(9.6 l.ft.; Boxes 1-36)
Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research
File Code | Description | Research Availability |
UT |
Utilities (6 l.ft.; Box 1-15) Other material includes protests against the possible U.S. appeal of a federal court ruling on the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act; actions of the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC); synthetic fuels ("synfuels"); the Strategic Petroleum Reserve; U.S. participation in the International Energy Agency; energy assistance programs from various utilities; the 1986 National Appliance Energy Conservation Act and its subsequent pocket veto; energy security; consumer complaints about utility rates and hardship stories about utilities. |
Open |
UT001 | Communications – Telecommunications (3.6 l.ft., Box 16-24) This secondary subject category contains material regarding administration policy in the area of communications and telecommunications both domestic and international; the creation of alternative satellite communications systems that would compete with the International Satellite Organizations (INTELSAT); antitrust litigation against American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), which led to the break up of AT&T; multiple attempts to add deregulation amendments to the Communications Act of 1934; the purchase of parts for a new Land Remote Sensing Satellite (LANDSAT); private sector space communications initiatives; public broadcasting support; and legislation regarding wiretaps. |
Open |
UT001-01 |
Radio - Television (2.2.l.ft.; Box 25-30) The following Subject Files have been digitized: |
Open |
UT001-02 | Telegraph - Cables (1 folder, Box 30) This secondary subject category should contain material regarding telegraphic messages and electronic telegraphic messages known as “cables.” The two case files within this category were unrelated to these topics. One case file contains material regarding cable television and has been transferred to UT001-01. The remaining case file contains material related to laying fiber optic cable nationwide by AT&T for telephone use. It has been transferred to UT001-03. |
Open |
UT001-03 | Telephone (1 l.ft.; Box 30-33) This secondary subject category contains material regarding telephone deregulation due to the break-up of American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T); telephone equipment and service in the White House and Congress; continuing telephone rate increases after the restructuring of the telephone industry; pornographic public access telephone lines; Federal Communications Commission ruling on telephone access charges; providing universal telephone service for low-income individuals; telephone surcharges on modems. a proposed nation-wide “911” emergency call system; agency views on legislation protecting privacy of telephone conversations; Reagan Administration objections to legislation attempting to re-regulate some of the telephone industry; and individual complaints about phone service, fees and rates. |
Open |
UT0002 | Electricity (l.ft.; Box 33-35) This secondary subject category contains material regarding support or opposition to new power plants, particularly nuclear power plants; alternate power sources for electrical plants; complaints from individual regarding high electric utility rates and anticipated increases; reports on studies of the electric industry reliability and supply sufficiency; options for U.S. action regarding the Washington Public Power Supply System, the Shoreham Nuclear Power Plant and the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant financial difficulties and possible bond defaults; options for modifying or repealing the electric utility regulations of the Public Utility Holding Company Act; possible recovery of federal cost and/or privatization for the Power Marketing Administration; and legislation to reform the re-licensing procedures for electrical power plants. |
Open |
UT0003 | Gas, Utility (0.2 l.ft.; Box 35) This secondary subject category contains material regarding objections to rate hikes from utility companies; expanding exploration for natural gas; a report on government regulation of the natual gas market versus commodity market alternatives; legislation to repeal the Fuel Use Act and amend legislation on pricing regulations; and individual complaints from persons who have lost their gas service. |
Open |
UT0004 | Water Supply (0.6 l.ft.; Box 35-36) This secondary subject category contains material regarding specific municipalities, states, developments, neighborhoods, and regions’ requests for help with constructing new water utilities, complying with federal regulations or problems with another government agency, state or nation and their water supply; renewal of the Safe Drinking Water Act and continued amendments; Reagan Administration disagreement with the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision to regulate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in water supplies; and complaints from individuals about difficulty getting a water supply or water utility rates. For more information about water supplies, especially, clean water supply please see HE007-03 (Water Pollution - Water Purification). |
Open |
A subject category containing information pertaining to public utilities in the communication and power (energy) fields. This includes communications by wire or radio; facilities and charges; generating, transmitting and distributing electric power, public power vs private power (production and sale); and natural and artificial gas production and distribution.