43.3 Linear Feet; boxes 1-109
Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research
File Code | Description | Research Availability |
BE |
Business - Economics (1.7 l. ft..; Box 1-5) |
Open | ||||
BE001 | Domestic Trade (1.5 ft; Box 5-9) This secondary subject category contains material relating to takeovers and mergers such as: Texas Air acquisition of Continental Airlines; LTV takeover of Grumman Corp.; G.Heileman Brewing and Schlitz Brewery merger; Mobil Oil acquisition of Marathon Oil; LTV-Republic Steel merger; Allegheny purchase offer for Conrail; Sante Fe and Southern Pacific Railroad merger; Mesa Partners (T. Boone Pickens) takeover of Unocal; Texas Air-Eastern Airlines merger; Fujitsu acquisition of Fairchild Corporation; and C3 acquisition of C3, Inc. Other material covers Department of Justice merger guidelines; Local Government Antitrust Act of 1984; Antitrust Reform Act of 1985; product liability legislation; resale price maintenance; domestic or local content legislation; Federal Anti-Tampering Act; “gray market” imports; and the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. |
Open | ||||
BE002 |
Economic Controls (0.5 ft; Box 9-11) The Following Case Files are Digitized: |
Open | ||||
BE003 | Industry (5.1 ft; Box 11-26) This secondary subject category contains material relating to enterprise zones; private sector initiatives; minority business development; productivity; troubled industries; White House Conference on Productivity; bailouts; Industrial Revitalization Act; privatization; industry policies; business liaison group; National Innovation and productivity Act of 1983; National Academy of Engineering; National Industry Policy; textile imports; employer options to support working families; industrial competitiveness; business bankruptcies; Invest Indonesia, Inc.; quarterly productivity and cost estimates; semiconductor industry; electric shaver industry; Trade, Employment and Productivity Act of 1987; 21st Century Foundation; Airline Competition Act of 1987; and an executive order on “Business Confidentiality Procedures.” |
Open | ||||
BE003-01 | Aerospace Industry (0.2 ft; Box 26) This secondary subject category contains material relating to airline industry; space industry; military contracts; research and development; Air Atlanta; Northrop; and Texas Air. |
Open | ||||
BE003-02 | Chemicals (0.1 ft.; Box 26) This secondary subject category contains material relating to Consumer Product Safety Commission ban on urea-formaldehyde foam insulation; and chemical weapons. |
Open | ||||
BE003-03 | Coal Industry (0.3 ft.; Box 27) This secondary subject category contains material relating to regulation; coal gasification; alternative fuels; Clean Air Act; National Coal Association (NCA); NCA Policy Issues Board; federal eminent domain and coal slurry pipelines; capital formation; U.S.-Japan Energy Working Group; placer mining and strip mining. |
Open | ||||
BE003-04 | Communications Industry (1.2 ft; Box 27-31) This secondary subject category contains material relating to S. 898 Telecommunications Regulatory Reform Legislation; S. 929 Amateur Radio Service and Private Land Mobile Services Act of 1981; the Federal Communication Commission (FCC); the Financial Interest and Syndication Rule (FISR); intellectual property rights in new media; the AT&T divestiture and all access charges for newly competing telecommunication companies; proposed S.1917 eliminating the Equal Time and Fairness broadcast rules; federal funding for public broadcasting, revisions of current communications legislation to cover emerging cable and other new media; and presidential use of cable television. |
Open | ||||
BE003-05 | Construction - Housing Industry (1.2 ft; Box 31-35) This secondary subject category contains material relating to new regulations proposed for the Davis-Bacon Act establishment of federal construction job wages; high mortgage interest rates; alternative and creative home buying financing proposals; correspondence with the National Association of Realtors and the National Association of Homebuilders; housing industry bailout legislation and administration positions; fact sheets on housing industry status and administration efforts to stimulate the industry; mortgage revenue bonds; correspondence both for and against retention of the completed contract method of accounting for the construction industry; contract bids for the U.S.S. Iowa refitting; contract bids for construction of a Grenada airport; SBA and SBA 8(a) minority business programs and the construction industry. |
Open | ||||
BE003-06 | Food and Kindred Products Industry (0.9 ft; Box 35-37) This secondary subject category contains material relating to foods such as: peanuts, salmon, sugar, citrus fruits, distilled spirits, beef, almonds, raisins, potatoes, rice, diary foods, apples, wheat, poultry, pecans, tobacco, and peaches. Other topics covered include farming; fishing and fisheries; the Southeast drought; the Emergency Dairy Adjustment Act of 1982; government contracts; the Department of Agriculture; the Department of Labor; the Department of Commerce; and the Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983. |
Open | ||||
BE003-07 | Furniture - Fixture Industry (1 folder; Box 37) This secondary subject category contains material relating to federal contracts and foreign imports. |
Open | ||||
BE003-08 | Lumber - Wood - Paper (0.5 ft; Box 37-39) This secondary subject category contains material relating to timber management policy; the lumber industry; timber industry bailout; federal timber contracts; trade reform with Japan; and Federal Timber Contract Payment Modification Act. |
Open | ||||
BE003-09 | Machinery Industry (0.1 ft; Box 39) This secondary subject category contains material relating to Soviet trade sanctions; the machine tool industry; robotics; Houdaille industries; the lawnmower industry; foreign competition; and section 232 violations or problems [the Effect of Imports on National Security]. |
Open | ||||
BE003-10 | Metals Industry (2.6 ft.; Box 39-46) This secondary subject category contains material relating to regulatory relief; steel industry statistics; Steel Industry Compliance Act of 1981; American Iron and Steel Institute; plant and equipment expenditures; expansions and modernization; Weirton Steel; steel imports; Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Clean Air Act; Steel Stretch-out Act; Steel Tripartite Committee; quotas; ferroalloy industry; Senator Robert Byrd correspondence regarding Weirton Steel, ferroalloys and other steel related issues; children’s letters re steel mill closings; specialty steel industry; European Economic Community; aluminum industry; layoffs; agreement between US Steel and British Steel; stainless and tool steel agreement; steel industry restructuring; copper industry; Inter-American Development Bank; Steel Advisory Committee; Bonneville Power Administration; domestic uranium industry; and the tungsten industry. |
Open | ||||
BE003-11 | Petroleum Industry (0.9 ft; Box 46-48) This secondary subject category contains material relating to gasohol; synthetic fuels; Alaskan Gas Pipeline; Mobil takeover of Marathon Oil; Tennessee Synfuels Association project; oil industry; American Petroleum Institute; natural gas; independent oil producers; ARAMCO (Saudi Arabian state-owned oil company - Arabian American Oil Company); Petroleum Marketing Practices Act Amendments of 1984; independent fuel dealers; corporate takeovers; Motor Fuel Sales Competition Improvement Act of 1985; national security and the domestic oil industry; and oil price controls. |
Open | ||||
BE003-12 | Plastics - Rubber - Leather Products (0.1 ft; Box 48-49) This secondary subject category contains material relating to the footwear industry and imports; section 201 (import duties) filing; and the takeover of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company. |
Open | ||||
BE003-13 | Service Industries (0.3 ft; Boxes 49-50) This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Service Contract Act; Financial Institutions Deregulation Act; moratorium on bank holding company regulation; Shoreham nuclear power station licensing; AT&T divestiture; and the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. |
Open | ||||
BE003-14 | Textile - Apparel Industry (0.4 ft; Boxes 50-51) This secondary subject category contains material relating to TRIS legislation (compensation to manufacturers for banning of flame retardant TRIS used on children’s pajamas; indemnifications; MFA (Multifiber Arrangement); correspondence with various textile manufacturers including multiple letters from Roger Milliken of Milliken Industries, South Carolina; and home workers in textile industry. |
Open | ||||
BE003-15 | Transportation (2.4 ft; Boxes 51-57) This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Reagan Administration’s program to aid the US auto industry; airbags; auto imports; auto industry relief legislation and actions; Conrail/Amtrak; shipping industry; Chrysler; trucking industry; deregulation; airlines; auto summit; Clean Air Act; Cabinet Council Working Group on the Auto Industry; legislation requiring “local content” in automobile manufacturing; Bus Regulatory Reform Act of 1982; Interstate Commerce Commission; GM-Toyota joint venture; Surface Transportation Assistance Act; inland coastal tug and barge industry; maritime industry; Teamsters; Lee Iacocca; Corporate Average Fuel Economy Standard (CAFE); United Auto Workers (UAW); Ford; and the UAW-GM Saturn plant agreement. |
Open | ||||
BE004 |
National Economy (14.1 ft; boxes 58-86) The following Case Files in this subject category have been digitized:
Open | ||||
BE004-01 | Cost of Living (0.6 ft; boxes 86-87) This secondary subject category contains material relating to Consumer Price Index (CPI) statistics; Producer Price Index (PPI) statistics; general public and children’s letters re cost of living; leading indicators; Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA); COLA freeze; resale price maintenance; industrial production; GNP; GNP deflator; and price freezing. |
Open | ||||
BE004-02 | Inflation (0.5 ft; boxes 87-90)This secondary subject category contains material relating to general public and children’s letters re inflation; talking points on inflation; and business perspectives on inflation. | Open | ||||
BE004-03 | National Income - Product Data (0.5 ft; boxes 90-91) This secondary subject category contains material relating to GNP statistics and productivity studies. |
Open | ||||
BE004-04 | Recessions - Depressions (1.2 ft; boxes 91-94) This secondary subject category contains material relating to enterprise zones and the Caribbean Basin Initiative. |
Open | ||||
BE005 | Patents - Inventions - Copyrights - Trademarks (2.2. ft; boxes 94-99) This secondary subject category contains material relating to patent applications; proposals for government testing of inventions; government patent policy; trade-mark counterfeiting; intellectual property rights; first sale doctrine re video recordings; Patent Cooperation Treaty; Uniform Patent Procedures Act of 1983; Patent Law Amendments Act of 1984; Canadian pharmaceutical licensing; executive order “Uniform Treatment of Federally Funded Inventions;” semi-conductor patent infringement; and Berne Convention Implementation Act of 1988. |
Open | ||||
BE006 | Small Business (4 ft; boxes 99-109) This secondary subject category contains material relating to public correspondence about small business; Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) program, including termination or graduation from the 8(a) program; Cabinet Council on Trade Working Group on Small Business Policy; Small Business Innovation and Development Act of 1982; minority business enterprise; presidential statement on minority business enterprise; Small Business Secondary Market Improvement Act of 1984; Small Business and Federal Procurement Competition Enhancement Act of 1984; Equal Access to Justice Act; SBA pilot programs; and amended SBA regulations re 8(a) and 7(j) programs. |
Open |
A primary subject category containing information pertaining to domestic commerce, industries, and the national economy.