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Research Support


If you are doing research off site, or visiting with us at the Library, we have all of the information you will need for a successful use of our materials. This includes how to cite the records, reproduction orders, research room procedures and background on our legislated processing of materials.

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Digitization Projects


Reagan Library staff is engaged in on-going digitization of our textual holdings. We are digitizing paper collections in whole, some select topic guides, and individual documents. You can see these projects and use links to these items here. Included also are plans for future digitization or in-process projects.  

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Archival Documents

The Reagan Library contains the record collections of the Reagan Administration, 1981-1989; California Governor Reagan's papers, 1967-1975; Presidential campaign and transitional material for 1976, 1980 and 1984; and privately donated personal collections.  

Ronald Reagan's Governor's Papers


Ronald Reagan served two terms as Governor of the Sate of California. Reagan donated the material created by his 1966 campaign and his office and executive departments to the Reagan Library.

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White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) Subject File

Subject Categories

Known in past administrations as the "central files," and renamed in 1981 as the Subject File. This collection contains incoming material that requires responses from the President or other White House staff.

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White House Office of Records Management (WHORM) Alphabetical File


From school children to heads of state, everyone wants to correspond with their President. People write to the President with birthday greetings, information, opinion, gifts and just to say, "hello." We call this the Alpha File.

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Donated Personal Papers

Members of the Reagan Administration, long-time associates and supporters have donated their personal paper collections to the Library. Another large collection are the pre- and post-presidency papers of Ronald and Nancy Reagan

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Federal Records

Federal Records at the Reagan Library include materials from the 1981 and 1985 Inaugurations and several Task Forces sponsored by the President.

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Reagan's Daily Diary

The President’s Daily Diary is the official day-by-day record of Ronald Reagan’s eight years as President. It chronicles such activities as meetings, briefings, press conferences, telephone calls, photo sessions, meals, travel, and recreation.

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Major Speeches


Ronald Reagan was an electrifying speaker for most of his life. His major speeches are not just from his Presidency, included are earlier important remarks.

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Gubernatorial Speeches


We have gathered some important Reagan speeches from the Gubernatorial years. Video is available of his Inaugural Addresses.

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The Public Papers of the President


The Public Papers of the President chronicle all major speeches, press releases, and announcements by the U.S. President

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Topic Guides

The Reagan Library archives staff has created topic guides from material available for research use. The material can come from any of our collections and has been made available for use through Freedom of Information Act requests, systematic openings, special project openings and other means.

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