The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized

This secondary subject category contains material relating to multiple visits to the United States by the German Federal Republic (FRG) Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, opposition political figures, Mayor of Berlin, President, President of States, and other cabinet level FRG government officials to the President, the Vice President and other U.S. cabinet officials; Memorandums of Conversation for some of these meetings; visits to the United States of Chancellor Schmidt and Chancellor Kohl; German television requests for interviews of the President; German-American cultural exchanges; celebration of the German-American tricentennial; public affairs efforts to improve U.S. image in West Germany; German economic issues and international monetary issues; commemoration of then Governor Reagan's part in returning German antiquities to Germany; potential German arms sales to Saudi Arabia; Presidential support for the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the 21st Century Fund; various requests for help for American citizens in Germany and requests to assist native Germans return to Germany from the Soviet Union.

BEGIN-015999064000-065999156395 (2)280000-289999440764-451920555500-561999
016000-017719066000-073999156396-173999290000-308499451921 (1)562000-574999
017720074000-079999174000-189999308500-312999451921 (2)575000-582999
018570092000-093999203500-205989344000-356599451923-469999604536 (1)
018571-023999094000-109999205990 (1)356600-389999470000-497999604536 (2)
024000-025999110000-115999205990 (2)390000-435999498000-504999604537-614999
028000-028799117000-126999210000-216999439931 (1)512000-523999
028800-031999127000-127999217000-227999439931 (2)524000-541171
032000-040999128000-133999228000-232611439931 (3)541172 (1)
041000-047999134000-137999232612 (1)439932-440059541172 (2)
048000-050999138000-143999232612 (2)440060-440762541173-549999
051000-057999144000-156394232613-249999440763 (1)550000-555099
058000-063999156395 (1)250000-279999440763 (2)555100-555499

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