean/Gomez (09:45 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, European Monetary System, Dean (11:15 CBS)
R1354, 03/20/1983, William Ruckleshaus, Wallace/King (11:59 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Women and Minorities and Civil Rights, Wallace (13:54 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Possible Summit Meeting with President Reagan and Premier Andropov, Wallace/Kalb (14:15 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Progress on Troop Withdrawals, Wallace/Fletcher (16:55 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, El Salvador, Wallace (18:17 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, United States Spy Network in El Salvador, Wallace (18:33 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Currency Chaos, Wallace/Miller (18:58 NBC)
R1354, 03/20/1983, Oil and a False Sense of Security, Wallace/Molina
22:38 End of Summary
R1371, 03/21/1983, EPA and William Ruckelshaus Appointment, Koppel/VonFremd/Gregory (00:00 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Green Berets, Jennings/Donvan/Dunsmore (04:38 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, States Department Reaction, Jennings (07:38 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, USS Enterprise in Japan, Jennings/Litke (08:00 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, GNP Estimate, Robinson (09:43 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Nuke Protest in Washington State, Robinson (09:58 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, European Currencies Revalued, Jennings (10:28 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Pope to Poland, Jennings (11:02 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Polish People Escape in Plane, Jennings (11:12 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Soviet Outpost, Jennings/Lee (11:31 ABC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, EPA Appointments, Rather/Plante/Courier (16:09 CBS)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Commerce Department on GNP, Rather/Brady (21:14 CBS)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Dollar and European Currencies, Rather/Adelman (23:00 CBS)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Israel to Share War Information, Rather (25:34 CBS)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Commission on Bioethics, Rather/Spencer (25:52 CBS)
R1371, 03/21/1983, William Ruckleshaus Appointment, Mudd/Wallace (30:34 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Rita Lavelle, Mudd/Hager/Mudd (22:49 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Honduras and Nicaragua, Brokaw (34:51 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, European Currencies Revalued, Brokaw/Miller (35:22 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, GNP Up, Mudd (36:57 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Digging Out of Recession, Mudd/Kiker (37:30 NBC)
R1371, 03/21/1983, Heart Doctors to Poland, Brokaw/Cochran (40:45 NBC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, President Reagan and Budget, Koppel/Donaldson/Gibson (43:05 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Baby Doe Rules, Koppel/Brown (46:44 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, DEA Arrests, Robinson (48:46 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, EPA and William Ruckleshaus Pep Talk, Koppel (49:05 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, NATO meeting and Nuke Policy, Jennings/McWethy (49:28 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Israeli Elections, Jennings (51:19 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, French Cabinet Resignation, Jennings (51:40 ABC)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Withholding Interest, Rather/Jones (52:06 CBS)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Democratic Budget Alternative, Rather/Plante (54:46 CBS)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz at the Senate, Rather/Schieffer (56:36 CBS)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Nicaragua, Rather/Gomez (58:46 CBS)
R1371, 03/22/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block and Food Giveaways, Rather (60:46 CBS)
R1371, 03/22/1983, DEA Arrests, Rather (61:00 CBS)
R1372, 03/22/1983, Defense Budget, Mudd/Wallace (00:00 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, Caribbean Navy Exercise, Brokaw/Reynolds (01:52 NBC)
R172, 03/22/1983, Honduras/Nicaragua War, Brokaw (03:32 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, EPA, Mudd/Hager (04:13 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, White House on EPA Political Contracts, Mudd (06:15 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, Nuke Train, Brokaw/Burrington (06:31 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, French President Francois Mitterand, Brokaw (07:49 NBC)
R1372, 03/22/1983, Interest Withholding Attached to SS Bill, Mudd/Myers (08:04 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Address by President Reagan, Koppel/Donaldson/Gibson (10:23 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Adelman Nomination, Koppel/Greenwood (14:46 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Senate and Social Security Bailout, Koppel (16:41 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Ed Meese on the Drug War, Koppel (17:06 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Supreme Court on Drug Profile, Koppel/O’Brien (17:22 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Consumer Price Index, Koppel/Serafin (18:59 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Wholesale Price of Oil, Koppel (20:36 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Auto Sales, Robinson (20:47 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, French Cabinet Changes, Jennings/Salinger (21:05 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, House Passes Budget, Koppel (24:06 ABC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, House Democratic Budget, Rather/Plante/Jones (24:18 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Nicaragua War, Rather/Lynch (28:15 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, NATO Leaders, Rather (29:21 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Consumer Price Index, Rather/Brady (29:39 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Average Weekly Earnings, Rather (31:56 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Adelman Nomination, Rather (32:12 CBS)
R1372, 03/23/1983, President Reagan’s Speech Preview, Mudd/Wallace (32:47 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Democratic Budget in Congress, Mudd/Kur (34:57 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Defense Spending, Mudd (36:40 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, United States Weapons in Europe, Mudd (36:58 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Memo from President Reagan to Adelman, Mudd/Dancy (37:15 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, CIA Investigation in Bulgarian Connection, Mudd/Kalb (38:55 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Military Aid to El Salvador, Mudd (40:45 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, Senate Vote on Social Security, Mudd (40:58 NBC)
R1372, 03/23/1983, War on Drugs Moves to California, Mudd/Ross (41:32 NBC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, Jobs Bill, Koppel (46:27 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, Speech by President Reagan and Capitol Hill, Koppel/Hume (46:42 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, European, USSR Response, Jennings/McWethy (48:37 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, England and Cruise Missiles, Jennings (52:06 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, Promotion for Gromyko, Jennings (52:39 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, EPA Firings, Koppel (53:14 ABC)
R1372, 03/24/1983, Andropov to Hospital and Speech by President Reagan, Rather/McNeil/Lynch (53:43 CBS)
R1372, 03/24/1983, Congress and Missiles, Rather (58:32 CBS)
R1373, 03/24/1983, Interview with Vice President George Bush, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1373, 03/24/1983, Jobs Bill, Rather (05:04 CBS)
R1373, 03/24/1983, Social Security Plan, Rather (05:24 CBS)
R1373, 03/24/1983, EPA, Rather (05:42 CBS)
R1373, 03/24/1983, High Tech Defense System, Mudd/Bernard/Wallace (05:59 NBC)
R1373, 03/24/1983, High Tech Weapons Test, Mudd/Valeriani (09:20 NBC)
R1373, 03/24/1983, EPA and Diesel Regulations, Mudd/Nykanen (11:26 NBC)
R1373, 03/24/1983, Jobs Bill on President Reagan’s Desk, Mudd (13:32 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, High Tech Missiles, Koppel/Donaldson (14:01 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Grenada Island, Koppel/Potter (15:48 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Social Security, Koppel/Cortdz/Gibson (18:05 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, EPA, Koppel (22:02 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Andropov’s Health, Jennings (22:20 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Grain Sales, Jennings (22:45 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Poland, Jennings/Ensor (23:09 ABC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, High Tech Satellites, Rather/Plante (25:24 CBS)
R1373, 03/25/1983, EPA Firings, Rather (27:56 CBS)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Social Security Plan, Rather (28:19 CBS)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Nicaragua, Rather (29:55 CBS)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Andropov Health, Rather (31:52 CBS)
R1373, 03/25/1983, EPA, Mudd/Hager (32:10 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Senate Reaction, Mudd (34:00 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Exxon Lawsuit, Mudd/Jensen (34:20 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Adelman, Mudd (36:11 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, CIA and the Soviet Union, Mudd (36:40 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Feldstein and the United States, Mudd (37:05 NBC)
R1373, 03/25/1983, Economy, Mudd/Kiker (37:31 NBC)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Missile Defense, Schieffer/McLaughlin (39:44 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Defense Plan, Schieffer (41:41 CBS)
R1373, 03/36/1983, Nicaragua War, Schieffer/Gomez (42:07 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Radio Address, Schieffer/Ferugia (44:11 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, EPA, Schieffer/Young (45:36 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Farm PIK, Schieffer (47:47 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Camp David Anniversary, Schieffer/Faw (50:07 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Air Traffic Controllers, Schieffer/Pappas (53:25 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Nancy Reagan Rehearsal, Schieffer (57:28 CBS)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Soviet Reaction, Savitch/Bernard (58:12 NBC)
R1373, 03/26/1983, Political Approval, Savitch/Nykanen (59:54 NBC)
R1374, 03/26/1983, Mid East Tensions, Savitch/Breman (00:00 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, United States Reaction to Andropov, Donaldson/Garrels (01:53 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Missile Options, Donaldson/Enderfurth (04:10 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, President Reagan’s Staff Reacts, Donaldson (06:14 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Lech Walesa and Poland, Donaldson (07:05 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Mid East, Donaldson (07:18 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Evacuation Exercises, Donaldson/Schell (07:42 ABC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Memo, Dean/Spencer (09:30 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Klaus Barbie Evidence, Dean/Schackne (11:26 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Philip Habib in Israel, Dean/Faw (13:09 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, President Reagan’s Reply to Andropov, Dean (15:17 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, El Salvador, Dean/Wagner (15:50 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Health Insurance, Dean (19:05 CBS)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Memo, Wallace/Nykanen (19:27 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Reply to Andropov, Wallace/Kalb (21:16 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Cruise Missiles, Wallace/Neal (23:23 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Great Britain Cruise Missile, Wallace/Porter (25:04 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Carter and Star Wars Tech, Wallace (26:44 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, Yasir Arafat and Saudi Stop, Wallace (26:55 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, PLO Moves Israeli Captives, Wallace (27:09 NBC)
R1374, 03/27/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/Lewis (27:22 NBC)
30:12 End of Summary
R1383, 03/28/1983, Grenada Invasion Charge, Reynolds/Smith (00:00 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Soviets Attack Reagan Space Plan, Jennings (02:22 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, United Nations Perez de Cuellar in Moscow, Jennings (02:46 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Army Pershing Missile II Test, Reynolds (02:53 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, United States/Soviet Satellite System, Reynolds/McWethy (03:38 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Health Care and United States Government, Reynolds/Bury (05:23 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Oil Leasing and Fishing Grounds, Robinson (08:03 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Gaddafi offers to Help Nicaragua, Jennings (08:19 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Nicaragua Charges United States Invasion, Reynolds (08:37 ABC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Moscow Meeting, Kuralt/McNeil (09:01 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Geneva Arms Negotiations, Kuralt (10:48 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, President Reagan’s Commission on MX Missile Basing, Kuralt (11:13 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Nicaragua, Kuralt/Gomez (11:34 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Oil Leasing and Fishing Grounds, Kuralt (13:31 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Dioxin in Michigan Fish, Kuralt/Kelly (14:09 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Weyerhaeuser Admits Toxic Dump Use, Kuralt (16:06 CBS)
R1383, 03/28/1983, President Reagan and Space Wars, Mudd/Wallace (16:20 NBC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, USSR and High Tech System, Mudd (18:23 NBC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Nicaragua, Brokaw/Anderson (18:36 NBC)
R1383, 03/28/1983, Austria and Horse Herpes, Brokaw/Davis (20:27 NBC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Geneva Proposal with President Reagan, Reynolds/Donaldson (22:25 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Soviet Response, Jennings (24:34 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Bundestag of West Germany Convenes, Jennings (24:59 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Unites States/China Relations, Jennings (26:19 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Supreme Court and Repeat Offender Law, Reynolds/O’Brien (26:36 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, President Reagan’s 84 Plans, Reynolds (28:23 ABC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Geneva Proposal with President Reagan, Kuralt/Stahl (28:49 CBS)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Trade Deficit, Kuralt/Brady (30:52 CBS)
R1383, 03/29/1983, President Reagan, Nicaragua and El Salvador, Kuralt (33:15 CBS)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Hernandez of EPA finds Government Job, Kuralt/Engberg (33:48 CBS)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Inflation and Hospital Costs, Kuralt/Croft (34:17 CBS)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Geneva Proposal, Brokaw/Bitterman (39:40 NBC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Soviet Response, Brokaw (41:35 NBC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, Interview with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (41:41 NBC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, President Reagan’s Speech to Europe, Mudd (43:30 NBC)
R1383, 03/29/1983, El Salvador and Rebel Warning, Brokaw (43:38 NBC)
R1383, 03/30/1983, President Reagan and Arms Control, Reynolds/Donaldson/McWethy (44:02 ABC)
R1383, 03/30/1983, Moscow Reaction, Jennings/Rodgers (47:53 ABC)
R1383, 03/30/1983, Grenada and the United States Navy, Reynolds/Potter/Smith (50:14 ABC)
R1383, 03/30/1983, Soviets Accuse Israel, Jennings (54:10 ABC)
R1383, 03/30/1983, British Oil Prices Cut, Jennings (54:39 ABC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, President Reagan on Arms Proposal, Kuralt/Stahl/McNeil (00:00 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Senators Letter to President Reagan, Kuralt (03:48 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Israel and Syria Exchange Fire, Kuralt (04:18 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Economy, Kuralt (04:23 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Reagan Administration Business Proposals, Kuralt (04:55 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Stringfellows Pits Clean-Up, Kuralt (05:25 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Medicaid Change, Kuralt/McNamara (05:57 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Hospital Costs, Kuralt/Croft (08:14 CBS)
R1384, 03/30/1983, President Reagan on Arms Proposal, Mudd/Wallace/Compton (13:31 NBC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, No Soviet Response, Brokaw/Bernard (17:16 NBC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Economy Up, Mudd/Levine (19:01 NBC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Lebanon Talks with Philip Habib, Mudd (20:41 NBC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Attorney General William French Smith and China Tennis Star, Mudd (20:57 NBC)
R1384, 03/30/1983, Assassination Attempt Anniversary with James Brady, Mudd/Woodruff (21:13 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Gas Tax, Robinson/Peterson (24:59 ABC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, F-15 Grounded, Reynolds (27:36 ABC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Arms Control with President Reagan, Reynolds/Donaldson (27:55 ABC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, No Soviet Response to President Reagan, Jennings (29:56 ABC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Nuclear Protest in England, Jennings (30:10 ABC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, President Reagan in California, Schieffer/Fenton (34:02 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Soviet Response, Schieffer (38:05 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Nicaragua, Schieffer/McLaughlin (38:30 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, President Reagan, F-16’s and Israel, Schieffer (41:51 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Yasir Arafat in Jordan, Schieffer (42:15 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Blacks and Campaign 84, Schieffer/Morton (42:38 CBS)
R1384, 03/31/1983, President Reagan in California, Mudd/Mitchell (45:17 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Nuclear Protest in England, Mudd (47:17 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Soviet Response to Speech by President Reagan, Mudd (47:53 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Coal Deal, Mudd/Nykanen (48:07 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Gas Tax, Mudd/Levine (50:20 NBC)
R1384, 03/31/1983, Waiters and Waitress Tax, Mudd (52:04 NBC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Nuclear Protest in England, Jennings/Lee (00:00 ABC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Economy, Reynolds/Cortdz (03:07 ABC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Nuclear Protest in Europe, Schieffer/Fenton (05:04 CBS)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Marines to Carry Loaded Weapons, Schieffer (07:20 CBS)
R1385, 04/01/1983, F-16’s and Israel, Schieffer/Stahl (07:37 CBS)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Nicaragua, Schieffer/McLaughlin (09:33 CBS)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Nuclear Protest in England, Brokaw/Davis (13:14 NBC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Nuclear Protests in Europe and the United States, Brokaw (15:17 NBC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, President Reagan and F-16’s, Mudd/Mitchell (15:51 NBC)
R1385, 04/01/1983, Unemployment Rate, Mudd (17:56 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Soviet Response to President Reagan’s Defense Plan, Savitch/Bernard (18:32 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, United States and Arms Talks, Savitch/Francis (20:37 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protest in Europe, Savitch/Bremen (21:54 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, President Reagan Calls King Hussein, Savitch (23:30 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Yasir Arafat and King Hussein Meet, Savitch/Miller (23:49 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Motorcycle Tariff and Japan, Savitch (24:57 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Rural Unemployment, Savitch/Hazinski (25:20 NBC)
R1385, 04/02/1983, Teenage wages and Unemployment, Savitch/Levine (27:10 NBC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Helmut Schmidt Comments on Nuclear Freeze Movement, Donaldson (28:58 ABC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, President Reagan Goes to Church on Easter, Donaldson (29:45 ABC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, President Reagan Goes to Church, Sawyer (30:03 CBS)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Mid East Peace Plan, Sawyer/Pentak (30:18 CBS)
R1385, 04/03/1983, West Germany and Anti-Nuclear Protesters, Sawyer/Blackstone (32:51 CBS)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protests in Europe, Sawyer (34:28 CBS)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Acid Spill in Denver, Wallace/O’Neil (35:00 NBC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Railroad Tank Car Safety with Senator Armstrong, Wallace/Gangel (37:15 NBC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, Reagan Administration, Affirmative Action and Jobs, Wallace (39:05 NBC)
R1385, 04/03/1983, President Reagan Goes to Church, Wallace (39:24 NBC)
39:40 End of Summary
R1388, 04/04/1983, Hu Na Granted Asylum, Reynolds/Kashawahara (00:00 ABC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Tass and Soviet Missile Talks, Reynolds (02:42 ABC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, White House Easter Egg Roll with President and Nancy Reagan, Reynolds (03:00 ABC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Hu Na Granted Asylum with Attorney General William French Smith, Rather/Peterson (03:28 CBS)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Yasir Arafat and King Hussein Meeting, Rather (05:51 CBS)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Anti Nuke Demonstrations, Rather/Blackstone (06:27 CBS)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Nicaragua and Honduras, Rather/Wagner (07:54 CBS)
R1388, 04/04/1983, White House Easter Egg Roll with President and Nancy Reagan, Rather (10:33 CBS)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Space Shuttle Challenger, Brokaw/Bazell (10:59 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Hu Na Granted Asylum, Mudd/Stern (14:54 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Nuke Protest in Germany, Mudd/Bremen (16:59 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, Yasir Arafat and King Hussein Meeting, Mudd (18:34 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, NASA and Space Shuttle, Brokaw (18:57 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, President Reagan and Space Shuttle, Mudd (21:45 NBC)
R1388, 04/04/1983, White House Easter Egg Roll with President and Nancy Reagan, Mudd (22:04 NBC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, KGB Expelled from France, Reynolds/Jennings/Dobbs/Salinger (23:07 ABC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Soviet Response, Jennings (27:13 ABC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Escape from East Berlin, Jennings (27:34 ABC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Palestinian Girls in Israeli Hospital, Jennings/Donvan (28:03 ABC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Defense Spending, Reynolds (29:59 ABC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, KGB Expelled from France, Rather/Adelman (30:23 CBS)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Pastoral Letter and Catholic Bishops, Rather/Morton (32:40 CBS)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Defense Spending, Rather (34:26 CBS)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Klaus Barbie and New Evidence, Rather/Schackne (34:53 CBS)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Afghanistan, Rather (38:13 CBS)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Space Shuttle, Brokaw/Neal (44:30 NBC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Pastoral Letter and Anti-Nukes, Brokaw/Abernathy (47:24 NBC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Soviets Expelled from France, Brokaw/Bitterman (48:57 NBC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Senator Pete Dominici on Meeting with President Reagan on Defense Spending, Brokaw (51:07 NBC)
R1388, 04/05/1983, Private Businessmen on Government Spending, Brokaw/Levine (51:26 NBC)
R1388, 04/06/1983, President Reagan in Pittsburg, Reynolds/Donaldson/Phillips (53:25 ABC)
R1388, 04/06/1983, Secretary James Watt on July 4th, Reynolds/Gibson (56:58 ABC)
R1388, 04/06/1983, Philip Habib on Interior Secretary James Watt, Reynolds (59:08 ABC)
R1388, 04/06/1983, Central America Policy, Reynolds (59:24 ABC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Arms Control in the Senate, Reynolds/Hume/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Soviet on Response on Nukes, Jennings (02:58 ABC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Gas Tax Law, Robinson (03:46 ABC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, President Reagan in Pittsburg, Rather/Stahl (04:17 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, V. A. to Treat Nuke Test Participants, Rather (07:16 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Soviets to have Cruise Missile, Rather (07:39 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Arms Control in the Senate, Rather/Schieffer (08:21 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, French Expelling of Soviet Spies, Rather/Adelman (09:46 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Soviets in Afghanistan, Rather (12:13 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt on July 4th Concert, Rather/Morton (18:39 CBS)
R1389, 04/06/1983, President Reagan in Pittsburg, Mudd/Mitchell/Nissenson (21:00 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Defense Spending, Mudd (24:13 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Arms Control, Mudd/Bernard (24:32 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Soviets in Washington, Mudd/Kalb (26:31 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt on July 4th Concert, Mudd/Hager (29:54 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Michael Deaver on Interior Secretary James Watt, Mudd (31:54 NBC)
R1389, 04/06/1983, Unemployed and Retraining, Mudd/Chancellor (32:06 NBC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Mississippi Floods, Sirkin/Trout (33:53 ABC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Space walk with Phone Call by President Reagan, Robinson/Sherr (36:42 ABC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Defense Spending, Reynolds/Hume/McWethy (39:06 ABC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Affair with President Reagan and James Watt, Reynolds/Donaldson (42:12 ABC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, China Cancels Cultural Exchanges, Jennings/Laurie/Dunsmore (44:08 ABC)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Space Walk with Phone Call by President Reagan, Rather/Dean (47:29 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Defense Spending, Rather (49:56 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Thailand Requests Aid, Rather (50:35 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, China Cancels Cultural Exchanges, Rather/Schieffer (50:48 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Affair with President Reagan and James Watt, Rather/Morton (52:41 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, TASS Criticizes CBS, Rather (54:32 CBS)
R1389, 04/07/1983, Afghanistan, Rather (54:56 CBS)
R1390, 04/07/1983, Space Walk with Phone Call by President Reagan, Mudd/Neal (00:00 NBC)
R1390, 04/07/1983, Defense Spending, Mudd/Kur (02:28 NBC)
R1390, 04/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Affair with James Watt, Mudd/Hager (04:24 NBC)
R1390, 04/07/1983, China Cancels United States Cultural Exchanges, Mudd/Wallace (06:36 NBC)
R1390, 04/07/1983, Mental Disability and Social Security, Mudd/Myers (08:23 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Soviets Expel British, Jennings (10:32 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Soviet Book on Arms, Jennings/Zelnick (10:52 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Larry Speakes on Network Defense Coverage, Reynolds/McWethy (12:56 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Space Shuttle with Vice President George Bush, Reynolds/Sherr (17:29 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Federal Court Overturns Insulation Ban, Reynolds (19:17 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Thailand War, Jennings (19:40 ABC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Army Combat Repairs, Rather (20:07 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Senator Ted Kennedy on Defense, Rather (20:46 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Space Shuttle with Vice President George Bush, Rather/Dow (21:29 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, King Hussein and Peace Talks, Rather (22:53 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, New York Drug use with Nancy Reagan and Dr. Turner, Rather/Rabel (23:16 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, United States Defense Policy, Rather/Stahl (27:00 CBS)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Space Shuttle with Vice President George Bush, Mudd/Neal (30:15 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, United States and Thailand Military Aid, Mudd (31:45 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Thailand and Refugees, Mudd/Davis (32:01 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, King Hussein and Peace Talks, Mudd (34:01 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Senator Ted Kennedy on Nuclear Arms, Mudd (34:26 NBC)
R1390, 04/08/1983, Individual Retirement Accounts Up, Mudd/Levine (35:33 NBC)
R1390, 04/09/1983, Democratic Convention in Massachusetts with Senator John Glenn, Askew and Walter Mondale, Schieffer/Morton (37:33 CBS)
R1390, 04/09/1983, Radio Address by President Reagan, Schieffer (40:16 CBS)
R1390, 04/09/1983, Representative Simon on Programs by President Reagan, Schieffer (40:32 CBS)
R1390, 04/09/1983, French Communist Party, Schieffer/Adelman (40:43 CBS)
R1390, 04/09/1983, Space Shuttle Challenger Lands, Savitch/Bazell (43:14 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, King Hussein on Peace Talks with Former President Jimmy Carter, Donaldson/Dyk/Seamans (45:18 ABC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, President Reagan and State Department on Mid East, Donaldson/Garrels (48:50 ABC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, PLO Man Killed in Portugal, Donaldson (51:06 ABC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Beach Boys and July 4th Concert, Donaldson (51:40 ABC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Congressman Benton Died, Donaldson (52:08 ABC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, King Hussein Rejects Reagan Plan, Wallace/Miller (52:30 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, President Reagan on King Hussein, Wallace/Kalb (54:18 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Israeli Rejection to Hussein Decision, Wallace/Breman (56:12 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Pentagon and Honduras, Wallace (57:27 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Natural Gas in Wyoming Wilderness, Wallace/Loy (57:57 NBC)
R1390, 04/10/1983, Sanderson and EPA, Wallace (61:40 NBC)
End of Summary
R1400, 04/11/1983, Tax Cheating, Robinson/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, MX Missile, Reynolds/Enderfurth (02:59 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, President Reagan’s Peace Plan, Reynolds/Dunsmore (04:50 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, King Hussein, Jennings/Dyke (06:30 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, Soviet Reaction to King Hussein, Jennings (08:04 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, CIA and Nicaragua, Reynolds/McWethy (08:24 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, United States Military Aid to Thailand, Jennings/Litky (10:15 ABC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, MX Missile, Rather/Stahl (12:04 CBS)
R1400, 04/11/1983, President Reagan’s Mid East Plan with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/Schieffer (14:57 CBS)
R1400, 04/11/1983, Asbestos Problem, Rather/Spencer (17:03 CBS)
R1400, 04/11/1983, MX Missile Commission Report, Brokaw/Reynolds (20:40 NBC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, President Reagan and the MX Missile, Brokaw/Wallace (22:48 NBC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, United States Military Aid to Thailand, Brokaw (24:32 NBC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, President Reagan’s Peace Plan, Brokaw/Kalb/Miller (25:02 NBC)
R1400, 04/11/1983, Defense Minister Shamir and the Reagan Peace Plan, Brokaw (27:57 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Mid East Peace Plan with President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz, Reynolds/Donaldson (28:17 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Adelman Nomination, Reynolds (30:13 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Telephone Hot Line Upgrading, Reynolds (30:47 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Siberian Seven Leaves the United States Embassy in the Soviet Union, Jennings/Zelnick (31:02 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, The Budget, Reynolds (32:28 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Interest Rates and George Shultz with Chairman Paul Volcker, Reynolds/Cortdz (32:50 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, A Missing B-52 Bomber and an Ocean Rescue, Robinson (34:29 ABC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Mid East Peace Plan with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (35:00 CBS)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Central America Policies and Congress with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/Schieffer (36:34 CBS)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Steel Workers and the Jobless, Rather/Rabel (38:37 CBS)
R1400, 04/12/1983, West Coast Storms, Rather/Andreus (40:23 CBS)
R1400, 04/12/1983, General Motors Wheel Axel Test, Brokaw/McCarthy (42:59 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, A Rescue Attempt for the Mid East Plan with President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz, Brokaw/Mitchell (44:44 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, West Bank Hard Sell, Brokaw (46:37 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Soviet Pentacostalists Leave the United States Embassy in the Soviet Union, Brokaw (46:54 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Midget Man, Brokaw/Chancellor (47:24 NBC)
R1400, 04/12/1983, Chairman Paul Volcker on Interest Rates, Brokaw (49:12 NBC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, PLO Leader Yasir Arafat in Sweden, Jennings (49:35 ABC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Holocaust Convention with President Reagan and Vice President George Bush, Reynolds/Wooten (50:23 ABC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Peace Time Draft, Rather (52:42 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Mid East Peace, Rather (53:23 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Stock Market, Rather (53:51 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, General Motors Recall, Rather (54:09 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Funding for Spending, Rather (54:26 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Synthetic Fuel, Rather (54:46 CBS)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Lech Walesa under Arrest for 5 Hours, Brokaw/Cochran (55:07 NBC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, PLO Leader Yasir Arafat and King Hussein, Brokaw/Kalb (57:12 NBC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Adelman will be Confirmed, Brokaw (58:38 NBC)
R1400, 04/13/1983, Covert Activities in Nicaragua, Brokaw/Utley (58:52 NBC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Nicaragua and the United States with President Reagan, Koppel/Gibson/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Adelman Confirmed with President Reagan, Koppel/Hume (04:09 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, A Poll on President Reagan with Treasury Secretary James Baker, Koppel/Serafin (05:56 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Unemployment and the Jobs Bill, Koppel/Phillips (07:43 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Baby Doe Rule, Koppel/O’Brien (09:44 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Solidarity and Lech Walesa, Jennings/Ensor (11:04 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, PLO, King Hussein and the Reagan Plan, Jennings (12:45 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, President Reagan’s Mini-Press Conference, Rather/Stahl (13:14 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Adelman Confirmed, Rather/Schieffer (15:49 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Senate Budget Hearings, Rather (17:33 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Baby Doe Rule, Rather/Braver (17:58 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, A B-52 Crashes, Rather/Bowen (19:53 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, New Jersey Nuclear Power Plant, Rather (21:52 CBS)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Nicaragua with President Reagan, Mudd/Kalb/Brokaw/Utley (22:16 NBC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Adelman Confirmed with Adelman and President Reagan, Mudd/Dancy (27:24 NBC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, Arms Control Agency, Mudd/Chancellor (29:32 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Economy is up with Martin Feldstein and Nancy Reagan, Koppel/Cortdz (31:22 ABC)
R1401, 04/14/1983, President Reagan’s Income Tax with the President, Koppel/VonFremd (33:48 ABC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Roy Williams Quits the Teamsters, Koppel/Bury/Serafin (35:41 ABC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Nicaragua and United States Fisherman, Koppel (38:39 ABC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Chancellor Helmut Kohl meets with President Reagan, Koppel (39:07 ABC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Wholesale Prices with Martin Feldstein, Rather (39:29 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Economy and Unemployment, Rather/Brady (40:54 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, A Peace Time Draft Study, Rather (43:29 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Jamie Fisk at the White House with Nancy Reagan, Rather (43:56 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, President Reagan’s Taxes, Rather (44:26 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Tuition Tax Credit, Rather/Graham (44:41 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Chancellor Helmut Kohl at the White House, Rather (47:19 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Philip Habib meeting with Prime Minister Begin and President Mubarak, Rather (47:55 CBS)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Central America and United States Policy, Mudd/Francis (48:12 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, The Senate and Nicaragua, Mudd (50:06 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, CIA Operations in Miami, Brokaw/Ross (50:25 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Roy Williams Quits the Teamsters Union, Brokaw/Nissenson (54:15 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Internal Revenue Service and President Reagan’s Tax Return with Nancy Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (56:14 N4C)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Economy is Up, Mudd (57:52 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, South Bronx, Mudd/Jamieson (58:16 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Chancellor Helmut Kohl meets with President Reagan, Mudd (60:12 NBC)
R1401, 04/15/1983, Defense Budget, Mudd (60:43 NBC)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Tax Withholding and Interest, Schieffer/Ford (00:00 CBS)
R1402, 04/16/1983, CBS Poll and the EPA, Schieffer/Engberg (02:11 CBS)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Lebanon and Philip Habib, Schieffer (05:11 CBS)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Secretary George Shultz and Mexico, Schieffer (05:35 CBS)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Top Secret Classifications, Schieffer/Braver (05:50 CBS)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Nicaragua, Savitch/Francis (09:14 NBC)
R1402, 04/16/1983, El Salvador, Savitch/King (11:48 NBC)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Vietnam and China Clash, Savitch/Gilmour (13:48 NBC)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Electro Magnetic Pulse Warfare, Savitch/Neil (14:41 NBC)
R1402, 04/16/1983, Children of Famous People seek Publicity Agents, Savitch (17:37 NBC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Poland, Jarriel/Ensor (18:31 ABC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, El Salvador, Jarriel/Garrels (21:01 ABC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Israel, Jarriel/Seamans (23:20 ABC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Sam Donaldson Marriage, Jarriel (26:27 ABC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Military Aid for El Salvador, Dean/Ford (26:17 CBS)
R1402, 04/17/1983, 35th Anniversary of Israeli Independence Day, Dean/Phillips (27:57 CBS)
R1402, 04/17/1983, South Bronx Renovation, Dean/Sanders (29:54 CBS)
R1402, 04/17/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/King (33:56 NBC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Nicaragua, Wallace (35:56 NBC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Captives in Nicaragua, Wallace/Anderson (35:59 NBC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Perle Denies Wrong Doing, Wallace/Kalb (37:52 NBC)
R1402, 04/17/1983, Defense Spending and Fraud, Wallace/Lewis (39:45 NBC)
43:30 End of Summary
R1408, 04/18/1983, United States Embassy Bombed in Beirut, Brinkley/Jennings/McCourt/Shepard (00:00 ABC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Supreme Court, Brinkley/O’Brien (05:43 ABC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Factory Use and Housing Starts, Brinkley (07:47 ABC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Work Fare, Brinkley/Chase (08:06 ABC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, United states Asks Cuba to Send Agents Home, Brinkley (11:37 ABC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Rather/Sherman/McLaughlin (11:54 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Morton (18:25 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Soviet Politburo meets, Rather (20:04 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Senator Ernest Hollings Announces Running for President, Rather/Engberg (20:24 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Michigan Clean up and Dioxin, Rather/Potter (22:03 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Housing Starts, Rather (25:20 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Handicapped and Federal Workforce, Rather (25:35 CBS)
R1408, 04/18/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken/Mudd/Wallace (25:54 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Supreme Court, Mudd (32:06 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Wall Street, Brokaw (32:29 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Poland and Lech Walesa, Brokaw/Cochran (32:58 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, China Attacks Vietnam, Brokaw (34:12 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, El Salvador, Mudd (34:25 NBC)
R1408, 04/18/1983, Honduras and Nicaragua Protest Letter, Mudd/Lloyd (34:44 NBC)
R1408, 04/19/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Brinkley/Jennings/McCourt (37:40 ABC)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Brazil Stops Libyan Planes, Brinkley (44:53 ABC)
R1408, 04/19/1983, President Reagan and MX Missile, Brinkley/VonFremd (45:07 ABC)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Three Mile Island, Brinkley/O’Brien (46:55 ABC)
R1408, 04/19/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (48:32 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, CIA Official Killed in Beirut, Rather (51:22 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Lebanon Talks Continue, Rather (51:48 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, President Reagan and Arms Talks, Rather/Plante/Martin (51:55 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Air Force on Pratt and Whitney, Rather (56:05 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Economy, Rather (56:42 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Supreme Court, Rather (57:05 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Federal Rules on Double Trucks, Rather (58:30 CBS)
R1408, 04/19/1983, Cuban Expulsions, Rather (59:13 CBS)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Beirut Embassy, Brokaw/Aicken (00:00 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Talks on Withdrawal from Lebanon Continue, Brokaw (02:27 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Philip Habib, Brokaw (02:52 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Victims Names Released, Mudd/Kalb (03:03 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, House Foreign Relations, Mudd (04:51 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Interest Withholding Tax, Mudd/Myers (05:07 NBC)
R1409, 04/19/1983, Marines in Beirut, Brokaw/Chancellor (07:20 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, President Reagan Signs Social Security Bill, Reynolds/Shepard/Hume (09:20 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Reynolds/Jennings/McCourt (13:13 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Libyan Planes, Reynolds/McWethy (17:45 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Supreme Court, Reynolds/O’Brien (19:45 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Economy, Reynolds (21:48 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Poland, Jennings (22:22 ABC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, President Reagan Signs Social Security Bill, Rather (22:55 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Interest Withholding Tax, Rather (23:18 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (23:44 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Brazil Seizes Libyan Planes, Rather/Martin (25:31 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Address by President Reagan to Congress, Rather (27:58 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Mid East Talks, Rather (28:06 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (28:21 CBS)
R1409, 04/20/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (30:49 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Delegation to Escort Bodies Home, Brokaw (32:50 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Address by President Reagan to Congress, Mudd/Francis (33:01 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Speech by Former President Richard Nixon, Mudd (34:50 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, President Reagan Signs Social Security Bill, Mudd (35:07 NBC)
R1409, 04/20/1983, Nuclear Freeze Resolution, Mudd/Chancellor (36:00 NBC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Congress, Budget and MX Missile, Bell/Hume/McWethy (38:01 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, PLO Support, Bell (42:02 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Soviet Spies Expelled, Bell/Dunsmore (42:25 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Klaus Barbie, Bell/Martin (43:42 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Chrysler, Bell (46:54 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Congress and Secretary George Shultz, Bell (47:12 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Lebanon and the United States Embassy, Bell/Jennings/McCourt (47:25 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Israel and West bank, Jennings (49:25 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Senator John Glenn, Bell/Vanocur (52:54 ABC)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Interest Withholding Tax, Rather/Jones (54:14 CBS)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Edwin Wilson, Rather/Schackne (56:44 CBS)
R1409, 04/21/1983, Soviet Spies Expelled, Rather/Braver (58:28 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Senator John Glenn, Rather/Engberg (00:00 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, San Francisco, Rather (01:56 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, New Teamsters President, Rather/Pappas (02:13 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/82, Chrysler, Rather (04:17 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (04:31 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Impounded Libyan Planes, Rather (07:12 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, MX Missile, Rather (08:06 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Stringfellow Pits Cleanup, Rather (08:28 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Syn Fuels Plant, Rather/Shahan (08:57 CBS)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Chrysler, Brokaw/Nissenson (11:35 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Interest Withholdings, Mudd/Dancy (13:36 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Democratic Budget Passed, Mudd (15:39 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Medical Coverage for Unemployed, Mudd (16:08 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Beirut Embassy, Mudd (16:25 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on the Mid East, Mudd/Kalb (16:45 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Democratic Candidates and AFL/CIO, Mudd/Chancellor (18:12 NBC)
R1410, 04/21/1983, Economy, Brinkley/Cortdz (22:05 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Unemployment Health Insurance, Brinkley (24:08 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Klaus Barbie and CIA, Brinkley/Martin (24:23 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan Offers New Grain Deal, Brinkley (27:05 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan and Mid East, Brinkley/VonFremd (27:15 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Brinkley/McCourt (29:21 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Presidential Race in 1984, Brinkley (31:15 ABC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (32:21 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, United States Embassy in Beirut, Rather (34:45 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan’s News Conference, Rather/Schieffer (35:12 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, NSTB Peck Resigns, Rather (37:28 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Lenin, Birthday, Rather (38:10 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Libyan Planes in Brazil, Rather (38:39 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan Offers Grain Deal, Rather (42:01 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Poland, Rather (42:22 CBS)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan and Mid East, Mudd/Wallace (42:35 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Adelman Sworn In, Mudd (44:35 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, President Reagan Offers Grain Deal, Mudd (45:06 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, NTSB Peck Resigns, Mudd/Hager (45:21 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Cost of Living, Mudd/Levine (47:01 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Inflation and Earnings, Mudd (48:42 NBC)
R1410, 04/22/1983, Slyak Dead, Mudd/Walter (48:52 NBC)
R1410, 04/23/1983, Return of Bodies from Beirut, Schieffer (49:46 CBS)
R1410, 04/23/1983, Beirut after Bombing, Schieffer/Fenton (50:42 CBS)
R1410, 04/23/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to go to Beirut, Schieffer (53:40 CBS)
R1410, 04/23/1983, Brazil and Libyan Planes, Schieffer (53:54 CBS)
R1410, 04/23/1983, Taiwan, Schieffer (54:09 CBS)
R1410, 04/23/1983, President Reagan and Bodies of Americans from Beirut, Schieffer/Engberg (54:18 CBS)
R1411, 04/23/1983, American Bodies from Beirut, Savitch/Aicken/King (00:00 NBC)
R1411, 04/23/1983, Nicaragua and Honduras, Savitch/Francis (03:54 NBC)
R1411, 04/23/1983, EPA, Savitch/Oliver (06:20 NBC)
R1411, 04/23/1983, Ceremony at Andrews AFB with President Reagan, Savitch (08:33 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Latin America and United States Aid, Jerrold/Garrels (11:36 ABC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Nicaraguan Defector, Jerrold/Collins (12:29 ABC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on way to Mid East, Jerrold (16:13 ABC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Israeli Troop Withdrawal, Jerrold/Seamans (16:27 ABC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Kansas Relays and Soviet Union, Jerrold/King (18:17 ABC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Lebanon Peace talks, Dean/Schieffer (20:26 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Visit Mid East, Dean/Pizzey (22:36 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, United States Marines in Beirut, Dean (24:44 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Central America and Honduras, Dean (25:08 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Congressman Long to Visit El Salvador, Dean/Ford (26:57 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Kreisky to Leave Office, Dean (29:08 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, National Security, Dean/Miller (29:35 CBS)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to the Mid East, Wallace/Kalb (31:54 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Israel, Wallace/Fletcher (33:00 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Mid East Peace Outlook, Wallace/Kalb (34:34 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, United States Central America Policy, Wallace/King (36:28 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, El Salvador Fighting and CIA, Wallace/Gangel (38:24 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Vietnam-China Fighting, Wallace/Gilmore (39:57 NBC)
R1411, 04/24/1983, Soviet Spy Story, Wallace (41:35 NBC)
42:51 End of Summary
R1427, 04/25/1983, Economy and Recovery, Brinkley/Cortdz/Miller (00:00 ABC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, CIA in Central America, Brinkley/Collins (03:22 ABC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Pioneer 10 Still Going, Brinkley/Rose (05:01 ABC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Trip to the Mid East, Jennings (07:16 ABC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Austrian Chancellor Kreisky Steps Down, Jennings (07:39 ABC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Presidential Address to Joint Session and Congressmen to Central America, Rather/Morton (07:59 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, United States Imposes Travel Restrictions on Cuban United Nations Mission, Rather (09:54 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Girl Writes Andropov, Rather/Young (10:07 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Rather/Spencer (11:22 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Budget Deficits, Rather (13:28 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, NATO and Portugal, Rather (13:44 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Cambodia Massacre with Vice President George Bush, Rather/Osgood (14:04 CBS)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Mudd/McCarthy (17:28 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Department of Trade, Mudd (19:09 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Lockheed and C-5, Mudd/Valeriani (19:22 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Memorial to Iran Rescue Mission, Mudd (21:07 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Chrysler and Loan Guarantees, Brokaw (22:02 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and Mid East Mission, Brokaw/Utley (22:35 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Commentary on Secretary of State George Shultz, Brokaw/Chancellor (24:50 NBC)
R1427, 04/25/1983, Mystery Illness in West Bank, Mudd/Kalb (26:37 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Education Commission with President Reagan, Brinkley/Shepard/McKenzie (28:10 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Interview with David Gardner on Education, Brinkley (32:17 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Central America and Congress, Brinkley/Gibson (34:00 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Rita Lavelle of EPA Found in Contempt, Brinkley (36:25 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Cairo, Jennings/Dunsmore (36:56 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Lebanon, Jennings/McCourt (38:50 ABC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Education Commission Report with President Reagan, Rather/Spencer (40:05 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Wall Street, Rather/Brady (42:42 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Congress and Central America, Rather/Jones (44:35 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Memorial Services, Rather (46:47 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, ISA Unit of the Army, Rather/Martin (47:19 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Off Shore Oil Auction, Rather (50:05 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Burger Boom in Japan, Rather/Joseph (50:28 CBS)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Education Commission Report, Mudd/McCarthy (52:54 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, El Salvador Aid, Mudd/Kur (55:13 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Presidential Envoy to Central America, Mudd (57:07 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Cairo, Brokaw/Utley (57:19 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, United States Navy Exercises of Libyan Coast, Brokaw (59:41 NBC)
R1427, 04/26/1983, Marine Buried in Arlington from Beirut, Mudd (60:02 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Speech by President Reagan on Central America, Brinkley/VonFremd/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Economy, Brinkley (04:18 ABC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt, The Beach Boys and Nancy Reagan, Brinkley (04:35 ABC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Israel, Jennings/Dunsmore (05:21 ABC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Andropov Proposes Weapon-Free Space, Jennings (07:12 ABC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Speech by President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (07:44 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Human Rights in El Salvador, Rather/Morton (10:09 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Israel, Rather/Schieffer (13:57 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Housing Starts Up, Rather/Dick (16:13 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, David Stockman on Unemployment Health Insurance, Rather (18:35 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block on Cheese Giveaways, Rather (18:56 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases with President Reagan, Rather/Spencer (19:20 CBS)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Speech by President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (21:46 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Nicaragua and El Salvador Response, Brokaw/Lloyd/Lewis (23:58 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, American Doctors Trip to Central America, Brokaw (27:18 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Israel, Brokaw/Utley (27:36 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, EPA Bans Machete, Mudd/Hager (30:01 NBC)
R1428, 04/27/1983, Coal Leases, Mudd (31:50 NBC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, President Reagan Appoints Richard Stone as Special Ambassador, Bell/Shepard (32:23 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Nicaragua and El Salvador Reactions to Speech by President Reagan, Bell/Quinones/Collins (35:19 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Cuba and Soviet Reaction to Speech by President Reagan, Bell (38:07 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Mission, Jennings/Dunsmore (38:30 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Stock Market, Bell/Cortdz (40:43 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Lie Detectors, Congress and Leaks with President Reagan, Bell/Threlkeld (42:17 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Representative Tip O’Neill and President Reagan not to Run in ’84, Bell (46:09 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Interview with Nancy Reagan and Mrs. Hinckley, Bell/Walters (46:27 ABC)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Norway and Sub, Rather/Blackstone (49:12 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, President Reagan Appoints Richard Stone as Special Ambassador, Rather/Stahl/Morton (50:15 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, United States Methods of Gathering Information, Rather/Martin (54:55 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Ken Duberstein, Wilson and Libya, Rather (56:51 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, President Reagan on Abortion in Magazine, Rather (57:16 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Secretary George Shultz in Beirut, Rather (57:42 CBS)
R1428, 04/28/1983, Social Security, Rather (58:09 CBS)
R1429, 04/28/1983, President Reagan Appoints Richard Stone as Special Ambassador, Mudd/Wallace (00:00 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Interview with Vice President George Bush-El Salvador, Mudd (02:06 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Nicaragua Demonstration, Brokaw (03:59 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, El Salvador Reaction to Speech by President Reagan, Brokaw/Lewis (04:25 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Soviet Response to Speech by President Reagan, Brokaw (05:55 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Federal Wire Taps, Mudd (06:10 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Laser Stocks, Mudd/Levine (06:28 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Mission, Brokaw/Utley (08:39 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Central America, Mudd/Chancellor (10:52 NBC)
R1429, 04/28/1983, Linn Yann Called by President Reagan, Brokaw/Kiker (12:42 NBC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Norway, Sweden and Sub, Jennings/Rodgers (14:52 ABC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, President Reagan’s Trip to Texas, Brinkley/VonFremd (16:34 ABC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Mission by Secretary of State George Shultz, Jennings (17:59 ABC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Arabs and West Bank, Jennings (18:15 ABC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (22:00 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Stock Market, Rather (23:48 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Ken Duberstein Dead, Rather/Schackne (24:01 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Bishops Conference and Anti-Nuclear Protests, Rather (25:40 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Racial Discrimination and William Reynolds, Rather (26:05 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, President Reagan Visits Texas, Rather (26:31 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Economy with Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and Feldstein, Rather (27:04 CBS)
R1429, 04/29/1983, President Reagan Visits Texas, Mudd (31:30 NBC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Nuclear Waste Dumps, Mudd/Jones (32:12 NBC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Economy, Mudd (34:08 NBC)
R1429, 04/29/1983, Mission by Secretary of State George Shultz, Mudd/Utley (34:23 NBC)
R1429, 04/30/1983, President Reagan Returns from Texas, Kurtis/Ferugia (37:48 CBS)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Walter Mondale Response to President Reagan, Kurtis (39:29 CBS)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Norwegian Navy and Sub, Kurtis/Blackstone (39:49 CBS)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Beirut, Kurtis/Schieffer (41:21 CBS)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Honduras and El Salvador, Kurtis/Morton (45:21 CBS)
R1429, 04/30/1983, El Salvador, Savitch/Lewis (43:18 NBC)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Nicaragua and the State Department, Savitch/Francis (45:18 NBC)
R1429, 04/30/1983, President Reagan Returns from Houston, Savitch/King (47:39 NBC)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Drug Smuggling and Cuban Connection, Savitch/Fulton (49:06 NBC)
R1429, 04/30/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Mission in Beirut, Savitch/Kalb (50:44 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in Poland, Donaldson/Ensor (00:00 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in the USSR, Donaldson/Zelnick (02:32 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in France, Donaldson (04:28 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, President Reagan Goes to Church and Vietnam Memorial, Donaldson (04:50 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Secretary George Shultz in Beirut, Donaldson/Dunsmore (05:25 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Eagleburger on Syria and the USSR, Donaldson (07:35 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Secretary of Education William Bennett and United States Education with President Reagan, Donaldson/VonFremd (07:54 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Vice President George Bush on Reelection with President Reagan, Donaldson (09:32 ABC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in Poland, Stahl/Quint (10:0 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, The Pope and Poland, Stahl (12:55 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, President Reagan and Solidarity, Stahl (13:17 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in the USSR, Stahl/McNeil (13:34 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in France and China, Stahl (15:24 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Beirut, Stahl/Schieffer (15:41 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Syria and Troop Withdrawal from Lebanon, Stahl/Pizzey (17:39 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Fighting in El Salvador, Stahl/Morton (19:20 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, President Reagan Visits Vietnam Memorial, Stahl (20:59 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Feeding the Hungry and Food Stamps, Stahl/Snyder (21:37 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Norway and Missing Sub, Stahl (27:14 CBS)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in Poland, Wallace/Cochran (27:36 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, President Reagan and Poland, Wallace (31:14 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, May Day in the USSR, Wallace/Mallory (31:28 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Beirut, Wallace/Kalb (33:13 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Deaths in El Salvador, Wallace/Lewis (35:16 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Nicaragua’s Response to President Reagan’s Speech, Wallace/Lloyd (37:21 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, Reagan Administration and United States Involvement in Central America, Wallace/Kalb (39:16 NBC)
R1430, 05/01/1983, President Reagan Visits Vietnam Memorial, Wallace/Rush (40:57 NBC)
42:03 End of Summary
R1435, 05/02/1983, Bishops and Nuclear Freeze, Brinkley/Bury (00:00 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, House and Nuclear Freeze, Brinkley (02:13 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Poland, Jennings/Ensor (02:26 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Federal Rules on Affirmed Action, Brinkley (04:10 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Asbestos Problems and EPA, Robinson/Gregory (04:58 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Budget, Brinkley/Hume (06:58 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, New Factories Orders, Brinkley (08:50 ABC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Bishops and Nuclear Freeze, Rather/Vierra (09:00 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, White House Reaction, Rather (11:17 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Budget, Rather/Jones (11:41 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Justice Department, Rather (13:46 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, United States Embassy in Poland, Rather/Quint (14:04 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Rather (15:42 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, College Degree and Jobs, Rather/McNamara (16:04 CBS)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Republicans Send Truman a Letter, Brokaw (18:37 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Bishops Letter and Nuclear Freeze, Mudd/Abernathy (19:01 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Norway and Soviet Sub, Brokaw/Cummins (20:30 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Waste Dump and EPA, Mudd (22:10 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Poison Water, Mudd/Polk (24:30 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Brokaw/Kalb (27:18 NBC)
R1435, 05/02/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Syria, Mudd/Kalb (29:19 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Soviet Arms Proposal, Jennings (30:45 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, State Department Reaction, Brinkley (31:19 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, White House Reaction, Brinkley/Donaldson (31:40 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Bishops and Nuclear Freeze, Brinkley (33:34 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, House Arms Service Funds Cutoff, Brinkley/Gibson (33:57 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, American Embassy in Beirut, Brinkley (35:32 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Jennings/Dunsmore (35:53 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Syria President Meets with PLO Leader, Jennings (37:30 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Poland, Jennings (38:24 ABC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Soviet Arms Proposal, Rather/McLaughlin (39:01 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, President Reagan on S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Rather (40:53 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Bishops and Nuclear Freeze, Rather/Vierra (41:18 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, House ASC Funds Cutoff, Rather/Jones (42:49 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Rather (44:44 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, President of Syria Meets with PLO Leader, Rather (45:19 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Poland and the Pope, Rather/Tunnell (45:41 CBS)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Soviet Arms Proposal, Mudd/Mallory (48:42 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, White House Reaction, Mudd/Wallace (50:18 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Senator Charles Percy on Arms Talks, Mudd (51:44 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Bishops and Nuclear Freeze, Brokaw/Abernathy (51:59 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, House, Brokaw (53:44 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, William Ruckelshaus, Brokaw (53:57 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Senator Howard Baker and Budget Plan, Mudd (54:23 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, House ASC Funds Cutoff, Mudd/Kur (54:41 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Mudd (56:41 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Syria and the PLO, Mudd/Utley (57:02 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, Soviet Offer, Brokaw/Chancellor (59:22 NBC)
R1435, 05/03/1983, CIA, Brokaw/Kalb (59:33 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, White House Reaction to Soviet Proposal, Brinkley/Donaldson (00:00 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, European Reaction, Jennings (02:37 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Soviet Hard Line, Jennings/Zelnick (03:21 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Reaction by President Reagan to Funds Cutoff, Brinkley (05:28 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Auto Sales, Brinkley (05:40 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Mid East Talks, Jennings/Dunsmore (05:53 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, William Ruckleshaus Hearings, Brinkley/Gregory (07:47 ABC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Lebanon Talks, Rather/Schieffer (09:40 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Soviet Troops in Lebanon, Rather (11:54 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, United States/Soviet Arms Talks, Rather/Martin (12:09 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Nuclear Freeze, Rather (14:04 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, President Reagan on Bishops Nuclear Freeze, Rather (14:27 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, House and President Reagan’s Request for Aid, Rather (14:45 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Secretary Raymond Donovan and Teamsters, Rather (15:17 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, William Ruckleshaus Hearings, Rather/Spencer (15:35 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Nuclear Waste Site, Rather/Dow (17:34 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Swedish Navy and Sub Search, Rather (20:15 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Iran Expels Soviets, Rather (20:38 CBS)
R1436, 05/04/1983, President Reagan on Nicaragua, Mudd/Wallace (20:57 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, President Reagan on El Salvador, Mudd (22:57 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Mudd/Lewis (23:11 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, William Ruckleshaus Hearings, Mudd/Hager (25:19 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and Mid East, Brokaw (27:04 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, House and Nuclear Freeze, Mudd (27:41 NBC)
R1436, 05/04/1983, Chairman Paul Volcker, Mudd/Chancellor (28:20 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, French Protest, Jennings/Dobbs (29:41 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Soviet Reaction on House Vote on Nuclear Arms Freeze, Jennings (31:15 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, House Nuclear Freeze Vote, Brinkley/Gibson (31:36 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, NRC and Nuclear Plant Shut Down, Brinkley (33:20 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Lebanon, Jennings (33:38 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Israel, Jennings/Donvan (34:08 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Chrysler Loan Payoff, Robinson (36:11 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Economy, Robinson (36:31 ABC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Lebanon, Rather/Potter (36:42 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Rather (38:00 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, President Reagan in Houston, Texas, Rather/Plante (38:19 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Democratic Candidates Court Labor, Rather (40:14 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Senate and ’84 Budget, Rather (40:33 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, President Reagan Rejects Nuclear Freeze, Rather (40:57 CBS)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Nuclear Freeze Vote in House, Mudd/Kur (41:14 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Presidential Security, Mudd (43:00 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Mudd (43:18 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Visas and Spies, Mudd (43;37 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, Sweden and Soviet Sub, Brokaw/Cummins (43:57 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, President Reagan in Houston, Texas, Brokaw (45:38 NBC)
R1436, 05/05/1983, President Reagan on Campaign Trail, Brokaw/Wallace (46:03 NBC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, Mid East, Brinkley/Jennings/Dunsmore/Seamans (49:10 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, Syria, Jennings (52:42 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in Paris, Brinkley (53:34 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, NRA and President Reagan, Brinkley/Donaldson (55:29 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, CIA and Central America, Brinkley/Hume (57:05 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, Unemployment and Mortgage Rates, Robinson (57:25 ABC)
R1436, 05/06/1983, William Ruckleshaus, Brinkley (57:33 ABC)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Mid East, Rather/Faw (00:00 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Syria and Lebanon, Rather (02:18 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, President Reagan’s Reaction, Rather/McLaughlin (02:38 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Nicaragua, Rather (04:27 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (04:55 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, NRA and President Reagan, Rather/Plante (07:23 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Nuclear Plant Shut Down, Rather (09:33 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Soviet Campaign and Latvia, Rather/McNeil (09:48 CBS)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Mission, Mudd/Fletcher (13:38 NBC)
R1437, 05/06/1983, President Reagan in Phoenix, Arizona, Mudd/Wallace (15:56 NBC)
R1437, 05/06/1983, CIA and Central America, Mudd (17:51 NBC)
R1437, 05/06/1983, Poland, Mudd/Cochran (18:05 NBC)
R1437, 05/06/1983, United States Dollar, Brokaw/Chancellor (19:49 NBC)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Mid East Trip by Secretary of State George Shultz, Kurtis/Schieffer (21:31 CBS)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Sharmin on Troop Withdrawal, Kurtis (23:44 CBS)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Fighting in Beirut, Kurtis (24:02 CBS)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Payment in Kind-Farm Lands, Kurtis/Dick (24:22 CBS)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Jobless, Kurtis/Ford (26:36 CBS)
R1437, 05/07/1983, United States Ships Fired on off Beirut Coast, Savitch (30:59 NBC)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Mid East Trip, Savitch/Kalb (31:29 NBC)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Israel, Savitch (33:15 NBC)
R1437, 05/07/1983, United States Reaction to Peace Plan, Savitch/Francis (33:35 NBC)
R1437, 05/07/1983, Sweden Sub Search, Savitch/Cummins (34:59 NBC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Mid East Peace Mission, Donaldson/Dunsmore/Seamans (38:34 ABC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Budget, Donaldson/Simpson (43:13 ABC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Chairman Paul Volcker, Donaldson (45:17 ABC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Mother’s Day Demonstration, Donaldson (45:37 ABC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Squeal Rule Case, Donaldson/O’Brien (46:15 ABC)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Mid East Peace Plan, Dean/Schieffer (48:14 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Beirut Fighting, Dean/Philips (50:05 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Israel, Dean/Faw (52:16 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Nicaraguan Aid, Dean/Miller (54:28 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Afghanistan, Dean (56:43 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Lech Walesa and Poland, Dean (57:28 CBS)
R1437, 05/08/1983, Sweden Sub Hunt, Dean (57:46 CBS)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Mid East Peace Plan, Savitch/Kalb (00:00 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Syria, Savitch (02:08 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Israel, Savitch/Fletcher (02:21 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Vice President George Bush says President Reagan will Run, Savitch (04:10 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Soviet Stealing Technology, Savitch (04:27 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Soviet Arms Buildup, Savitch/Kalb (04:44 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Poland, Savitch (06:42 NBC)
R1438, 05/08/1983, Nicaragua, Savitch (07:07 NBC)
07:31 End of Summary
R1444, 05/09/1983, PLO in Lebanon, Brinkley/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Mid East, Jennings (01:59 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Commentary on Secretary of State George Shultz’s Shuttle, Jennings/Dunsmore (02:53 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz at East-West Trade Meeting, Jennings (04:15 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Afghanistan Ousts Journalist, Brinkley (04:48 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Squeal Rule, Brinkley/O’Brien (05:06 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Auto Inventories, Robinson (06:54 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Electronic Warfare, Robinson/Geer (07:09 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Calls Elections, Jennings/Lee (09:07 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Lumber Prices and the United States Government, Brinkley/Serafin (11:01 ABC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Soviets Threaten War in the Mid East, Rather/Martin (14:12 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Attack on American Interests in Jordan, Rather (16:13 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Agreement, Rather/Schieffer (16:29 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Paris Meeting on East-West Trade, Rather (18:00 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, EPA and the PCB Report, Rather/Spencer (18:14 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, EPA and Lead Levels, Rather/Courier (20:08 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Justice Department and the Squeal Rule, Rather (22:30 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Director David Stockman and Health Insurance, Rather (23:13 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Atlanta Georgia Doctors and Health Care for the Poor, Rather/Andrews (23:32 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Nicaragua and the United Nations Request, Rather (25:30 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Fighting in El Salvador and Their Children, Rather/Morton (25:44 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, The National Debt, Rather/Osgood (28:31 CBS)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Nicaragua with Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, Brokaw/Moss (31:19 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, United States Versus Nicaragua, Mudd/Kalb (33:50 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Secretary George of State Shultz in the Mid East, Mudd (35:31 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Andropov’s New Position, ? (36:27 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Gas Prices Up, Mudd (36:46 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Justice Powell on the Death Penalty, Mudd (38:39 NBC)
R1444, 05/09/1983, Chrysler and the Government on Warrants, Brokaw (39:03 NBC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, The MX Missile and El Salvador in the Senate, Brinkley/Hume/Donaldson (39:36 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, President Reagan and Nicaraguan Sugar Quotas, Brinkley (43:14 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, PLO in Lebanon, Brinkley/McWethy (43:29 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Mid East Tensions, Jennings (45:11 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Soviets Accuse Israel of War Plans, Jennings/Zelnick (45:49 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on the Soviets, Jennings/Dunsmore (47:37 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Food Stamp Fraud with Secretary John Block , Brinkley/Robinson (48:53 ABC)
R1444, 05/10/1983, The Mid East with Secretary George Shultz, Rather/Pizzey/Schieffer (50:52 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Soviets in Afghanistan, Rather (54:49 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, F-16 Crashes in Germany, Rather (55:18 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Defense Budget in the Senate, Rather (55:36 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Foreign Relations Committee on El Salvador Aid, Rather (56:08 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, President Reagan on S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Rather (56:17 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Soviets Violate Salt II, Rather/Martin (56:50 CBS)
R1444, 05/10/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Rather (58:22 CBS)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and the Mid East, Brokaw/Kalb (00:00 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, The White House on the Mid East, Mudd (02:20 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Syria, The Peace Plan and the USSR, Mudd/Kalb (02:36 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Afghanistan Fighting, Mudd (04:08 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, The Senate and El Salvador, Mudd/Dancy (04:25 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Mudd/Molina (06:03 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Money to Sell, Mudd/Levine (07:52 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Alien Workers in Florida, Brokaw/Lloyd (10:07 NBC)
R1445, 05/10/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt in Lynchburg, Virginia, Mudd (11:56 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Economic Sales, Robinson (12:58 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, President Reagan and Congress on El Salvador and the MX Missile, Brinkley/Gibson (13:05 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, The Mid East, Brinkley/Jennings (13:34 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Lebanon to Sign the Shultz Agreement, Brinkley (16:37 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, The House Passes Emergency Housing Aid, Brinkley (16:46 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and the Coal Leases, Brinkley (17:03 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Fiske Retires, Brinkley (17:21 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, President Reagan on Arms Control, Rather/Jones (17:41 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Returns with President Reagan, Rather (19:49 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Lebanon and the Troop Withdrawal, Rather/Phillips (20:20 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Fiske Quits, Rather (22:26 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Sabotage to Nuclear Plant Security, Rather/Stahl (22:56 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Afghanistan Fighting, Rather/Martin (25:44 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, House Passes Emergency Housing Aid Bill, Rather (27:29 CBS)
R1445, 05/11/1983, MX Missile Battle with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (27:45 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Premier Andropov on the Peace Movement, Mudd (29:53 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Deputy Secretary of Commerce Fiske Retires, Mudd (30:08 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Israeli Withdrawal, Brokaw/Fletcher (30:30 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Returns with President Reagan Shultz, Mudd/Mitchell (32:53 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Mudd (34:25 NBC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, El Salvador, Mudd/Molina (34:53 NBC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The Senate and the Budget, Brinkley/Hume (37:15 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The Senate and the MX Missile Funds, Brinkley (39:25 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Emergency Mortgage Money Bill, Brinkley/Miller (39:49 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, House Repeals the Interest Withholding Bill, Brinkley (41:46 ABC)
R1445, 05/11/1983, The Federal Election Committee and PAC Contributions with NCPAC Reagan Commercial, Brinkley/Serafin (42:01 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Brinkley (44:07 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, El Salvador Atrocities, Brinkley (44:35 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger Returns, Brinkley (44:59 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and the Saudi Meeting, Jennings (45:15 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Lebanon and Syria Meeting, Jennings/Glass (45:37 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Prospects of Syrian Withdrawal, Jennings (47:00 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Soviet Peace Committee Visit, Robinson/Garrels (48:50 ABC)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The Budget and the Senate, Rather/Jones (51:07 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Tip O’Neill on the Senate Vote, Rather (52:46 CBS)
R1445, 05/1/1983, House Vote on Interest Withholding Tax, Rather (52:55 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The House on the Debt Ceiling, Rather (53:22 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Lebanon and the Becca Valley with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger , Rather/Faw (53:38 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The Senate and the MX Missile Funds, Rather (56:03 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, President Reagan and Paul Nitze, Rather (56:20 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, The Soviets and the “Peaceful Nukes”, Rather/Martin (56:35 CBS)
R1445, 05/12/1983, Miami Nuclear Power Plant, Rather/Croft (58:46 CBS)
R1446, 05/12/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Rather/Morton (00:00 CBS)
R1446, 05/12/1983, The Senate and the Budget, Mudd/Dancy (02:16 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, The Senate and the MX Missile Funds, Mudd (04;18 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, Withdrawal Agreement, Brokaw (04:41 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Mudd/McCarthy (05:17 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, Soviet Pressure on Poland, Brokaw/Cochran (07:04 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, Economic Summit Meeting, Mudd/Levine (08:55 NBC)
R1446, 05/12/1983, Interest Withholding Tax in the House, Mudd (11:23 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Syria Rejects Lebanon Agreement, Brinkley/Jennings/Glass/McWethy (11:42 ABC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, The Economy with President Reagan and Martin Feldstein, Brinkley/Donaldson (16:23 ABC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Disinflation Problems, Robinson/Cortdz (18:13 ABC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Auto Sales, Robinson (21:48 ABC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Economic Recovery with Martin Feldstein and President Reagan on Taxes, Rather/Drinkwater/Stahl (22:04 CBS)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Syria Rejects the Lebanon Agreement with President Reagan and Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Pizzey/McLaughlin (25:43 CBS)
R1446, 05/13/1983, The EPA and Dioxin in Missouri, Rather (29:18 CBS)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Presidential Pardon for Watergate Burglar, Rather (29:54 CBS)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Strait Incorporated with Nancy Reagan, Rather/Engberg (30:18 CBS)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Economic Recovery with Martin Feldstein, Brokaw/Jensen (36:18 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Chrysler Corporation and Government Warrant’s, Brokaw (38:12 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Lebanon, Brokaw/Miller (38:15 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Sharon on Lebanon, Brokaw (40:09 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in New York, Brokaw (40:23 NBC)
R1446, 05/13/1983, El Salvador, Brokaw/Molina (40:40 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Syria and the Troop Withdrawal, Schieffer/Tynell (42:32 CBS)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Israeli Reaction, Schieffer (44:16 CBS)
R1446, 04/14/1983, Radio Address by President Reagan, Schieffer (44:46 CBS)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Democratic Strategy, Schieffer/Miller (45:13 CBS)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Missiles in Europe, Schieffer (46:48 CBS)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Arms Talks Begin, Savitch/Bitterman (47:12 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, El Salvador, Savitch/Molina (48:55 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Lebanon and Yasir Arafat, Savitch (50:37 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, Lebanon and Cabinet Approval, Savitch (50:55 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, Savitch (51:13 NBC)
R1446, 05/14/1983, A Watergate Burglar Pardoned, Savitch/King (51:26 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Troop Withdrawal and the PLO, Donaldson/Donvan (00:00 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Yasir Arafat and Israel, Donaldson/Glass (02:00 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Prince Hassan and Lebanon, Donaldson (03;26 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Presidential News Conference and the Budget Resolution, Donaldson/Simpson (03:38 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, The Most Influential Americans, Donaldson (05:37 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Free Trade and Harley Davidson with President Reagan, Donaldson/VonFremd (05:56 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Senator John Glenn and Former Vice President Walter Mondale for Presidential Poll, Donaldson (08:02 ABC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Talk of War, “The Mid East”, Wallace/Miller (08:43 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Ready to Sign, “The Troop Withdrawal”, Wallace/Bernard (11:36 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, The Budget Deadlock with Senator Robert Dole, Wallace/King (13:29 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Senator John Glenn and Former Vice President Walter Mondale Presidential Poll, Wallace (15:08 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, United Auto Workers and Douglas Frazier, Wallace/Briggs (15:31 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, A Failing Mark for Education, Wallace (17:09 NBC)
R1447, 05/15/1983, Arms Talks with Paul Nitze, Wallace/Bitterman (17:26 NBC)
19:23 End of Summary
R1455, 05/16/1983, Stock Market and Interest Rate Fears, Brinkley/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Federal Debt with President Reagan, Brinkley/VonFremd (02:07 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, President Reagan’s Press Conference, Brinkley (04:10 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Private Enterprise and NASA Rockets, Brinkley/Simpson (04:20 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Mid East, Jennings (05:58 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Geneva S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings (06:30 ABC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Mid East, Rather/Tunnell/Faw/Pizzey (08:41 CBS)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Iran Responsible for Beirut Embassy, Rather/Martin (12:39 CBS)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Computer Chips and Spies, Rather/Vierra (14:36 CBS)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Factory Use, Rather (16:55 CBS)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger Resigns USIA, Rather (17:11 CBS)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Mid East, Brokaw/Aicken (17:36 NBC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Honduras and Nicaragua, Brokaw/Anderson (19:40 NBC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Federal Deficit with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (22:25 NBC)
R1455, 05/16/1983, Prison Systems Population Problems, Brokaw/Jones (24:20 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Interest Withholding and Senate, Brinkley/Gibson/Hume (26:34 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Senate Confirms William Ruckleshaus, Brinkley (29:43 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Mid East Signing, Brinkley/Jennings/McCourt/Seamans (30:01 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Syrian Disapproval of Agreement, Jennings (34:21 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, President Reagan on Signing, Brinkley (34:56 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, United States Soviet Grain Talks, Brinkley (35:08 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, House Votes MX Money, Brinkley (35:30 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Geneva Talks, Jennings/Dobbs (35:42 ABC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Senate and Budget with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (37:23 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, House Votes MX Money, Rather (39:12 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, House and Interest Withholding, Rather (39:27 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Geneva Talks, Rather (39:47 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, United States Soviet Grain Talks, Rather (40:13 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Mid East Signing, Rather/Tunnell/Schieffer (40:23 CBS)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Mid East, Brokaw/Fletcher (44:19 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Syrian Disapproval, Brokaw (46:29 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Senate and Budget, Mudd/Wallace (47:01 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, House Votes MX Money, Mudd (48:57 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Senate Confirms William Ruckleshaus, Mudd (49:20 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, Interest Withholding, Mudd (49:31 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, United States Soviet Arms Talks, Mudd/Utley (49:53 NBC)
R1455, 05/17/1983, United States Soviet Grain Talks, Mudd (53:01 NBC)
R1455, 05/18/1983, ABC Poll on Economy with President Reagan, Brinkley/Donaldson/Serafin (53:33 ABC)
R1455, 05/18/1983, William Ruckleshaus Sworn in by President Reagan, Brinkley/Gibson (57:43 ABC)
R1455, 05/18/1983, Immigration Laws, Brinkley (59:46 ABC)
R1455, 05/18/1983, United States Federal Debt Limit Raised, Brinkley (60:03 ABC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, William Ruckleshaus Sworn in by President Reagan, Rather/Plante (00:00 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Toxic Waste, Rather/Spencer (02:07 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Senate and Budget, Rather (04:37 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Lecture Income in Congress, Rather/Jones (05:01 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Syria and Philip Habib, Rather (07:16 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Libya and Syria Severe Diplomatic Relations, Rather (07:42 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Immigration Laws, Rather (07:58 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Mexican Commuters across Border, Rather/Aguilar (08:23 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, New UAW President, Rather (09:45 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Japanning of America, Rather/Simon (09:56 CBS)
R1456, 05/18/1983, William Ruckleshaus Sworn in with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace/Mitchell (15:23 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Rita Lavelle Contempt of Congress, Mudd (19:16 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Senate and Budget, Mudd (19:40 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Immigration Laws, Mudd (20:03 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Nicaragua, Brokaw (20:24 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Paul Volcker Reappointment? With President Reagan, Mudd/Levine (21:21 NBC)
R1456, 05/18/1983, Personal Income Up, Mudd (23:53 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, White House Army Dogs and Drugs, Brinkley/Enderfurth (24:19 ABC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, ’84 Budget, Brinkley (25:47 ABC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Poland and Boy’s Death, Jennings/Ensor (26:03 ABC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Syria and Pull Out Agreement, Jennings (27:58 ABC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, President Reagan and Photographers Dinner, Brinkley (28:37 ABC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, ’84 Budget, Rather/Jones (29:21 CBS)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Home Foreclosures High, Rather/Blackly (31:38 CBS)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Economy and GNP, Rather (34:11 CBS)
R1456, 05/19/1983, White House Army Dogs and Drugs, Rather (34:30 CBS)
R1456, 05/19/1983, President Reagan at White House Photographers Dinner, Rather (34:57 CBS)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Economy, Brokaw (36:31 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, New President for UAW, Brokaw/O’Neil (36:14 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Unemployment Up, Brokaw (38:13 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, EPA, Michael Deaver and Craig Fuller, Mudd/Hager (38:24 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, ’84 Budget, Mudd (40:13 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Tip O’Neill and President Reagan’s Policies, Mudd (40:41 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, President Reagan and Summit with USSR, Mudd (40:57 NBC)
R1456, 05/19/1983, Senate Financial Disclosures, Mudd (41:09 NBC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, President Reagan Goes to Miami, Brinkley/Donaldson (41:54 ABC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, Senate and the Budget, Brinkley/Hume (44:07 ABC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, Private Enterprise vs. Government with President Reagan, Brinkley/Threlkeld (47:00 ABC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, EPA Housecleaning, Rather (52:10 CBS)
R1456, 05/20/1983, President Reagan and the Budget, Rather (52:30 CBS)
R1456, 05/20/1983, President Reagan in Miami, Rather/Plante (53:11 CBS)
R1456, 05/20/1983, Administration Sends F-16 to Israel, Rather (55:19 CBS)
R1456, 05/20/1983, President Reagan Goes to Miami, Mudd/Wallace 955:39 NBC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, ’84 Budget and President Reagan, Mudd/Dancy (58:14 NBC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, EPA and William Ruckleshaus, Mudd (59:57 NBC)
R1456, 05/20/1983, Air Traffic Controllers and President Reagan, Mudd/Hager (60:16 NBC)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Philip Habib on Lebanon, Schieffer/Pentak/Tunnell (00:00 CBS)
R1457, 05/21/1983, President Reagan in New Jersey, Schieffer/Stahl (03:04 CBS)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Radio Message by President Reagan, Schieffer (05:41 CBS)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Education in New York City Ben Franklin High School, Schieffer/Snyder (06:05 CBS)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Jimmy Stewarts Birthday with Call from President Reagan, Schieffer/Lawerensen (10:47 CBS)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Syria and Withdrawal Agreement, Savitch (13:45 NBC)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Radio Message by President Reagan, Savitch (14:11 NBC)
R1457, 05/21/1983, President Reagan in New Jersey, Savitch/King (14:35 NBC)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Gas Decontrol Study, Savitch (16:10 NBC)
R1457, 05/21/1983, Coal Leasing with Secretary James Watt, Savitch/Oliver (16:29 NBC)
R1457, 05/22/1983, El Salvador Dean/Ferugia (18:45 CBS)
R1457, 05/22/1983, President Reagan Appeals to Khomeini, Dean (21:06 CBS)
R1457, 05/22/1983, Pentagon and New Weapons, Dean/Martin (21:24 CBS)
R1457, 05/22/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Dean (23:10 CBS)
R1457, 05/22/1983, Food Stamp Correction, Dean (23:30 CBS)
R1457, 05/22/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Wallace/King (24:19 NBC)
R1457, 05/22/1983, Poland and Presidential Sanctions, Wallace/Kalb (26:47 NBC)
R1457, 05/22/1983, French Foreign Minister and Williamsburg, Wallace/Levine (28:49 NBC)
R1457, 05/22/1983, President Reagan, Iran and Bahias, Wallace (31:40 NBC)
R1457, 05/22/1983, Senator Barry Goldwater and Central America, Wallace (31:56 NBC)
32:40 End of Summary
R1463, 05/23/1983, Central America, Brinkley/McWethy/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Nuclear Demonstrators at the Capitol, Brinkley (03:24 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Red Cross Short of Funds, Robinson/Sirkin (04:06 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Economy, Robinson (05:38 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, South Africa Attack, Jennings (06:17 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Mid East and PLO Troubles, Jennings/Glass (06:56 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Brinkley (08:16 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Charles Mannett on Democratic Fundraiser, Brinkley (08:33 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Movie Stars Raising Money for Politics, Brinkley/Vanocur (08:48 ABC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, State of the States, Kurtis (13:29 CBS)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Nicaragua, Kurtis/Martin (13:51 CBS)
R1463, 05/23/1983, United States Marines in Beirut, Kurtis (16:14 CBS)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Becca Valley, Kurtis/Pizzey (16:33 CBS)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Prison Gangs, Kurtis/Braver (18:25 CBS)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Anti-Nuclear Demonstrators at the Capitol, Mudd/Abernathy (20:38 NBC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, MX Debate, Mudd (24:33 NBC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Floods in South, Brokaw/Clayton (27:00 NBC)
R1463, 05/23/1983, Treasury Secretary Donald Regan’s Comments, Mudd (28:42 NBC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, House Vote on MX, Brinkley/Gibson/Donaldson (29:14 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Supreme Court on Schools Tax Status with President Reagan, Brinkley/O’Brien (33:04 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Consumer Prices, Brinkley/Cortdz (35:15 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Auto Sales, Brinkley (37:37 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, French Protest, Jennings/Dobbs (38:05 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Belfast Bomb, Jennings (39:48 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, South Africa on Attack, Jennings (40:13 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Radio Moscow Announcer, Jennings (40:44 ABC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Supreme Court and School Tax Status, Sawyer/Graham (42:01 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, House MX Vote, Sawyer/Jones (44:29 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Belgium Bomb, Sawyer (46:27 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Consumer Prices, Sawyer/Brady (46:38 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, NRC and Three Mile Island, Sawyer (49:03 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Honeywell and Smoke Detectors, Sawyer (49:39 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Agriculture Department and Texas Beef, Sawyer (50:03 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, East Germans and Nuclear Protest, Sawyer/Fenton (50:36 CBS)
R1463, 05/24/1983, MX Vote in House, Mudd/Kur (55:01 NBC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, President Reagan on MX Vote, Mudd (57:06 NBC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Supreme Court and School Tax Status, Mudd/Stern (57:19 NBC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Private Tuition Tax Credit, Mudd (59:17 NBC)
R1463, 05/24/1983, Consumer Prices, Brokaw (59:36 NBC)
R1464, 05/24/1983, NEA Opposes President Reagan with the President, Brokaw (00:00 NBC)
R1464, 05/24/1983, United States Defense System, Mudd/Chancellor (04:15 NBC)
R1464, 05/24/1983, Polish Spies, Mudd (05:54 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Mid East, Brinkley/McWethy (06:13 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Senators Vote on MX Money, Brinkley/Hume (08:21 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Interior Department Oil Leases, Brinkley/Peterson (10:05 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Brinkley/Donaldson (12:05 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, United States Soviet Relations and Possible Summit, Brinkley/Scali (14:06 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Radio Moscow Announcer, Brinkley (15:33 ABC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Mid East with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Schieffer/Martin (16:12 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Yasir Arafat and Troop Troubles, Schieffer/Pizzey (18:33 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Soviets Build Nuclear Power Plant, Schieffer (20:07 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Schieffer/Stahl (20:57 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Vernon Jordan on the President’s Position, Schieffer (23:13 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Hospice Money, Schieffer/Spencer (23:53 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, El Salvador, Schieffer/Morton (26:12 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Oil Leases, Schieffer (29:11 CBS)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Senate Votes MX Money, Mudd/Dancy (29:40 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, President Reagan and Civil Rights Commission, Mudd/Wallace (31:30 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Nicaragua Fighting, Brokaw (33:47 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Fighting in Central America, Brokaw/Walker (34:07 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Oil Leasing, Brokaw (36:03 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Dirty Tricks in Politics, Mudd/Bode (36:15 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Yasir Arafat and Troop Troubles, Brokaw/Miller (38:31 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Secretary Malcolm Baldrige Announcement from China, Mudd (40:23 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Deficits and Tax Cheaters, Mudd/Chancellor (40:43 NBC)
R1464, 05/25/1983, Senate Committee and Interest Withholding, Mudd (42:38 NBC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, El Salvador Death with President Reagan, Jennings/Collins/McWethy/Donaldson (42:58 ABC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, President Reagan meets with Italian Prime Minister, Jennings (49:30 ABC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, Summit Process, Jennings (49:49 ABC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, New Unemployment Claims, Robinson (54:11 ABC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, Photos of Soviet Arms to Nicaragua, Jennings (54:21 ABC)
R1464, 05/26/1983, El Salvador Death, Schieffer/Croft (54:57 CBS)
R1464, 05/26/1983, President Reagan on the Death, Morton (59:57 CBS)
R1464, 05/26/1983, Soviet Arms to Nicaragua with President Reagan, Schieffer/Stahl (60:00 CBS)
R1465, 05/26/1983, NAACP Power Struggle, Schieffer (00:00 CBS)
R1465, 05/26/1983, Health and Safety Costs, Schieffer (00:28 CBS)
R1465, 05/26/1983, Minnesota Defense Plant, Schieffer/McNamara (00:49 CBS)
R1465, 05/26/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Schieffer/Tucker (03:31 CBS)
R1465, 05/26/1983, El Salvador Death, Brokaw/Murphy/Oliver (07:32 NBC)
R1465, 05/26/1983, United States Reaction with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (11:24 NBC)
R1465, 05/26/1983, Military Advisors in Central America, Mudd/Francis (13:22 NBC)
R1465, 05/26/1983, President Reagan on Soviet Missiles, Mudd (15:16 NBC)
R1465, 05/26/1983, Unwelcome Cubans, Mudd/Hager (15:36 NBC)
R1465, 05/26/1983, El Salvador, Mudd/Chancellor (17:24 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Mid East, Jennings/Seamans/McWethy (19:31 ABC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Thomas Enders Out with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson (22:44 ABC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Schaufelberger’s Body, Jennings/Collins (24:42 ABC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Jennings (26:36 ABC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Food at the Summit, Jennings/Threlkeld (28:27 ABC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Thomas Enders Out with President Reagan, Schieffer/McLaughlin (31:47 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Schaufelberger’s Body, Schieffer/Croft (33:57 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Mid East, Schieffer/Faw (36:18 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, United States and Soviets on Missiles in Europe, Schieffer (38:41 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Rita Lavelle Indicted, Schieffer (38:58 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, FAA Returns Sky Marshals, Schieffer (39:21 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Economic Summit with Secretary Donald Regan, Schieffer/Simon (39:43 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Radio Moscow Announcer, Schieffer (43:21 CBS)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Thomas Enders Out, Mudd/Francis (44:09 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Schaufelberg’s Body, Brokaw/Murphy (47:17 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Nicaragua, Brokaw (48:06 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Israel and Syria Face off, Brokaw/Fletcher (48:45 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Rita Lavelle Indicted, Brokaw (50:43 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Benivedes Trouble, Brokaw/Gangel (51:00 NBC)
R1465, 05/27/1983, Williamsburg Summit with Secretary Donald Regan, Mudd/Levine (52:49 NBC)
R1466, 05/28/1983, Williamsburg Summit with President Reagan and Secretary Donald Regan, Schieffer/Stahl (00:00 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, Warsaw Pact and USSR Missiles, Schieffer (03:20 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, United States Reaction to USSR Proposal, Schieffer (03:53 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, United States Warns Syria, Schieffer (04:15 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, Arens and Israel, Schieffer (04:20 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, United States Marines in Beirut, Schieffer/Tunnell (04:30 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, Democratic Party Telethon, Schieffer/Shepard (06:40 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Schieffer/Gomez (09:59 CBS)
R1466, 05/28/1983, Schaufelberger Funeral, Schieffer/Sheehan (11:56 CBS)
R1466, 05/29/1983, The Summit, Donaldson/Jennings/VonFremd (13:55 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Summit, Europe and Arms Race, Jennings/Donaldson (16:59 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Food at the Summit, Donaldson (18:50 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Fighting in Mid East and Marines in Beirut, Donaldson/Rodgers (19:07 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Ambassador Hinton Replaced and United States and Foreign Policy towards Central America, Donaldson/Dunsmore (20:53 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Reagan Administration and Civil Rights, Donaldson/Shepard (22:48 ABC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Summit, Dean/Stahl (24:48 CBS)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Marine Rotation in Beirut, Dean/Tunnell (27:46 CBS)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Democratic Telethon, Dean (29:48 CBS)
R1466, 05/29/1983, China and United States Trade with Secretary Malcolm Baldrige, Dean/Dunning (30:25 CBS)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Arms Race and the Summit, Wallace/King (32:58 NBC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Summit, Wallace/Levine (34:55 NBC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Ambassador Hinton Recalled from El Salvador, Savitch/Murphy (38:09 NBC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Peace March in Israel, Savitch/Fletcher (40:45 NBC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Democratic Party Telethon, Savitch/Bode (42:04 NBC)
R1466, 05/29/1983, Image Making at the Summit with Larry Speakes, Wallace (43:09 NBC)
46:24 End of Summary
R1473, 05/30/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Jennings/Donaldson/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Israeli Killed, Jennings/Seamans/Dunsmore (05:40 ABC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Robinson/Collins (09:21 ABC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Rather/Plante (11:19 CBS)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Secretary Caspar Weinberger in West Germany, Rather (13:51 CBS)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Yasir Arafat and the PLO, Rather/Tunnell (14:20 CBS)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Mudd/Wallace (16:20 NBC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Soviet Reaction to Summit, Brokaw (20:21 NBC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Secretary Caspar Weinberger in West Germany, Brokaw (20:47 NBC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Memorial Day, Brokaw/Gangel/Myers (21:02 NBC)
R1473, 05/30/1983, Summits, Are They Worth it?, Mudd/Kalb/Brokaw (24:40 NBC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Williamsburg Summit, Jennings/Donaldson (30:16 ABC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Mid East and U-2 Flights, Jennings (32:15 ABC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in Europe, Jennings/Enderfurth ( 32:38 ABC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Robinson (35:10 ABC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Japan Company for F15 Connected to East Germany, Jennings (35:22 ABC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Mid East and Syria Warning, Schieffer/Martin (35:50 CBS)
R1473, 05/31/1983, President Reagan on Summit, Schieffer/Plante (37:16 CBS)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Schieffer/Wallace (39:11 CBS)
R1473, 05/31/1983, EPA and MPG Ratings on Cars, Schieffer (40:55 CBS)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Civil Rights and Administration, Schieffer (41:19 CBS)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Syrian Warning and PLO, Mudd/Kalb (41:56 NBC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in West Germany, Brokaw (44:02 NBC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, President Reagan on Economy, Mudd (44:19 NBC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Soviet use of Yellow Rain, Brokaw (45:04 NBC)
R1473, 05/31/1983, Replacement of Central American Diplomats, Mudd/Chancellor (45:26 NBC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Sworn in, Brinkley (47:43 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, El Salvador, Brinkley/McWethy (47:53 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Ambassador Hinton Removed, Brinkley/Collins (49:33 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Central American Ambassadors, Brinkley (51:28 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Indians and Complain of Treatment, Brinkley (51:37 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, New Factory Orders, Robinson (52:02 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Wall Street and Interest Rates, Robinson/Cortdz (52:11 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Yasir Arafat and PLO Problems, Brinkley (53:47 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Assad on the Withdrawal Plan, Brinkley (54:00 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Philip Habib Efforts, Brinkley/Seamans (54:11 ABC)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Mid East, Rather/McLaughlin (55:47 CBS)
R1473, 06/01/1983, PLO in Lebanon, Rather/Pizzey (58:00 CBS)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Sworn in, Rather (59:46 CBS)
R1473, 06/01/1983, El Salvador, Rather (60:02 CBS)
R1473, 06/01/1983, Administration Surinam Plan, Rather (60:19 CBS)
R1474, 06/01/1983, NATO Defense Ministers, Rather/Tischner (00:00 CBS)
R1474, 06/01/1983, American Advisors in El Salvador, Mudd (02:52 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, Fighting in El Salvador, Mudd/Murphy (03:15 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Sworn in, Mudd (05:08 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, Assad meets with Gaddafi, Brokaw/Champ (05:26 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, PLO and Arafat Problems, Brokaw (05:44 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, William Casey and Financial Disclosure, Mudd/Levine (07:12 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, CIA and Surinam Plot, Mudd (09:37 NBC)
R1474, 06/01/1983, Michael Reagan, Mudd (10:05 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, El Salvador, Brinkley/Donaldson/McWethy (10:32 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Going to El Salvador, Brinkley (14:12 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, State Department, Brinkley/Dunsmore (14:24 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Schaufelberger Memorial Service, Brinkley (16:22 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Liabilities, Brinkley/Peterson (16:50 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Averill Harriman in Moscow, Robinson (20:09 ABC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Soviets to Supply Libya, Schieffer (20:33 CBS)
R1474, 06/02/1983, El Salvador, Schieffer/Plante (20:51 CBS)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Schaufelberger Memorial Service, Schieffer/Vierra (23:26 CBS)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Vietnam to Return more Bodies, Schieffer (25:08 CBS)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Central America, Mudd/Kalb (25:34 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Former President Jimmy Carter on El Salvador, Mudd (27:20 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, United States Advisors to go to Honduras, Brokaw/Lloyd (27:37 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Averill Harriman to Moscow, Brokaw (29:33 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Dioxin and EPA, Mudd/Nissenson (29:50 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Budget Boost, Mudd/Chancellor (31:52 NBC)
R1474, 06/02/1983, Children and School Lunch Program, Mudd (34:08 NBC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Unemployment, Robinson/Cortdz (34:36 ABC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, PLO and Yasir Arafat, Jennings (37:29 ABC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Vietnam Returns Bodies, Jennings (37:53 ABC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, El Salvador, Brinkley/Collins (38:10 ABC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Labor Department and Unemployment, Rather (40:09 CBS)
R1474, 06/03/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Morton (40:35 CBS)
R1474, 06/03/1983, President Reagan and Rumania, Rather (44:38 CBS)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Dioxin and New Jersey, Mudd/Nielaron (45:07 NBC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, President Magana to Visit United States, Mudd (46:54 CBS)
R1474, 06/03/1983, El Salvador, Mudd/Lloyd (47:06 NBC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Israel Divided on Lebanon, Mudd/Fletcher (48:44 NBC)
R1474, 06/03/1983, Unemployment, Mudd (51:33 NBC)
R1474, 06/04/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Schieffer/Pizzey (52:04 CBS)
R1474, 06/04/1983, Yasir Arafat, Schieffer (53:17 CBS)
R1474, 06/04/1983, United States Deployment Expulsion, Schieffer (53:49 CBS)
R1474, 06/04/1983, Senator Charles Percy and United States/Soviet Relations, Schieffer/Pierpoint (54:10 CBS)
R1475, 06/04/1983, PLO Fighting Each Other, Savitch/Seamans (00:00 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Soviets Backing Arafat, Savitch (01:55 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, United States/PLO Problems, Savitch/Kur (02:07 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Peace March in Tel Aviv, Savitch/Champ (03:30 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Ariel Sharon on Israel Attack, Savitch (04:41 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Nine American Bodies Returned from Vietnam, Savitch (05:00 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, American Accused of Spying in Soviet Union, Savitch (05:25 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, El Salvador, Savitch (05:39 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, United States Central American Policy, Savitch/Francis (05:58 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, United States Involvement in El Salvador, Savitch/Valeriani (08:32 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, President Reagan on Radio, Savitch (09:39 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Tax Bite, Savitch/Cummins (09:51 NBC)
R1475, 06/04/1983, Feldstein on Recovery, Savitch (12:06 NBC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, United States/Soviet Relations, Donaldson/Garrels (12:45 ABC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, El Salvador, Donaldson/Ross (14:46 ABC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, Yasir Arafat and PLO Problems, Dean (16:54 CBS)
R1475, 06/05/1983, French Arms and United States/Soviet Arms Talks, Dean/Andleman (17:13 CBS)
R1475, 06/05/1983, President Reagan to go on the Road Again, Dean (20:26 CBS)
R1475, 06/05/1983, Vice President George Bush on the Road for the Administration, Dean/Furza (20:43 CBS)
R1475, 06/05/1983, President Reagan on the Road, Wallace (22:56 NBC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, Senator Howard Baker and Chairman Paul Volcker, Wallace (23:11 NBC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, United States/Soviet Relations, Wallace/Kalb (23:44 NBC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, El Salvador, Wallace/Murphy (26:21 NBC)
R1475, 06/05/1983, Teen Jobs, Wallace/Levine (28:32 NBC)
30:32 End of Summary
R1482, 06/06/1983, Nicaragua Expels United States Diplomats, Brinkley/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Jennings/Dale (02:24 ABC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Andropov and Missiles, Jennings (04:56 ABC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, China Peoples Congress, Jennings (05:44 ABC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Representative Tip O’Neill and Tax Cut, Brinkley (06:07 ABC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Nicaragua Expels Unites States Diplomats, Rather/McLaughlin (06:30 CBS)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Tax Cut with President Reagan, Rather/Jones (08:31 CBS)
R1482, 06/06/1983, President Reagan and Arland Williams Award, Rather (10:22 CBS)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Nicaragua Expels United States Diplomats, Mudd/Kalb (11:22 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, United States Aid to Honduras, Mudd (13:22 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, United States Secret Army in Honduras, Brokaw/Lloyd (13:31 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Supreme Court and Windfall Oil Tax, Mudd (15:50 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Tax Cut Battle with President Reagan, Mudd/Levine (16:02 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Feldstein on Deficits, Mudd (17:49 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, Senator Charles Percy on United States/USSR Summit, Brokaw (18:05 NBC)
R1482, 06/06/1983, John Hinckley’s Class Reunion, Brokaw (18:22 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, United States Expels Nicaraguan Diplomats, Brinkley/Garrels/Quinones (18:49 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Covert Funds, Brinkley (22:04 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, United States/USSR S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Brinkley (22:24 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Economy, Robinson/Cortdz (22:39 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Social Security Disability, Brinkley (24:17 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Internal Revenue Service and Computer Calls, Brinkley (24:37 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Ann Burford, Brinkley (24:49 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Air Force General and United states Government, Brinkley/McWethy (25:07 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Andropov Health, Jennings (27:05 ABC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, United states Closes Nicaraguan Consulates, Rather/McLaughlin (27:32 CBS)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Social Security Disability with President Reagan, Rather/Tucker (29:58 CBS)
R1482, 06/07/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks with President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (32:18 CBS)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Lebanon and Syria, Rather (34:19 CBS)
R1482, 06/07/1983, United States Expels Nicaraguan Diplomats, Mudd/McCarthy (34:55 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Covert Aid to Rebels, Mudd/Myers (36:47 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, White House Reaction to Covert Aid, Mudd (38:52 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Salvador Elections Delayed, Brokaw (38:55 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Social Security Disability with President Reagan, Mudd/Hager (39:16 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Yasir Arafat and Andropov, Brokaw (41:01 NBC)
R1482, 06/07/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Brokaw/Chancellor (41:19 NBC)
R1482, 06/08/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks with President Reagan, Brinkley/Donaldson/Jennings (43:19 ABC)
R1482, 06/08/1983, Nicaraguan Diplomats Expelled, Brinkley/Garrels/Quinones (47:21 ABC)
R1482, 06/08/1983, British Elections, Jennings (50:41 ABC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, 1984 Elections, Senator John Glenn, President Reagan and Polls, Brinkley/Vanocur (55:12 ABC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Nicaragua, Rather/Simon (00:00 CBS)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Honduras, Rather/Croft (02:26 CBS)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Israel on Troop Pull-Out, Rather/Tunnell (05:23 CBS)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Salim meets President Reagan, Rather (06:57 CBS)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Arms Talks with President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (07:26 CBS)
R1483, 06/08/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (09:33 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Lebanon Car Bomb, Brokaw/Aicken (12:08 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Expulsion on Nicaraguan Diplomats, Brokaw (13:39 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Trudeau on Central America, Brokaw (14:51 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in France, Mudd (15:05 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Mudd/Chancellor (15:21 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, Rita Lavelle in Court, Mudd (17:08 NBC)
R1483, 06/08/1983, 1984 Budget Battle, Mudd (17:27 NBC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, USSR Forces in Cuba and Nicaragua, Brinkley/McWethy (17:52 ABC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, President Reagan Visits Minneapolis, Robinson/Donaldson (20:04 ABC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, USSR Response to President Reagan’s Arms Speech, Jennings (22:15 ABC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Soviet Response to President Reagan’s Missile Plan, Rather (22:43 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, New Soviet Sub, Rather/Martin (23:12 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Hunger in America, Rather (24:33 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, President Reagan Visits Minneapolis, Rather/Stahl (24:53 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Soviet Troops in Cuba, Rather (27:03 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, El Salvador with President Reagan, Rather/Morton (27:23 CBS)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Battleship New Jersey Sails, Mudd (29:59 NBC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, General Myer on El Salvador, Mudd (30:22 NBC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, President Reagan Visits Minneapolis, Mudd/Wallace (30:43 NBC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Senate on Pay Raises, Mudd (32:50 NBC)
R1483, 06/09/1983, Home Medical Care, Brokaw/Anderson (33:12 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Brinkley/Shepard (35:10 ABC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, FAA and Nicaragua Air Lines, Brinkley (37:00 ABC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, USSR Troops in Cuba, Brinkley (37:21 ABC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Economy, Robinson (37:44 ABC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Soviets on President Reagan’s Arms Proposals, Jennings (38:02 ABC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Rather/Simon (38:35 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, NATO and Missiles, Rather (40:53 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Space Shuttle and Heat Seeking Missiles, Rather/Martin (41:50 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Cheese Giveaway and Corruption, Rather/Wallace (43:04 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Rather/Tunnell (45:13 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, British Elections, Rather (47:56 CBS)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Mudd/Lloyd (48:29 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Economy, Mudd (50:13 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Lease Game and Tax Loop Hole, Mudd/Dancy (50:28 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Unemployment, Mudd (53:17 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, British Unemployment and United States, Mudd/Chancellor (53:31 NBC)
R1483, 06/10/1983, Graduation Messages with President Reagan, Brokaw (55:09 NBC)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Wisconsin Straw Poll, Schieffer/Engberg (00:00 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Gaddafi and Lebanon, Schieffer/Phillips (03:05 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Schieffer (05:45 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Prisons with Chief Justice Warren Burger, Schieffer/Kelley (07:42 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Feldstein and Economy, Schieffer (09:30 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Afghanistan Prisoner, Schieffer/Fenton (09:48 CBS)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Savitch/Lloyd (14:10 NBC)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and Lebanon, Savitch/Kalb (16:58 NBC)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Wisconsin Straw Poll with Walter Mondale, Savitch/Bode (18:11 NBC)
R1484, 06/11/1983, Mayor’s Conference, Savitch/Clayton (21:03 NBC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Marines in Lebanon, Donaldson/Garrels/Donvan (22:45 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Central America and Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Donaldson (27:04 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Paul Volcker’s Future, Donaldson/Berkowitz (27:26 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, National Debt, Donaldson (29:35 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Special Olympics with President Reagan, Donaldson/Simpson (30:00 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Graduation Day Speeches with President Reagan, Donaldson (31:33 ABC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Troop Withdrawal Talks with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Dean/Martin (34:12 CBS)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Soviet Troop in Afghanistan and Possible Troop Withdrawal, Dean/Pierpoint (36:39 CBS)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Special Olympics with President Reagan, Dean/Stahl (39:56 CBS)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Making of the President and the Democratic Party, Wallace/Bode (41:50 NBC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, William Bradford Reynolds and Civil Rights, Wallace/Gangel (45:56 NBC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Guatemala, Wallace (46:11 NBC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Fighting in El Salvador, Wallace/Murphy (46:28 NBC)
R1484, 06/12/1983, Special Olympics and President Reagan, Wallace/King (48:14 NBC)
48:47 End of Summary
R1491, 06/13/1983, Representative Long and El Salvador, Brinkley (00:00 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, El Salvador and Pacification Plan, Brinkley/Quinones (00:50 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Cuba Today with President Reagan, Brinkley/Threlkeld (02:24 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Loans and Fine Print, Brinkley/Gregory (08:02 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Israel and Syria Fire Fight, Jennings (09:54 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Olympic Ticket Sales, Brinkley/Shear (10:12 ABC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Drug Smuggling, Rather/Plante (11:57 CBS)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Syria and Israel Fighting, Rather (13:47 CBS)
R1491, 06/13/1983, President Reagan and Teacher Merit Pay with Secretary Terrell Bell, Rather/Engberg (14:00 CBS)
R1491, 06/13/1983, Military Justice, Mudd/Stern (17:38 NBC)
R1491, 06/13/1983, President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Robert Hawke of Australia, Mudd (19:20 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Green Berets in Honduras, Brinkley/Troute (19:45 ABC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Cuba Now, Brinkley/Threlkeld (21:38 ABC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Tax Cut Battle, Brinkley (27:08 ABC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Civil Rights Commission and President Reagan, Brinkley (27:32 ABC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Flag Day with Big Flag, Brinkley (27:47 ABC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, President Reagan in Tennessee on Education, Rather/Plante (28:13 CBS)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Rather/Ferguson (30:10 CBS)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Green Berets in Honduras, Rather/Wagner (32:30 CBS)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Japan’s Education System, Rather/Joseloff (34:22 CBS)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Coal Leasing, Rather (37:05 CBS)
R1491, 06/14/1983, President Reagan in Tennessee on Education, Mudd/Wallace (37:27 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, David Gergen on Education, Mudd (39:19 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Teachers Rating in Tennessee, Brokaw/Molina (39:32 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Teacher Pay, Brokaw (41:06 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Mudd (41:13 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, Justice Department and Civil Rights, Mudd/Stern (41:41 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, President Reagan on Civil Rights, Mudd (43:26 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, New Jersey, Dioxin and EPA with William Ruckleshaus, Brokaw/McCarthy (43:52 NBC)
R1491, 06/14/1983, President Reagan Accepts Big Flag, Mudd (45:39 NBC)
R1491, 06/15/1983, Supreme Court on Abortion, Brinkley/O’Brien/Gregory (46:31 ABC)
R1491, 06/15/1983, United States/Cuba Relations, Brinkley/Threlkeld (49:48 ABC)
R1491, 06/15/1983, President Reagan in New Mexico, Robinson/Donaldson (51:58 ABC)
R1491, 06/15/1983, Eagle Poachers with Interior Secretary James Watt, Robinson/Caras (53:55 ABC)
R1491, 06/15/1983, Supreme Court on Abortion, Rather/Graham (55:33 CBS)
R1491, 06/15/1983, House Votes Against Chemical Weapons, Rather (58:08 CBS)
R1491, 06/15/1983, Andropov Warning, Rather (58:16 CBS)
R1491, 06/15/1983, United States/Soviet Relation with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/McLaughlin (58:40 CBS)
R1491, 06/15/1983, Illegal Arms C-130’s to Libya, Rather (60:15 CBS)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Economy and Industrial Production, Rather/Brady (00:00 CBS)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Wall Street, Rather (02:42 CBS)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Eagle Poachers with Secretary James Watt, Rather/Braver (02:57 CBS)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Supreme Court and Abortion, Mudd/Stern (05:01 NBC)
R1492, 06/15/1983, President Reagan in New Mexico, Mudd/Wallace (07:17 NBC)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Chairmen Paul Volcker Reappointment, Mudd (08:58 NBC)
R1492, 06/15/1983, Eagle Poachers with Interior Secretary James Watt, Mudd/McCarthy (09:12 NBC)
R1492, 06/15/1983, House Votes Against Chemical Weapons, Mudd (11:02 NBC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Trade deficit, Robinson (11:24 ABC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Interment Payments, Brinkley (11:38 ABC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Gives Interview, Brinkley (12:01 ABC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Presidential Scholars with President Reagan, Brinkley/Donaldson (12:17 ABC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Tax Cuts, Brinkley (14:15 ABC)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Presidential Scholars with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (14:44 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Wall Street, Rather (16:30 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Housing Starts, Rather (16:43 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, China and Pan Am, Rather (16:57 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Reactors in South Carolina, Rather/Andrews (17:14 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Interment Payment, Rather (20:48 CBS)
R1492, 06/16/1983, Cuban Refugees and Graduating Class, Rather/Goldberg (21:22 CBS)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Economy, Robinson (27:52 ABC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Supreme Court and Drug Searches, Brinkley/O’Brien (28:09 ABC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, President Reagan meets President of El Salvador, Brinkley (29:47 ABC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Draft Registration, Rather/Graham (30:20 CBS)
R1492, 06/17/1983, President Reagan meets President of El Salvador, Rather/Plante (31:58 CBS)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Kentucky on El Salvador, Rather (33:30 CBS)
R1492, 06/17/1983, United States Aid to Israel 24 Billion, Rather (33:54 CBS)
R1492, 06/17/1983, President Reagan meets President of El Salvador, Mudd/Wallace (34:24 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Nicaraguan/United States Relations, Mudd (36:14 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Supreme Court and Legal Searches, Mudd (36:38 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Federal Drug Task Force with Vice President George Bush, Mudd/Hager (36:50 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Defense Budget and Spare Parts, Mudd/Hart (38:32 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Defense Budget Plan, Mudd (41:36 NBC)
R1492, 06/17/1983, Draft Registration and Student Aid, Mudd (41:51 NBC)
R1492, 06/18/1983, President Reagan Reappoints Paul Volcker, Schieffer/Ferugia/Miller/Brady (42:20 CBS)
R1492, 06/18/1983, Shuttle Launch, Schieffer/Dean (48:29 CBS)
R1492, 06/18/1983, Senator Alan Cranston wins Alabama Straw Vote, Schieffer (51:04 CBS)
R1492, 06/18/1983, MX Test Flight, Schieffer/Martin (51:23 CBS)
R1492, 06/18/1983, Groton Connecticut Protest and Importance of Subs, Schieffer/Lynch (53:02 CBS)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Reappointment of Paul Volcker, Donaldson/VonFremd (00:00 ABC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, El Salvador, Donaldson/Quinones (02:04 ABC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Cuba and Nicaragua, Donaldson (04:27 ABC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Donaldson/Donvan (04:36 ABC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Confrontation in Chile, Dean/Speck (07:01 CBS)
R1493, 06/19/1983, PLO War, Dean/Philips (08:49 CBS)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Prime Minister Begin to Visit President Reagan, Dean (11:11 CBS)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Prime Minister Begin to Visit President Reagan, Wallace (11:37 NBC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, El Salvador and United States Congressmen, Wallace/Oliver (11:52 NBC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Cuban General in Nicaragua, Wallace/Kalb (14:09 NBC)
R1493, 06/19/1983, Feldstein on Odds of Economic Recovery, Wallace (15:42 NBC)
15:59 End of Summary
R1504, 06/20/1983, Disarmament Day, Brinkley/Geer/Philips (00:00 ABC)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Wall Street, Robinson/Cortdz (03:59 ABC)
R1504, 06/20/1983, President Reagan in Jackson Mississippi, Robinson (05:43 ABC)
R1504, 06/20/1983, AIDS, Robinson/Kashawhara (06:01 ABC)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Poland, Rather/Roth/Morton (10:00 CBS)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Disarmament Day, Rather (14:59 CBS)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Lebanon and Mid East, Rather (15:34 CBS)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Capital Hill Drug Case, Rather (16:40 CBS)
R1504, 06/20/1983, Nuclear Protest, Mudd/Burrington (17:16 NBC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Briefing Book Flap, Brinkley/Donaldson (19:03 ABC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Poll on Presidential Contenders, Brinkley (21:31 ABC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, ’84 Budget, Brinkley/Hume (22:06 ABC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Economy, Brinkley (23:37 ABC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Army Exercises, Brinkley/Enderfurth (23:58 ABC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Economy, Rather/Goldberg/Brady (25:45 CBS)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Nicaraguan Defector Talks, Rather/Schieffer (30:59 CBS)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Adelman on the MX, Rather (33:01 CBS)
R1504, 06/21/1983, Military Exercises, Rather/Morton (33:20 CBS)
R1504, 06/21/1983, GNP Growth, Mudd/Levine (34:56 NBC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, ’84 Budget, Mudd (37:18 NBC)
R1504, 06/21/1983, AIDS and Haitian Connection, Mudd/Baxil (38:15 NBC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Space Shuttle, Brinkley/Sherr (43:01 ABC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, President Reagan’s Reaction to American Reporters, Brinkley/Quinones (46:02 ABC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Nicaraguan Port, Brinkley/Collins (47:56 ABC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Economy, Brinkley/Cortdz (49:56 ABC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, President Reagan and Taxes, Brinkley/Donaldson (51:42 ABC)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Space Shuttle, Rather/Dean 53:38 CBS)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (55:31 CBS)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Senate and New Cigarette Warning, Rather (57:49 CBS)
R1504, 06/22/1983, Supreme Court Ruling, Rather (58:12 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, State Department on Fighting in Chad, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, Central America, Rather/Wagner/Schieffer (00:12 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, Yasir Arafat Moves Headquarters, Rather (03:12 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, Rapid Deployment Force, Rather/Martin (03:27 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, EPA and William Ruckleshaus, Rather (05:09 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, AMA and Dioxin, Rather (05:29 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, Commission on Education, Rather (05:52 CBS)
R1505, 06/22/1983, President Reagan and Reporters, Mudd/Oliver (06:08 NBC)
R1505, 06/22/1983, Rostow on Adelman, Mudd (08:14 NBC)
R1505, 06/22/1983, President Reagan and Taxes, Mudd/Wallace (08:34 NBC)
R1505, 06/22/1983, IRS and Fringe Benefits, Mudd/Dancy (10:25 NBC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Brinkley (12:29 ABC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, ’84 Budget, Brinkley/Gibson (12:43 ABC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, The Debate Book, Brinkley/Donaldson (14:52 ABC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Supreme Court, Brinkley/O’Brien (17:12 ABC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Supreme Court, Rather/Graham/Jones (19:37 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Rather/Stahl (23:39 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, ’84 Budget and Taxes, Rather (25:34 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Government Report on Weapons, Rather/Martin (26:06 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Clean Air Act, Rather (28:23 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Treasury Department Deficit, Rather (28:39 CBS)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Supreme Court, Mudd/Stern (29:01 NBC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, President Reagan in Chicago, Mudd/Wallace (31:22 NBC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, ’84 Budget, Mudd (33:04 NBC)
R1505, 06/23/1983, Supreme Court Ruling, Mudd/Chancellor (33:24 NBC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Shuttle Landing, Brinkley/Kashawahara (35:14 ABC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Debate Gate, Brinkley/Donaldson (37:30 ABC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Tank Olympics, Jennings/Walker (39:41 ABC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Social Security, Robinson (41:23 ABC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Space Shuttle Landing, Rather/Drinkwater (41:48 CBS)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Supreme Court, Rather/Graham (44:20 CBS)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Soviet Listening Device, Rather (46:27 CBS)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Debate Gate, Rather/Stahl (46:46 CBS)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Shuttle Landing, Mudd/Matson (48:25 NBC)
R1505, 06/24/1983, Supreme Court, Mudd/Stern (50:50 NBC)
R1505, 06/25/1983, Vice President George Bush in West Germany, Schieffer/Kladstrup (52:39 CBS)
R1505, 06/25/1983, President Reagan’s Radio Address, Schieffer (55:01 CBS)
R1505, 06/25/1983, Bert Lance and Democratic Party, Schieffer/Schane (55:24 CBS)
R1506, 06/25/1983, Vice President George Bush in West Germany, Savitch/Champ (00:00 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, President Reagan’s Radio Address, Savitch (01:42 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, United States High Tech and USSR, Savitch (02:00 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, Afghanistan, Savitch (04:38 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, Secretary James Watt and Congress, Savitch (04:54 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Savitch/Oliver (05:15 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, Yasir Arafat’s Problem, Savitch (07:12 NBC)
R1506, 06/25/1983, Former President Richard Nixon and Mid East, Savitch (07:33 NBC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Briefing Book, Donaldson (07:49 ABC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Senator Alan Cranston, Donaldson (09:50 ABC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz, Donaldson/Dunsmore (10:15 ABC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Dioxin Danger Areas, Dean/Blakely (11:43 CBS)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Weapons Cost, Dean/Lynch (14:30 CBS)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Farm Subsidy and Secretary John Block, Dean (17:54 CBS)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Soviet Jews, Wallace/Kalb (19:03 NBC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, EPA, Wallace (21:52 NBC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Japan and United States High Tech, Wallace (22:08 NBC)
R1506, 06/26/1983, Chile, Wallace/Francis (23:14 NBC)
25:47 End of Summary
R1515, 06/27/1983, Russian Family in Vienna, Threlkeld/Rodgers (00:00 ABC)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Debate Gate, Robinson/Serafin (01:24 ABC)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Abortion Debate, Robinson/Hume (03:46 ABC)
R1551, 06/27/1983, FAA on Airline Seats, Robinson (05:31 ABC)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Poland, Rather/Roth/Quint (05:49 CBS)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Warsaw Pact Summit, Rather (09:27 CBS)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Libya/Chad and CIA, Rather/Martin (09:40 CBS)
R1515, 06/27/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Woodruff (11:46 NBC)
R1515, 06/27/1983, SAC Mock War Games, Brokaw/Pierce (13:58 NBC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Debate Gate, Robinson/Donaldson (15:55 ABC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on Vietnam, Threlkeld (18:45 ABC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Presidential Commission on Air Quality, Rather (19:07 CBS)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Foreign Trade Deficit, Rather (19:46 CBS)
R1515, 06/28/1983, NEA on Merit Pay, Rather (20:02 CBS)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on Vietnam, Rather (20:25 CBS)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Warsaw Pact Meeting, Rather (20:35 CBS)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on MIA’s, Brokaw (20:54 NBC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Abortion in Senate, Brokaw (21:07 NBC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Wallace (21:20 NBC)
R1515, 06/28/1983, More Debate Gate, Brokaw/Chancellor (23:10 NBC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Education and Supreme Court, Robinson/O’Brien/Sherr (25:09 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Nicaragua, Robinson/McWethy (29:37 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, El Salvador, Robinson (31:22 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Honduras, Robinson/Collins (31:42 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Larry Stockman and Debate Gate, Robinson/Serafin (34:06 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Tax Cut, Robinson/Hume (34:06 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Leading Indicators, Robinson (37:14 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, President Reagan and Economy, Robinson/Cortdz (37:35 ABC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Supreme Court Decisions, Rather/Graham (39:03 CBS)
R1515, 06/29/1983, President Reagan in Kentucky, Rather/Stahl (41:43 CBS)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Index of Leading Indicators, Rather/Brady (44:24 CBS)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Debate Gate, Rather/Jones (47:10 CBS)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Defense Spending and Supply Company, Rather/Lynch (49:19 CBS)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Supreme Court and Private Schools, Brokaw/Stern (52:28 NBC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Tuition Tax Credit, Brokaw/Dancy (54:24 NBC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, Economy Up, Brokaw (56:26 NBC)
R1515, 06/29/1983, El Salvador and Vietnam Echoes, Brokaw/Utley (56:44 NBC)
R1516, 06/29/1983, Debate Papers with Senator Howard Baker, Brokaw/Kur (00:00 NBC)
R1516, 06/29/1983, Supreme Court and Draft Registration, Brokaw (01:39 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, President Reagan and Justice Department, Robinson/Donaldson (02:00 ABC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Tax Cut, Robinson/Cortdz (04:01 ABC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Economy, Robinson (05:55 ABC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Justice Department Investigation, Rather/Braver/Stahl (06:07 CBS)
R1516, 06/30/1983, United States Carrier and Libyan Planes, Rather (10:26 CBS)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Draft Resisters, Rather (10:46 CBS)
R1516, 06/30/1983, AMA and Dioxin Reports, Rather (11:35 CBS)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Waste and Defense Spending, Rather/Martin (12:19 CBS)
R1516, 06/30/1983, FBI and Debate Papers with President Reagan, Brokaw/Stern/Wallace (14:46 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, United States and Israel, Brokaw (18:22 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Agent Orange, Brokaw (18:24 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Tax Cut, Brokaw/Jensen (18:50 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Guatemala’s Elections, Brokaw (21:15 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Vietnam Echoes and El Salvador, Brokaw/Utley (21:32 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Debate Papers and Pentagon Papers, Brokaw/Chancellor (24:41 NBC)
R1516, 06/30/1983, Secretary Raymond Donovan and Air Force One, Brokaw (26:39 NBC)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Briefing Book, Robinson/Serafin (27:17 ABC)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Dioxin and Agent Orange, Robinson/Enderfurth (29:25 ABC)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Briefing Book, Rather/Stahl (31:12 CBS)
R1516, 07/01/1983, United States Central American Policy, Rather/Morton (33:54 CBS)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Wall and Flooding on Colorado River, Brokaw/Oliver (36:40 NBC)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Teachers Conference and Democratic Candidates, Brokaw/Bode (38:16 NBC)
R1516, 07/01/1983, Briefing Papers and Reagan Administration, Brokaw/Mitchell (40:17 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, President Reagan Orders Secretary of State George Shultz to Mid East, Schieffer (42:05 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Factions of PLO, Schieffer (42:26 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Central American Demonstrations, Schieffer/Pappas (42:42 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Vietnam Memorial Controversy, Schieffer/Tucker (44:26 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Honduras/El Salvador Border Dispute, Schieffer (46:54 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Debate Gate, Schieffer/Braver/Ferugia (47:12 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Nancy Reagan’s Birthday, Schieffer (51:09 CBS)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Mid East, Savitch/Francis (51:27 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Central America, Savitch (54:05 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Demonstrations on Central America, Savitch/Gangel (54:20 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, President Reagan Orders State Department Material, Savitch (55:32 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Hamilton Jordan, Savitch (55:47 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, Registration Drive for Blacks, Savitch/Hazinski (56:02 NBC)
R1516, 07/02/1983, NEA and President Reagan Preference, Savitch (58:17 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Mid East, Donaldson/Dunsmore/Hickey (00:00 ABC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, President Reagan in 1984, Donaldson/VonFremd (03:31 ABC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Supreme Court, Donaldson/O’Brien (06:00 ABC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Secretary George Shultz to Mid East, Dean/McLaughlin (08:33 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Syria and PLO Factions, Dean (11:00 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, President Reagan in 1984, Dean (11:54 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, CBS/Times Poll, Dean/Ferugia (12:19 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, New York Anti-Nuke Farm, Dean/Naverson (12:19 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, GAO and Immigration Services, Dean (14:16 CBS)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Mid East, Savitch/Kalb (16:44 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Dr. Hooks on Face The Nation, Savitch (19:02 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, President Reagan in 1984, Savitch (19:17 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Ansel Adams and President Reagan, Savitch (19:28 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, Debate Gate, Savitch (19:42 NBC)
R1517, 07/03/1983, EPA and Toxic Waste, Savitch (19:55 NBC)
20:10 End of Summary
R1521, 07/04/1983, Andropov, Jennings/Zelnick (00:00 ABC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Vice President George Bush in Europe, Jennings (01:35 ABC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Holland and Nuclear Weapons, Jennings/Threlkeld (01:54 ABC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Anti Nuclear Movement, Jennings (05:28 ABC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Briefing Book, Jennings/Serafin (05:58 ABC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Visits Saudi Arabia, Sawyer/McLaughlin (07:08 CBS)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Goes to El Salvador, Sawyer (08:30 CBS)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Andropov, Brokaw/Mallory (08:54 NBC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, El Salvador and Ambassador Richard Stone, Brokaw (10:40 NBC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, PLO and Yasir Arafat, Brokaw (11:02 NBC)
R1521, 07/04/1983, Prime Minister Begin and Lebanon, Brokaw (13:03 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan on Education, Jennings/VonFremd (13:22 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Jennings/Dunsmore/Walker (15:44 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983. Otto Reich on Central America, Jennings/Garrels (17:15 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Vice President George Bush Announces President Reagan is Running, Jennings (20:38 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, FBI and Debate Gate, Jennings (22:03 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan and Steel Quotas, Robinson (22:40 ABC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan and Teachers, Rather/Stahl (23:00 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan and Steel Quotas, Rather (25:37 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Rather (26:05 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Supreme Court and Prayer, Rather/Graham (26:40 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Supreme Court and Drug Searches, Rather (28:36 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Agent Orange, Rather/Kelly (29:07 CBS)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan and Teachers, Brokaw/Mitchell (31:29 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Klaus Barbie Case, Brokaw/Polk (33:31 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Debate Gate and FBI, Brokaw (35:47 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Brokaw (36:32 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Central America, Brokaw/Kalb (36:57 NBC)
R1521, 07/05/1983, President Reagan’s Central America Policy, Brokaw/Chancellor (38:25 NBC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Jennings (40:20 ABC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings (43:44 ABC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Supreme Court, Rather/Graham (46:44 CBS)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Mid East, Rather/McLaughlin (48:24 CBS)
R1521, 07/06/1983, El Salvador and Human Rights, Rather (50:24 CBS)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Samantha Smith to go to Moscow, Rather/Braver (45:51 CBS)
R1521, 07/06/1983, FBI and Debate Gate, Brokaw/Mitchell (52:51 NBC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Glenn and Hart Papers, Brokaw (54:52 NBC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz in Syria, Brokaw/Kalb (55:08 NBC)
R1521, 07/06/1983, Cuba and Hijackers, Brokaw/Lloyd (57:04 NBC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Drugs, Jennings/Potter (00:00 ABC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings/Serafin (02:29 ABC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone to El Salvador, Jennings (04:37 ABC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Little Girl to Moscow, Robinson/McKenzie/Jennings (05:13 ABC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Debate/Gate, Rather/Stahl/Braver (08:41 CBS)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Returns Home, Rather/Phillips (13:04 CBS)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Kur (15:37 NBC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, June Retail Sales, Brokaw (18:00 NBC)
R1522, 07/07/1983, Discipline and Dead Cats, Brokaw/Chancellor (18:19 NBC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Debate Gate with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson/Serafin (20:26 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Unemployment Rate, Robinson (26:33 ABC)
R5122, 07/08/1983, Women in Politics, Jennings/Sherr (26:48 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in El Salvador, Jennings (29:47 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Movie “War Games” with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Robinson/Enderfurth (30:12 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Little Girl in Moscow, Jennings (32:27 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Soviet Union in the ‘80s, Jennings (32:43 ABC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Debate Gate with President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (33:41 CBS)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Birth Control Clinics, Rather (35:47 CBS)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Economy, Rather (36:03 CBS)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Recession Over, Rather (36:23 CBS)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Debate Gate with President Reagan, Brokaw/Mitchell (37:00 NBC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Squeal Rule, Brokaw/Abernathy (39:09 NBC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Little Girl in Moscow, Brokaw/Compton (41:23 NBC)
R1522, 07/08/1983, Unemployment, Brokaw (43:16 NBC)
R1522, 07/09/1983, United States Central America Policy, Schieffer/Schackne (43:40 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Briefing Papers, Schieffer/Ferugia (45:44 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, President Reagan and the Poor, Schieffer/Miller (47:49 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Women’s Political Caucus and President Reagan, Schieffer/Aguilar (49:22 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Farmers and United States Government Crop Reduction Program, Schieffer/Currier (50:58 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Samantha Smith Visits Moscow, Schieffer/McNeil (53:19 CBS)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Radio Speech by President Reagan, Savitch/King (55:00 NBC)
R1522, 07/09/1983, Hunger in America, Savitch/Levine (56:46 NBC)
R1523, 05/09/1983, Pilfered Papers, Savitch/Polk (00:00 NBC)
R1523, 07/09/1983, Women in Politics, Savitch/Bode (02:05 NBC)
R1523, 07/09/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Costa Rica, Savitch (04:31 NBC)
R1523, 07/09/1983, Samantha Smith in Moscow, Savitch/Smith (06:10 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, National Women’s Political Caucus, Donaldson/Simpson (08:29 ABC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Briefing Papers, Donaldson/VonFremd (10:48 ABC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Poll on Briefing Book, Donaldson (12:38 ABC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, German/Soviet Talks on Arms, Donaldson/Garrels (13:05 ABC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Returns from Central America, Donaldson (15:03 ABC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone and Central America Policy, Dean/Schackne (15:32 CBS)
R5123, 07/10/1983, Fighting in El Salvador, Dean/Wagner (17:12 CBS)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Democrats and National Women’s Political Caucus, Dean/Aguilar (20:29 CBS)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Carter Papers, Dean/Braver (22:53 CBS)
R1523, 07/10/1983, George Will and President Reagan/Carter Debate, Dean (24:42 CBS)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone fails to meet with Salvadoran Guerillas, Savitch/Molina (25:40 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Guerilla Leaders in Mexico City, Savitch/Lloyd (27:19 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, NAACP, Savitch/Gilmour (28:57 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Democrats and National Women’s Political Caucus, Savitch/Bode (30:35 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Right to Life Convention, Savitch/Abernethy (32:37 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Audit for National Council of Black Mayors, Savitch (34:37 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Hunger in America, Savitch/Levine (35:03 NBC)
R1523, 07/01/1983, President Reagan and Possible Summit Meeting, Savitch/King (38:46 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Poland, Savitch/Cochran (40:44 NBC)
R1523, 07/10/1983, Israeli Censored Report on Possible War with Arabs, Savitch (42:31 NBC)
43:00 End of Summary
R1528, 07/11/1983, School Desegregation in Alabama, Jennings/Walker/Simpson (00:00 ABC)
R5128, 07/11/1983, El Salvador, Jennings/Quinones (03:07 ABC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Poland, Jennings/Ensor (05:27 ABC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Interest Rates, Jennings/Cortdz (07:28 ABC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Pentagon IG and Navy, Jennings/Smith (09:13 ABC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings (11:10 ABC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Debate Gate, Rather/Plante (11:37 CBS)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Rather/McLaughlin (13:55 CBS)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Bloomingdale Girl and Sex Scandal, Rather (15:00 CBS)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone to United States, Rather (15:54 CBS)
R1528, 07/11/1983, El Salvador and Vietnam, Rather/Martin (16:15 CBS)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Mitchell (19:19 NBC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, EPA and Waste Dump Site, Brokaw/O’Neil (20:44 NBC)
R1528, 07/11/1983, Defense Bill in Senate, Brokaw/Reynolds (22:47 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Sex Tapes, Jennings/Shell (25:00 ABC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings/Serafin (30:05 ABC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, President Reagan and Fair Housing Act, Jennings (32:01 ABC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Alabama Desegregation Case, Robinson/Chase (32:40 ABC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, NAACP Meeting, Robinson (35:20 ABC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, President Reagan and Fair Housing Act, Rather/Plante/Andrews (39:27 CBS)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Sex Tapes, Rather (43:54 CBS)
R1528, 07/12/1983, AIDS with Secretary Margaret Heckler, Brokaw/Hager (44:29 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Black Voting Power, Brokaw/Mitchell (46:30 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Sex Tapes, Brokaw/Murphy (48:48 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Kur (50:42 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, El Salvador, Brokaw/Lewis (52:43 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Andropov and NATO Missile Count, Brokaw (54:36 NBC)
R5128, 07/12/1983, Benevidez got Disability Check, Brokaw (54:57 NBC)
R1528, 07/12/1983, Civil Rights, Brokaw/Chancellor (55:16 NBC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Retail Sales, Robinson/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings/Serafin (01:55 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Senate Vote on Chemical Weapons, Jennings (03:48 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Geneva Talks, Jennings (04:13 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Sex Tapes, Robinson/Schell (04:34 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Jennings/Greenwood (06:23 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Next Shuttle Astronauts, Robinson (08:23 ABC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Rather/Jones (08:46 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, White House on Soviet Relations, Rather (11:10 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Geneva Talks, Rather/Martin (11:32 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Senate Approves Chemical Weapons, Rather (13:46 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Auto Sales, Rather (14:23 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, William Ruckleshaus Speech, Rather (14:31 CBS)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Sex Tapes, Brokaw/Murphy (14:54 NBC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Debate Gate, Brokaw/Mitchell (16:53 NBC)
R1529, 07/13/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Brokaw (18:45 NBC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Congress and sex Scandal, Jennings/Gibson (19:20 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings (22:30 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Paul Volcker, Jennings/Cortdz (22:56 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, CIA and Central America, Jennings/Scali (24:27 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Defense Spending, Jennings (26:20 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, United States/Soviet Arms Talks, Jennings/McWethy (26:36 ABC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Briefing Papers, Rather (29:19 CBS)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Paul Volcker, Rather/Brady (30:13 CBS)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Social Security, Rather (31:57 CBS)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Paul Volcker, Brokaw/Levine (32:36 NBC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Defense Spending, Brokaw (34:31 NBC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Special Segment-Are We Ready, Brokaw/Hart (38:14 NBC)
R1529, 07/14/1983, Mid East Commentary, Brokaw/Chancellor (39:11 NBC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Jennings/Glass (40:22 ABC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Greek Agreement, Jennings/McWethy (42:32 ABC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Human Rights and USSR, Jennings (44:16 ABC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, NAACP and Vice President George Bush, Robinson/Simpson (44:42 ABC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Carter Documents, Jennings (46:24 ABC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Soviet and Helsinki Agreement, Rather (46:47 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Greek Agreement, Rather (47:20 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Arms Sale to China, Rather (47:30 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Carter Papers, Rather (47:38 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, NAACP and Vice President George Bush, Rather (48:21 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Democratic National Committee, Rather/Rucker (49:18 CBS)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Meeting in Madrid, Brokaw (52:12 NBC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, NRC and Shut Downs, Brokaw (52:32 NBC)
R5129, 07/15/1983, Quionex Freed in Washington, Brokaw/Hager (52:51 NBC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Briefing Papers with Carter, Brokaw (54:58 NBC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, NAACP and Vice President George Bush, Brokaw (55:31 NBC)
R1529, 07/15/1983, Greek Agreement, Brokaw (56:40 NBC)
R5130, 07/16/1983, MX Funding, Schieffer/Jones (00:00 CBS)
R1530, 07/16/1983, Lebanon, Schieffer/McLaughlin (02:03 CBS)
R1530, 07/16/1983, Address by President Reagan to Long Shore men, Schieffer (05:06 CBS)
R1530, 07/16/1983, AFL/CIO and Democratic Candidates, Schieffer/Pappas (05:23 CBS)
R1530, 07/16/1983, Lebanon, Savitch/Aiken/Kalb (08:35 NBC)
R1530, 07/16/1983, MX Missile, Savitch/Dancy (12:18 NBC)
R1530, 07/16/1983, United States Blue Ribbon Panel, Savitch (14:21 NBC)
R1530, 0716/1983, Grand Cooley Dam, Savitch/Berkotizer (14:39 NBC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Cancun Summit, Donaldson/Collins (17:14 ABC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Secret Session of Congress, Donaldson (19:01 ABC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, El Salvador, Donaldson/Smith (19:41 ABC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Interest Rates, Donaldson/Compton (21:09 ABC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Debate Gate, Donaldson (23:21 ABC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Cancun Summit, Dean/Schackne (23:55 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, King Hussein, Dean (26:03 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Women for Reagan, Dean (28:45 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Navy Ship Collision, Dean (29:07 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Navy and Low Frequency Antenna, Dean/Courier (29:25 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Fair Housing, Dean/Lynch (31:49 CBS)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Address by President Reagan on Central America, Wallace/King (35:50 NBC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Cancun Summit, Wallace (37:57 NBC)
R1530, 07/17/1983, Debate Gate, Wallace (38:22 NBC)
38:48 End of Summary
R1537, 07/18/1983, Speech by President Reagan and Henry Kissinger’s Appointment, Jennings/Donaldson (00:00 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Congress and Henry Kissinger, Jennings/Hume (03:02 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Nicaragua Celebration, Jennings/Quinones (04:43 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Nicaragua and Honduras, Jennings/McWethy (06:49 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, El Salvador and United States Army, Jennings/Smith (08:28 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Soviets on Kissinger Commission, Jennings (11:15 ABC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Speech by President Reagan and Appointment of Henry Kissinger, Rather/Plante/Schieffer (11:29 CBS)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Nicaragua Celebration, Rather/Wagner (16:05 CBS)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Michael Deaver and Ed Meese Testify to Congress, Rather (18:48 CBS)
R1537, 07/18/1983, World Shrink Society on Soviets, Rather/McNeil (19:06 CBS)
R1537, 07/18/1983, James Brady Sues Hinckley’s Psychiatrist, Rather (22:48 CBS)
R5137, 07/18/1983, Speech by President Reagan and Appointment of Henry Kissinger, Mudd/Wallace (23:22 NBC)
R5137, 07/18/1983, Nicaragua Reaction, Mudd/Davis (26:51 NBC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Debate Gate, Mudd (28:01 NBC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, California Primary, Mudd/Lewis (28:21 NBC)
R1537, 07/18/1983, Banks and Time with Secretary Donald Regan, Mudd (30:26 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Capitol Hill and Nicaragua, Jennings/Quinones/Gibson/McWethy (30:48 ABC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Bipartisan Commission on Nicaragua, Jennings/Donaldson (38:00 ABC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Draft Registration, Robinson (39:58 ABC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, House Debate on Nicaragua with President Reagan, Rather/Plante/Martin (40:17 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Nicaraguan Celebration, Rather (45:07 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Green Peace Movement and Soviets, Rather/Drinkwater (45:31 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Asbestos, Johns Manville Corporation and United States Government, Rather (47:38 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Draft Registration, Rather (48:40 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Unemployment, Rather (49:14 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Amin Gemayel’s Visit to the United States, Rather (49:34 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Visit by Prime Minister Begin, Rather/Faw (49:51 CBS)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Central American Commission, Mudd/Wallace (51:56 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Nicaragua Independence Day, Mudd/Davis (54:14 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Draft Registration, Mudd (56:11 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, William Casey and Money in Blind Trust, Mudd (56:29 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Prime Minister Begin and Amin Gemayel’s Visits, Mudd (56:33 NBC)
R1537, 07/19/1983, Henry Kissinger Commission, Mudd/Chancellor (57:21 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Frank Reynolds Tribute with President Reagan, Jennings (00:00 ABC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Israeli Deployment, Jennings/Seamans/Donaldson (04:02 ABC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Central America and Nicaragua Peace Plan, Jennings (07:04 ABC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, El Salvador and Human Rights, Jennings (07:27 ABC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Frank Reynolds Tribute with President Reagan, Robinson/Jennings (07:48 ABC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Consumer Confidence and Interest Rates, Rather/Brady/Spencer (16:15 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Congressmen Censured, Rather/Jones (20:48 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, President Reagan on Child Labor Laws, Rather (23:35 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Navy and Nuclear Sea Power, Rather (26:26 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, El Salvador and Human Rights, Rather (27:21 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Nicaraguan Peace Plan, Rather (27:35 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, White House Reaction to Spending Bills, Rather (27:43 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Israeli Deployment, Rather/Faw (28:00 CBS)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Congressmen Censured, Mudd/Myers (30:01 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Paul Volcker Banking Report, Mudd/Levine (32:49 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Teamster Union Problems, Brokaw (34:37 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, El Salvador, Mudd (38:40 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Israeli Pullout, Brokaw/Fletcher (38:36 NBC)
R1538, 07/20/1983, Frank Reynolds Dead, Mudd/Chancellor (40:46 NBC)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Economy with President Reagan, Jennings/Aug (43:05 ABC)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Nicaragua with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson/McWethy (45:02 ABC)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Nicaragua with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (48:27 CBS)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Gross National Product, Rather/Hall (51:17 CBS)
R1538, 07/21/1983, President Reagan and the Economy, Rather/Brady (53:16 CBS)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Exit Polls, Rather/Spencer (55:07 CBS)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Nicaragua with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (57:38 NBC)
R1538, 07/21/1983, Economy with President Reagan and Secretary Malcolm Baldrige, Mudd/Levine (59:50 NBC)
R1539, 07/21/1983, Gerald Ford Pardon on Richard Nixon, Mudd (00:00 NBC)
R1539, 07/21/1983, MX Vote in Senate, Mudd (00:30 NBC)
R1539, 07/21/1983, President Reagan’s Press Conference-Profit Gate, Mudd/Chancellor (00:42 NBC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Lebanon with President Reagan, Jennings/Glass/Donaldson (02:39 ABC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Lebanon, Jennings/Threlkeld (06:05 ABC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Nicaragua, Jennings/Troute (09:45 ABC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Economy, Robinson/Cortdz (11:22 ABC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, EPA and Rita Lavelle, Jennings/Walker (13:23 ABC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Consumer Price Index, Rather/Goldberg (15:27 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Lebanon and Philip Habib and President Reagan, Rather/Plante/Schieffer (17:35 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Beirut, Rather (20:33 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Rita Lavelle Innocent, Rather (21:14 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Justice Department and Capitol Hill Drugs, (21:40 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Senator Alan Cranston Candidacy, Rather (22:32 CBS)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (26:22 NBC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Lebanon and President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (28:04 NBC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and California Plans, Mudd (30:11 NBC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, MX Missile, Mudd (30:36 NBC)
R5139, 07/22/1983, Egypt Arms Deal, Mudd (31:28 NBC)
R1539, 07/22/1983, Sex Tapes, Brokaw (31:51 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, United States Advisors in El Salvador, Schieffer (32:48 CBS)
R1539, 07/23/1983, United States Military in Central America, Schieffer/McLaughlin (33:11 CBS)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Frank Reynolds Funeral with President Reagan, Schieffer/Herman (35:07 CBS)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Loans to President Reagan’s Aides, Schieffer (37:14 CBS)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Liver Donor Needs with President Reagan, Schieffer/Ferugia (37:47 CBS)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Mid East and Amin Gemayel, Savitch/Kur (39:27 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Drug Enforcement Using the Military, Savitch/Pierce (41:39 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Merit Pay Debate for Teachers, Savitch/Clayton (44:46 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Presidential Appeal for Liver Transplant, Savitch (47:00 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, President Reagan Attends Funeral for Frank Reynolds, Savitch (47:20 NBC)
R1539, 07/23/1983, Samantha Smith Returns Home from USSR, Savitch/Briggs (47:40 NBC)
R1539, 07/24/1983, Fighting in Mid East; Israel and Lebanon, Donaldson/Walker/Seamans (49:42 ABC)
R1539, 07/24/1983, United States Advisors in El Salvador, Donaldson (53:12 ABC)
R1539, 07/24/1983, United States Military Maneuvers in Honduras, Donaldson/VonFremd (53:35 ABC)
R1539, 07/24/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone and Central American Policy, Donaldson (55:49 ABC)
R1539, 07/24/1983, United States Central American Policy, Dean/Ferugia (56:18 CBS)
R1539, 07/24/1983, Special Envoy to Central America, Dean (58:38 CBS)
R1539, 07/24/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Dean/Wagner (58:54 CBS)
R1540, 07/24/1983, Government Aircraft Waste, Dean (00:00 CBS)
R1540, 07/24/1983, United States Advisors in El Salvador, Wallace/Kalb (00:39 NBC)
R1540, 07/24/1983, Honduran Reaction to United States Military Maneuvers in Honduras, Wallace/Davis (03:26 NBC)
R1540, 07/24/1983, Fidel Castro and Peace in Central America, Wallace (05:49 NBC)
R1540, 07/24/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Wallace/Fletcher (06:05 NBC)
08:10 End of Summary
R1546, 07/25/1983, Henry Kissinger meets with President Reagan, Jennings/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, United States Military in Central America, Jennings (02:32 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Honduras, Jennings (03:01 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Cuban Celebration, Jennings/Wooten (03:10 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Israeli Ministers Shamir and Arens Visit President Reagan, Jennings (04:48 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Washington Power Bond in Default with Secretary Donald Regan, Jennings/Cortdz (05:04 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Chad/Libya War and United States Aid, Jennings/Dobbs (07:06 ABC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Henry Kissinger meets with President Reagan, Rather/Schieffer (09:28 CBS)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Nicaragua Ready to Negotiate, Rather/Morton (11:16 CBS)
R1546, 07/25/1983, United States Military Aid in Central America, Rather/Martin (13:50 CBS)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Sex Tapes Lawyer, Rather (15:49 CBS)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Cut Back in Marine Chow, Rather (16:57 CBS)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Henry Kissinger meets with President Reagan, Mudd/Kalb/Wallace (17:45 NBC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, The Deficit, Mudd (21:35 NBC)
R1546, 07/25/1983, Laser Warfare, Brokaw (21:48 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Central America with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson/Gibson (22:13 ABC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Honduras, Jennings/Troute (26:19 ABC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Cuba, Jennings/Wooten (28:08 ABC)
R5146, 07/26/1983, FBI’s Birthday with President Reagan, Jennings (30:22 ABC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Defense Spending, Jennings (30:46 ABC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, United States Warns Cuba on Central America, Rather/Rabel/Martin (31:04 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Representative Tip O’Neill on Central America, Rather (35:11 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, President Reagan on the Contra Dora Group, Rather (36:03 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Israeli Ministers Shamir and Arens at the White House, Rather 36:29 CBS)
R5146, 07/26/1983, Chad Receives United States Aid, Rather (36:48 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Releases Jaffe from Jail, Rather (37:13 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Shooting Dogs with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather (37:53 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, MX Vote, Rather (38:18 CBS)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Honduras with Henry Kissinger, Mudd/Kur (38:33 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, President Reagan’s Letter to the Contra Dora Group, Mudd (41:03 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Fidel Castro, 30 Years and the United States, Brokaw/Lloyd (41:13 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick on Nicaragua, Brokaw (42:52 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Israeli Ministers Shamir and Arens Visit the State Department, Mudd (43:10 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, MX Missile Vote, Mudd (43:49 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Parts Crack Down with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Mudd/Reynolds (44:18 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Persian Gulf and the United States, Mudd (44:31 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Liver Transplants with President Reagan, Brokaw/Cummins (45:58 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, General Motors and Giant Profits, Brokaw (47:36 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Pan Am’s First Profits, Brokaw (47:56 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, USSR and Economic Incentives, Brokaw (48:09 NBC)
R1546, 07/26/1983, Farm Subsidies, Mudd/Chancellor (48:29 NBC)
R1546, 07/27/1983, Covert Aid, Jennings/Gibson (50:45 ABC)
R1546, 07/27/1983, Military Exercises, Jennings/Enderfurth (52:35 ABC)
R1546, 07/27/1983, Latin American Concerns, Jennings/Troute (54:26 ABC)
R1546, 07/27/1983, Paul Volcker Appointment, Jennings (55:48 ABC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Ford Profits, Rather/Brady (00:00 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone on Military Exercises, Rather (02:36 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Covert Aid, Rather/Jones (03:16 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Mid East with President Reagan’s News Conference, Rather/Schieffer (05:25 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Pershing II Missile Test a Flop, Rather (07:30 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Arms Smuggling Ring Captured, Rather (08:00 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Car Recall and the Administration, Rather/Spencer (08:36 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Capitol Hill Drug Probe, Rather (11:05 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Administration on Education, Rather (11:40 CBS)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Israeli Pull Out, Mudd/Kalb (12:07 NBC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Foreign Relations Committee, Mudd (13:44 NBC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Cuba, Brokaw (14:14 NBC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Honduras, Brokaw/Davis (14:34 NBC)
R5147, 07/27/1983, United States Naval Forces in Central America, Brokaw (16:30 NBC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Military Maneuvers; An Impossible Task, Mudd/Chancellor (16:59 NBC)
R1547, 07/27/1983, Transplant Express, Brokaw (18:54 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Central America, Jennings/Collins (20:45 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Covert Aid in Congress, Jennings/Gibson (22:47 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, El Salvador, Jennings/Smith (24:56 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Israel with President Reagan and Secretary George Shultz, Jennings/Dunsmore (26:58 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, President Reagan and the Crime Commission, Jennings (28:45 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, President Reagan and the National Council of Negro Women, Jennings (29:06 ABC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Covert Aid, Rather/Jones (30:01 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, CIA and Covert Aid, Rather/Schackne (31:57 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone Comments, Rather (32:08 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Contra Dora Group, Rather (33:39 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, United States and the Soviet Grain Deal, Rather/McLaughlin (34:12 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Agriculture Department and the PIK Program, Rather (36:15 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block and Food Stamps, Rather (37:08 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Arthur Hayes Resigns, Rather (39:07 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Ellis Withdraws, Rather (39:26 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Mid East with President Reagan and Secretary George Shultz, Rather/Plante (39:48 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Pentagon Spare Parts Costs, Rather/Martin (41:37 CBS)
R1547, 07/28/1983, United States and the Soviet Grain Deal with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Mudd/Wallace (43:57 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, PIK Program, Brokaw/Burrington (46:11 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Covert Aid, Mudd/Kur (48:11 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Representative Tip O’Neill’s Letter to President Reagan, Mudd (50:05 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/93, Ambassador Stone’s Comments, Brokaw (50:24 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Central America, Brokaw/Chancellor (51:03 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Israelis in South Lebanon, Brokaw (52:57 NBC)
R1547, 07/28/1983, Crime Commission, Mudd (53:14 NBC)
R5147, 07/28/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block and Food, Mudd (53:37 NBC)
R1547, 07/29/1983, Central America, Jennings/Donaldson/Dunsmore (54:22 ABC)
R1547, 07/29/1983, Honduras, Jennings/Collins (57:42 ABC)
R1547, 07/29/1983, Poland, Jennings (59:29 ABC)
R1547, 07/29/1983, Transplants, Robinson/Straite (59:41 ABC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Economy, Jennings/Cortdz (00:00 ABC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Covert Aid with President Reagan, Kurtis/Plante (04:07 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Cuban Buildup and Intelligence, Kurtis/Martin (06:36 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Kurtis (08:28 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Secretary Malcolm Baldrige and Music, Kurtis/Spencer (08:47 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Carter Papers, Kurtis (10:51 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Administration and Hiring Practices, Kurtis (11:21 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Government and Chrysler Warranties, Kurtis (11:44 CBS)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Soft Words for Castro, Mudd/Lloyd (12:18 NBC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Panama Talks, Mudd/Valeriani (14:15 NBC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Covert Aid, Mudd/Wallace (16:03 NBC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, Economy, Mudd (17:21 NBC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, KGB Tapes, Mudd (17:41 NBC)
R1548, 07/29/1983, White House Tapes with Ann Higgins, Mudd/Mitchell (18:04 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Central America Conference, Schieffer/Dow (20:18 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Central America and President Reagan, Schieffer/Ferugia (22:22 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, National Governor’s Association Conference with Senator Earl Hollings, Former Vice President Walter Mondale and Governor Matheson, Schieffer/Kelley (24:37 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Textile Agreement, Schieffer (26:43 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Fighter Sales and Competition, Schieffer/Lynch (27:04 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Spending Bill is Signed, Schieffer (30:54 CBS)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Panama City Talks, Savitch/Valeriani (31:09 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, United States Forces in Central America, Savitch/Reynolds (33:10 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, Diplomatic Posture in Central America with President Reagan, Savitch/Francis (35:31 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, El Salvador Elections Postponed, Savitch (37:18 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, President Reagan and Organ Donors, Savitch (37:30 NBC)
R1548, 07/30/1983, President Reagan Signs Food Stamp Bill, Savitch (37:50 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Ambassador Stone’s Meeting in Columbia, Donaldson/Ross (37:21 ABC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Administration on Central America, Donaldson/Flynn (39:59 ABC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Presidential Envoy Robert McFarlane in the Mid East with Israeli Defense Minister Arens, Donaldson/Donvan (42:44 ABC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, National Governor’s Association Conference, Donaldson/Shepard (45:34 ABC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, President Reagan to go to Atlanta to Talk on Education, Donaldson (47:17 ABC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone and the Salvadoran Rebels with Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick and Senator John Glenn, Wallace/Kalb (47:50 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Nicaragua and the United States Navy, Wallace (50:21 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Presidential Envoy Robert McFarlane in Lebanon, Wallace (50:37 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Israel and United States Talks, Wallace (50:55 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, United States and China Textile Agreement, Wallace (52:13 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, President Reagan to go to Atlanta, Wallace/Stein (52:29 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Governor Matheson warns President Reagan, Wallace (54:09 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Vice President George Bush and the Governor’s Conference, Wallace/Kur (54:26 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Nancy Reagan is a Relative of the Royal Family, Wallace (56:25 NBC)
R1548, 07/31/1983, Army Spending to Much Money on Spare Parts, Wallace (56:46 NBC)
57:11 End of Summary
R1558, 08/01/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Jennings/Potter (00:00 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Ambassador Stones Effect, Jennings/Dunsmore (01:45 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, USS Coral Sea and Libya, Jennings (03:26 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Robert McFarlane in Lebanon, Jennings (03:47 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Mississippi Voting Rights, Robinson (04:04 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, President Reagan at American Bar Association, Robinson/Compton (04:23 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Governor’s Conference with Vice President George Bush, Jennings/Vanocur (06:23 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Payment in kind Program with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Robinson/Spencer (08:19 ABC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, President Reagan at American Bar Association, Rather/Stahl (12:15 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Central America and Ambassador Stone, Rather/Schieffer/Dick (14:26 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Dollar Strong Overseas, Rather (17:18 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Libya and Chad War, Rather/Martin (17:48 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Chemical Weapons, Rather (19:30 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Alan Greenspan on Economic Recovery, Rather (19:50 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Hunger in America, Rather/Simon (20:13 CBS)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Nicaragua, Brokaw/Lloyd (25:40 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, D’Escoto on Honduras, Brokaw (27:38 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Nicaraguan Arms, Mudd/Kalb (27:56 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, President Reagan at American Bar Association, Brokaw/Wallace (29:26 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Tax Breaks for White Colleges, Brokaw (31:10 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Mississippi Voting Rights, Mudd/Molina (31:25 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Mississippi Poll, Mudd (32:48 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, President Reagan and Storm at Andrews AFB, Mudd (33:09 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Governor’s Convention with Vice President George Bush, Mudd/Kur (33:40 NBC)
R1558, 08/01/1983, Governor’s Convention, Mudd (35:35 NBC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Mississippi Voting, Jennings/Murphy (35:54 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Martin Luther King Holiday and President Reagan, Jennings/Gibson (37:54 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, United States Hunger and President Reagan, Jennings (39:56 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone to Meet President Reagan, Jennings (40:26 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Jennings (40:38 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Libya and Chad War, Jennings/Dunsmore (40:57 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Strong United States Dollar, Jennings (42:43 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Factory Output, Robinson (43:03 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Air Controllers, Robinson/Gregory (43:10 ABC)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Strong United States Dollar, Rather/Brady (47:15 CBS)
R1558, 08/02/1983, United States Census and Poverty, Rather (49:56 CBS)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Presidential Task Force on Hungry, Rather/Stahl (50:25 CBS)
R1558, 08/02/1983, President Reagan and Central America with Senator Howard Baker, Rather/Martin (52:13 CBS)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Martin Luther King Holiday with Representative Tip O’Neill, Rather (54:40 CBS)
R1558, 08/02/1983, Secretary George Shultz and Jaffe, Rather (55:36 CBS)
R1559, 08/02/1983, Central America, Mudd/Wallace (00:00 NBC)
R1559, 08/02/1983, Central America Politics with President Reagan, Brokaw/Davis (02:17 NBC)
R1559, 08/02/1983, Zamora in Nicaragua, Brokaw (04:28 NBC)
R1559, 08/02/1983, Chad and Libya War, Mudd/Kalb (06:35 NBC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, General Motors Suit with Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole, Jennings/Gregory (08:23 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Hunger in America and Food Giveaway, Jennings (10:41 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Health Insurance and Unemployed, Jennings/Gibson (11:03 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, President Reagan and Women’s White House Tour, Jennings/Donaldson (12:54 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, ABC/Post Poll on Central America, Jennings (14:46 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, President Reagan meets with Ambassador Richard Stone with President Reagan, Jennings (15:29 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Soviets in Nicaragua on Peace Plan, Jennings/King (15:41 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Central America and United States Troops, Jennings/Potter (17:40 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, United States and Libyan Threats with Vice President George Bush, Jennings/Dunsmore (19:28 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Gaddafi, Jennings (21:04 ABC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Soviet Ship and United States Destroyer, Rather/Wagner (21:45 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Soviet Reaction, Rather (24:49 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Honduras Military Exercise (Big Pine II), Rather/Rabel (25:02 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Central America and Capital Hill, Rather/Jones (26:59 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, United States Fleet off Libya, Rather (29:10 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Chad and Libya War, Rather (29:37 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, President Reagan and Gender Gap with the President, Rather/Stahl (30:03 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Health Insurance and Unemployed, Rather (32:03 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Poverty in America, Rather (32:35 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, United States Dollar Still Strong, Rather/Kladstrup (32:59 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Mississippi Voting, Rather/Ferguson (34:54 CBS)
R1559, 08/03/1983, United States Auto Sales, Brokaw (37:24 NBC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Women’s White House Tour with President Reagan, Mudd/Wallace (37:36 NBC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Soviet Ship and United States Destroyer, Mudd/Dancy (389:34 NBC)
R1559, 08/03/1983, Secretary George Shultz Possible Resignation, Mudd/Kalb (41:48 NBC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, United States and Central America with Secretary George Shultz, Jennings/Hume (44:01 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Overview of United States in Central America, Jennings/Enderfurth (46:21 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, President Reagan Reacts to Libyan Threats, Jennings (49:48 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, President Reagan and Aid to Chad, Jennings (50:04 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Gilbert, Minnesota Food Giveaway, Jennings (50:15 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Surplus Food with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Jennings/Peterson (50:37 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Food Stamps with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Jennings/Smith (52:54 ABC)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Chad and Libya War with President Reagan, Rather/Martin (55:02 CBS)
R1559, 08/04/1983, United States and Central America with Secretary of State George Shultz, Rather/Schackne (57:27 CBS)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Soviet Ship and United States Destroyer, Rather (59:19 CBS)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Rita Lavelle Indicted Again, Rather (59:36 CBS)
R1559, 08/04/1983, Food Stamps with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Rather/Engberg (60:06 CBS)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Student Loans, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Civil Rights Commission, Rather (00:17 CBS)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Wall Street, Brokaw/Jensen (00:48 NBC)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Rita Lavelle Lied Under Oath, Mudd/Polk (02:12 NBC)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Central America and Secretary George Shultz, Mudd (04:02 NBC)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Yellow Rain, Brokaw/Reynolds (04:29 NBC)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Chad and Libya War, Brokaw (06:38 NBC)
R1560, 08/04/1983, Congress and President Reagan on Vacation, Mudd (06:56 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Unemployment with President Reagan, Jennings/Hume/Mankowitz (07:26 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Chad, Libya War and President Reagan, Jennings/Dunsmore (11:18 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, USS Ranger and Nicaragua, Jennings (13:35 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings (13:53 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, General Motors Car Recall with Transportation Secretary Elizabeth Dole, Jennings/Gregory (14:18 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Car Bomb and United States Embassy in Beirut, Jennings/Scali (16:22 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Child Support Month with President Reagan, Jennings (17:49 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, President Reagan and South Bronx, Jennings/Connor (18:15 ABC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Unemployment Down, Rather/Stahl (21:06 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Long Term Unemployment, Rather/Brady (23:16 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Child Amputees with Secretary Margaret Heckler, Rather/Dow (25:58 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Soviet Ship and United States Destroyer, Rather (28:06 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, United States Carriers and Nicaragua, Rather (28:37 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Libya and Upper Volta, Rather (28:47 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Libya and Chad War, Rather/Martin (29:07 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Congress in Recess, Rather/Jones (31:04 CBS)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Unemployment with President Reagan, Mudd/Jensen (33:35 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, United States Dollar Stronger, Mudd (35:39 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, High Trade Deficit, Mudd (35:55 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Chrysler Warrants, Brokaw (36:07 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Libya and Chad War, Mudd/Francis (36:36 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, United States and Nicaragua, Brokaw/Lloyd (38:53 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Nicaragua and United States Fleet, Brokaw (40:42 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, Soviet Cargo Ship and Arms, Brokaw (41:04 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, President Reagan and High Jack Fever, Brokaw (41:40 NBC)
R1560, 08/05/1983, John Hinckley SR. on Mental Illness, Mudd/O’Neil (41:59 NBC)
R1560, 08/06/1983, Chad War and United States Aid, Schieffer/Ford (43:39 CBS)
R1560, 08/06/1983, French Government’s Reaction, Schieffer (45:03 CBS)
R1560, 08/06/1983, Radio Address by President Reagan, Schieffer (45:17 CBS)
R1560, 08/06/1983, United States Aid to Chad, Savitch/Francis (45:51 NBC)
R1560, 08/06/1983, Honduran Military Exercise, Savitch/Hazinski (48:05 NBC)
R1560, 08/06/1983, Beirut Embassy Bombing, Savitch (50:02 NBC)
R1560, 08/06/1983, Robert McFarlane in Middle East, Savitch (50:21 NBC)
R1560, 08/06/1983, FBI Investigation “Gray Lord”, Savitch/Karl (50:38 NBC)
R1560, 08/07/1983, Chad War and United States Aid, Stahl/Martin (52:23 CBS)
R1560, 08/07/1983, Honduran Military Exercise, Stahl/Blackstone (54:33 CBS)
R1560, 08/07/1983, Middle East, Stahl (56:40 CBS)
R1560, 08/07/1983, Hahn AFB Bombing, Stahl (57:02 CBS)
R1560, 08/07/1983, Ramstein AFB Air Show, Stahl/Tunnell (57:23 CBS)
R1561, 08/07/1983, United Sates Chemical Weapons, Stahl/Lynch (00:00 CBS)
R1561, 08/07/1983, Chad war and United States Aid, Wallace/Reynolds/Kalb (03:10 NBC)
R1561, 08/07/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz and Nicaragua, Wallace/Lloyd (07:03 NBC)
R1561, 08/07/1983, Robert McFarlane in Syria meeting with Assad, Wallace (08:45 NBC)
End of Summary
R1568, 08/08/1983, Prime Rate Up, Jennings/Aug (0:00 ABC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, United States and Honduras Military, Jennings/Potter (01:50 ABC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, President Reagan Sends AWAC’s to Sudan, Jennings/McWethy (03:25 ABC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Federal Deficit and Interest Rates, Rather/Brady (05:38 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Home Mortgages, Rather (08:56 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Dollar Strong, Rather (09:06 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, AT&T Strike, Rather/Engberg (11:16 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Military Coup in Guatemala, Rather/Wagner/Simon (14:48 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Big Pine II, Rather/Blackstone (15:31 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Sex Discrimination and President Reagan, Rather (16:52 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Chad, Rather/Martin (17:37 CBS)
R1568, 08/08/1983, President Reagan’s Committee on Central America, Brokaw (19:49 NBC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, Libya and Chad, Mudd/Kalb (20:07 NBC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, President Reagan and AWAC’s, Mudd (22:00 NBC)
R1568, 08/08/1983, President Reagan, Senator Robert Dole and Sex Discrimination, Mudd (22:23 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Chad Civil War and Libya, Jennings/Dunsmore (22:59 ABC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Guatemala and United States Relations, Jennings/VonFremd (25:12 ABC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Chad Civil War, Rather/Stahl/Kladstrup (27:08 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Fringe Benefit Tax, Rather (31:25 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Guatemala, Rather/Wagner (31:54 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Robert McFarlane and Lebanon, Rather (34:38 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Unemployment in 1982, Rather (35:12 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Election ’84 with Vice President George Bush, Rather/Bowen (35:32 CBS)
R1568, 08/09/1983, AFL-CIO to Endorse Democrat, Mudd/Levine (39:18 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, French Aid to Chad, Mudd (41:21 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, United States Aid to Chad, Mudd/Mitchell (41:38 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, United States and New Guatemala Leader, Mudd (43:12 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, M-1 Tank Engine Problems, Mudd/Reynolds (43:39 NBC)
R1568, 08/09/1983, Robert McFarlane and Lebanon, Mudd (45:12 NBC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Chad and Libya, Jennings/Salinger (45:49 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Libya, Jennings/Dale (48:33 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Libya, Jennings/Scali (50:07 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Lebanon and Kidnapping, Jennings (52:05 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Lebanon Shelling, Jennings (52:23 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, President Reagan’s Central American Commission, Jennings (53:57 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, Nicaragua, Jennings (54:18 ABC)
R1568, 08/10/1983, El Salvador, Jennings/Schackne (54:25 ABC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Big Pine II in Honduras, Rather/Blackstone/Potter/Dick (00:00 CBS)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Central American Committee, Rather/Schieffer (05:20 CBS)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Chad and French Troops, Rather/Andleman (07:18 CBS)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Beirut Fighting, Rather/Pintak (09:22 CBS)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Chad Civil War and French Troops, Brokaw/Champ (11:11 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Gaddafi and Libya, Brokaw/Compton (12:46 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, United States and Chad, Mudd/Francis (14:38 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, President Reagan meets the President Abdou Diouf of Senegal, Brokaw (16:25 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, AT&T Strike and White House, Mudd (16:43 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Lebanon and Terrorism, Brokaw/Aicken (17:03 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Nicaragua Draft, Brokaw (18:43 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Brokaw (18:58 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, President Reagan’s Central American Commission, Mudd/Kalb (19:14 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, Faith Whittlesey and News Coverage of Central America, Mudd (20:58 NBC)
R1569, 08/10/1983, President Reagan and Ship Building, Mudd/Kiker (21:20 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Chad, Jennings/Dunsmore (23:21 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Soviet Sub Accident, Jennings (28:08 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Accidental Nuclear War, Jennings/McWethy (28:34 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, United States Dollar, Jennings/Aug (30:15 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Central American Commission, Jennings (32:22 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Honduras, Jennings/Potter (32:36 ABC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Libya/Chad, Rather/Kladstrup/Stahl (34:24 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Central America, Rather (37:16 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Nicaragua, Rather (37:33 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Corn Crop, Rather/Vierra (38:43 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Toxic Wastes, Rather (40:31 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Palestinian Refugees, Rather/Simon (40:59 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Arms Reduction Violation, Rather/Martin (42:48 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, War Games Incident, Rather (44:36 CBS)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Chad, Brokaw/Champ (45:12 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, USS Eisenhower, Brokaw (47:25 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Mini News Conference with President Reagan, Mudd/Mitchell (47:37 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Libya College Students Arrested, Mudd/Anderson (49:19 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, EPA and Anne Burford, Mudd/Stern (51:13 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Kissinger Commission, Mudd (53:00 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Oval Office Panic Button, Mudd (53:38 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, Guatemala and United States, Brokaw/Lloyd (54:00 NBC)
R1569, 08/11/1983, George McGovern and 1984, Brokaw (56:12 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Interview with Muammar Gaddafi, Jennings (00:00 ABC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Hispanics with President Reagan, Jennings/VonFremd/Compton (03:32 ABC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Marijuana Paraquat in Georgia, Jennings/Mankowitz (07:28 ABC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Wall Street and Economy, Jennings/Connor (09:15 ABC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Soviet Runaway/Defector, Jennings/Flynn (12:41 ABC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Interview with Muammar Gaddafi, Rather/Kladstrup/Martin (14:24 CBS)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Soviet Runaway/Defector, Rather/Schieffer (20:23 CBS)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Hispanics with President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (22:16 CBS)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Economy, Rather (24:20 CBS)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Interview with Muammar Gaddafi, Brokaw (24:55 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Chad, Brokaw/Champ (28:28 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Chad and Peace, Brokaw (29:59 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Hispanics on Cuba with President Reagan, Mudd/Mitchell (30:14 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Mexican President on Central America, Mudd (32:34 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, El Salvador President on United States Ship, Mudd (32:59 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Soviet Defector, Mudd/Francis (33:09 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Wholesale Price and Inflation, Mudd (34:53 NBC)
R1570, 08/12/1983, Debate Gate, Mudd (35:11 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Chad, Schieffer/Kladstrup (35:44 CBS)
R1570, 08/13/1983, President Reagan in El Paso, Texas, Schieffer/Plante (37:39 CBS)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Iowa Nuke Freeze Movement, Schieffer/Engberg (40:29 CBS)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Lebanon and Beirut, Schieffer/Pentak (42:55 CBS)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Blacks and World War II with President Reagan, Schieffer/Lynch (45:05 CBS)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Chad, Savitch/Champ (49:50 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, French and Chad War, Savitch (52:38 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Gaddafi will Attack, Savitch (52:46 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, President Reagan’s Veto Threat, Savitch (53:08 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, President Reagan in El Paso, Texas, Savitch/King (52:23 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Nuke Freeze Positions and Democrats, Savitch/Brenan (55:56 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, United States/Soviet Diplomatic Standoff, Savitch/Francis (58:12 NBC)
R1570, 08/13/1983, Defense Dumping, Savitch/Polk (60:29 NBC)
R1571, 08/14/1983, President Reagan in La Paz with the President and Secretary of State George Shultz, Donaldson/Compton (00:00 ABC)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Clark and New York Times, Donaldson/Garrels (02:22 ABC)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Asylum Plea, Donaldson/Flynn (04:22 ABC)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Chad War, Donaldson/McCourt (05:58 ABC)
R1571, 08/14/1983, President Reagan in La Paz with the President and Secretary George Shultz, Kurtis/Plante (07:57 CBS)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Nicaragua, Kurtis (11:21 CBS)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Big Pine II in Honduras, Kurtis/Gomez (11:42 CBS)
R1571, 08/14/1983, El Salvador and Guatemala Military Cooperation, Kurtis (13:21 CBS)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Chad War, Kurtis/Kladstrup (13:41 CBS)
R1571, 08/14/1983, Asylum Plea, Kurtis/Braver (16:22 CBS)
17:40 End of Summary
R1578, 08/15/1983, Chad, Jennings/McCourt/Scali (00:00 ABC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, President Reagan in New Orleans, Jennings (03:56 ABC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Honduras and Nicaragua, Jennings/Collins (04:16 ABC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Soviet Diplomats Son, Jennings/Flynn (06:34 ABC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Chad, Rather/Kladstrup/Martin (08:26 CBS)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Illegal Spare Parts Sale to Libya, Rather (11:49 CBS)
R1578, 08/15/1983, President Reagan in New Orleans, Rather/Plante (12:11 CBS)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Big Pine II in Honduras, Rather/Blackstone (14:46 CBS)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Paraquat Spraying Halted, Rather (16:44 CBS)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mudd/Mitchell (17:09 NBC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, President Reagan meets with President de la Madrid of Mexico, Mudd (19:33 NBC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Soviet Sixteen Year Old, Mudd/Francis (19:54 NBC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, United States Congressmen to meet Andropov, Mudd (21:52 NBC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, United States Auto Sales Up, Mudd (22:07 NBC)
R1578, 08/15/1983, Andropov and Soviet Economy, Mudd (22:30 NBC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Economy, Jennings/Cortdz (22:52 ABC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Debate Gate, Jennings/Donaldson (24:46 ABC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Chad, Jennings/McCarthy (26:27 ABC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Auto Sales Up, Rather/Brady (28:19 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Unemployment, Rather (30:34 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Debate Gate, Rather (31:02 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Afghanistan Fighting, Rather (31:28 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Martin (31:46 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, USS Coral Sea and Nicaragua, Rather (33:04 CBS)
R1578, 08/16/1983, Debate Gate, Mudd/Kur/Mitchell (33:26 NBC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, United States Marines in Lebanon, Mudd/Bernard (36:51 NBC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, USS Coral Sea and Nicaragua, Mudd (38:33 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger to Central America, Jennings/McWethy (39:02 ABC)
R1578, 08/16/1983, President Reagan and Medicare, Jennings (41:19 ABC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Federal Workers and Student Loans, Jennings (41:46 ABC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Andropov and Arms Talks, Jennings (42:11 ABC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Jaruzelski meets United States Congressmen, Jennings (43:12 ABC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Presser and President Reagan, Rather/Braver (43:20 CBS)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Soviet Diplomats Son, Rather (45:04 CBS)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Andropov meets American Labor Leader, Rather (45:37 CBS)
R1578, 08/17/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Blackstone (46:03 CBS)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Chad, Mudd/Bitterman (48:16 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, French and United States Relations, Mudd (50:21 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Arens Trip to Lebanon, Mudd (50:37 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Andropov and United States Missiles, Mudd (51:02 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Reagan Administration and Hospice, Mudd (51:20 NBC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Washington on Vacation with Vice President George Bush, Mudd (51:36 NBC)
R1578, 08/18/1983, Soviet Diplomats Son, Jennings/Flynn (52:57 ABC)
R1578, 08/18/1983, Andropov meets United States Senators, Jennings/Rodgers (55:14 ABC)
R1578, 08/17/1983, Senator Claiborne Pell on Andropov, Jennings (56:53 ABC)
R1578, 08/18/1983, Poland and United States Congressmen, Jennings/Ensor (58:37 ABC)
R1578, 08/18/1983, Chad, Jennings/Salinger (60:19 ABC)
R1578, 08/18/1983, Personal Income, Jennings (62:10 ABC)
R1579, 08/18/1983, President Reagan and Aid to Texas, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1579, 08/18/1983, El Salvador, Rather (00:12 CBS)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Polish Debt, Rather (00:44 CBS)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Personal Income, Rather (00:56 CBS)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Acid Rain, Rather/Tunnell (01:22 CBS)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Berezhkov Leaves United States, Mudd (01:45 NBC)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Andropov meets United States Senators, Mudd/Mallory/Reynolds (04:26 NBC)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Nerve Gas Production, Mudd (07:43 NBC)
R1579, 08/18/1983, Schroeder Quits Syn-Fuel Corporation, Mudd (08:05 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Economy, Jennings/Cortdz (08:27 ABC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Paraquat, Jennings (10:28 ABC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, AT&T Strike, Jennings (10:48 ABC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, El Salvador, Jennings/Smith (12:48 ABC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Soviet Diplomats Son, Jennings (15:41 ABC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Alicia and President Reagan, Schieffer (15:57 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Economy, Schieffer/Brady (16:07 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Soviet Diplomats Son, Schieffer/Braver (18:40 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Anti-Satellite Weapons, Schieffer (20:37 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Writers Union, Schieffer (21:02 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Synthetic Fuel, Schieffer (21:14 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Lifeline, Schieffer/Able (21:32 CBS)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Economy, Mudd/Jensen (24:33 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, United States Deficits, Mudd (26:49 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Berezhkov Returns to USSR, Mudd (26:52 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, President Reagan and Berezhkov, Mudd (27:28 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Missile Protest, Mudd/Dancy (27:52 NBC)
R1579, 08/19/1983, Kissinger Commission, Mudd (31:17 NBC)
R1579, 08/20/1983, Chad, Savitch/Champ/Pierce (31:00 NBC)
R1579, 08/20/1983, Soviet Sanctions on Heavy Equipment, Savitch/Francis (35:07 NBC)
R1579, 08/20/1983, Berezhkov Returns, Savitch (36:49 NBC)
R1579, 08/20/1983, Willie Mays and President Reagan, Savitch (37:09 NBC)
R1579, 08/21/1983, President Reagan and Gender Gap, Donaldson (37:20 ABC)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Aquino Killed, Dean/Joseloff (37:59 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Aquino Family’s Reaction, Dean/Naverson (40:45 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, State Department Reaction, Dean (44:20 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone and Central America, Dean (44:32 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Soviet Union and Central America, Dean/Martin (45:01 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Fighting in Central America, Dean (46:10 CBS)
R1579, 08/21/1983, President Reagan to the Philippines, Wallace/King (47:14 NBC)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Sex Discrimination, Wallace/Stern (48:56 NBC)
R1579, 08/21/1983, Central America, Wallace/Kalb (50:46 NBC)
53:09 End of Summary
R1583, 08/22/1983, Aquino Murdered with President Reagan, Robinson/Laurie/VonFremd (00:00 ABC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Gender Gap with President Reagan, Barbara Honegger, Robinson/Smith (03:50 ABC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Black Americans and Census, Robinson (05:33 ABC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Black Astronaut Film Narrated by Ronald Reagan, Robinson/Sherr (06:01 ABC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, AWACS to be Withdrawn from Sudan, Robinson (10:14 ABC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Aquino Assassinated with President Reagan, Kurtis/Joseloff/Schieffer (10:44 CBS)
R1583, 08/22/1983, FHA Mortgage Rates, Kurtis (15:28 CBS)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Barbara Honegger, Kurtis (15:42 CBS)
R1583, 08/22/1983, President Reagan’s Medical Check Up, Kurtis (16:06 CBS)
R1583, 08/22/1983, President Reagan’s Philippines Trip, Mudd/Kalb (16:20 NBC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Aquino Family and California Demonstration, Mudd/Burrington (18:05 NBC)
R1583, 08/22/1983, Barbara Honegger Quits, Mudd (19:54 NBC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Payment in Kind, Robinson (20:24 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, President Reagan in Seattle, Robinson/Shepard (20:37 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Maureen Reagan to Assist President Reagan on Gender Gap, Robinson (22:20 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, President Reagan on Senator John Tower not Running in 1984, Robinson (22:40 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Acid Rain, Robinson (22:47 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, El Salvador and United States Mercenaries, Robinson/Quinones (23:00 ABC)
R1583, 08/23/1983, CPI and Retail Prices, Kurtis (25:06 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, President Reagan in Seattle, Kurtis/Plante (25:29 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Gender Gap and Maureen Reagan, Kurtis (27:29 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Senator John Tower Not to Run Again with President Reagan, Kurtis/Jones (27:46 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Missile Poll in West Germany, Kurtis (29:54 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, Chemical Company Records and EPA, Kurtis (30:13 CBS)
R1583, 08/23/1983, President Reagan in Seattle, Mudd/Wallace (30:51 NBC)
R5183, 08/23/1983, AWACS to Return to Africa, Mudd/Kalb (32:53 NBC)
R5182, 08/23/1983, Senator Alan Cranston and Cuba, Mudd (34:20 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Steinberg and Sex Tapes, Robinson (34:45 ABC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Bright Star 83 in Egypt, Robinson/Sirkin (35:07 ABC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Defense Spending and USS Saratoga, Robinson/McCarthy (37:06 ABC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Steinberg and Sex Tapes, Sawyer (38:57 CBS)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Plan to Bomb Embassy in Kuwait, Sawyer/Martin (39:20 CBS)
R1583, 08/24/1983, El Salvador and United States Advisors, Sawyer/Peterson (40:34 CBS)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Barbara Honegger was Easter Bunny at Easter Egg Role, Sawyer (43:05 CBS)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Auto Sales Up, Mudd/Clayton (43:45 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Secretary Margaret Heckler and Child Search Program, Mudd (45:44 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Chad War, Mudd/Bitterman (46:04 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Bright Star 83, Mudd/Compton (48:09 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Swiss to Buy German Tanks Instead of United States Tanks, Mudd (50:05 NBC)
R1583, 08/24/1983, Steinberg and Sex Tapes, Mudd (50:26 NBC)
R1583, 08/25/1983, Gender Gap with Barbara Honegger and Maureen Reagan, Robinson/Gregory/VonFremd (50:54 ABC)
R1583, 08/25/1983, Budget Cut Study, Robinson (54:24 ABC)
R1583, 08/25/1983, Secretary John Block in USSR for Grain Deal, Robinson (54:40 ABC)
R5183, 08/25/1983, Marines in Lebanon, Robinson/McWethy (54:46 ABC)
R1583, 08/25/1983, President Francois Mitterand and Chad War, Robinson/McCourt (56:58 ABC)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Gender Gap with Barbara Honegger and Maureen Reagan, Sawyer/Plante (00:00 CBS)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Budget Cut Study, Sawyer (03:21 CBS)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Hunger Panel, Sawyer (03:57 CBS)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block in USSR for Grain Deal, Sawyer (04:25 CBS)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Big Pine II in Honduras, Sawyer/Wallace (04:53 CBS)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Gender Gap with Barbara Honegger and Maureen Reagan, Mudd/Wallace/Myers (06:27 NBC)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Budget Cut Study with President Reagan, Mudd/Polk (10:32 NBC)
R1584, 08/25/1983, Aquino Murder and United States Philippine Relations with President Reagan and Vice President George Bush, Mudd/Frazier (12:26 NBC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, White House Demonstration for Women, Robinson (14:38 ABC)
R1584, 08/026/1983, President Reagan in San Diego, Gender Gap with President Reagan, Barbara Honegger and Nancy Reagan, Robinson/Shepard (14:56 ABC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Nicaragua Fighting, Robinson/Troute (16:50 ABC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Andropov and Missile offer with President Reagan, Schieffer/McNeil/Pappas (18:44 CBS)
R1584, 08/26/1983, President Reagan in San Diego on Gender Gap with the President, Barbara Honegger and Nancy Reagan, Schieffer/Plante (21:41 CBS)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Assistant Attorney General Reynolds and Black Conference, Schieffer (24:35 CBS)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Worker Production, Schieffer (25:27 CBS)
R1584, 08/26/1983, President Reagan in San Diego with the President and Barbara Honegger, Mudd/Wallace (25:46 NBC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, White House Demonstration, Mudd (28:20 NBC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Assistant Attorney General Reynolds at Black Meeting, Mudd/Valeriani (28:46 NBC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Glen Cove Beach Rights, Mudd/North (30:36 NBC)
R1584, 08/26/1983, Japan Defense Increase, Mudd (32:23 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Black Unemployment in Richmond, Virginia, Schieffer/Miller (32:51 CBS)
R1584, 08/27/1983, White Reaction to March, Schieffer/Ferrugia (36:44 CBS)
R1584, 08/27/1983, USS Rickover Launched, Schieffer (38:35 CBS)
R1584, 08/27/1983, The March and Speeches, Jamieson/Gangel (39:00 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Robert McFarlane in Paris, Jamieson (43:15 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, President Reagan on Central America, Jamieson (43:27 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Kissinger Commission, Jamieson (43:45 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Big Pine II and United States Doctors, Jamieson/Molina (44:03 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Xiaoping and United States Senators, Jamieson (46:20 NBC)
R1584, 08/27/1983, Barbara Honegger Wants Job Back, Jamieson (46:39 NBC)
R1584, 08/28/1983, United States Marines in Lebanon Fighting, Donaldson/Donvan (47:06 ABC)
R1584, 08/28/1983, Prime Minister Begin to Quit with Former Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter, Donaldson/Seamans/Garrels (48:45 ABC)
R1584, 08/28/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Honduras, Donaldson/Quinones (54:11 ABC)
R1585, 08/28/1983, Prime Minister Begin to Step Down, Dean/Faw (00:00 CBS)
R1585, 08/28/1983, White House Reaction to Begin Resignation with President Reagan, Dean/Ferrugia (02:51 CBS)
R1585, 08/28/1983, United States Marines Fighting in Lebanon, Dean/Pintak (07:37 CBS)
R1585, 08/28/1983, United States Marines Attacked in Lebanon, Wallace/Aicken (07:24 NBC)
R1585, 08/28/1983, President Reagan on Israel and Begin with Former President Gerald Ford, Wallace/Kalb (11:25 NBC)
14:25 End of Summary
R1592, 08/29/1983, Beirut and Marines with President Reagan, Jennings/Donvan/Donaldson/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1592, 08/29/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Central America, Jennings (07:10 ABC)
R1592, 08/29/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to meet Andrei Gromyko, Rather (07:26 CBS)
R1592, 08/29/1983, IRS using Business Information, Rather (15:06 CBS)
R1592, 08/29/1983, Beirut Marines, Mudd/Aiken (16:09 NBC)
R1592, 08/29/1983, President Reagan and Marines in Beirut with Clark and Secretary of State George Shultz, Mudd (18:06 NBC)
R1592, 08/29/1983, Identity on Marines, Mudd/Briggs (20:16 NBC)
R1592, 08/29/1983, Background Information on Lebanon, Mudd/Kalb (21:58 NBC)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Beirut Fighting, Jennings/Donvan/Donaldson (24:06 ABC)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Prime Minister Begin Resignation, Jennings/Seamans (27:50 ABC)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Arab Reaction to Begin Resignation, Jennings (31:14 ABC)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Beirut Fighting, Rather/Plante/Pintak/McLaughlin (33:27 CBS)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Ambassador Richard Stone in Central America, Rather (39:03 CBS)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Fighting in Beirut, Mudd/Aiken (39:27 NBC)
R1592, 08/30/1983, Administration Reaction to Beirut, Mudd/Wallace (42:09 NBC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Beirut Fighting, Jennings/Donvan (44:10 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Marine Bodies Return, Jennings (47:15 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz on Marines, Jennings (47:39 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings/Hume (48:00 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Space Shuttle, Jennings/Sherr (50:06 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Auto Safety Air Bags, Jennings (51:49 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Leading Indicators, Jennings/Aug (52:14 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Kissinger Commission, Jennings (54:14 ABC)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Beirut Fighting, Rather/Pintak (54:46 CBS)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Marine Bodies Return, Rather (57:26 CBS)
R1592, 08/31/1983, Syrian Involvement in Beirut with Secretary George Shultz, Rather/Martin (57:55 CBS)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Medicare Changes, Rather/Spencer (00:00 CBS)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Economy, Rather (02:25 CBS)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Deregulation of Business, Rather/Brady (02:51 CBS)
R1593, 08/31/1983, President Reagan and Federal Pay Raise, Rather (06:31 CBS)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Beirut Fighting, Mudd/Aiken (06:48 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, War Powers Act, Mudd/Kalb (09:53 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Marine Bodies Return, Mudd (12:29 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Space Shuttle with President Reagan, Mudd/Neal (12:55 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Air Bag Delay, Mudd (15:00 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Federal Legal Corporation Member Cleared, Mudd (15:25 NBC)
R1593, 08/31/1983, Leading Economic Indicators, Mudd (15:49 NBC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Airliner Shot Down by USSR with Secretary of State George Shultz and Larry Speakes, Jennings/McWethy/Donaldson (16:14 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Japan First Detected Problem with Airliner, Jennings/Laurie (21:50 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, 1978 Korean Airline Incident, Jennings (24:26 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Soviet Reaction, Jennings/Rodgers (25:29 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Representative McDonald was Passenger, Jennings (27:45 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Capitol Hill Reaction, Jennings/Gibson (28:06 ABC)
R5193, 09/01/1983, Lebanon and Marines, Jennings/Donvan (30:20 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, United States Actions against USSR, Jennings/Dunsmore (32:54 ABC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Korean Airliner Shot Down by USSR with Secretary George Shultz, Rather/McNeil (33:49 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Effect of United States and USSR Relations, Rather/McLaughlin (37:38 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, No Survivors on Plane, Rather/Joseloff (40:19 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Soviets Have Forced Airliner Down Before, Rather/Martin (41:42 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Representative McDonald on Plane, Rather/Gilmour (43:58 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, More Marines to Lebanon, Rather/Pintak (46:32 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Jumblatt Threat to United States, Rather (48:15 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Protest in West Germany against United States Weapons, Rather/Fenton (48:51 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Schaufelberger’s Murderer Caught, Jennings (50:39 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, EPA and Toxic Waste Sites, Jennings (50:58 CBS)
R1593, 09/01/1983, USSR Shot Down Airliner with Secretary of State George Shultz, Mudd/Mallory (51:41 NBC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, President Reagan to Cut Trip Short with Larry Speakes, Mudd/Wallace (56:12 NBC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, United States Reactions to Plane Being Shot Down, Mudd/Frazier (57:46 NBC)
R1593, 09/01/1983, Victims of the Airliner, Mudd/Jones (59:57 NBC)
R1594, 09/01/1983, Background Questions on the Airliner, Mudd/Hager (00:00 NBC)
R1594, 09/01/1983, United States Buildup in Lebanon, Mudd/Aicken (02:10 NBC)
R1594, 09/01/1983, El Salvador Arrests Schaufelberger’s Murderer, Mudd (03:42 NBC)
R1594, 09/01/1983, What Actions Can the United States Take, Mudd/Kalb/Wallace (04:07 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Moscow’s Version of the Airline Incident with Secretary of State George Shultz, Jennings/Rodgers/Dunsmore (05:51 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, President Reagan Returns to the White House, Jennings/Donaldson (09:02 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, United Nations Meeting on Airliner, Jennings/Berger (11:11 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Search for Airliner, Jennings/Laurie (13:35 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Soviet Military Operations, Jennings (15:42 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Understanding the Soviet Mind, Jennings/Lee (16:34 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Drought with Secretary John Block, Jennings/Spencer (18:24 ABC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Soviets Accept no Blame, Rather/Plante/McNeil (20:26 CBS)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Anger from Korean Americans, Rather (24:24 CBS)
R1594, 09/02/1983, USSR Refuses to Cooperate in Search, Rather/Joseloff (25:11 CBS)
R1594, 09/02/1983, How and Why Airliner May Have Been Off Track, Rather/Martin (27:47 CBS)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Unemployment, Rather (32:17 CBS)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Moscow’s Version of Airliner, Mudd/Mallory (32:43 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, President Reagan Returns to the White House, Mudd/Wallace (35:06 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, United States or Korea Using Airliner as Spy Plane?, Mudd/Kalb (37:19 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, United Nations meeting on Airliner, Mudd/Jamieson (38:30 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Search for Airliner, Mudd/Oliver (40:59 NBC)
R1594, 09/02/1983, Unemployment, Mudd (43:37 NBC)
R1594, 09/03/1983, Soviets and the Reagan Administration with the President, Schieffer/Plante (44:20 CBS)
R1594, 09/03/1983, State Department Response to the Soviets, Schieffer/McLaughlin (48:08 CBS)
R1594, 09/03/1983, Possible Mistaken Identity of the Korean Plane, Schieffer/Martin (49:37 CBS)
R1594, 09/03/1983, Korean Response to the Downed Plane, Schieffer/Peterson (51:35 CBS)
R1594, 09/03/1983, Soviet Response to Downed Plane, Schieffer/McNeil (53:55 CBS)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Korean Airline Incident, Chung/King (00:00 NBC)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz’s Planned meeting with Andrei Gromyko, Chung/Francis (02:26 NBC)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Russian Reaction, Chung/Mallory (04:24 NBC)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Bodies Possibly found and Protests in Korea, Chung/Oliver/Frazier 06:08 NBC)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Shot from the Sky, Chung/Pierce (09:52 NBC)
R1595, 09/03/1983, Israeli Pullout, Chung/Miller (12:13 NBC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, President Reagan, Congressional Leaders and Tape of Soviet Pilots, Donaldson/VonFremd (14:07 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, Soviets and Identifying the Plane, Donaldson/Garrels (16:47 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, Who Gave Command to Shoot the Plane Down, Donaldson (18:45 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, Families of Victims on Korean Plane, Donaldson/Laurie (19:09 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, Koreans Response and UNESCO Leader, Donaldson (20:51 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, President Reagan and Marines in Beirut, Donaldson (21:48 ABC)
R1595, 09/04/1983, Fighting in El Salvador, Donaldson (22:18 ABC)
22:40 End of Summary
R1604, 09/05/1983, Presidential News Conference Planned, Jennings/Donaldson (00:00 ABC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Soviet Response to KAL 007 Downing, Jennings/Rodgers (01:47 ABC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Possible Mistaken Identity of KAL 007, Jennings/McWethy (04:03 ABC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Search for Bodies from KAL 007 Hampered, Jennings (06:21 ABC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Presidential News Conference Planned, Rather/Stahl (08:48 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, KAL 007 and the Soviets, Rather (10:45 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, KAL 007 Search Efforts, Rather (11:35 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, KAL 007’s Identity Questioned, Rather/Martin (11:55 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Andrei Gromyko Cancels Trip to Paris, Rather (14:21 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Korean Protests in Paris, Rather (14:41 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, South Korean Protests, Rather/Peterson (14:55 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Making the Grade (Education), Rather/Spencer (17:01 CBS)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Reagan Administration and the Soviets with Vice President George Bush, Brokaw/Wallace (20:57 NBC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, KAL 007’s Identity Questioned, Brokaw/Hager (23:36 NBC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Families of the KAL 007’s Victims, Brokaw/Frazier (25:52 NBC)
R1604, 09/05/1983, Vesco Connection and the Cocaine Business, Brokaw/Ross (27:39 NBC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Soviet Admission, Jennings/Rodgers (32:49 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, United Nations Security Council Meeting, Jennings/Berger (34:52 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, International Federation of Pilots and Soviets, Jennings (37:47 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, White House Reaction to Soviet Admission, Jennings/Donaldson (37:58 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Madrid, Jennings (40:16 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Two More Marines Killed in Beirut, Jennings/Donvan (40:37 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, United States Accuses Syria, Jennings/McWethy (43:14 ABC)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Soviet Admission, Rather/McNeil/Hottelet/Martin (45:45 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Geneva Arms Talks and Andrei Gromyko Arrival in Spain, Rather/Fenton (52:30 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Undersecretary Eagleburger Response, Rather (54:19 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Two More Marines Killed in Beirut, Rather/Pintak (54:36 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, Presidential Call to Marines Parents, Rather (56:35 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, USS New Jersey to Lebanon Considered, Rather (56:50 CBS)
R1604, 09/06/1983, School Systems Problems, Rather/Vierra (57:06 CBS)
R1605, 09/06/1983, El Salvador, Rather/Peterson (00:00 CBS)
R1605, 09/06/1983, Soviet Admission, Brokaw/Mallory (02:12 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, United Nations Security Council meeting with Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, Brokaw/Hart (04:10 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, State Department Response, Brokaw (07:22 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to Madrid, Brokaw (07:46 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Brokaw (08:08 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, Two More Marines Killed in Beirut, Brokaw/Miller (08:21 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, President Reagan to keep Marines in Beirut with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Wallace (10:17 NBC)
R1605, 09/06/1983, KAL 007 and the Soviets, Brokaw/Chancellor (12:03 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz, Jennings/Dunsmore (14:02 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, White House Reaction to Gromyko Statement, Jennings (16:19 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Demonstrations at the White House, Jennings (16:36 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Soviet Press Anti-American Theme, Jennings/Rodgers (16:58 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Soviets Almost Shoot Their own Plane, Jennings (18:39 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Robert McFarlane meets Assad, Jennings (19:44 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Beirut, Jennings/Donvan (20:05 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, When Marines use Force, Jennings/McWethy (22:28 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Senator Jackson’s Funeral, Jennings (25:14 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in El Salvador with Secretary Weinberger, Jennings (25:33 ABC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz, Rather/Schieffer (25:55 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Soviet Air Defense System Weakness, Rather/Martin (28:14 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Beirut and the Air Wars Act, Rather/Simon/McLaughlin (30:31 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in El Salvador with Secretary Weinberger, Rather (34:48 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, President Reagan Wears Hearing Aid, Rather (35:17 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Senator Jackson’s Funeral with Vice President Bush, Rather (35:39 CBS)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz, Brokaw/Bitterman (36:11 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, White House Reaction to Gromyko Statement, Brokaw/Wallace (38:16 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Beirut, Brokaw/Miller (39:47 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in El Salvador, Brokaw (41:29 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, President Reagan Wears Hearing Aid, Brokaw (41:50 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Senator Jackson’s Funeral with Vice President Bush, Brokaw (42:08 NBC)
R1605, 09/07/1983, Marines in Beirut, Brokaw/Chancellor (42:43 NBC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz, Jennings/Dunsmore (44:40 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, NATO Foreign Ministers Ban AEROFLOT, Jennings (46:54 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, President Reagan Expels AEROFLOT, Jennings/Donaldson (47:03 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Soviet Search for Korean Jet, Jennings (49:28 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Soviet General meets the Press, Jennings (49:43 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Assad Will Not Interfere with Lebanon Peace, Jennings (49:52 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Nicaragua with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Jennings/King (50:15 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Illinois Job Line, Jennings (52:09 ABC)
R1605, 09/08/1983, United States Lebanon Involvement, Rather/Simon/Martin (52:28 CBS)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Korean Jet, Rather (57:15 CBS)
R1605, 09/08/1983, President Reagan Retaliates, Rather (57:37 CBS)
R1605, 09/08/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz and AEROFLOT Expulsion, Rather/Schieffer/Stahl (58:05 CBS)
R1606, 09/08/1983, Panama Peace Talks, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1606, 09/08/1983, Governor Evans Appointed to Senator Jackson’s Senate Seat, Rather (00:35 CBS)
R1606, 09/08/1983, President Reagan and Women’s Laws, Rather (00:54 CBS)
R1606, 09/08/1983, Business Spending, Rather (01:07 CBS)
R1606, 09/08/1983, Madrid meeting with Secretary George Shultz, Brokaw/Bitterman (01:38 NBC)
R1606, 09/08/1983, President Reagan Expels AEROFLOT, Brokaw/Wallace (03:43 NBC)
R1606, 09/08/1983, World Air Boycott, Brokaw/Mallory (05:27 NBC)
R1606, 09/08/1983, United States Forces in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (07:00 NBC)
R1606, 09/08/1983, Gender Gap and President Reagan with Barbara Honegger, Brokaw/Mitchell (09:22 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Soviet Press Conference, Jennings/Rodgers/McWethy (11:15 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Debris from Airliner Found, Jennings (15:33 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, American Anger with President Reagan, Jennings/Gibson (16:16 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Memorial Service with President Reagan, Donaldson (18:00 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Lebanon, Jennings/Donvan (19:53 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Consumer Price Index, Jennings (21:48 ABC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Soviet Press Conference, Rather/Andleman/Martin (22:08 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Debris from Airliner Found, Rather (27:10 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Memorial Service with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (27:34 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Andrei Gromyko meets French, Rather (29:27 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Andrei Gromyko and Secretary George Shultz, Rather (29:34 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Andrei Gromyko meets West Germans, Rather (29:53 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, President Reagan on Lebanon, Rather (30:16 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Wholesale Prices, Rather (30:44 CBS)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Soviet Press Conference, Brokaw/Mallory (31:12 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, United States Response, Brokaw/Hager (33:36 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Genscher on Soviets and Nukes, Brokaw (35:38 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Andrei Gromyko meets French, Brokaw (36:02 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz Leaves Madrid, Brokaw (36:22 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Memorial Service with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (36:42 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Beirut Fighting, Brokaw/Aicken (38:41 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Marine Defenses, Brokaw/Reynolds (40:04 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Nicaraguan Port Attacked by Rebels, Brokaw/Francis (41:40 NBC)
R1606, 09/09/1983, Ex Iran Hostage Football Player with Presidents Reagan and Jimmy Carter, Brokaw/Murphy (43:22 NBC)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Soviet Pilot Interviewed by Soviet TV, Chung/Mallory (45:44 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, President Reagan Accuses Soviets of “Stonewalling”, Chung/King (48:00 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Japan Finds Part of Wreckage, Chung/Frazier (49:45 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Reprisals Against Soviets, Chung (51:31 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Lebanon Fighting with Robert McFarlane, Chung/Miller (51:57 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Marine Bodies Return Home, Chung/Severson (53:53 CBS)
R1606, 09/10/1983, Nicaragua, Chung/Francis (54:43 CBS)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Amin Gemayel and Lebanon, Jarriel/Walker (00:00 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Lebanon and War Powers Act, Jarriel/VonFremd (02:14 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Israel and Lebanon, Jarriel (04:21 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Korean Jet Mourning, Jarriel/Flynn (04:32 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, State Department on the Jet Tapes, Jarriel (06:28 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Japanese find more Debris, Jarriel/Laurie (06:48 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, International Order of Civilian Aviation, Jarriel (08:17 ABC)
R1607, 09/11/1983, Congress Returns, Jarriel/Gibson (08:32 ABC)
10:15 End of Summary
R1614, 09/12/1983, Crop Damage with Agriculture Secretary John Block, Jennings/Schadler (00:00 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, United Nations Security Council and Flight 007, Jennings (02:33 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Search for KAL 007, Jennings (02:47 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Air Boycott of USSR, Jennings (03:05 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, United States Trying to get Compensation for KAL 007, Jennings/Dunsmore (03:18 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Congress on KAL 007 and Lebanon, Jennings/Hume (05:23 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Jennings (07:32 ABC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, United States Marines want United States Air Strikes in Lebanon, Jennings (07:44 ABC
R1614, 09/12/1983, Korean Jet, Rather/Schieffer (09:59 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Search for KAL 007, Rather (12:30 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Soviet Expulsion of United States Diplomat, Rather (12:53 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Congress on KAL 007 and Lebanon, Rather/Jones (13:19 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Marines and Lebanon, Rather/Simon (15:31 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Robert McFarlane in Lebanon, Rather (18:19 CBS)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Lebanon Fighting and Marines, Brokaw/Miller (18:42 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, President Reagan Asks for Marines to Have Air Cover, Brokaw/Wallace (20:35 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, United Nations Security Council on KAL 007, Brokaw/Hart (22:54 NBC)
R6114, 09/12/1983, Compensation for KAL 007, Brokaw (24:33 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Soviets on United States Version of KAL 007, Brokaw/Hager (25:10 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, Japan and Wreckage of KAL 007, Brokaw/Frazier (26:51 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, American Diplomat Expelled from USSR, Brokaw (28:19 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, President Reagan, Women and Federal Funds, Brokaw/Myers (28:37 NBC)
R1614, 09/12/1983, President Reagan and Actions on KAL 007, Brokaw/Chancellor (30:59 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, President Reagan, Marines and War Powers Act, Jennings/Hume/Donaldson (32:56 ABC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Lebanon Fighting and Marines, Jennings/Walker (36:44 ABC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, United Nations on Central America, Jennings (38:47 ABC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, El Salvador and Jerry Falwell, Jennings/Mankiwitz (39:17 ABC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Marines, President Reagan and War Powers Act, Rather/Stahl/Simon (41:24 CBS)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Marines Can Call for Air Strikes, Brokaw/Miller (46:13 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Interview with Colonel Geraguhty USMC, Brokaw (48:26 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, War Powers Act, Brokaw/Dancy (50:05 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Syria warns United States and Lebanon, Brokaw (52:05 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, George McGovern to Run in 1984 and Other Democratic Candidates, Brokaw/Bode (52:20 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, Unemployment Funds and White House, Brokaw (54:48 NBC)
R1614, 09/13/1983, President Reagan and War Powers Act, Brokaw/Chancellor (55:02 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Soviet Press Conference on KAL 007 and Arms Race, Jennings/Zelnick (00:00 ABC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, United States/Soviet Relations, Dunsmore (02:44 ABC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Marines in Beirut, Jennings/Walker (03:53 ABC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, United States Navy Searches for Black Boxes of KAL 007, Jennings (06:03 ABC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Marines Fighting in Lebanon, Rather/Simon/Pizzey (06:15 CBS)
R1615, 09/14/1983, War Powers Act, Rather (10:18 CBS)
R1615, 09/14/1983, House Condemns Soviets and Soviet Press Conference, Rather (10:52 CBS)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Brokaw/Miller (11:33 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Saudi Peace Plan, Brokaw (13:41 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, War Powers Act, Brokaw/Dancy (13:57 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Marine Clark Buried, Brokaw/Cummins (15:58 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, KAL 007 and President Reagan, Brokaw (17:44 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Judge Clark and Soviets, Brokaw (18:29 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Soviets on Missiles and KAL 007, Brokaw/Bourgholtzer (18:42 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Congress and KAL 007, Brokaw (20:30 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Secretary James Watt and Coal Sale, Brokaw/O’Neil (20:49 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Baby Doe with Secretary Margaret Heckler, Brokaw/Bazell (22:27 NBC)
R1615, 09/14/1983, Children of War in Nicaragua, Brokaw/Francis (24:33 NBC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Prime Minister Begin Resigns, Jennings/Seamans (27:13 ABC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Lebanon, Israel and the United States, Jennings/McWethy (30:49 ABC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings (32:44 ABC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, High School Study, Jennings/Duvall (33:06 ABC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Defense Budget Passes House, Jennings (36:40 ABC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Industrial Production, Rather (36:57 CBS)
R1615, 09/15/1983, House Vote on Job Training Assistance Program, Rather/Brinkley (37:15 CBS)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Bakshian on Rape, Rather (39:12 CBS)
R1615, 09/15/1983, American and KAL 007, Rather/Martin (39:39 CBS)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Lebanon Fighting and Marines, Brokaw/Miller (41:43 NBC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Lebanon and White House, Brokaw/Wallace (43:25 NBC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Afghanistan Expels two United States Diplomats, Brokaw (44:51 NBC)
R1615, 09/15/1983, Senate Condemns USSR, Brokaw (45:22 NBC)
R1615, 09/16/1983, KAL 007 with President Reagan, Jennings/McWethy (45:47 ABC)
R1615, 09/16/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Jennings/Walker (49:32 ABC)
R1615, 09/16/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Rather/Simon (52:17 CBS)
R1615, 09/16/1983, Senator Howard Baker and War Powers Act, Rather (54:59 CBS)
R1615, 09/16/1983, Soviet Advisors in Lebanon, Rather (55:17 CBS)
R1615, 09/16/1983, KAL 007 Search Continues, Rather/Martin (55:44 CBS)
R1615, 091/6/1983, Soviet Spy Outside Pearl Harbor, Rather/Bowen (57:38 CBS)
R1615, 091/6/1983, Andrei Gromyko and Aeroflot, Rather (58:57 CBS)
R1616, 09/16/1983, Computers: The Fate of Nations with President Reagan, Rather (00:00 CBS)
R1616, 09/16/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Brokaw/Miller (05:23 NBC)
R1616, 09/16/1983, War Powers Act, Brokaw (07:37 NBC)
R1616, 09/16/1983, Andrei Gromyko to Speak at the United Nations, Brokaw (07:57 NBC)
R1616, 09/16/1983, Student Loan Default and Bounty Hunters, Brokaw/Levine (08:20 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Navy Ships Shell Beirut and Fighting in Lebanon, Schieffer/Simon (11:48 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Soviet Advisors in Lebanon, Schieffer (14:50 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Andrei Gromyko Cancels Trip to United Nations, Schieffer/McLaughlin (15:19 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Aeroflot and Airline Boycott, Schieffer/Andleman (17:26 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Search for KAL 007 and Navy Helicopter Crashes, Schieffer (19:33 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Heroin Abuse, Schieffer/Ford (20:01 CBS)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Chung/Seamans (23:59 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Yasir Arafat Returns to Lebanon, Chung/Miller (27:19 NBC)
R1616, 091/7/1983, White House on Lebanon, Chung/King (29:12 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Andrei Gromyko Cancels Trip to United Nations, Chung (31:04 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Search for KAL 007 Black Box, Chung/Hager (31:34 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Senator Garcia on President Reagan and Hispanics, Chung (33:40 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Polish Defectors, Chung (34:01 NBC)
R1616, 09/17/1983, Portfolio on Senator John Glenn, Chung/Bode (34:19 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Saudis on Beirut Fighting, Donaldson/Threlkeld (37:49 ABC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Amin Gemayel on United States in Lebanon, Donaldson (40:22 ABC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, United States Role in Lebanon, Donaldson/Garrels (40:35 ABC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Pravda Editor Criticizes Soviets on KAL 007 Incident, Donaldson (42:41 ABC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Marines Fight in Lebanon, Wallace/Miller (43:08 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Yasir Arafat and Gaddafi are Involved in Lebanon, Wallace (45:36 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, United States Involvement in Lebanon, Wallace/Kalb (45:55 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, President Reagan to Visit United Nations and Andrei Gromyko will not Visit, Wallace/King (48:27 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Search for KAL 007 Black Box, Wallace (50:33 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Soviet Journalist Criticizes USSR on KAL Incident, Wallace (50:55 NBC)
R1616, 09/18/1983, Lawsuits and KAL007, Wallace/Stern (51:12 NBC)
53:28 End of Summary
R1623, 09/19/1983, United States Navy Firing in Lebanon, Jennings/Threlkeld (00:00 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, USS New Jersey goes to Lebanon, Jennings (03:44 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Jennings (05:18 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Saudi Peace Plan, Jennings (05:21 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Soviets on Lebanon, Jennings (05:36 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings/Hume (05:55 ABC
R1623, 09/19/1983, USSR on KAL 007, Jennings (06:13 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Andrei Gromyko Cancels Visit, Jennings/Burger (07:50 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Family Violence with President Reagan, Jennings/Walker (10:19 ABC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Rather/Simon/Plante (12:12 CBS)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Marine Families, Rather/Gilmore (16:12 CBS)
R1623, 09/19/1983, KAL Flight 007, Rather (19:02 CBS)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Catholic Bishops and Nuclear Movement, Rather (20:35 CBS)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Housing Starts, Rather (21:04 CBS)
R1623, 09/19/1983, United States Navy Firing in Lebanon, Brokaw/Miller (21:30 NBC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, War Powers Act, Brokaw (24:14 NBC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, Glen Cove and Soviets, Brokaw/Stern (24:30 NBC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, United Nations and Andrei Gromyko, Brokaw (26:16 NBC)
R1623, 09/19/1983, What Next in Lebanon, Brokaw/Chancellor (26:47 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Ambassadors Residence Shelled in Lebanon, Jennings (28:40 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Advisors under Fire in Souk el Gharb Lebanon, Jennings/Threlkeld (29:03 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, War Powers Act with President Reagan, Jennings/Hugh/Donaldson (33:41 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Black Box Search, Jennings/Enderfurth (36:21 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Economy/United States Steel Layoffs, Jennings (38:13 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Social Security IRS Forms, Jennings (38:35 ABC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Advisors under Fire in Lebanon, Rather (38:54 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, War Powers Act, Rather/Jones (39:45 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Troops in Honduras, Rather/Wallace (41:42 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, KAL 007 Black Box Search, Rather/Martin (43:38 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Nuclear Freeze Control Rejected, Rather (45:19 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Social Benefit Program/Social Security/IRS Forms, Rather (45:32 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, PIK Program, Rather (46:07 CBS)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Navy Fires on Lebanon, Brokaw (46:46 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, War Powers Act with President Reagan, Brokaw/Dancy (47:06 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Interview with Senator Howard Baker on War Powers Act, Brokaw (48:56 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United States Advisors in Lebanon, Brokaw/Seamans (50:32 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Soviets in Syria, Brokaw (52:28 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block and Banned Meat, Brokaw/O’Neil (52:46 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, Yuri Andropov and Nuclear Freeze, Brokaw (54:28 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, European Nuclear Protest/United States S.T.A.R.T. Team, Brokaw/Utley (54:57 NBC)
R1623, 09/20/1983, United Nations Meeting/Andrei Gromyko, Brokaw/Chancellor (58:35 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Fighting in the Philippines, Jennings/Witke (00:00 ABC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Jennings/Threlkeld (03:55 ABC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Lebanon with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson (07:27 ABC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Gross National Product, Jennings (10:21 ABC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Secretary James Watt’s Derogatory Statement, Jennings/Peters (10:36 ABC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Arms Control with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (12:49 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Arms Control Continued, Rather (15:13 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Rather/Simons (15:36 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Talk of Ceases Fire in Lebanon, Rather (18:35 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Statement by Secretary James Watt, Rather (18:58 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Jobs Bill, Rather (21:06 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Gross National Product, Rather (21:25 CBS)
R1624, 09/21/1983, President Reagan’s Trip to Lebanon and Philippine President Marcos, Brokaw/Wallace (21:48 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Secretary George of State Shultz and War Powers Act, Brokaw (23:58 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, United States Returns Fire in Lebanon Fighting, Brokaw/Seamans (24:14 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, President Reagan and Missiles in Europe, Brokaw (25:57 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Libya Shipping Arms to Nicaragua, Brokaw/Reynolds (26:21 NBC)
R1624, 09/21/1983, Derogatory Statement by Secretary James Watt, Brokaw (28:00 NBC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, French Air Strikes in Lebanon, Jennings/Threlkeld (29:35 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings/Gibson (32:08 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Bad Joke, Jennings/Hume (34:05 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Abortion Funding, Jennings (36:06 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Philippines and President Reagan’s Trip, Jennings (36:28 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Nuclear Weapons Talks, Jennings (36:44 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, War on Poverty, Jennings/Chase (36:56 ABC)
R1624, 09/22/1983, French Air Strikes in Lebanon, Rather/Simon/McLaughlin (42:01 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, War Powers Act, Rather (45:53 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Bad Joke, Rather/Morton (46:15 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, President Reagan’s Drug Task Force with Attorney General William French Smith, Rather (48:47 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Drugs and Cocaine Smuggling, Rather/Peterson (49:29 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Secretary George Shultz and General Kelley Vietnam Slip of Tongue, Rather (52:04 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Central America, Rather/Rabel (53:04 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, CIA and Covert Aid to Nicaraguan Rebels, Rather (56:40 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Budget Deficits, Rather (56:56 CBS)
R1624, 09/22/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt under Fire, Brokaw/Wallace (57:32 NBC)
R1625, 09/22/1983, French Shoot Back in Lebanon, Brokaw/Seamans (00:00 NBC)
R1625, 09/22/1983, President Marcos and Philippine Martial Law, Brokaw/Oliver (02:13 NBC)
R1625, 09/22/1983, Manglapus and Trip by President Reagan to Manila, Brokaw (04:08 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Consumer Prices up, Jennings/Cortdz (04:28 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Car Sales up, Jennings (06:53 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, United States Steel Chairman at Congress on Dumping of Steel, Jennings/Gregory (07:03 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Interior Secretary James Watts Troubles, Jennings (09:09 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, War Powers Act Compromise with Vice President George Bush, Jennings/Hume (09:33 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Marines under Fire in Lebanon, Jennings (11:38 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Cease Fire Talks in Lebanon, Jennings (11:57 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, USS New Jersey and Lebanon, Jennings/McWethy (12:10 ABC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Lebanon Fighting with President Reagan, Rather/Simon/McLaughlin (13:25 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, United States Supplies to Lebanon, Rather/Martin (17:46 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, War Powers Act Vote, Rather (19:11 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Calls for Interior Secretary James Watts Resignation with Maureen Reagan and Secretary Watt, Rather/Plante (19:27 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Consumer Prices, Rather (21:30 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, President Reagan not to Challenge Business Tax Law, Rather (22:09 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Anti-Government Demonstrations in Manila, Rather/Hatcher (22:30 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Flying Command Post to be Moved, Rather (24:18 CBS)
R1625, 09/23/1983, United States Forces in Lebanon Fighting, Brokaw/Utley (24:52 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Philippine Demonstrations, Brokaw/Oliver 27:43 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Pressure on Interior Secretary James Watt to Resign with President Reagan and Maureen Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (30:17 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, President Reagan and Hispanics on Peso Windfall in Cathedral City, CA, Brokaw/Kur (32:10 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Consumer Prices up, Brokaw (34:08 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, President Reagan to Address United Nations, Brokaw (34:26 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, Presidential Flying Command Post, Brokaw/Pierce (34:48 NBC)
R1625, 09/23/1983, President Reagan’s Trip to the Philippines, Brokaw/Chancellor (36:43 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Chung/Seamans/Davis (00:00 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, Battle Strategy for Lebanon, Chung/Francis (04:00 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, Radio Address by President Reagan to the USSR, Chung/King (06:12 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, USSR Rejects Arms Control Package, Chung (08:00 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger Goes to China and Reassures Japan the United States/Japanese Relations Not to be Compromised, Chung (08:15 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, Nuclear Submarine in Newport News with Judge Clark, Chung/Pierce (08:37 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, President Reagan Refuses to Answer Questions on Secretary Watt, Chung (10:12 NBC)
R1626, 09/24/1983, President Reagan at Rodeo and Secretary Malcolm Baldrige on Calf Roping Team Picture of the President, Chung/Porter (10:29 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire, Donaldson/Glass/McCourt (12:11 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Ceasefire with President Reagan, Donaldson/Compton (15:50 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, President Reagan’s Dispute with Congress over Marines in Lebanon, Donaldson (17:00 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, President Reagan to Speak to United Nations, Donaldson/VonFremd (17:59 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Philippine Violence, Donaldson/Sirkin (19:43 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s trip to the United States, Donaldson (21:19 ABC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire, Wallace/Davis (21:43 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, President Reagan and Ceasefire, Mitchell (23:37 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, More Marines Wounded in Lebanon, Wallace/Seamans (25:24 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, United States Fighter Planes almost used on Syrians, Wallace (27:29 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, President Reagan Prepares for Speech to the United Nations, Wallace/King (27:49 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, United States Role in the United Nations, Wallace/Byer (29:34 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger Visits China, Wallace/Pratt (31:20 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Taxes to Finance MX Missile, Wallace (33:11 NBC)
R1626, 09/25/1983, Violence in the Philippines, Wallace/Oliver (33:51 NBC)
35:11 End of Summary
R1632, 09/26/1983, President Reagan Addresses the United Nations, Jennings/Donaldson (00:00 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Yuri Andropov and TASS Reaction to Address, Jennings (02:45 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Analysis of Speech by President Reagan, Jennings/Dunsmore (03:14 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Wazzan and Lebanese Ceasefire with Robert McFarlane, Jennings/Threlkeld (05:22 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt, President Reagan and Coal Commission, Jennings/Serafin (08:44 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger and Chinas Purchase of High Technology, Jennings (10:20 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Address by President Reagan to the United Nations, Rather/Stahl (10:39 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Demonstrators at United States Missile Base in Italy, Rather (13:44 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Ceasefire in Lebanon with Robert McFarlane, Rather/Simon (14:08 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Wazzan and Lebanese Government, Rather (16:55 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, President Reagan sends Letter to Congress on Lebanon, Rather (17:15 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Attorney General William French Smith and Ceiling on Refugees to United States, Rather (17:33 CBS)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Speech by President Reagan to the United Nations, Brokaw/Wallace (18:05 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Soviet Response to Offer by President Reagan, Brokaw/Valeriani (20:29 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Anti-Missile Protest at United States base in Italy, Brokaw (22:20 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire with Robert McFarlane, Brokaw/Utley (22:50 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, United States Marines in Lebanon, Brokaw/Davis (26:27 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Soviets Turn over Debris from KAL Flight 007, Brokaw (29:07 NBC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in China, Brokaw (29:40 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Speech by President Reagan to the International Monetary Fund, Jennings (29:58 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, USSR Naval Maneuvers, Jennings (30:47 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire, Jennings/Glass (31:03 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, War Powers Act and President Reagan’s Letter, Jennings (32:56 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Senator Jacob Javits and War Powers Act, Jennings (33:12 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, San Salvadoran Demonstration, Jennings/Mankiewitz (33:27 ABC)
R1632, 09/26/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in China, Jennings/Laurie (35:09 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Andrei Gromyko on Speech by President Reagan to United Nations, Jennings (36:57 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watts Troubles, Jennings (37:10 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, ABC and Washington Post Poll on Secretary James Watt, Jennings (37:22 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Americas Cup and Letter by President Reagan to the Australians, Jennings/Gandolph (37:31 ABC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Search for KAL 007’s Black Box with President Reagan, Rather/Martin (39:25 CBS)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watts Troubles Continue, Rather/Spencer (41:30 CBS)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Close-up: Candidate Walter Mondale, Rather (43:15 CBS)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Letter by President Reagan on Lebanon to Congress, Brokaw (48:18 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, PLO Factions Fighting Among Themselves, Brokaw (48:38 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Beirut Ceasefire, Brokaw/Seamans (48:50 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Lebanon Background, Brokaw/Utley (50:25 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Andrei Gromyko on President Reagan’s Arms Talks Offer, Brokaw (53:52 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and President Reagan with Ed Meese, Brokaw (54:10 NBC)
R1632, 09/27/1983, Address by President Reagan to the International Monetary Fund, Brokaw/Wallace (55:01 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Yuri Andropov Speaks on Arms Control,Jennings/Zelnik/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Congress and War Powers Act Compromise, Jennings/Gibson (03:31 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Poll by the Washington Post, Jennings (05:26 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in China, Jennings (06:09 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, President Reagan on Secretary James Watt, Jennings/Donaldson (06:30 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases Denied, Jennings (08:19 ABC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Former Director of EPA Testifies at Congressional Hearing, Jennings/Gregory (08:39 ABC)
R6133, 09/28/1983, President Reagan and Interior Secretary James Watt, Rather/Plante (10:35 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and Coal Leases, Rather (12:09 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Central American Commission with Former President Richard Nixon, Rather/Schieffer (12:37 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Lebanon Cease Fire, Rather/Simon (14:37 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, United Nations and Lebanon, Rather (17:14 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Congress Votes on War Powers Act Compromise, Rather/Stahl (17:40 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Yuri Andropov Speaks on Speech by President Reagan to the United Nations, Rather (19:38 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger in China, Rather (20:12 CBS)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Yuri Andropov’s Answer to Speech by President Reagan at the United Nations, Brokaw (20:36 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, President Reagan to go to China with Former President Richard Nixon and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Wallace (21:14 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Congress Votes on War Powers Act Compromise, Brokaw/Kur (23:04 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, PLO Group Back in Lebanon, Brokaw/Utley (24:54 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt and President Reagan, Brokaw/Mitchell (26:34 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Former Director Anne Burford Testifies at Congressional Hearing, Brokaw (28:54 NBC)
R1633, 09/28/1983, Lebanon Power Struggle, Brokaw/Chancellor (29:33 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, ABC Democratic Poll/Reagan Poll, Jennings (31:29 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, War Powers Act Agreement, Jennings/Hume (32:15 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, EDB Insecticide to be Banned, Jennings/Gregory (33:37 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher meeting with President Reagan on Arms Control, Jennings (35:17 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Kissinger Commission, Jennings (35:36 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, United States Investigates El Salvador Bombing of Tenicingo, Jennings/Mankiewitz (35:52 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, United States Troops Providing Medical Help in Honduras, Jennings/King (37:58 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, President Reagan Playing Hockey in the Rose Garden, Jennings (40:25 ABC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Jobless Benefit Program, Rather (41:05 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, War Powers Act Agreement and Lebanon Ceasefire, Rather/Schieffer (41:35 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, CBS Poll on War Powers Act, Rather (43:35 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Yuri Andropov Accuses United States of Blocking Arms Control with President Reagan and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Rather/Stahl (43:54 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, KAL 007 New Material on Tape May be Damaging to the Soviets, Rather/Martin (45:59 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Agriculture Secretary John Block and Farm Subsidies, Rather (47:17 CBS)
R1633, 09/29/1983, War Powers Act Passes Senate Vote, Palmer (47:37 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Ceasefire in Lebanon, Palmer/Seamans (47:52 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher meets with President Reagan, Palmer (49:26 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) to be Banned, Palmer/Hager (49:48 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, National Education Association backs Walter Mondale, Palmer/Meyers (51:51 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt’s Troubles, Palmer/Chancellor (54:12 NBC)
R1633, 09/29/1983, Washington Capitals and United States Hockey Teams in the Rose Garden with President Reagan, Palmer (56:15 NBC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, NEA Endorses Walter Mondale, Jennings/Vanocur (00:00 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, NOW. will Endorse a Candidate, Jennings (02:21 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Gender Gap with Maureen Reagan and President Reagan, Jennings/Sherr (02:35 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Why the People Don’t Vote, Jennings (04:41 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, National Debt with President Reagan, Jennings/Cortdz (06:18 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Leading Economic Indicators Down, Jennings (08:46 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Medicare, Jennings/Strait (09:02 ABC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Leading Economic Indicators Down, Rather (12:13 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, United States and Syria in Lebanon, Rather (12:38 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Campaign ’84 Straw Poll in Maine, Rather/Morton (13:27 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, EPA Bans use of EDP, Rather (16:34 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Whistleblowers with President Reagan, Rather/Jones (17:02 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Unger to be Federal Appeals Judge, Rather (21:05 CBS)
R1634, 09/30/1983, President Hosni Mubarak meets President Reagan, Palmer (21:20 NBC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Lebanon and United States Advisors, Palmer/Seamans (21:49 NBC)
R1634, 09/30/1983, Economy Down 0.1%, Palmer (23:13 NBC)
R1634, 10/01/1983, CBS/Times Poll, Schieffer/Morton (23:37 CBS)
R1634, 10/01/1983, President Reagan Signs Stop Gap Spending, Schieffer (26:17 CBS)
R1634, 10/01/1983, Moscow Peace March, Schieffer/Andelman (26:47 CBS)
R1634, 10/02/1983, President Reagan’s Trip to the Philippines with President Marcos, Donaldson/Sirkin (29:29 ABC)
R1634, 10/02/1983, Jumblat and Lebanon, Donaldson/McCourt (32:14 ABC)
R1634, 10/02/1983, Nicaraguan Rebels, Donaldson (33:55 ABC)
R1634, 10/02/1983, Democrats at National Organization for Women Convention, Donaldson/Flynn (34:13 ABC)
End of Summary
R1643, 10/03/1983, New White House Position on Arms Control, Jennings/Compton (00:00 ABC)
R1643, 10/03/1983, President Reagan not going to the Philippines, Jennings/Donaldson (02:04 ABC)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Debate on Holiday for Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Jennings/Hume (04:00 ABC)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Lebanese Ceasefire Violations, Jennings (05:21 ABC)
R1643, 10/03/1983, President Reagan not going to the Philippines, Rather/Plante (05:48 CBS)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Philippine Officials have no Comment on Cancellation of trip by President Reagan, Rather (07:21 CBS)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire Violations, Rather (07:58 CBS)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Debate on Martin Luther Kings Birthday, Rather/Jones (08:15 CBS)
R1643, 10/03/1983, President Reagan Cancels Philippines Trip, Palmer/Wallace (10:06 NBC)
R1643, 10/03/1983, Backgrounder on China Trip by President Reagan and Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Palmer/Brokaw (12:18 NBC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Nuclear Build Down with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson (15:17 ABC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Nuclear Build Down, Jennings/Dunsmore (18:04 ABC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Nicaragua and the CIA, Jennings/Collins (20:06 ABC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, PLO and the Syrians, Jennings (21:58 ABC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Nativity Scenes Controversy, Jennings/O’Brien (22:15 ABC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Arms Talks with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (24:12 CBS)
R1643, 10/04/1983, War in Afghanistan, Rather (27:13 CBS)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Nativity Scenes and the Government, Rather/Graham (29:39 CBS)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Build Down Offer to the Soviets with President Reagan, Palmer/Wallace (32:18 NBC)
R1643, 10/04/1983, Supreme Court on Nativity Scenes, Palmer/Stern (34:40 NBC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Lech Walesa Wins Nobel Peace Prize, Jennings/Hickey/Ensor (36:37 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Western Reaction with President Reagan, Jennings (41:11 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Jennings (41:43 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Soviets Reject Build Down Proposal, Jennings (42:03 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Soviet Military Officials Fired over KAL 007 Incident, Jennings (42:20 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Still in Trouble, Jennings/Hume (42:39 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Big Pine II in Honduras, Jennings/McWethy (44:21 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, President Reagan Declares Five Arizona Counties Federal Disaster Areas, Jennings/Rose (46:02 ABC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, More calls for Interior Secretary James Watts Resignation, Rather/Jones (47:50 CBS)
R1643, 10/05/1983, President Reagan Declares Five Arizona Counties Federal Disaster Areas, Rather/Bowen (49:44 CBS)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Rather (51:16 CBS)
R1643, 10/05/1983, United States Response to Lech Walesa’s Award with President Reagan, Palmer (51:34 NBC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Case Reopened in the Senate, Palmer/Dancy (52:29 NBC)
R1643, 10/05/1983, Will President Reagan Run in ’84, Palmer/Mitchell (54:12 NBC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Nicaragua and the CIA, Jennings/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, United Nations and Nicaragua, Jennings/Smith (02:41 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt in California with Secretary Raymond Donovan, Jennings/Serafin (04:17 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, President Reagan and Arizona Floods, Jennings (06:44 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Terence Cardinal Cooke Dead, Jennings/Phillips (06:49 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Israeli/Egyptian War 10 Years Later, Jennings/Dunsmore (08:40 ABC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Soviets Send Missiles to Syria, Rather/Martin (12:27 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks in Geneva, Rather (14:07 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, NATO reduces Battlefield Nuclear Warheads, Rather/Schieffer (14:29 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, United States Fighter Planes Can’t talk to Civilian Planes with President Reagan, Rather/Schackne (16:00 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Fighting in Honduras, Rather (17:41 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, CIA and Bombing Raid in Nicaragua, Rather (18:03 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, President Reagan Designates Two more Counties in Arizona Disaster Areas, Rather (18:22 CBS)
R1644, 10/06/1983, CIA and Central America, Palmer/Anderson/Francis (18:35 NBC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, United States Air Defense, Palmer/Hager (23:59 NBC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks Resume and Proposal by President Reagan, Palmer (25:38 NBC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Might Still be Replaced, Palmer (26:04 NBC)
R1644, 10/06/1983, Federal Government Bankruptcy, Palmer/Chancellor (26:51 NBC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, President Reagan in Louisville, KY, Jennings/VonFremd (28:32 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt may Still Lose His job with Former President Gerald Ford, Jennings/Serafin (31:00 ABC)
R6144, 10/07/1983, Unemployment Down, Jennings (33:17 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Federal Job Training for the Private Sector, Jennings/Cortdz (33:51 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to go to El Salvador, Jennings (36:05 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Ramifications of Soviet Missiles in Syria, Jennings/Dunsmore (38:30 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, World Spending and Concern Over the Arms Race with President Reagan, Jennings (40:19 ABC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt may Still Lose His Job with Former President Gerald Ford, Rather/Plante (43:27 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, President Reagan in Louisville, KY, Rather (45:41 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Nicaragua, Rather/Schackne (46:58 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Soviet Missiles in Syria, Rather (50:07 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Israelis in Lebanon, Rather (50:28 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Unemployment Down with President Reagan, Rather/Brady (50:46 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Special Jobless Benefits Bill, Rather (54:33 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Job Training Program and Draft Registration, Rather (54:49 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Federal Price Supports for Milk, Rather (54:59 CBS)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Director Helms and Administration of FAA, Rather/Hager (55:13 NBC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt in California, Palmer (57:04 NBC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, Ambassador Nitze and S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Palmer (57:17 NBC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, President Reagan to Visit South Korea and South Korea Demonstrations, Palmer/Frazier (57:39 NBC)
R1644, 10/07/1983, President Reagan in Louisville, KY on Unemployment, Palmer/Wallace (59:23 NBC)
R1645, 10/08/1983, Plans to Replace Secretary James Watt, Chung/King (00:00 NBC)
R1645, 10/08/1983, Russia puts New Missiles in Syria and Radio Address by President Reagan, Chung (02:07 NBC)
R1645, 10/08/1983, Central American Troubles, Chung/Anderson (02:26 NBC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Quits, Donaldson/Compton (05:03 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, Bomb in Burma Kills South Korean Official, Donaldson/Laurie (09:50 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, United States Response to Burma Bomb, Donaldson (10:10 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, Iran/Iraq War/United States sends Warships, Donaldson/Smith (13:02 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire, Donaldson (13:45 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, Kissinger Commission, Donaldson/Quinones (14:09 ABC)
R1645, 10/09/1983, United States B-52 Bombers, Donaldson/Enderfurth (17:16 ABC)
19:18 End of Summary
R1655, 10/10/1983, President Reagan looks for Replacement for Secretary James Watt, Jennings/Serafin (00:00 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Shamir Takes Over in Israel, Jennings/Seamans (03:08 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Lebanon Ceasefire, Jennings (05:27 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Iran/Iraq War, Jennings (05:55 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Burma Bomb and United States Reaction, Jennings/Laurie (06:18 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Kissinger Commission in Panama, Jennings/Threlkeld (08:56 ABC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Interior Secretary James Watt Resigns, President Reagan looks for Replacement, Rather/Stahl/Spencer (12:02 CBS)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Burma Bomb and United States Reaction, Rather/Schieffer (16:18 CBS)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Kissinger Commission in Panama, Rather/Rabel (18:06 CBS)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Press Secretary James Brady goes to Home Town, Rather/Plante (21:24 CBS)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Who Replaces Secretary James Watt, Brokaw/Wallace (23:34 NBC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Interior Secretary James Watts Legacy, Brokaw/McCarthy (25:40 NBC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, Kissinger Commission in Panama, Brokaw (27:45 NBC)
R1655, 10/10/1983, El Salvador and the Right Wing, Brokaw/Utley (28:17 NBC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Druze Rejection in Lebanon, Jennings (32:04 ABC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Kissinger Commission/CIA in Honduras, Jennings/Collins (32:57 ABC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Jennings (36:20 ABC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, President Reagan on Teacher Merit Pay, Jennings (36:44 ABC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, False Billing on Government Contracts, Jennings (37:06 ABC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Arms Talks Slow Down, Rather/Stahl (37:45 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, President Reagan meets with Chinese Minister, Rather (40:06 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Secretary of State George Shultz to go to El Salvador, Rather/Shepard (40:22 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, El Salvador, A Look Behind the Lines, Rather/Morton (42:03 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Military Justice, Rather (44:18 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Draft Registration Cards, Rather (44:39 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, United States Navy Sends Ship to Monitor Iran/Iraq War, Rather (45:08 CBS)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Report on the Educational System, Brokaw/McCarthy (45:36 NBC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Geneva Arms Talks, Brokaw/Wallace (49:31 NBC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, United States/China Relations, Interview with Wu Xueqian, Brokaw (49:58 NBC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Attack on Nicaraguan Oil Facility, Brokaw (51:24 NBC)
R1655, 10/11/1983, Reliability of Soviet Radar and Computers, Brokaw/Chancellor (51:52 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Arms Talks, Jennings/Zelnick/Dunsmore (00:00 ABC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Senator John Glenn on Missiles, Jennings/Serafin (03:35 ABC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, El Salvador and the Kissinger Commission, Jennings/Threlkeld (05:41 ABC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Lebanon, Jennings/Lee (08:31 ABC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, New York Times and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Jennings (11:39 ABC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Arms Talks not going Well, Rather (12:34 CBS)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Kissinger Commission in El Salvador, Rather/Schackne (12:59 CBS)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Draft Registration, Rather (15:13 CBS)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Arms Talks going badly with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (15:30 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Kissinger Commission in El Salvador, Brokaw/Lloyd (17:30 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Chinese Purge, Brokaw (19:26 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Walter Mondale and Senator John Glenn Fighting it Out, Brokaw/Kur (19:51 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Oil Leases Lottery Suspended, Brokaw/Polk (22:00 NBC)
R1656, 10/12/1983, Missing Children in America, Brokaw/Myers (24:36 NBC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Judge Clark to be Secretary of Interior with President Reagan and Judge Clark, Jennings/Donaldson (29:57 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, President Reagan to Form Reelection Committee, Jennings/Serafin (32:17 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Brake Lights Regulation, Jennings/Greenwood (33:38 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, EPA not to Ban Lindane, Jennings (35:07 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Energy Department Geothermal Power Plant, Jennings (35:24 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Iran/Iraq United States Retaliation, Jennings (38:25 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protest in West Germany, Jennings (38:45 ABC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Judge Clark to be New Secretary of Interior with President Reagan and James Watt, Rather/Plante (39:10 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, President Reagan to Form Reelection Committee, Rather/Morton (42:21 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Speeches be Secretary Donald Regan and Martin Feldstein, Rather (43:38 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Another Marine Wounded in Lebanon, Rather (44:22 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, EPA not to Ban Lindane, Rather (44:58 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Brake Light Regulation with Secretary Elizabeth Dole, Rather/Courier (45:20 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, KAL 007 Black Box Search, Rather (47:07 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, South Korean Funeral with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather (47:34 CBS)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Judge Clark Named Secretary of Interior with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace/McCarthy (48:10 NBC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, President Reagan to Form Reelection Committee, Brokaw/Kur (51:40 NBC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Walter Mondale Gets Endorsements from Senators, Brokaw (53:18 NBC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, Brake Light Regulation with Secretary Elizabeth Dole, Brokaw/Hager (53:25 NBC)
R1656, 10/13/1983, United States Marine Injured in Lebanon, Brokaw (55:19 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Marine Killed in Lebanon, Jennings/Dale (00:00 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Arab Force to Protect Arabs Financed by United States with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Jennings/McWethy (02:26 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Nicaraguan Fighting, Jennings (04:26 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Kissinger Commission in Honduras, Jennings/Threlkeld (05:00 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, United States Economy, Jennings (08:17 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, William Clark and Interior Department, Jennings/Serafin (08:32 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Warsaw Pact meeting on Missiles, Jennings (11:00 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, MX Missile Test Flight, Jennings (11:22 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, President Reagan Signs Food Bill, Jennings (11:35 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, President Reagan and Food and Drug Bill, Jennings (11:43 ABC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Two Marines Shot in Lebanon with Robert McFarlane, Rather/Schieffer (11:55 CBS)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Robert McFarlane May Replace William Clark, Rather/Plante (14:18 CBS)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protests in West Germany, Rather (16:20 CBS)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Warsaw Pact Meeting, Rather (16:39 CBS)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Fighting in Nicaragua, Rather (16:56 CBS)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Americans under Fire in Lebanon, Brokaw/Briggs (17:32 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Lebanon Diary, Brokaw/Bernard (19:56 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Who Will Succeed William Clark, Brokaw (22:15 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, William Clark and Secretary of Interior Job, Brokaw/Oliver (22:20 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Kissinger Commission, Brokaw (24:46 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, El Salvador Fighting, Brokaw/Lloyd (25:14 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, United States Economy up, Brokaw (27:35 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Warsaw Pact meeting, Brokaw (27:51 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, Anti-Missile Demonstration in West Germany, Brokaw (28:21 NBC)
R1657, 10/14/1983, NATO and Missile Background, Brokaw/Utley (28:43 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Kissinger Commission in Nicaragua, Schieffer/Schackne (32:11 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protest in West Germany, Schieffer/Blackstone (34:36 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Arms Talks in Geneva, Schieffer (37:02 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, National Security Advisor Replacement, Schieffer (37:36 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, William Clark and the Effects of Secretary James Watt’s Policies, Schieffer/Peterson (38:13 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Marines in Lebanon, Schieffer/Kladstrup (40:20 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, KAL 007 and United States Reactions with James Schlesinger, Schieffer/Pierpoint (42:13 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Pat O’Brien Died, Schieffer (44:37 CBS)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Marines and Fighting in Beirut, Chung/Aiken (45:23 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Italy and Greece Send Observers to Lebanon, Chung (46:55 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Nuclear Protests in West Germany, Chung/Bremen (47:09 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Nuclear Protests in Colorado, Chung/O’Neil (49:34 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Kissinger Commission in Nicaragua, Chung/Anderson (51:36 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Senator John Glenn and the Right Stuff, Chung/Dancy (53:32 NBC)
R1657, 10/15/1983, Actor Pat O’Brien Dies with President Reagan, Chung/Jamieson (56:23 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Robert McFarlane Chosen as New National Security Advisor, Wallace/King (00:00 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Marines Fighting in Lebanon, Wallace/Aicken (02:07 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Israeli Troops and Moslems Clash in Southern Lebanon, Wallace (03:09 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Gensher and Andrei Gromyko meet in Geneva Concerning Arms Talks, Wallace/Bitterman (03:40 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Secretary George Shultz and EPA Director Ruckelshaus Discuss Acid Rain with Canadian Officials, Wallace/Francis (05:57 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Kissinger Commission Returns from Trip to Central America, Wallace/Lloyd (08:41 NBC)
R1658, 10/16/1983, Carter Briefing Papers and missing Video Tapes, Wallace (10:40 NBC)
11:11 End of Summary
R1670, 10/17/1983, High Tech Spies and the Soviets, Jennings/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings (02:36 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Robert McFarlane Nominated for National Security Advisor with President Reagan, Jennings/Dunsmore (03:05 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Another Marine Killed in Lebanon, Jennings/Chase (05:07 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Reagan Campaign Underway, Jennings/Compton (07:03 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Kissinger Commission and Nicaragua, Jennings/Threlkeld (08:59 ABC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Another Marine Killed in Lebanon, Rather/Kladstrup (12:15 CBS)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Iran Influence in Lebanon, Rather (15:21 CBS)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Robert McFarlane Nominated for National Security Advisor with President Reagan and Robert McFarlane, Rather/Plante (15:39 CBS)
R1670, 10/17/1983, President Reagan Signs Reelection Papers, Rather/Morton (17:54 CBS)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Soviet General and Missile Threat and President Reagan, Brokaw (19:43 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Reagan Campaign Strategy with President Reagan and Treasury Secretary James Baker, Brokaw/Wallace (20:04 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Robert McFarlane Nominated for National Security Advisor with President Reagan, Robert McFarlane and Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Mitchell (23:00 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Marines under Fire in Lebanon, Brokaw/Aicken (24:57 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Dead Marines Family, Brokaw (26:41 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Lebanon Diary Part II, Brokaw/Bernard (27:12 NBC)
R1670, 10/17/1983, Hinckley and Oil Company Investigation, Brokaw (29:10 NBC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks, Jennings (30:03 ABC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Marine Replacements for Lebanon, Jennings/Potter (30:40 ABC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Marine Funeral, Jennings/Potter (32:21 ABC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Lebanon and Marine Replacement Unit, Rather/Hall (34:26 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Dead Marine Buried, Rather (36:30 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, San Salvador Fighting, Rather/Shepard (36:54 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Jobless Benefit Program, Rather (38:31 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, United States Defense and Space Wars, Rather/Martin (38:40 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Auto Safety Rules, Rather (43:54 CBS)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, Brokaw/Dancy (44:17 NBC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, High Tech Spy and Poland, Brokaw/Burrington (46:47 NBC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Star Wars Defense and the White House, Brokaw (49:03 NBC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks and President Reagan, Brokaw (49:18 NBC)
R1670, 10/18/1983, National Defense Advisors, Brokaw/Chancellor (49:37 NBC)
R1670, 10/19/1983, Martin Luther King Day Passed Senate, Jennings/Hume (51:01 ABC)
R1670, 10/19/1983, Interview with Coretta Scott King, Jennings (53:01 ABC)
R1670, 10/19/1983, Jesse Jackson Candidacy, Jennings/Walker (54:50 ABC)
R1670, 10/19/1983, Lebanon Fighting, Jennings/Dale (58:32 ABC)
R1670, 10/19/1983, White House Urging Peace Talks, Jennings/Donaldson (60:30 ABC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, High Tech Espionage with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Jennings/Enderfurth (00:00 ABC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Nobel Prizes with President Reagan, Jennings/Smith (02:12 ABC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Star Wars Defense Technology with President Reagan, Rather/Martin (04:42 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Salyut 7 in Trouble, Rather (09:06 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Marines Wounded in Lebanon, Rather/Kladstrup (09:51 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Martin Luther King Day with President Reagan, Rather/Jones (11:45 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Economy, Rather/Brady (13:11 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Brazil in a State of Emergency, Rather (16:25 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Coup in Grenada, Rather (16:37 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Nicaraguan Economy Still Doing Fine, Rather/Wagner (17:11 CBS)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Personal Income/New Housing Starts, Brokaw/Levine (19:40 NBC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Martin Luther King Day, Brokaw (21:48 NBC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Marine Flak Jackets in Lebanon, Brokaw/Bernard (22:36 NBC)
R1671, 10/19/1983, Greenhouse Effect, Brokaw/Chancellor (25:19 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, House Vote on Covert Aid with President Reagan, Jennings/Gibson (27:25 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Raid on Nicaragua, Jennings (29:47 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Coup in Grenada, Jennings/Potter (30:07 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, GNP Up and Economic Recovery with Paul Volcker, Jennings/Hume (31:53 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Television Production Case with President Reagan, Jennings/Smith (33:59 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Arms Talks and European Protests, Jennings/Salinger (35:42 ABC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Economic Growth with Secretary Malcolm Baldrige, Rather/Brady (36:47 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Housing Starts, Rather (38:52 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, House and Covert Aid to Nicaragua, Rather/Schackne (39:20 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Nicaragua, Rather (41:21 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Grenada Coup and Americans Safety, Rather/Schieffer (41:40 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Television Production Case with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (43:38 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Hunger in America, Rather (46:55 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Geneva is the Location for the Lebanon Talks, Rather (47:27 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, House Votes Money for “X Ray Laser”, Rather/Martin (47:36 CBS)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Coup in Grenada, Brokaw/Lloyd (51:37 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Congress and Covert Aid, Brokaw/Myers (54:24 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Congress Scraps Nerve Gas Funds, Brokaw (56:16 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Geneva is Location for Lebanon Talks, Brokaw (56:33 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Reaction to King Holiday with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (56:42 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Walter Mondale on King Holiday, Brokaw/Abernathy (59:02 NBC)
R1671, 10/20/1983, Accomplishments of Secretary James Watt, Brokaw (60:36 NBC)
R1672, 10/20/1983, Silicon Spies, Brokaw/Burrington (00:00 NBC)
R1672, 10/20/1983, Soviets Supply Salyut 7, Brokaw (02:05 NBC)
R1672, 10/20/1983, “The Right Stuff” Movie ABC, Brokaw/Chancellor (02:24 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Martin Luther King Holiday with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson (04:23 ABC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Grenada, Jennings/Potter (06:22 ABC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, United States Marines to Grenada, Jennings (07:56 ABC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Grenada, Rather/Martin/Gilmour (08:14 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Oregon and Education, Rather/Peterson (11:31 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks, Rather (13:21 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Yuri Andropov Ill, Rather (15:11 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Cherenko Loses Job, Rather (15:19 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Martin Luther King Holiday, Rather/Plante (15:33 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Nuclear Weapons, Rather/Young (15:55 CBS)
R1672, 10/21/1983, President Reagan and Martin Luther King Holiday, Brokaw/Wallace (16:14 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protest in Bonn, West Germany, Brokaw (18:19 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Brant to Speak Against Missiles, Brokaw/Utley (18:58 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Grenada and United States Ships, Brokaw (21:59 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Cuban Involvement in Grenada, Brokaw/Murphy (22:24 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, Marines in Lebanon, Brokaw (24:34 NBC)
R1672, 10/21/1983, 1984 Presidential Campaign Nuclear Freeze Issue, Brokaw/Bode (26:23 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, Hostage Situation in Augusta with President Reagan and Radio Phone Call by the President, Chung/King (29:38 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, Adam Walsh Killer Confesses, Chung/Hazinski (33:11 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, United States Participation in Jordan’s Strike Force, Chung (36:00 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, Grenada Task Force, Chung/Murphy (36:28 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, Economic Growth with Secretary Malcolm Baldrige and President Reagan, Chung/Levine (38:34 NBC)
R1672, 10/22/1983, Louisiana Primary Federal Election Supervisors, Chung/Bode (41:45 NBC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Beirut Tragedy, Donaldson/Dale (44:03 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, President Reagan Returns from Augusta with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Donaldson/Compton (46:44 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Camp Lejeune Replacements, Donaldson/McWethy (49:14 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Congressional Support Erodes, Donaldson/Hume (51:54 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, French Reaction, Donaldson/Dobbs (54:42 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Pope’s Reaction and Moscow’s Reaction, Donaldson (55:57 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Evacuation of the Wounded, Donaldson/Walker (56:09 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Notification of Next of Kin, Donaldson/Spencer (57:48 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, Camp Lejeune Replacements with General Gray, Donaldson (59:45 ABC)
R1672, 10/23/1983, President Reagan Orders Flags to Half Staff, Donaldson (60:35 ABC)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Beirut Tragedy with President Reagan, Rather/Pintak/Tunnell (00:00 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, French Reaction, Rather (04:49 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Presidential Reaction, Rather/Plante (05:08 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, State Department Reaction, Rather/Schieffer (07:17 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Defense Department Reaction with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Martin (08:15 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Congressional Reaction, Rather/Jones (10:40 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Task Force to Grenada, Camp Lejeune Replacements, Rather/Trotta (12:52 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Moscow Turns Down Build-Down Proposal, Rather (15:16 CBS)
R1673, 10/23/1983, Cruise Missiles in England, Rather (15:40 CBS)
15:53 End of Summary
R1687, 10/24/1983, Number of Dead in Beirut Bombing, Jennings/Threlkeld (00:00 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Marine Replacements for Dead and Wounded, Jennings (03:30 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Wounded Marines, Jennings (03:43 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Families of the Marines, Jennings/Shepard (03:53 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, President Reagan and Congress on Marines in Lebanon, Jennings/Donaldson (07:08 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Secretary George Shultz to go to Europe, Jennings (11:01 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, President Mitterand of France on French Troops in Lebanon, Jennings (11:11 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Who Did the Bombing, Jennings/Lee (11:21 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, How Did Truck get to United States Marines, Jennings/McWethy (13:08 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, United States Reaction Poll, Jennings/Vanocur (16:10 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Soviet Missiles in Eastern Europe, Jennings/Dunsmore (17:19 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, American Dead, Jennings (17:45 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Marine Captain Buried, Jennings (18:47 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, It Could Happen Again, Jennings (19:45 ABC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Marines Killed in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (20:38 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Wounded and Dead Marines Evacuated and Replaced, Families Notified, Rather/Morton (24:56 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Evacuating of Americans from Grenada, Rather (28:04 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Evidence Links Iran with Bombing, Rather/Martin (28:26 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Iran Denies Involvement, Rather/Pizzey (30:41 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, President Reagan Defends Involvement in Lebanon, Rather/Stahl (32:04 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Soviets Preparing Missiles for Eastern Europe, Rather (34:33 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Burial of Dead Marines, Rather/Hall (34:50 CBS)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Marines Killed in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (37:20 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, United States Role in Middle East with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (40:05 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Syrian and Iranian Response, Brokaw (42:24 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Families of the Marines, Brokaw/Hart (42:32 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Fresh Troops to Replace Marines Killed, Brokaw (45:31 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Reaction of Congress to Bombing, Brokaw/Dancy (46:04 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Secretary George Shultz to meet with Ministers of England and France, Brokaw/Kalb (48:06 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Soviet Missiles in Europe, Brokaw (50:15 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Harris and President Reagan in Atlanta, GA, Brokaw (50:38 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, GM Earnings Up, Brokaw (51:12 NBC)
R1687, 10/24/1983, Lebanon Diary: The Survivors, Brokaw/Bernard (51:28 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, United States Invades Grenada, Jennings/McWethy/Potter (00:00 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan on Grenada, Jennings/Donaldson (05:00 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Why Grenada in Important with President Reagan, Jennings/Smith (07:24 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Secretary George Shultz on Grenada, Jennings/Dunsmore (09:35 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Cuban Reaction, Jennings (11:41 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Congress on Grenada, Jennings/Hume (12:06 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Americans in Grenada, Jennings/Phillips (14:01 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Beirut Victims in Hospitals, Jennings (16:23 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Situation in Beirut, Jennings/Threlkeld (16:57 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan Fires Three Members of the Civil Rights Commission, Jennings (18:36 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, United States Economy, Jennings (19:02 ABC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, United States Assault on Grenada, Rather/Gilmour/Martin (19:14 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Three Americans and Several Cubans Killed, Rather (24:04 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Strategic Importance of Grenada, Rather/Simon (24:32 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan on Why we Invaded Grenada Congressional Reaction with Secretary George Shultz, Rather/Stahl/Jones (26:52 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, 214 Marines Killed in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (31:32 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, United States use of Force in the World, Rather/Moyers (33:55 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Inflation Up 0.5%, Rather (35:55 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan Fires Three on Civil Rights Commission, Rather (36:29 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Families of Marines in Beirut, Rather/Morton (37:19 CBS)
R1688, 10/25/1983, United States Invasion of Grenada, Brokaw/Murphy (40:15 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan on Grenada with Secretary George Shultz, Brokaw/Wallace (44:59 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Seaga of Jamaica on Grenada Incident, Brokaw (47:36 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on Grenada, Brokaw (47:58 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Congress on Grenada, Brokaw/Dancy (48:08 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, War Powers Act, Brokaw (48:40 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Marine Security in Lebanon, Brokaw/Aicken (48:58 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, The Long Wait for Families of Marines, Brokaw/Nissenson (51:36 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Is Reagan Administration Overextended?, Brokaw/Kalb (53:56 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Secretary George Shultz, Grenada and Lebanon, Brokaw/Chancellor (55:35 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, President Reagan Fires Three from Civil Rights Commission, Brokaw (57:09 NBC)
R1688, 10/25/1983, Marine Survivors in Hospitals, Brokaw (57:28 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Students from Grenada, Jennings (00:00 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Fighting in Grenada with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Jennings/McWethy (01:06 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Other People in Grenada, Jennings (04:09 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Cuban Reaction on Grenada, Jennings/Serafin (04:22 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Soviet Reaction on Grenada, Jennings (06:01 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, President Reagan and Congress on Grenada, Jennings/Donaldson (06:30 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, ABC Poll on Grenada, Jennings (08:16 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, European Reaction on Grenada, Jennings/Salinger (08:26 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Vice President George Bush in Beirut with President Reagan, Jennings/Dale (10:32 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Yuri Andropov on S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Jennings (12:37 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Americans on President Reagan’s Policies, Jennings/Wooten (13:10 ABC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, United States Civilians from Grenada Arrive in South Carolina, Rather/Hall (16:31 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Grenada Invasion with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Martin (18:43 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Grenada Invasion, Rather/Gilmour (21:15 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Cuban Reaction to Grenada, Rather/Rabel (23:06 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, World Opinion on Grenada Invasion, Rather/McLaughlin (24:24 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, White House Reaction on Grenada Invasion, Rather (24:46 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, 219 Marines Dead in Lebanon with Vice President George Bush, Rather/Putman (28:26 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Wounded Marines in Lebanon, Rather/Roth (31:11 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Yuri Andropov warns United States about European Missiles, Rather (32:40 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Defense Spending, Rather (32:55 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Sympathy for Families of Dead Marines, Rather/Simon (33:25 CBS)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Fighting in Grenada, Brokaw/Reynolds (36:20 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Cuban Response to Invasion of Grenada, Brokaw/Hager (40:02 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Soviet Response to Grenada, Brokaw (42:01 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, American Medical Students, Brokaw (42:09 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Bloody Grenada, Brokaw (42:30 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Questions on Invasion of Grenada, Brokaw (43:28 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, When was Invasion Planned?, Brokaw/Kalb/Wallace (44:07 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, President Reagan Receives no Support from Overseas on Invasion of Grenada, Brokaw/Porter (47:03 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Soviets May Quit S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Brokaw (48:49 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Vice President George Bush in Beirut, Brokaw/Aicken (49:11 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, Dead and Wounded Marines in Lebanon, Brokaw/Cochran (51:29 NBC)
R1689, 10/26/1983, American Reporters not in Grenada, Brokaw/Chancellor (53:36 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Fighting in Grenada, Jennings (00:00 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Hudson Austin Trapped and Holding Hostages, Jennings (01:04 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Speech by President Reagan with Vice President George Bush and Robert McFarlane, Jennings/Donaldson (01:10 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Congress and Grenada War Powers Act, Jennings (04:15 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, American Students in Grenada, Jennings/Phillips (06:16 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, 225 Dead Marines in Lebanon, Jennings/Hickey (06:36 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Secretary George Shultz in Europe, Jennings (09:10 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, American Wounded from Grenada, Jennings/McCarthy (11:06 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, United States sends Note to Cuba, Cuban Reaction to Fighting in Grenada, Jennings/Serafin (11:19 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Grenada Message Sent to Britain Delayed, Jennings (12:50 ABC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Fighting in Grenada, Rather/Martin/Andrews (15:17 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Casualty Figures, Rather (19:37 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, American Students from Grenada, Rather/Morton (20:00 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, War Powers Act for Grenada with Robert McFarlane, Rather/Stahl (23:04 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Cuban Reaction to Invasion, Rather/Rabel (25:17 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Death Toll in Beirut, Rather/Fenton (26:50 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Secretary George Shultz in Paris, Rather (29:00 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Syrian Involvement in Attack, Rather/Pizzey (29:18 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, House on Business in South Africa, Rather (31:14 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Mourning Marine Dead, Rather/Dow (31:46 CBS)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Fighting in Grenada, Brokaw (34:08 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Hudson Austin Holding Hostages in Southern Grenada, Brokaw (34:34 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Fighting in St. Georges, Brokaw/Reynolds (34:46 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, 82nd Airborne Wounded, Brokaw/Hazinski (36:44 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, More Troops to Grenada, Brokaw (38:24 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, American Intelligence of Grenada, Brokaw/Kalb (38:48 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Who will Police Grenada?, Brokaw/Valeriani (40:40 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, American Students in Grenada, Brokaw/Chung (42:15 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Preview of Speech by President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (44:11 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, 225 Marines Dead in Beirut, Brokaw (46:00 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Lebanon Diary-Alpha Company, Brokaw/Bernard (46:37 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Questions on Beirut, Brokaw/Polk (48:24 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Why Are we in Lebanon, Brokaw/Chancellor (50:00 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, NATO Scraps Nuclear War Heads, Brokaw (52:06 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, S.T.A.R.T. Talks, Brokaw (52:26 NBC)
R1690, 10/27/1983, Dutch Invite Yuri Andropov and President Reagan to Vacation, Brokaw (52:40 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Grenada Fighting, Jennings/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, United Nations on Grenada, Jennings (03:28 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Soviet Embassy on Grenada, Jennings (03:39 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings/Hume (04:04 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Cuban Demonstrations, Jennings (05:49 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Beirut Bombing and Wounded, Jennings/Lee (06:08 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Media Coverage of Grenada, Jennings/Shepard (08:39 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, White House and News Media with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Jennings/Smith (10:32 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Polls on Grenada, Jennings (13:49 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Economy and Inflation, Jennings (13:59 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, News of Beirut and Grenada, Jennings/Threlkeld (14:32 ABC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, United States Troops in Grenada, Rather/Martin (17:53 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Soviet Accusations about Grenada, Rather (21:14 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Senate Invokes War Powers Act, Rather (21:33 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Reaction to Speech by President Reagan, Rather/Stahl (21:52 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Dead and Wounded Marines Return from Beirut, Rather (24:59 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, French Dead in Beirut, Rather (25:30 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Marines Digging out in Beirut, Rather/Pintak (25:47 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Lebanon “Peace talks” in Geneva, Rather (27:22 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Refusal by President Reagan to Allow Press Cover Grenada Fighting with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Rather/Goldberg (27:59 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Press Attempts to Cover Grenada Thwarted by Navy Ships and Planes, Rather/Sheahan (31:29 CBS)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Fighting in Grenada, Brokaw/Reynolds (32:58 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Congress Invokes War Powers Act, Brokaw (35:35 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, United States Intelligence on Grenada, Brokaw/Kalb (35:57 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Cuban Reaction to Grenada Incident, Brokaw/Hager (37:35 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, American Reporters on Grenada, Brokaw/Murphy (39:14 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Toughest Week for President Reagan,Brokaw (40:58 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Beirut Terrorists and Bomb, Brokaw/Compton (41:26 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Marine Dead to Arrive Tomorrow, Brokaw (44:53 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Economy, Brokaw (45:02 NBC)
R1691, 10/28/1983, Homecoming for Wounded Marines, Brokaw/Dancy (45:19 NBC)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Grenada and a New Cuban Outpost, Schieffer/Martin (47:07 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Death Toll and Cubans in Grenada, Schieffer/Trotta (49:39 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Congressional Reaction to Grenada Invasion, Schieffer (52:00 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, 82nd Airborne Families, Schieffer/Andrews (54:08 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, 229 Dead in Lebanon New Death Toll, Schieffer (54:31 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Clean up in Lebanon, Schieffer (55:01 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Congressional Committee in Lebanon, Schieffer (55:30 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Amin Gemayel in Geneva, Schieffer (55:44 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Musawi Responsible for Bombing in Lebanon, Schieffer/McLaughlin (57:56 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Secretary Caspar Weinberger Orders Board of Investigation on Lebanon Tragedy, Schieffer (58:03 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Democratic Convention in New Hampshire, Schieffer/Morton (58:08 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, President Reagan Accuses USSR of Stalling Arms Talks, Schieffer (60:01 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Anti-Nuclear Protest, Schieffer (60:13 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Search for South China Sea Oil Boat, Schieffer (60:45 CBS)
R1691, 10/29/1983, Secret Service and Counterfeiting, Schieffer (60:58 CBS)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Rangers Return Home, Schieffer/Ferguson (00:00 CBS)
R1692, 10/29/1983, First Dead from Beirut Come Home, Schieffer/Engberg (01:23 CBS)
R1692, 10/29/1983, American Presence in Grenada, Chung/Jones (03:40 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Cuban Holdouts, Chung/Valeriani (06:15 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Uncensored Pictures of Invasion, Chung (08:02 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Cubans Left out, Chung/Francis (09:20 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Cubans Demand Return of Cuban Troops, Chung/Hager (11:20 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Senator Robert Byrd wants Fact Finding Mission, Chung (12:54 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Democrats on Grenada and Lebanon, Chung/Kur (13:15 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, NATO on Missiles, Chung (14:50 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Chung/Aicken (15:09 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Italian Peacekeepers, Chung (16:30 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Wounded Marines Come Home, Chung/Hazinski (16:48 NBC)
R1692, 10/29/1983, Beirut Wounded Come Home, Chung/Abernathy (18:37 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Grenada, Donaldson/Shepard (20:55 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Hudson Austin in Jail, Donaldson (22:55 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Casualties in Grenada, Donaldson (23:10 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Debate over Grenada, Donaldson/Garrels/Quinones (23:29 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Geneva Talks, Donaldson/Glass (26:49 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Memorial Services, Donaldson/Murphy (28:31 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Jesse Jackson to Run for President, Donaldson (30:22 ABC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Hudson Austin Captured, Wallace/Seamans (30:38 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, 16 Dead in Grenada/All Students Accounted for, Wallace (32:29 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Wounded Return Home, Wallace (32:55 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Grenada’s Problems, Wallace/Valeriani (32:12 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Reaction by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Wallace (34:58 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Allied Reaction with Ambassador Jean Kirkpatrick, Wallace/Kalb (35:17 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Press Restrictions, Wallace (37:12 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, 22 Dead Marines Return Home, Wallace (37:30 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Alpha Company Under Fire, Wallace/Bernard (38:04 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Pentagon Inquiry with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Wallace/Pierce (40:08 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Geneva Peace Talks, Wallace/Bitterman (42:00 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Rangers Return, Wallace/Oliver (43:57 NBC)
R1692, 10/30/1983, Fort Bragg Families, Wallace/Hazinski (45:51 NBC)
End of Summary
R1702, 10/31/1983, Aftermath in Grenada, Jennings/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Hudson Austin on USS Guam, Jennings (02:35 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Troops in Lebanon, Jennings (03:07 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Security in Beirut, Jennings/Hume (03:18 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Death Toll in Beirut, Jennings (05:25 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks, Jennings (05:42 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Representative Power in Lebanon, Jennings/Lee (06:01 ABC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Air Strike on Mental Hospital in Grenada, Rather/Martin (09:13 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Invasion Aftermath, Rather/Simms (11:21 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Cuban Death Toll in Grenada, Rather (15:00 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Jesse Jackson Run for Democratic Nomination, Rather/Morton (15:16 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Security Precautions in Lebanon, Rather (17:57 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Beirut Fighting and Peace Talks, Rather/Fenton/Pizzey (18:27 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Nerve Gas Weapon Funding, Rather (22:49 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Nicaragua, Rather/Wagner (23:10 CBS)
R1702, 10/31/1983, United States Accidentally Bombs Mental Hospital in Grenada, Brokaw (25:17 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Army Replaces Marines in Grenada, Brokaw/Valeriani (25:53 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, House Speaker Tip O’Neill Orders Grenada Investigation, Brokaw (27:26 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Press and Grenada with Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Brokaw/Jamieson (27:42 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Casualties in Grenada, Brokaw (28:05 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Security Questions in Lebanon, Brokaw/Reynolds (30:27 NBC)
R1702, 10/31/1983, Geneva Talks, Brokaw/Bitterman (32:33 NBC)
R1702, 11/01/82, Marines Invade Carriacou, Jennings/Potter (34:33 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, War Powers Act, Jennings (36:24 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Soviet and Cuban Activity in Grenada, Jennings/McWethy (36:44 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Naval Exercises Outside Cuba, Jennings (40:32 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Castro Plans Terrorist Attacks on Americans, Jennings/Dunsmore (40:47 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Funeral for Beirut Marine, Jennings (42:09 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Fire on USS Ranger, Jennings (42:23 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Peace talks in Geneva, Jennings (42:39 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Judge Clark Confirmation Hearings, Jennings (42:55 ABC)
R1702, 11/01/1983, United States Marines Invade Carriacou, Rather/Martin (43:18 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Grenada Clean up, Rather (45:28 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Explanation on Bombing of Mental Hospital, Rather/Gilmour (45:46 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Grenada Round up Operation, Rather/Croft (47:33 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, War Powers Act, Rather (50:00 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Senator Howard Baker on Grenada, Rather (50:22 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, New Death Toll in Lebanon, Rather (50:35 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Fire on USS Ranger, Rather (50:52 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks in Geneva, Rather (51:04 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Marines in Lebanon, Rather/Pintak (51:44 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Strike Force, Rather (54:00 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Missiles Bill Passes, Rather (54:25 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Judge Clark Confirmation Hearings, Rather/Spencer (54:43 CBS)
R1702, 11/01/1983, Purple Heart Awarded to Marines, Rather/McNamara (56:43 CBS)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Marines Invade Carriacou, Brokaw/Valeriani (00:00 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Fighting in Grenada Clean-up, Brokaw/Murphy (01:48 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Cuban Death Threats on Americans, Brokaw/Kalb (03:56 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Fire on USS Ranger, Brokaw (05:31 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Geneva Peace talks and Fighting in Lebanon, Brokaw/Aicken (05:42 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Marine Buries His Brother, Brokaw/Briggs (07:36 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, President Reagan to Attend Marines Memorial, Brokaw (09:16 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Washington Street Nuclear War Debate, Brokaw/Oliver (09:26 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Yuri Andropov on Arms Talks, Brokaw (11:48 NBC)
R1703, 11/01/1983, Exclusion of Press on Grenada, Brokaw/Chancellor (12:19 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Grenada Pullout, Jennings/Shepard (14:13 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Cuban Wounded, Jennings (17:04 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, United Nations on Grenada, Jennings (17:10 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, USS America Task Force, Jennings (17:20 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/82, Capitol Hill and Beirut Pull-out, Jennings/Gibson (17:37 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Lebanon Peace talks, Jennings (19:49 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Donald Rumsfeld to be Middle East Envoy, Jennings (28:18 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Asbestos Health Warning, Jennings/Gregory (20:32 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, President Reagan Signs Martin Luther King Holiday Bill, Jennings/Donaldson (22:19 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, ’84 Vote and Blacks, Jennings (24:07 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Grenada and News Coverage, Jennings (28:06 ABC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Cubans Sent Home from Grenada, Rather/Gilmour (29:18 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Answers to Questions About Grenada with President Reagan, Rather/Martin (32:25 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, United Nations Vote on Grenada, Rather (35:31 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, House Leaders Side with President Reagan on Lebanon, Rather (35:45 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Donald Rumsfeld to be New Middle East Envoy, Rather (36:13 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Memorial in Paris for Beirut Troops, Rather (36:25 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Baby Doe Rule, Rather (37:01 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Martin Luther King Holiday Bill Signed with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (37:49 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, All Hostile Actions Over in Grenada, Rather (40:13 CBS)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Grenada Pullout, Brokaw/Faw/Murphy (40:33 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Castro on Cuban Wounded, Brokaw (42:21 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, USS America Task Force, Brokaw (42:34 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Carriacou Arsenal, Brokaw/Valeriani (42:58 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Censored War, Grenada, Brokaw (44:39 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, President Reagan Signs Martin Luther King Holiday Bill, Brokaw/Wallace (45:48 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, House Vote on Marine Pullout, Brokaw (47:52 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, More Wounded Marines Home, Brokaw (48:20 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Donald Rumsfeld to be Middle East Envoy, Brokaw (48:36 NBC)
R1703, 11/02/1983, Lebanon Diary Mail to Marines, Brokaw/Bernard (48:49 NBC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Grenada Mission with President Reagan, Jennings/Donaldson (50:50 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Rebuilding Grenada, Jennings/Potter (53:03 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, CIA Nicaragua, Jennings (54:38 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Soviet Sub in Trouble off South Carolina, Jennings/Smith (55:03 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, EPA Sets New Rules for Pollution, Jennings/Gregory (56:25 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Auto Sales up, Jennings (58:14 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Jamie Fisk one Year Later, Jennings (58:23 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Baby Doe Regulation, Jennings/Phillips (58:45 ABC)
R1703, 11/03/1983, Nancy Reagan and Japanese Art, Jennings (61:23 ABC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Syrian Activity in Lebanon, Rather/Schieffer (00:00 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, East German Spy Caught, Rather (02:09 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Soviet Sub in Trouble off Bermuda, Rather/Martin (02:30 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Salyut 7 Mission, Rather (03:55 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Nitze Proposal on Arms Talks, Rather (04:22 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Grenada Invasion with President Reagan, Rather/Gilmour/Plante (04:47 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Aid to Nicaraguan Rebels, Rather (08:40 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, David Stockman on United States Poverty Line, Rather (09:04 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Drug Task Force and Celebrities, Rather/Graham (09:33 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Administration Intervenes in Baby Doe Case, Rather/Goldberg (14:17 CBS)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Grenada Mission Accomplished with President Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (17:07 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, United States Troops Leaving Grenada, Brokaw/Murphy (19:11 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, CIA and Nicaragua, Brokaw (20:49 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Soviet Sub off South Carolina, Brokaw (21:10 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, East German Spy Caught, Brokaw (21:42 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Jesse Jackson Announces Candidacy, Brokaw/Cummins (21:59 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, PLO Internal Fighting, Brokaw/Aicken (23:58 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Amin Gemayel to come to Washington, Brokaw (25:37 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Effect of Jesse Jackson Candidacy, Brokaw/Chancellor (25:47 NBC)
R1704, 11/03/1983, Secretary Donald Regan on Tax Free Pay for Grenada Troops, Brokaw (27:38 NBC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Israelis Attacked by Truck Bomb, Jennings/Seamans (28:11 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, President Reagan at Marine Memorial Service, Jennings/Donaldson (31:13 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Lebanon Peace talks, Jennings (33:45 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Congressmen Arrive in Grenada, Jennings/Shepard (35:37 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Cuban Diplomats Arrive in Cuba, Jennings/Serafin (35:50 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Japan Terrorist and Trip by President Reagan, Jennings (37:16 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Unemployment 8.8%, Jennings/Cortdz (37:34 ABC)
R1704, 11/04/1983, United states May Retaliate Against Terrorists in Beirut, Rather/Martin (41:29 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, North Koreans Threaten President Reagan if He Goes to South Korea as Planned, Rather (42:40 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Grenada Government’s Soviet and North Korean Connections, Rather (43:33 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Congressional Group to Grenada, Rather/Blakely/Rabel (43:56 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Military Leaving, Bureaucrats Arriving in Grenada, Rather/Andrews/Kroft (45:53 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Unemployment Down 8.8%, Rather/Brady (49:55 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Soviet Submarine Still in Trouble, Rather (51:48 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, Baby Doe Case, Rather/Goldberg (52:13 CBS)
R1704, 11/04/1983, United States Salutes Dead in Beirut and Grenada with President Reagan, Rather/Plante (53:53 CBS)
R1705, 11/04/1983, President Reagan at Marine Memorial Service, Brokaw/Wallace (00:00 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Lebanon Peace Talks, Phone Interview with Jumblatt, Brokaw (02:49 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Martinique Invaded by United States, Brokaw/Pettit (04:37 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Congressmen Visit Grenada, Brokaw/Valeriani (04:47 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Cuban Diplomats Leave Grenada, Brokaw (06:49 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Soviet Documents from Grenada, Brokaw/Francis (07:13 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Baby Doe Law and Parents, Brokaw/Stern (08:56 NBC)
R1705, 11/04/1983, Unemployment 8.8%, Brokaw/Levine (11:06 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, United States Troops in Grenada, Chung/Murphy (12:56 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, American Navy Commandos, Chung (15:22 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, Soviet Diplomats in Grenada, Chung (15:45 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, Cubans Return to Cuba, Chung/Hager (16:03 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, Yuri Andropov’s Health, Chung (17:55 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, Cambridge and Nuke Freeze Zone, Chung/Fernandez (18:15 NBC)
R1705, 11/05/1983, Search Ends for KAL 007, Chung (20:14 NBC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Grenada and Coup Leaders, Donaldson/Potter (20:19 ABC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, United States Officials on Grenada with Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, Donaldson/VonFremd (22:17 ABC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Use of the Term “Invasion”, Donaldson (24:04 ABC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger on United States Retaliation in Lebanon, Donaldson (24:20 ABC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Control of Senate in ’84 with President Reagan, Donaldson/Flynn (24:40 ABC)
R1705, 11/06/1983, United States/Lebanon Policy with Former President’s Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford, Dean (28:51 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Hudson Austin Turned over in Grenada, Dean (29:50 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Mass Graves in Grenada, Dean (30:14 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Congressmen in Grenada, Dean/Frost (30:33 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Nicaragua and United States, Dean/Pappas (32:24 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Presidential Tour of Far East with President Reagan, Dean (34:38 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Protest Against President Reagan in Japan, Dean/Joseloff (34:59 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Security for President Reagan in Japan, Dean (36:44 CBS)
R1705, 11/06/1983, Air Force 1 will not Follow KAL 007 Flight Path, Dean (37:05 CBS)
37:20 End of Summary
R1715-R1718 11/07-13/1983 No Information Available
R1728, 11/14/1983, United States Cruise Missiles Arrive in England, Jennings/Rogers (00:00 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, President Reagan Returns from Asia and United States New Proposal on Arms Talks, Jennings/Donaldson (02:01 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Soviet Reaction to Proposal, Jennings (04:50 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Soviet Sam 9 Missiles in Lebanon, Jennings/McWethy (04:36 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Assad in Hospital, Jennings (05:57 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Castro on Grenada and United States, Jennings/Serafin (06:18 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Taxation in United States, Jennings/Aug (08:14 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, United States and Soviet Relations, Jennings (09:07 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, ERA’s Last Chance, Jennings (16:09 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Korean Television Family Reunification Program, Jennings/Litke (16:28 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, 2 Korean Children Return to United States with President and Nancy Reagan, Jennings (18:15 ABC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, United States Cruise Missiles in England, Rather/Fenton (18:51 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Rome Parliament and Nuclear Missiles, Rather (21:00 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Pershing II Missiles, Rather/Tunnell (21:23 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Arms Talks New United States Proposal, Rather (24:02 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, More Grenada Documents Released, Rather (24:41 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Castro on Grenada and United States, Rather/McLaughlin (25:04 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Nicaragua and Rebels, Rather/Wallace (27:11 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, More Fighting in Beirut, Rather (28:43 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, President Reagan Returns Home, Rather (29:04 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, South Korean Children Return on Air Force 1 with President and Nancy Reagan, Rather/Engberg (29:52 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Emergency Spending Bill and Budget Deficit, Rather/Moyers (32:19 CBS)
R1728, 11/14/1983, New United States Cruise Missiles Arrive in England, Brokaw/Cochran (34:36 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, New offer by United States to USSR on Arms Talks, Brokaw/Kalb (37:00 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, South Korean Children Return to United States with President and Nancy Reagan, Brokaw/Wallace (38:36 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, President Reagan Signs Emergency Spending Bill, Brokaw (40:30 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Cuban Mourning and Castro on Grenada and United States, Brokaw/Hager (40:48 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, United States Re-Builds Grenada, Brokaw/Murphy (42:33 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, Black Political Candidates, Brokaw/Bode (44:49 NBC)
R1728, 11/14/1983, President Reagan over Steps Rules by Firing Members of Equal Rights Commission, Brokaw (48:04 NBC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, ERA Defeated, Jennings/Gibson (48:25 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, Yasir Arafat in Lebanon, Jennings/Aren (50:40 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, Arms Talks, Jennings (52:24 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, More Cruise Missiles Arrive in England and Nuclear Demonstrations get out of Hand, Jennings/Rogers (53:04 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, United States Naval Officer Killed in Greece, Jennings (54:34 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, In Cypress Turkish People Declare New Country, Jennings (55:01 ABC)
R1728, 11/15/1983, Economy, Jennings/Cortdz (55:24 ABC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, United States and the USSR’s Balance of Power, Jennings/McWethy (00:00 ABC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Anti-Nuclear Demonstrations in England, Rather/Fenton (08:15 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Cruise Missiles in England, Rather/Martin (10:48 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Cypress Divides, Rather (14:11 CBS)
R1729, 11/14/1983, ERA Defeated, Rather/Jones (14:48 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Debt Limit Vote in Senate, Rather (16:31 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Fighting in Lebanon, Rather/Pizzey (16:47 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, United States Naval Officer Killed in Greece, Rather (19:01 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, OAS on Grenada, Rather (19:28 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Secret Soviet Army, Rather/McLaughlin (20:06 CBS)
R1729, 11/15/1983, ERA Defeated, Brokaw/Myers (22:38 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, United States Naval Officer Killed in Greece, Brokaw/Seamans (24:34 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Cypress Divided, Brokaw (25:43 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Arms Talks, Brokaw (26:28 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Cruise Missile Demonstration, Brokaw/Cochran (27:00 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Nerve Gas Weapons being Destroyed, Brokaw/Oliver (29:06 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Capitol Security, Brokaw (31:02 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Mexico on Grenada Invasion, Brokaw (31:23 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, President Reagan Public Opinion after Grenada and Effect it has on Democratic Hopefuls, Brokaw/Kur (31:41 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, Walter Mondale and John Glenn Square off, Brokaw (34:59 NBC)
R1729, 11/15/1983, General Kelley Sends His Stars to Semper-Fi Corporal, Brokaw (36:10 NBC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Soviet Cruise Missile, Jennings/Enderfurth (36:37 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Italians and the Cruise Missile, Jennings (38:54 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, House Committee on the Nerve Gas, Jennings (39:04 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Destruction of Chemical Weapons in Utah, Jennings/Gear (39:13 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Israelis get Revenge on Terrorists, Jennings (40:34 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Tuition Tax Credit Plan Killed, Jennings (41:02 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, United States/USSR Relationship-Quality of Soldiers, Jennings/McWethy (41:15 ABC)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Yasir Arafat’s Stronghold Falls, Rather/Pizzey (48:35 CBS)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Israeli Jets Bomb Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, Rather (51:57 CBS)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Tension Grows Between Turkey and Greece over Cypress, Rather (52:33 CBS)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Tuition Tax Credit Vote fails in the Senate with President Reagan, Rather/Jones (52:54 CBS)
R1729, 11/16/1983, United States Troops Return from Grenada in December, Rather (54:59 CBS)
R1729, 11/16/1983, Commentary on the Civil War in Lebanon, Rather/Moyers (55:19 CBS)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Israelis Take Revenge on Terrorists, Brokaw/Fletcher (00:00 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Response of United States and Iran to Israeli Attack, Brokaw (02:21 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Tuition Tax Credit Bill Failed, Brokaw (02:32 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, House on Civil Rights Commission, Brokaw (02:48 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, United States Troops in Grenada, Brokaw (03:04 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Nicaragua and Commandante Zero, Brokaw/Francis (03:23 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Ilke Calls for More Aid to Central America, Brokaw (05:47 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Unemployment Better, Brokaw (06:08 NBC)
R1730, 11/16/1983, Battered Women, Brokaw/Chung (06:25 NBC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, French Air Strikes in Lebanon, Jennings/Dunsmore (09:40 ABC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Grenada Sniper Wounds 2 Soldiers, Jennings (11:15 ABC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Nerve Gas Funds, Jennings (11:26 ABC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Baby Doe Case, Jennings/Phillips (11:38 ABC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Soviets View of the World, Jennings/Zelnick (13:26 ABC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Federal Judge Rules in Baby Doe Case, Rather (21:20 CBS)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Soviet Ship Rams United States Destroyer, Rather/Martin (21:55 CBS)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Grenada Sniper Attack and Propaganda, Rather/Kelly (23:19 CBS)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Congressional Funding of Nerve Gas and Covert Aid, Rather (25:30 CBS)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Nerve Gas Funding, Brokaw (26:10 NBC)
R1730, 11/17/1983, Aid to Nicaraguan Rebels, Brokaw (26:29 NBC)