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Showing 1-10 of 47 records

President Reagan’s 83rd Birthday Party, RNC Republican National Committee Annual Gala

25 8x10s (color). Photo-506 , Photo-507 , Photo-508 , Photo-509 , Photo-510 , Photo-511 , Photo-512 , Photo-513 , Photo-514 , Photo-515 , Photo-516 , Photo-517 , Photo-518 , Photo-519 , Photo-520 , Ph...

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"Do Conservatives Have A Sense of Humor?" Conference at Reagan Library, C-SPAN (7 Tapes)

Betacam SP Video Format. VID-45 Richard Norton Smith, Lyn Nofziger TRT 29:16, VID-46  Lyn Nofziger, Capitol Steps performing TRT 26:25, VID-47 Capitol Steps performing TRT 27:25, VID-48 Capitol Steps ...

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"The American Experience, FDR" (Franklin D. Roosevelt, 4 Parts)

VHS Format. "The Center of the Earth" VID-19 TRT 57:07, "Fear Itself" VID-20 TRT 53:16, "The Grandest Job in the World" VID-21 TRT 69:35,  "The Juggler" VID-22 TRT 71:43 

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