May 26, 1982

Dear Mr. President:

On the occasion May 25 of the 19th anniversary of the signing of the charter of the Organization of African Unity I take great pleasure in extending to you, and through you to the people of Africa, the best wishes of the American people and myself.

This year's celebration of African Unity Day comes at a particularly important time in African-American relations. You may be assured that our efforts, along with our partners, to bring Namibia to independence via free and fair elections based on United Nations Security Council resolution 435 and to bring peace to the Southern Africa region will be unceasing. We will continue to cooperate with the OAU in your peacekeeping efforts in Chad.

With every good wish,


Ronald Reagan

Note: The message was addressed to His Excellency Daniel T. arap Moi, President of Kenya and Chairman of the OAU.

