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Showing 1 - 25 of 12309 items
Title Access Restrictions Sort descending Control Number Date Geographic Reference Personal Reference Sound Type Tape Number Time Counter Reading
Weekly Radio Show. President Reagan's Broadcast. Topic: Trip to Soviet Union, Toronto Economic Summit. Oval Office 1001-8T-W282-579a 06/04/1988 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 579 00:00-06:01
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Reagan and Nancy Reagan waving from window in hospital. (Footage taken from inside hospital) B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623c 07/18/1985 Bethesda, Maryland President Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Jim Kuhn, Bill Fitz-Patrick SD 623 03:46-09:18
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, Views of flowers received by President Reagan. B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623a 07/18/1985 Bethesda, Maryland SD 623 00:00-01:47
Photo Op, President Reagan at Congressional meeting. White House Patio. B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W309-621d 07/09/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, George Bush, Robert Dole, Robert Byrd, Jim Wright, Thomas (Tip) O'Neill, Robert Michel, Donald Regan, Max Friedersdorf, MB Oglesby SD 621 08:11-12:41
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Reagan meeting with Robert McFarlane and Don Regan in hospital room. B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623e 07/19/1985 Bethesda, Maryland President Reagan, Robert McFarlane, Don Regan SD 623 12:04-13:06
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Reagan meeting with George Shultz and staff in sitting room. Also Dr. John Hutton and Dr. Burton Smith walking down hallway. B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623f 07/19/1985 Bethesda, Maryland President Reagan, George Shultz, Don Regan, Robert McFarlane, John Hutton, Burton Smith SD 623 13:07-15:08
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Reagan in bed talking with Don Regan and receives gifts (2 books). Hospital room B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623d 07/19/1985 Bethesda, Maryland President Reagan, Don Regan SD 623 09:18-12:03
Visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, President Reagan meeting with Donald Regan and Robert McFarlane in his hospital room. B-6, F-6 Closed 06270-5T-W316-623b 07/18/1985 Bethesda, Maryland President Reagan, Donald Regan, Robert McFarlane SD 623 01:47-03:45
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service agent Eric Littlejohn and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W163-326e 03/14/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Eric Littlejohn SD 326 14:33-15:33
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Rick Wright and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W309-622f 07/11/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Rick Wright SD 622 09:47-11:42
Photo Op. President Reagan Meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent Mike Young and Wife. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-6T-W183-342c 03/13/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Mike Young, Mrs. Young, Ray Shaddick SD 342 03:45-04:30
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent Charlie Devita and family. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-6T-W183-342d 03/13/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Charlie Devita SD 342 04:30-06:10
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Tranor and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W297-593h 06/27/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Tranor SD 593 20:46-22:22
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Dave Reynolds and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W163-326f 03/14/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Dave Reynolds SD 326 15:33-16:40
Photo Op. President Reagan Meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent Brenda Mastraneglo. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-6T-W342-648g 08/07/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Brenda Mastraneglo SD 648 20:29-21:30
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service Dave O'Neill and Family. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-6T-W100-214d 01/16/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Dave O'Neill SD 214 07:15-08:02
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Kenneth Roberts and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W303-609b 06/20/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Kenneth Roberts SD 609 00:58-02:04
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent Al Falcon and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W098-242f 01/24/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Al Falcon SD 242 16:45-17:51
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service agent Steve Israel and Family. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-7T-W238-470f 06/25/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Steve Israel SD 470 13:34-14:44
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent Robert Friel and Family. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-6T-W271-514b 06/05/1986 Washington, DC President Reagan, Robert Friel SD 514 04:36-05:39
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Sikes and wife. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-5T-W297-593g 06/27/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Sikes SD 593 19:24-20:46
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Libanatti and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W368-715d 09/26/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Mr. Libanatti SD 715 07:30-08:20
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service agent Jeff Johns and Family. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-7T-W238-470e 06/25/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan, Jeff Johns SD 470 12:15-13:34
Photo Op. President Reagan meeting with U.S. Secret Service Agent and Family from Puerto Rico. Oval Office Closed B-7 06270-7T-W238-470g 06/25/1987 Washington, DC President Reagan SD 470 14:44-16:19
Photo Op, President Reagan meeting with US Secret Service agent Kasden and family. Oval Office. Closed B-7 06270-5T-W368-715c 09/26/1985 Washington, DC President Reagan, Mr. Kasden SD 715 06:30-07:23
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