July 7, 1987

The President announced today that former members of the Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management, chaired by David Packard, will meet in Washington on July 8 - 9. When the Commission submitted its final report last year, the President asked Mr. Packard to return later for an update on implementation of the Commission's recommendations. Meeting informally, Mr. Packard and the former Commissioners will receive briefings from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Office of Management and Budget, representatives of industry and others, concerning the changes in defense management and organization now underway.

The Commission's charter ran from June 1985 to July 1986. Its recommendations, initially contained in an interim report, were endorsed by the President in April 1986. The Commission issued its final report in June 1986. The Commission presented recommendations on national security planning and budgeting, military organization and command, acquisition organization and procedures, and government-industry accountability.

