43.3 Linear Feet; boxes 1-109

Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research

File Code Description Research

Business - Economics (1.7 l. ft..; Box 1-5)
This primary subject category contains material relating to business and non-business views regarding administration economic and domestic policy; economic policy towards other nations, including developing nations; minority businesses; domestic and international economic summaries and forecasts; trade issues regarding Japan; polling information; and Council of Economic Advisers policy studies.

BE001 Domestic Trade (1.5 ft; Box 5-9)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to takeovers and mergers such as: Texas Air acquisition of Continental Airlines; LTV takeover of Grumman Corp.; G.Heileman Brewing and Schlitz Brewery merger; Mobil Oil acquisition of Marathon Oil; LTV-Republic Steel merger; Allegheny purchase offer for Conrail; Sante Fe and Southern Pacific Railroad merger; Mesa Partners (T. Boone Pickens) takeover of Unocal; Texas Air-Eastern Airlines merger; Fujitsu acquisition of Fairchild Corporation; and C3 acquisition of C3, Inc. Other material covers Department of Justice merger guidelines; Local Government Antitrust Act of 1984; Antitrust Reform Act of 1985; product liability legislation; resale price maintenance; domestic or local content legislation; Federal Anti-Tampering Act; “gray market” imports; and the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988.

Economic Controls (0.5 ft; Box 9-11)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to decontrol of crude oil and refined petroleum products; deregulation (decontrol) of natural gas; wage and price regulatory program; S.1503 Standby Petroleum Allocation Act of 1982; deregulation of trucking industry; and rent control.

The Following Case Files are Digitized:
Case Files: 015800-038999

BE003 Industry (5.1 ft; Box 11-26)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to enterprise zones; private sector initiatives; minority business development; productivity; troubled industries; White House Conference on Productivity; bailouts; Industrial Revitalization Act; privatization; industry policies; business liaison group; National Innovation and productivity Act of 1983; National Academy of Engineering; National Industry Policy; textile imports; employer options to support working families; industrial competitiveness; business bankruptcies; Invest Indonesia, Inc.; quarterly productivity and cost estimates; semiconductor industry; electric shaver industry; Trade, Employment and Productivity Act of 1987; 21st Century Foundation; Airline Competition Act of 1987; and an executive order on “Business Confidentiality Procedures.”
BE003-01 Aerospace Industry (0.2 ft; Box 26)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to airline industry; space industry; military contracts; research and development; Air Atlanta; Northrop; and Texas Air.
BE003-02 Chemicals (0.1 ft.; Box 26)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Consumer Product Safety Commission ban on urea-formaldehyde foam insulation; and chemical weapons.
BE003-03 Coal Industry (0.3 ft.; Box 27)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to regulation; coal gasification; alternative fuels; Clean Air Act; National Coal Association (NCA); NCA Policy Issues Board; federal eminent domain and coal slurry pipelines; capital formation; U.S.-Japan Energy Working Group; placer mining and strip mining.
BE003-04 Communications Industry (1.2 ft; Box 27-31)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to S. 898 Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Legislation; S. 929 Amateur Radio Service and Private Land Mobile Services Act of 1981; the Federal Communication Commission (FCC); the Financial Interest and Syndication Rule (FISR); intellectual property rights in new media; the AT&T divestiture and all access charges for newly competing telecommunication companies; proposed S.1917 eliminating the Equal Time and Fairness broadcast rules; federal funding for public broadcasting, revisions of current communications legislation to cover emerging cable and other new media; and presidential use of cable television.
BE003-05 Construction - Housing Industry (1.2 ft; Box 31-35)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to new regulations proposed for the Davis-Bacon Act establishment of federal construction job wages; high mortgage interest rates; alternative and creative home buying financing proposals; correspondence with the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Homebuilders; housing industry bailout legislation and administration positions; fact sheets on housing industry status and administration efforts to stimulate the industry; mortgage revenue bonds; correspondence both for and against retention of the completed contract method of accounting for the construction industry; contract bids for the U.S.S. Iowa refitting; contract bids for construction of a Grenada airport; SBA and SBA 8(a) minority business programs and the construction industry.
BE003-06 Food and Kindred Products Industry (0.9 ft; Box 35-37)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to foods such as: peanuts, salmon, sugar, citrus fruits, distilled spirits, beef, almonds, raisins, potatoes, rice, diary foods, apples, wheat, poultry, pecans, tobacco, and peaches. Other topics covered include farming; fishing and fisheries; the Southeast drought; the Emergency Dairy Adjustment Act of 1982; government contracts; the Department of Agriculture; the Department of Labor; the Department of Commerce; and the Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983.
BE003-07 Furniture - Fixture Industry (1 folder; Box 37)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to federal contracts and foreign imports.
BE003-08 Lumber - Wood - Paper (0.5 ft; Box 37-39)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to timber management policy; the lumber industry; timber industry bailout; federal timber contracts; trade reform with Japan; and Federal Timber Contract Payment Modification Act.
BE003-09 Machinery Industry (0.1 ft; Box 39)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Soviet trade sanctions; the machine tool industry; robotics; Houdaille industries; the lawnmower industry; foreign competition; and section 232 violations or problems [the Effect of Imports on National Security].
BE003-10 Metals Industry (2.6 ft.; Box 39-46)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to regulatory relief; steel industry statistics; Steel Industry Compliance Act of 1981; American Iron and Steel Institute; plant and equipment expenditures; expansions and modernization; Weirton Steel; steel imports; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Clean Air Act; Steel Stretch-out Act; Steel Tripartite Committee; quotas; ferroalloy industry; Senator Robert Byrd correspondence regarding Weirton Steel, ferroalloys and other steel related issues; children’s letters re steel mill closings; specialty steel industry; European Economic Community; aluminum industry; layoffs; agreement between US Steel and British Steel; stainless and tool steel agreement; steel industry restructuring; copper industry; Inter-American Development Bank; Steel Advisory Committee; Bonneville Power Administration; domestic uranium industry; and the tungsten industry.
BE003-11 Petroleum Industry (0.9 ft; Box 46-48)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to gasohol; synthetic fuels; Alaskan Gas Pipeline; Mobil takeover of Marathon Oil; Tennessee Synfuels Association project; oil industry; American Petroleum Institute; natural gas; independent oil producers; ARAMCO (Saudi Arabian state-owned oil company - Arabian American Oil Company); Petroleum Marketing Practices Act Amendments of 1984; independent fuel dealers; corporate takeovers; Motor Fuel Sales Competition Improvement Act of 1985; national security and the domestic oil industry; and oil price controls.
BE003-12 Plastics - Rubber - Leather Products (0.1 ft; Box 48-49)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the footwear industry and imports; section 201 (import duties) filing; and the takeover of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
BE003-13 Service Industries (0.3 ft; Boxes 49-50)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Service Contract Act; Financial Institutions Deregulation Act; moratorium on bank holding company regulation; Shoreham nuclear power station licensing; AT&T divestiture; and the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.
BE003-14 Textile - Apparel Industry (0.4 ft; Boxes 50-51)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to TRIS legislation (compensation to manufacturers for banning of flame retardant TRIS used on children’s pajamas; indemnifications; MFA (Multifiber Arrangement); correspondence with various textile manufacturers including multiple letters from Roger Milliken of Milliken Industries, South Carolina; and home workers in textile industry.
BE003-15 Transportation (2.4 ft; Boxes 51-57)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Reagan Administration’s program to aid the US auto industry; airbags; auto imports; auto industry relief legislation and actions; Conrail/Amtrak; shipping industry; Chrysler; trucking industry; deregulation; airlines; auto summit; Clean Air Act; Cabinet Council Working Group on the Auto Industry; legislation requiring “local content” in automobile manufacturing; Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982; Interstate Commerce Commission; GM-Toyota joint venture; Surface Transportation Assistance Act; inland coastal tug and barge industry; maritime industry; Teamsters; Lee Iacocca; Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standard (CAFE); United Auto Workers (UAW); Ford; and the UAW-GM Saturn plant agreement.

National Economy (14.1 ft; boxes 58-86)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to statistical information re the economy; the proposed economic bill of rights (EBOR); regional economies; Catholic Bishop’s pastoral letter on the economy; FCC telecommunication access charges; regional economies; Department of Commerce economic roundup reports; Council of Economic Advisers briefings for the President; strategic planning for budgeting; budget forecasting and assumptions; polling data; Department of Commerce Report from Business; economic forecasting; talking points re the economy; and timing of press releases of economic indicator data.
This category also contains the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Friday Economic and Financial Reports. These weekly reports contained a wide range of domestic and international economic topics and included data on recent economic indicators and quarterly Gross National Product (GNP) figures. The reports began in 1985 and continued until the end of the administration. The staff of the OMB Office of Economic Policy wrote these reports for the Director of OMB and selected White House staff. A weekly report might include such diverse topics as monetary policy, Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) debt, Japanese capital flows; housing starts, interest differentials, and Ravi Batra.

The following Case Files in this subject category have been digitized: 





BE004-01 Cost of Living (0.6 ft; boxes 86-87)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Consumer Price Index (CPI) statistics; Producer Price Index (PPI) statistics; general public and children’s letters re cost of living; leading indicators; Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA); COLA freeze; resale price maintenance; industrial production; GNP; GNP deflator; and price freezing.
BE004-02 Inflation (0.5 ft; boxes 87-90)This secondary subject category contains material relating to general public and children’s letters re inflation; talking points on inflation; and business perspectives on inflation. Open
BE004-03 National Income - Product Data (0.5 ft; boxes 90-91)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to GNP statistics and productivity studies.
BE004-04 Recessions - Depressions (1.2 ft; boxes 91-94)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to enterprise zones and the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
BE005 Patents - Inventions - Copyrights - Trademarks (2.2. ft; boxes 94-99)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to patent applications; proposals for government testing of inventions; government patent policy; trade-mark counterfeiting; intellectual property rights; first sale doctrine re video recordings; Patent Cooperation Treaty; Uniform Patent Procedures Act of 1983; Patent Law Amendments Act of 1984; Canadian pharmaceutical licensing; executive order “Uniform Treatment of Federally Funded Inventions;” semi-conductor patent infringement; and Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988.
BE006 Small Business (4 ft; boxes 99-109)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to public correspondence about small business; Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) program, including termination or graduation from the 8(a) program; Cabinet Council on Trade Working Group on Small Business Policy; Small Business Innovation and Development Act of 1982; minority business enterprise; presidential statement on minority business enterprise; Small Business Secondary Market Improvement Act of 1984; Small Business and Federal Procurement Competition Enhancement Act of 1984; Equal Access to Justice Act; SBA pilot programs; and amended SBA regulations re 8(a) and 7(j) programs.


A primary subject category containing information pertaining to domestic commerce, industries, and the national economy.