Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research


File Code Description Research

Countries – Geographic Areas (7 l.ft., Boxes 1-14; Boxes 1-2 Flat, Small; Boxes 1-2; Flat, Medium; Boxes 1-4; Flat-Restricted Access)
This primary subject category contains material relating to long-term scheduling for working and official visits from foreign heads of state and foreign ministers; defining categories of head of state visits; presentation of diplomatic credentials; protection for diplomatic missions in the United States and US missions abroad; fiscal responsibility for diplomatic ceremonies and foreign mission protection; lists of head of state correspondence; and mailing lists with correct names and addresses for heads of state.

Secondary subject categories for individual countries often contain material relating to visits to the White House by foreign heads of state.  These may be state visits, official working visits, working visits or personal visits.  We have not always made the distinction clear in each case.  Material relating to these visits may include: welcoming, departure and toast speeches by President Reagan; review of current policies with that particular country; arrangements for air transportation; schedules for the visit; separate meetings with the Vice President; arrangements for Mrs. Reagan to host the first lady of the country; establishing the guest list for dinners/lunches; the formal schedule for the visiting Head of State; Mrs. Reagan briefings and talking points for her meetings with other First Ladies; thank-you notes to the entertainment at dinners; thank-you notes from the foreign heads of state and thank you notes to Mrs. Reagan from invitees to dinners and lunches.  In 1981, foreign heads of state visits were coordinated by Craig Fuller, Director of Cabinet Affairs and Richard Darman, Staff Secretary.  In some cases, categories contain full briefing books and background material developed under their coordination.  This is relatively rare and occurs for 1981 visits only.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

Begin-014499 030517 (3) 035808 (1) 043291 (1) 047858 (1) 048193 (2)
014500-019999 030518-031929 035808 (2) 043291 (2) 047858 (2) 048194-052999
020000-025999 031930-035806 035808 (3) 043291 (3) 047858 (3) 053000-056784
026000-030516 035807 (1) 035808 (4) 043291 (4) 047858 (4) 056785-056999
030517 (1) 035807 (2) 035809-039999 043291 (5) 047859-048192 057000-063413
030517 (2) 035807 (3) 040000-043290 043292-047857 048193 (1)  


CO001 Continental – Geographic Areas (.1 l.ft., Box 15)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to geographic areas not covered by other specific CO001 categories. The material covers problems in the East Mediterranean – Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and Lebanon; concerns about Indo-China and relations with Vietnam; relations with Canada and Mexico; readjustment of legality and US diplomatic position regarding the seizure of the Baltic States, and promotion of the National Commission on Pacific Economic Cooperation.
CO001-01 Africa (.7 l.ft.; Box 15-16)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to African economic development; a World Bank 1981 report on African development; public/private aid and development efforts for African nations; foreign policy strategy for the Horn of Africa, and Southern Africa; dealing with Cuban soldiers in Angola; Namibian independence; opposition to apartheid in South Africa; reports on African conditions from multiple sources; US efforts to alleviate the sub-Saharan drought and widespread famine of the mid to late 1980s; the Presidents “Initiative for Africa” to deal with the famine, debt relief and African development; and Congressional efforts to ease the debt burden on African nations.

Policy issues on Southern Africa were also filed in CO141 (South Africa).  Please see CO141 for more information on Southern Africa, particularly the situation and policy in Namibia and Angola.
CO001-02 Antarctica – Arctic (.3 l.ft.; Box 17)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to 1982 statements issued on United States policies and programs in the Arctic and Antarctica; S.373, the Arctic Research Policy Act of 1984; 1986 and 1987; reports on Arctic research and plans for research as required by S.373; notification of research projects in Antarctica run by the United States Geological Survey and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency; United States  negotiating positions for multiple meetings and consultations regarding Antarctic mineral resources held in 1986 (Hobart, Australia & Tokyo, Japan), 1987 (Montevideo, Uruguay) and 1988 (Wellington, New Zealand); Arctic sovereignty issues; and requests from Alaska natives to participate in the Arctic research planning.
CO001-03 Asia (.1 l.ft.; Box 17)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings with Asian leaders; trade and economic issues with Japan, Hong Kong and ASEAN nations; a CSIS study on south Asia and the Pakistan/India conflict; a head of state letter to Rajiv Gandhi on regional issues; and ongoing concerns about POW/MIAs in Southeast Asia.

Communist Bloc (1 folder; Box 18)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to an editorial by Patrick Buchanan on the US Commodity Credit Corporation paying for grain sent to Poland and Rumania; a support letter passed on by Malcolm Forbes and his editorial on supporting eastern Europe states and responses to the efforts of the Lithuanian-American Community of the USA campaign to repudiate the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. The Office of Records Management appears not to have widely used this category and placed materials about the Warsaw Pact nations in CO001-05 (Europe).

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category

CO001-05 Europe (.5 l.ft.; Box 18-19)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to continuing efforts to gauge European public opinion of the United States; creating a public affairs program to improve the image of the United States in Europe; meetings with different Presidents and members of the European Parliament; encouraging and participating in promotion of democracy projects with the Council of Europe; suggestions for the President’s speech to the European Parliament in 1985; messages from various liberation groups on freeing the Captive Nations of the Baltic, Armenia, Central and Eastern Europe; comparisons of European and US employment patterns in the service sector; information on the European economy, agricultural trade and European belief in the western alliance.
CO001-06 Far East (1 folder; Box 19)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a proposed visit to the President by multiple heads of Pacific Island countries and territories and a letter referring to a Charles Wick article regarding the continued problems with Kampuchean refugees in southeast Asia.  This category appears to have been used for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Ocean island nations.  The Charles Wick letter is a misfile, but we are retaining it in this category.  For material on all other “Far East” issues, see CO001-03 (Asia).
CO001-07 Middle East (1.4 l.ft.; Box 19-22)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the conflicts in the Middle East including the Israeli-Arab-Palestinian conflict and the Persian Gulf/Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s. Material includes support and protest letters from various domestic groups including Jewish advocacy groups and groups representing Arab-Americans. Material also includes Head of State letters to Middle East leaders on the situation in the Middle East and requests for help in establishing peace in the region; policy and public response to arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Jordan; establishing US Middle East policy and strategy; reviews of OPEC initiatives and their possible behavior in the oil market; and multiple offers of assistance in settling or negotiating Middle East peace and strategies for peace.  Most of the material from 1981-1984 relates to Lebanon and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon. Most of the material from 1985-1989 relates to conflicts in the Persian Gulf and the US flagging of Kuwaiti tankers.
CO001-08 North America (Empty)
The Reagan Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
See CO028 (Canada) and CO104 (Mexico).

South America – Central and Latin America (4.3 l.ft.; Box 22-36)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to US missions to improve agriculture, trade and industry in Central America; passing and implementing the Caribbean Basin Initiative (CBI); the status of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico in relation to the CBI; head of state letters from various Caribbean nations on the CBI and its implementation; establishing the Central America Outreach Group; editing and publishing Central American papers covering human and civil rights violations in Nicaragua and Cuba, Communist influence in the area in the White House Digest and supply of arms to various groups by the Soviet Union and Cuba; establishing the State Department’s public diplomacy program; opposition and support for the US Central American policy; Catholic church group comments on Central America; funding for various Central American programs;  renegotiating debt for Central and Latin American countries; Congressional inquiries to resolve the 1980 murder of churchwomen in El Salvador; the Contadora negotiations and letters to Contadora heads of state; and reaction to the Contadora “Guatemala City” agreement regarding Central America.  The majority of this material is focused on Central America and the Caribbean Basin Initiative. South America material is usually in regards to the Contadora negotiations or economic issues.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

6000000-619399 619400 (1) 619400 (2) 619401-End

Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of (.8 l.ft.; Box 36-38)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Reagan meetings with Afghan resistance leaders in 1983 and 1986; American humanitarian aid for Afghans; Armand Hammer involvement in assisting in Afghanistan solutions; Congressional and public support for Afghan rebels; instructions for Geneva negotiations on the Afghan settlement; and USIA documentaries and public relations efforts on the Afghanistan rebels.See also: CO119 (Pakistan) for additional material relating to Afghanistan.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Begin-045999 365000-399999 529800-529999 562300-567999
046000-069999 400000-402999 530000-539999 568000-575199
070000-149999 403000-429999 540000-540999 575200-578999
150000-199999 430000-474999 541000-542999 579000-583799
200000-239999 475000-476999 543000-547999 583800-598999
240000-259999 477000-478999 548000-558849 599000-605999
260000-329999 479000-498140 558850-560999 606000-629999
330000-355999 498141 (1) 561000-562235 630000-End
356000-361999 498141 (2) 562236  
362000-364999 498142-529799 562237-562299  
CO003 Albania, People’s Socialist Republic of (3 folders.; Box 38)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Senator Jesse Helms urging the US government to recognize a free Albanian government in exile after the death of Albanian leader Enver Hoxha; correspondence with exiled King Leka I; the Greek minority in Albania; the Government-in-Exile ideas to free Albania; requests by certain Albanian citizens for US help in stopping the Soviets obtaining a Mediterranean seaport; and calls for the US to condemn human rights violations in Albania by the Albanian American community.
CO004 Algeria, Democratic and Popular Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 38)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Algerian ambassadorial appointments to the United States; Vice-Presidential meetings with Algerian foreign ministers; the logistics, speeches, state dinner and schedule of the state visit of President Bendjedid in April 1985 and head of state correspondence from Bendjedid to both the President and the Vice President.
CO005 Andorra (1 folder; Box 38)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the successful petition by Andorra to join the International Telecommunication Union.
CO006 Angola, People’s Republic of (.4 l.ft.; Box 38-39)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ongoing complaints from Congress and conservative groups about Export-Import Bank loans and American oil companies involvement with the communist-backed Angolan government; requests to the United States government for assistance in release of various prisoners held in Angola due to the civil war; 1986 and 1988 meetings with Jonas Savimbi, leader of UNITA, by President Reagan, Vice President Bush, Chester Crocker and Herman Cohen; Congressional and conservative group concern for the well-being of UNITA and Savimbi during negotiations on settlement of South African issues including the expulsion of Cuban soldiers from Angola and Namibian independence.
CO007 Antigua and Barbuda, State of (2 folders; Box 39)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to 1981 remarks by Prime Minister Vere Bird urging the United States to provide leadership and assistance for the Caribbean nations against Communist encroachment; official US diplomatic relations and appointment of ambassador with newly independent Antigua; CARICOM nation’s concerns sent via Prime Minister Bird about United States extension of investigative procedures against illegal drug trafficking at the expense of CARICOM nations sovereignty and the United States response.
CO008 Argentine Republic (.4 1.ft, Box 39-40)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to United States relations with the Argentine Republic, correspondence between President Alfonsin and the President Reagan that are social in nature and not substantive, drafts of remarks made during Alfonsin’s State Visit in 1985, the Falkland Islands dispute with Great Britain, the state of democracy in Argentina, the state of the Argentine economy, and human rights issues.
CO009 Australia (.8 l.ft.; Box 40-42)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to multiple visits of Prime Minister Fraser and Prime Minister Hawke to the United States; head of state correspondence with PM Fraser and PM Hawke; completion of an anti-trust cooperative agreement with Australia; Congressional testimony provided by Australian doctors on the effects of Agent Orange on Australian Vietnam War veterans; and participation by the United States in the 1988 Australian bicentennial.
CO010 Austria, Republic of (0.2 l. ft.; Box 42-43)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to information and correspondence about the 1981 Cancun Summit; the visit of Austrian Chancellor Kreisky; the visit of Austrian President Kirchschlaeger; the visit of Libyia’s Colonel Gaddafi to Austria; and the proper representation of the United States Government at Kurt Waldheim’s presidential inauguration.
CO011 Azores (Empty)
The Reagan Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO012 Bahamas, Commonwealth of the (.1 l.ft.; Box 43)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to attempts by a private citizen to facilitate a meeting between President Reagan and Prime Minister Lynden Pindling; accusations of corruption against Pindling; the 1984 establishment of a Bahamian Commission of Inquiry into the corruption allegations; head of state correspondence on US cooperation with the Commission’s investigation; F. Lee Bailey’s request for US Grand Jury testimony and displeasure over US relations with the Commission; reports on a 1985 trip to the Bahamas to determine Bahamian drug abuse and illegal drug control policies; the President’s 1988 submission to Congress of a Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty between the United States and the Bahamas.
CO013 Bahrain, State of (.1 l.ft.; Box 43)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings between the Vice President and the Amir of Bahrain and other Bahrain officials; a state visit to the United States by Shaikh Hamad; head of state correspondence on general issues of the Persian Gulf and to acknowledge visits to Bahrain by Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger and Secretary of Energy John Herrington; and comments by the Shaikh made to a private citizen and passed on to President Reagan.
CO014 Bangladesh, Peoples Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 43-44)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the state visit of Chief Marshal Law Administrator General Ershad in 1983 and the 1988 Reagan meeting with President Ershad; head of state correspondence regarding international aid institutions and aid to neediest countries, Bangladesh’s return to democratic processes, and appreciation for US assistance during and after the 1988 floods in Bangladesh; and human rights violations, particularly of American Christians in Bangladesh.
CO015 Barbados (2 folders; Box 44)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the cancellation of the long term tax treaty between the United States and Barbados and the negotiations for a new treaty and concern about United States sugar quotas.
CO016 Belgium (.3 l.ft.; Box 44)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Presidential meetings with Prime Minister Wilfried Martens in 1982, 1985 and 1987; USIA Belgian public opinion polls on security issues and the basing of ICBM missiles; various requests from public citizens for US help with the Belgian legal system; and a request for a NATO-based army officer regarding imposition of Belgian customs and taxes on army personnel.
CO017 Benin, Peoples Republic of (1 folder; Box 44)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the New Year’s greetings from President Mathieu Kerekou; Reagan’s letter of sympathy after an aircrash, request for help with a small Benin charity, and appointment of  the ambassador to the United States.
CO018 Bermuda (.1 l.ft.; Box 45)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to visits to the United States by Premier J.D. Gibbons, and Premier John Swan; ongoing negotiations on a tax treaty between the United States and Bermuda; convention tax concessions; repealing the “triple tax” penalty for insurance companies, and information about an American incarcerated in Bermuda.
CO019 Bhutan (1 folder, Box 45)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to New Year’s greetings from the King of Bhutan and correspondence from Senator Larry Pressler urging a fuller diplomatic relationship between the United States and Bhutan.

Bolivia, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 45)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Bolivia’s call for re-normalization of relations at the opening of the Reagan administration; the re-installation of a US ambassador in La Paz in late 1981; continued concerns about human and political rights violations in Bolivia; reports on the Bolivian drug production and drug trafficking; release of US aid after Bolivia met certain illegal drug eradication conditions; the cooperative US/Bolivia drug eradication program Operation Blast Furnace; and head of state letters from President Paz regarding economic conditions in Bolivia and renegotiation of International Monetary Fund loans.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-049999 150000-339999 340000-399999
CO021 Botswana, Republic of (3 folders; Box 45)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to visits to the United States by President Quett Masire in 1981 and 1984; US aid being used as a subsidy for AMAX nickel mining in Botswana; request for US intervention for a prisoner in Botswana; placement of Voice of America relay stations; and head of state correspondence on continued raids by South African troops in the Botswana capital.
CO022 Brazil, Federative Republic of (.6 l.ft.; Box 45-47)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings with officials of the Brazilian government, the state visit of President Figueiredo, trade, economic, and business issues with Brazil, the death of President-elect Neves, correspondence with President Sarney, the state visit of President Sarney, and US-Brazil science and technology cooperation.
CO023 Belize (3 folders; Box 47)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the recognition of the newly independent state of Belize (formally British Honduras); the official working visit of Prime Minister George Price in 1983; public citizen efforts at private enterprise in Belize; congratulatory messages to new Prime Minister Manuel Esquivel in 1985 and reports on assisting Belize with drug abuse prevention programs and their cannabis spraying program.
CO024 Bulgaria, People’s Republic of (3 folders; Box 47)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to an international fishery governing agreement signed with Bulgaria; Congressional resolutions and public citizen groups against Bulgarian human rights violations, repression of the Turkish minority, narcotics trafficking, and involvement in international terrorism; notice to all government officials to limit travel to Bulgaria, and an appellate court ruling on the control of the Bulgarian Christian church in America.

Burma, Socialist Republic of the Union of [Myanmar] (.1 l.ft., Box 47)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the return to Burma of stolen 15th century bronzes; appointment of ambassadors; numerous head of state letters from San Yu thanking Reagan for kind words or assistance; United States assistance in the opium crop eradication program; and reports on the student/democratic uprisings of late 1988 after the military seized power in September 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Begin-299999 453341 (2)
300000-453340 453342-599999
453341 (1) 600000-End
CO026 Burundi, Republic of (3 folders; Box 48)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to New Year’s greetings; appointment of an ambassador; head of state correspondence from Major Pierrie Buyoya on the bloodless coup of August 1987 and the Hutu uprisings in August 1988 against the ruling minority Tutsi.
CO027 Cameroon, State of (.1 l.ft.; Box 48)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to appointment of an ambassador; visits to the United States by President Ahidjo in 1982 and President and Mrs. Biya in 1986; head of state correspondence thanking the Reagans for hospitality and expressions of sympathy for a Cameroon natural disaster and an RSVP for a UN Reception in 1988.
CO028 Canada ( 1.8 l.ft. Boxes 48-53)
This secondary category contains material relating to appointment of ambassadors; U.S.-Canadian relations; border control; trade agreements; fishery agreements; acid rain and other environmental issues; Canadian regulation of investments; meetings with Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, and the State Visits of Prime Minister Brain Mulroney in 1986 and 1988.
CO029 Canary Islands (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO030 Cape Verde, Republic of (1 folder; Box 53)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the meeting of Vice President Bush and President Pereira in Africa; luncheon hosted by the Vice President for President Pereira; and a possible tea for Mrs. Pereira and her daughter hosted by Mrs. Bush.
CO031 Central African Republic (1 folder, Box 53)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to an ambassadorial appointment and comments on the trial of Jean-Bedel Bokassa.
CO032 Chad, Republic of (.1 l.ft., Box 53)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; President Reagan’s urging Nigeria to transfer food and oil to Chad; Reagan’s letter to France supporting Chad’s efforts against Libyan aggression; Senator Byrd’s request for the US to use the Organization of African Unity to assist Chad; preparations, speeches, briefing papers and logistics for the working visit of President Havre in June 1987; and NSDD 322 on US policy towards Chad issued in December 1988.
CO033 Chile (.3 l.ft., Box 53-54)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the appointment of ambassadors; meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and ambassadors; Chile’s social security system; human rights; democracy in Chile; UNGA resolution toward Chile; Chile certification; bilateral agreement between Chile and OPIC; Walter Rauff, accused Nazi war criminal; former Austrian Chancellor Kreisky; copper industry in Chile; Chilean Navy; World Bank loans; Letelier/Moffitt Case; Colleen Dewhurst and death threats to actors, writers and directors in Chile; and Generalized System of Preferences.
CO034 China (2 folders, Box 54)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Chinese New Year’s greetings; studies of China policy; and suggestions for reunification of China.  This category appears to have been used for “general” China material and reunification issues.  Multiple case files were transferred to either CO034-01 (China-Taiwan) or CO034-02 (China-PRC).  Material relating to Chinese reunification can also be found in CO034-02.
CO034-01 China, Republic of  (Formosa – Taiwan) (.4 l.ft., Box 54-55)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to economic relations and sponsored US trips to the Republic of China by the US-Republic of China Economic Council; Maureen Reagan’s visit to the Republic of China in 1981; various reports on Taiwanese officials comments given to the White House via private citizens; concern for the status of Taiwan; enforcement of the Taiwan Relations Act; support for Taiwan to retain their position in the Asian Development Bank and Interpol; Congressional resolutions calling for the end of martial law on Taiwan; and requests for assistance with political prisoners held in Taiwan.
CO034-02 China, People’s Republic of (Red China) (1.2 l.ft.; Box 55-58)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to appointment of ambassadors; head of state congratulations on elections, and gratitude for hospitality; visits of Premier Zhao Zhang in 1983, President Li Xiannian in 1985 and Vice Premier Tian Jiyun in 1988; visits and photo opportunities for various Chinese officials and groups; requests from Chinese American citizens for help with issues in China; the United States-People’s Republic of China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade; US-China Tax Treaty; human rights violations particularly religious persecution; the incarceration of Archbishop Kung; establishment of US-PRC Consular services; polls of Chinese attitudes regarding Americans; Chinese abortion policies and coercive family planning; sales of arms to China; grain sales to China; business ventures in China, and requests for  help obtaining pandas from American zoos.
CO035 Colombia (.3 l.ft.; Box 58-59)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the safety of Americans in Colombia; United States assistance in narcotics policing in Colombia including material support for herbicide eradication programs for cannabis and coca plants; ratification of the Saccio-Vazquez Treaty regarding Caribbean islets off the coast of Colombia; the status of the unfinished portion of the Pan American Highway; 1985 visit of President Betancur and 1986 meeting with President Barco; ratification of an extradition treaty with Colombia and extradition of Jeffrey Tamboer; protests against the release of known drug trafficker Jorge Ochoa by the Colombian judicial system; and enforcement of stricter searches of all Colombian import/export items by the US Customs.
CO036 Congo, People’s Republic of the (1 folder, Box 59)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a head of state exchange of letters on the appointment of President Sassou-Nguesso to be Chairman of the Organization of African Unity; and an ambassador appointment.
CO037 Costa Rica, Republic of (.4 l.ft., Box 59-60)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Vice President Bush meetings with Costa Rican Vice Presidents and Foreign Minister; President Reagan meetings with President Monge in October 1982, and President Arias in November 1986 and September 1987; economic problems in Costa Rica; concerns for American safety in Costa Rica; the conversation of President Reagan and Archbishop Arietta of Costa Rica; the conversation of President Arias with members of Congress; building the tourism industry in Costa Rica and assistance with the airline route between San Jose and Miami; Arias’s Peace Plan and the Guatemala Accord, and concerns about countervailing tariffs on Costa Rican exports.
CO038 Cuba, Republic of (.6 l.ft., Box 60-62)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to political prisoners held in Cuba; missing Americans believed to be prisoners in Cuba; Cuban-American exile groups and possible campaigns to overthrow Castro; Cuban-American meetings with the President; Cuban “Mariel” boat refugees; return to Cuba of the “undesirables” from the Mariel boat lift; penalties for private boat owners involved in the Mariel boat lift; Reagan position on Cuban troops in Angola; Radio Marti; United States resolution against Cuba at the Human Rights Commission; and Cardinal O’Connor’s request to lift the economic embargo against certain medicines needed in Cuba.
CO039 Cyprus, Republic of (.3 l.ft.; Box 62-63)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to bi-monthly reports to Congress on the progress of UN negotiations to settle inter-communal issues on Cyprus; President Reagan meetings with President Kypianou in December 1981 and President Vassiliou in August 1988; Vice President Bush meeting with Foreign Minister Rolandis in 1981; multiple requests for non-recognition of the 1983 unilateral declaration of independence by the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”; Department of State comments on various Congressional resolutions condemning Turkey’s part in the Cyprus division; and concerns for the missing Greek Cypriots and political repression in the Turkish controlled part of Cyprus.See also CO163 (Turkey) for material relating to the Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus.
CO040 Czechoslovakia, Socialist Republic (.1 l.ft.; Box 63)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; concerns from Czechoslovakian-American organizations about the threat of Soviet annexation of Czechoslovakia, and US policy towards Czechoslovakia after the meetings of Reagan and Gorbachev; S.1946 – the Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981; appeals for redress in denial of claims under the Act; and requests for assistance with individuals held as political prisoners in Czechoslovakia.
CO041 Denmark (.1 l.ft.; Box 63)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to visits and official meetings with Foreign Ministers of Denmark and Prime Minister Schulter; a recommendation for US ambassador to Denmark; a request from the Virgin Islands to renegotiate parts of the 1916 treaty with Denmark giving the Virgin Islands to the US; a USIA public opinion poll of Danish attitudes on defense and nuclear issues; and the visit of Princess Benedikte.
CO042 Dominican Republic (.3; Box 63-64)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; meetings between the Vice President and Foreign Secretaries; the state visits of President Jorge Blanco and President Belaguer; United States sugar quotas and sugar exports from the Dominican Republic; a Caribbean Basin Initiative enterprise in the Dominican Republic by Dole Pineapple; Dominican economic problems including liquidity and debt; request for help in obtaining US visas and assistance needed by US citizens in the Dominican Republic.
CO043 Dominion of Fiji (3 folders; Box 64)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; official working visit of Prime Minister Ratu Mara in November 1988; reactions to the military coup in May 1987; declaration of the republic in November 1987; and comments on the Fiji political situation from Fiji-American groups.
CO044 Ecuador (.2 l.ft.; Box 64-65)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; official working visits of President Hurtado in 1983 and President Febres-Cordero in 1985; head of state exchanges of gratitude and introductions of visitors; proposal for “baseball diplomacy” to Ecuador; Febres-Cordero “Plan of Government” for Ecuador; Report from the United States Task Force on Ecuadoran agriculture; OPIC reviews of Ecuadoran economy for private investment in 1985 and 1986; reports on the March 1987 earthquake; and appeal for US protection of a political candidate in Ecuador.
CO045 Egypt, Arab Republic of (.8 l.ft.;  Box 65-67)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; cancellation of President Sadat state dinner in April 1981; visits between Mrs. Sadat and Mrs. Reagan; State Visit of President Sadat in August 1981; commercial and business concerns in Egypt; application of US federal aid in Egypt; urging the release of Egyptian Christian Coptic Pope and priests from imprisonment and protection of rights for Egyptian Christians and Jews; reports on the Sinai Multinational Force and Observers; readjustment of US policy after the assassination of President Sadat; ratification of a tax treaty with Egypt; President Mubarak visits in 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986 and January 1988; 1983 Report on Human Rights in Egypt; Export-Import Bank financing for a nuclear power plant in Egypt; Egyptian financial crisis and FMS loans and debt relief; and the continuation of the Camp David peace accords.
CO046 El Salvador, Republic of (1.6 l. ft.; Box  67-71)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; murders of US citizens in El Salvador including four American churchwomen killed in December 1980; elections; human rights investigations, violations, and US certification of human rights practices in El Salvador; support or protests for US policy in El Salvador; U.S. aid to El Salvador; coffee export quotas; FMLN insurgents and status of civil war; government “death squads”; State Department testimony before Congress on the situation in El Salvador; visits with President Duarte in 1981, 1984, 1985, and 1987 visit with President Magana in June 1983; head of state correspondence with Presidents Magana and Duarte; and US Department of State publications including Communist Interference in El Salvador and El Salvador’s Presidential Elections.
CO047 Equatorial Guinea (1 folder, Box 71)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; attempts to set up a meeting with Vice President Bush and Vice President Florencio Maye Ela in 1981; and head of state letters on the National Independence Day for Equatorial Guinea.
CO048 Estonia (1 folder; Box 71)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for the United States to recognize the independence of Estonia; and to urge the USSR to grant Estonian independence in accord with previous international agreements.

Ethiopia (.2 l.ft.; Box 71-72)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to refugee information about the communist government in Ethiopia; Ethiopian aggression towards its neighbors; multiple concerns from the public, non-governmental relief groups and Congress on the Ethiopian famine, delivery of food, protection of food delivery, and protection of famine refugee camps; emigration for the Falahsha Jews in Ethiopia; the imprisonment of Emperor Haile Selassie’s relatives still in Ethiopia; attempts by the Eritrean Peoples’ Liberation Front to contact President Reagan and disagreements between the Department of State, the White House, and Congress on designating Eritrea a “communist state.”

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

398000-429999 430000-499999 500000-589999 590000-END

Finland (3 folders; Box 72)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the visit of Prime Minister Koivisto in September 1983; the meeting with Prime Minister Holker in 1988; appeal from Finnish human rights group on behalf of Soviet Jewry; and proclamation of 1988 National Year of Friendship with Finland.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-199999 200000-569999 570000-END

France (.8 l.ft.; Box 72-74)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to multiple meetings between Vice President Bush and former leaders of France and cabinet level ministers during 1981; ambassador’s appointment; French involvement with the restoration of the Statue of Liberty; analysis of French economics; Presidential remarks for the Paris Air Show in 1983; State visits by President Mitterand in 1983 and working visit in September 1988; President Mitterand’s address to a joint session of Congress; France/US space and technology cooperation; the 40th anniversary of the Normandy invasion; US/French accords on exchange of prisoners and application of taxes for US citizens in France; negotiations over the patent rights for the AIDS test; Head of State correspondence containing congratulations and holiday greetings; numerous meetings with French officials at the cabinet level; Billy Graham’s evangelical crusade in France in the 1980s; Prime Minister Jacque Chirac’s address to the International Private Sector Conference held November 25, 1986 in Paris; and Prime Minister Chirac’s official working visit in March 1987. 

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-016999 154000-193999 360000-389999 485387-497999
017000-026999 194000-206999 390000-400999 498000-504999
027000-030999 207000-218999 401000-419999 505000-592999
031000-039999 219000-228999 420000-439999 530000-554999
040000-054999 229000-274999 440000-485383 555000-575461
055000-073999 240000-274999 485384 575462 
074000-124999 275000-299999 485385 575463-601029
125000-153999 300000-359999 485386 601030-END

Gabon Republic (.2 l.ft.; Box 74)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with President El Hadj Omar Bongo and photo opportunity with President Reagan in June 1981; ambassador appointments; invitation to Gabon for the Vice President in 1982; promotion of the International Center of Bantu Civilization in Libreville within the United States; lobbying by Triton Energy, Tenneco, Unocal and Congressmen to invite Bongo for a presidential visit; and the official working visit of the President Bongo in July 1987.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:  

BEGIN-119999 480000-494999 510000-513999  518000-519999
120000-479999 495000-509999 514000-517999 520000-END

Gambia, The (1 folder, Box 74)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments and a visit by President Dawda Jawara with the Vice President in 1986.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:  

Entire Category


Germany (.1 l.ft.; Box 74)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to East Germany-West Germany exchange of spies; various ideas for the reunification of Germany; restitution for Nazi Holocaust and forced labor camp victims; validity of Soviet evidence used to convict Nazi war criminals; the 1983 German-American tricentennial; the 750th anniversary of Berlin and accusations against the Department of Justice’s actions against rocket scientist Arthur Rudolf and his loss of American citizenship.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-099999 100000-309999 310000-599999 600000-END

Germany, Democratic Republic of (East) (3 folders, Box 74)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the proclamation of the consular convention between the United States and the German Democratic Republic (GDR); undue punishment for a US serviceman who assisted an East German family to escape; a media request to profile the military liaison at Potsdam; a report on some cultural exchanges with East Germany; possible legislative change to the claims made by US citizens against the GDR; potential settlement of Holocaust victim claims against the GDR; head of state Independence Day greeting from Erich Honecker and visa applications for a family wanting to be reunited with family in West Germany

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-179999 180000-499999 500000-END

Germany, Federal Republic of (West) (1.6 l.ft.; Box 75-79)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to multiple visits to the United States by the German Federal Republic (FRG) Foreign Minister, Defense Minister, opposition political figures, Mayor of Berlin, President, President of States, and other cabinet level FRG government officials to the President, the Vice President and other U.S. cabinet officials; Memorandums of Conversation for some of these meetings; visits to the United States of Chancellor Schmidt and Chancellor Kohl; German television requests for interviews of the President; German-American cultural exchanges; celebration of the German-American tricentennial; public affairs efforts to improve U.S. image in West Germany; German economic issues and international monetary issues; commemoration of then Governor Reagan's part in returning German antiquities to Germany; potential German arms sales to Saudi Arabia; Presidential support for the German Marshall Fund of the United States and the 21st Century Fund; various requests for help for American citizens in Germany and requests to assist native Germans return to Germany from the Soviet Union.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Ghana, Republic of (3 folders, Box 79)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a White House briefing for a Ghanaian minister on management issues for a presidency; visit of Barbara Bush and Loret Ruppe to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Peace Corps in Ghana and deliver Presidential and Vice-Presidential letters on this subject; use of a forged document alleging US involvement in anti-government activities; exile Ghanaian groups calling for a return to democracy and asking the United States withhold  support for coup leader Jerry J. Rawlings.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-299999 300000-499999 500000-END

Greece Hellenic Republic (.2 l.ft.; Box 79-80)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to monitoring Greek elections; meetings with the Archbishop of the American Greek-Orthodox community; ambassador appointments; lobbying from various private citizens for an official Presidential invitation to Prime Minister Papandreou to visit the United States; Greek-American concerns for worsening of US-Greek relations; sharp US criticism of remarks by Prime Minister Papandreou regarding the KAL007 incident; resolutions condemning the Greek government’s lax security resulting in the hijacking of TWA Flight 847; difficulties in renegotiating US base and Voice of American agreements and requests for help with the Greek government.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-049999  130000-169999 250000-279999
050000-129999 170000-249999   

Greenland (1 folder, Box 80)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a public citizen’s concern about the Soviet Union establishing radar installations in southern Greenland.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category 

CO058 Grenada (.8 l.ft.; Box 80-82)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to correspondence with the deposed Prime Minister of Grenada Eric Gairy; concerns about US intentions towards Grenada; Department of Justice legal opinions on the invasion of Grenada under international law; private sector and United States government efforts to restore democracy and working capitalism to Grenada; release of communist documents seized on Grenada; quarterly and monthly reports from the Agency for International Development on progress in Grenada; reopening and expansion of the Point Salines Airport; White House ceremony for rescued US medical students in Grenada; head of state correspondence with the newly elected Prime Minister Blaize; and correspondence from Grenadians and Americans thanking the President for the Grenada mission.
CO059 Guadeloupe (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO060 Guatemala, Republic of (.4 l.ft; Box 82-83)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the investigation of the murder of Viet Nikolaus Stascheck by the Guatemalan government; assistance and protection for political prisoners; Congressional and Evangelical Christians urging the US to support President Rios Montt of Guatemala; complaints about human rights violations and “genocide” against Guatemalan Indian communities; ambassador appointments; head of state correspondence on the “twin plants” manufacturing idea and sugar quotas; observance of the 1985 presidential election; a report on US involvement in family planning services in Guatemala; the official working visit of President Vinicio Cerezo in May 1987; and problems with various aid programs and ventures in Guatemala.
CO061 Guinea-Bissau, Republic of (2 folders, Box 83)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Head of State correspondence with President Joao Vieira regarding the general capital increase for the World Bank in 1988 and African representation on the World Bank board; and President Vieira’s visit with President Reagan in October 1988.
CO063 Guyana, Republic of (2 folders, Box 83)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; attempts by Prime Minister Forbes Burnham to meet with Reagan; concerns about the deteriorating conditions in Guyana in the mid-1980s; and the brief visit of Prime Minister Hugh Desmond Hoyte with President Reagan in September 1988.
CO064 Haiti, Republic of (.5 l.ft.; Box 83-84)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the transition to democracy after President Jean-Claude Duvalier abdicates; 1987 election violence; correspondence informing the US government of two post-Duvalier coups; Executive Order 12588, “Action Against Certain Assets of Disputed Title”, freezing Duvalier’s assets held in the United States; solicitations from various Haitian political parties and candidates seeking US backing in elections; concerns for the deteriorating conditions in Haiti in 1986-1988; ambassador appointments; conditions and grounds for detaining Haitian immigrants; and assistance for Dupont Caribbean in a long standing dispute with the Haitian government.
CO065 Honduras, Republic of (.5 l.ft.; Box 84-85)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; head of state correspondence in gratitude for visits, conveying a Task Force on Agriculture to Honduras, aid to Honduras, and sugar exports; Reagan meeting with President Roberto Suazo in 1982; meetings with President Jose Azcona in 1986, 1988 and 1989; White House meeting with businessmen held hostage in Honduras; investment problems for US business ventures in Honduras; inquiries about missing relatives and the death of relatives in Honduras; the deployment of United States troops to Honduras in 1988; repeated requests for US assistance for land appropriated by the Honduran government for a military training camp; Christian missionary groups seeking aid and supplies for their assistance efforts; controversy over news reports of a CIA training manual provided to the Honduran police force; and human rights abuses.

Hong Kong, Republic of (2 folders, Box 85)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to President Reagan meeting with Sir Yue Kay Pao; Chinese remarks on the upcoming negotiations on Hong Kong; the situation in Hong Kong while negotiations are proceeding; US position on the Sino-British settlement regarding Hong Kong; and comments on the US Consular office in Hong Kong.

The Case Files in this subject file have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-299999 300000-END
CO067 Hungary, Hungarian People’s Republic (.3 l.ft., Box 85-86)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to American Hungarian groups protesting current situations in Hungary, urging relief for ethnic Hungarians in Romania, understanding US position on Eastern European captive nations, protesting the visit of General Secretary Grosz, report on the police brutality at a demonstration in Budapest; ambassador appointment; report on current Budapest embassy situation; Reagan greetings to the 27th American-Hungarian Congress; Reagan taping for Hungarian television; official working visit of General Secretary Grosz in July 1988; and  possible briefing of American-Hungarian groups after Grosz visit.
CO068 Iceland (0.2 l.ft.; Box 86-87)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to shipping and defense treaties between the US and Iceland; meetings and state dinners involving Icelandic heads of state, their spouses, and President and Mrs. Reagan (including the Presidential speech drafted for the May 1988 visit of the Prime Minister); and the resignation of the US Ambassador to Iceland, and the appointment of a replacement.
CO069 India (.7 l.ft., Box 87-88)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to India’s concerns over United States arms sales to Pakistan; visit of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in July 1982; head of state correspondence with the ceremonial President of India on holidays and official greetings; human rights complaints against the government of India by Sikhs and Muslims; requests from Sikh separatists for US recognition; support for US India policies from Asian Indian-American groups; review of birth control policies in India; the Bhopal Union Carbide chemical accident and United States involvement; reaction to assassination of Mrs. Gandhi; trade concerns by American movie industry in India and almond exporters; visits of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in June 1985 and October 1987; renewal of the United States-India Science and Technology Agreement; and establishing October 2, 1988 as a National Day of Recognition for Mahandas Gandhi.

Indonesia, Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 88-89)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the visit of Indonesia’s Vice President Malik with Vice President Bush; the October 1982 state visit of Indonesian President Suharto; USIA promotion of the state visit in Indonesia; alleged human rights violations in East Timor and Indonesia in general; a Presidential meeting with Indonesian Defense Minister General Mohammad Jusuf; promotion of United States private investment in Indonesia; US aircraft provided to return the body of Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX to Indonesia; and ambassador appointments.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:


128000-199999 300000-449999
200000-299999 450000-END



Iran (2 l.ft.; Box 89-94)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to continued US citizens and business claims against the Iranian government for confiscation of property; validation of agreement between Iran and the United States for the release of the US hostages and start of the Iran Claims Tribunal; legislation to streamline the way the Claims Tribunal works with the United States agencies; opinions and advice on US-Iran relations from exiled Iranians and Iranian-Americans; human rights abuses against members of the Baha’is faith; periodic reports to Congress on US/Iran relations; continuation and extension of the Iran-US National Emergency; request for use of old Iran embassy as an Iranian Cultural Center; freedom of navigation for the Persian Gulf; resolutions urging the end of the Iran-Iraq War; the shooting down of Iran Air 655 in July 1988; mostly negative opinions from US citizens regarding compensating the families of the victims of flight 655; and head of state condolences to nation’s with victims on board flight 655.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Iraq, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 94)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the nationalization of Christian churches in Iraq; Vice President Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz in October 1984; President’s Meeting with Tariq Aziz in November 1984; resumption of diplomatic relations with Iraq; Iraq actions against the USS Stark; Iraqi compensation to the families of victims of the USS Stark incident; public requests for official condemnation of Iraqi gassing of Kurdish villages in Iraq and ambassador appointments.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-246899 270700-459899 592400-END
246900-270699 459900-592399  

Ireland (.6 l.ft.; Box 94-96)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings with the Irish Prime Minister or Ambassador for the ceremonial presentation of the Irish shamrock and St. Patrick’s Day greetings; head of state correspondence acknowledging St. Patrick’s Day greetings; working visit of Prime Minister Garret FitzGerald in March 1984; Irish church comments on Central American liberation theology; multiple volumes and the final report from the New Ireland Forum dealing with unification or settlement of the question of Northern Ireland; support from Congress and the President for the New Ireland Forum movement and conclusions; protests against human rights violations in Northern Ireland; H.R. 3465, the Fair Employment Practices Act for Northern Ireland; opinions on  the Anglo-Irish Agreement of November 1985; and photographs from of the President’s ancestral Irish home of Ballyporeen. Please note Northern Ireland is a part of the United Kingdom and the majority of material relating to Northern Ireland can be found in CO167 – United Kingdom.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-024999 130295-189999 206442 (4) 206442 (9) 213000-226999 446800-469999
025000-059999 190000-206441 206442 (5) 206442 (10) 227000-229999 470000-599999
060000-130293 206442 (1) 206442 (6) 206442 (11) 230000-249999 600000-699999
130294 (1) 206442 (2) 206442 (7) 206443-211999 250000-349999 700000-END
130294 (2) 206442 (3) 206442 (8) 212000-212999 350000-446799  

Israel (2.1 l.ft.; Box 96-101)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the possibility of moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem; the Israeli settlements in the West Bank and Gaza; the state visit of Prime Minister Menachim Begin in September 1981 and his meeting with President Reagan on June 21, 1982; the working visit of Prime Minister Shimon Peres in October 1984; the official working visit of Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in February 1987 and March 1988; the Vice President’s speech to the Israeli Knesset in 1986; emigration of Soviet Jews; the Jonathan Pollard spy case; the deportation of John Demjanjuk to Israel for Nazi war crimes; the views of American Jewish groups on US-Israel relations; the ratification of a new protocol on income tax conventions between the US and Israel; the extension of Israeli municipal laws and administration in the Golan Heights; UN votes on Israeli-Arab issues; the views of Arab-American groups on US-Israel relations; the completion of the Camp David accords and the hand-over of the remaining land in the Sinai; the visit of President Navon in January 1983 and President Herzog in November 1987; comments on the Sabra/Shatila refugee camp massacres; Report of the International Commission on Israel in Lebanon; sales of arms to Jordan and Saudi Arabia; the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement with Israel in April 1988; and reactions to the “disturbances” in the West Bank and Gaza beginning in December 1987, now known as the first Intifada.

Additional material regarding Soviet Jews and their emigration from the Soviet Union can be found in CO165 (Soviet Union). 

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-018786 033231 (1) 033231 (7) 580000-583999
018787 (1) 033231 (2) 033232-037999 584000-587999
018787 (2) 033231 (3) 038000-038499 588000-594999
018788-019999 033231 (4) 038500-041999 595000-604999
020000-029999 033231 (5) 572800-575299 605000-614999
030000-033230 033231 (6) 575300-579999 615000-END

Italy, Italian Republic (.8 l.ft., Box 101-103)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to reports on Italian public opinion on defense, SCDI, and foreign policy issues; the Friends of America Club in Italy;  ambassador appointments; Congressional resolutions to thank the Italian Republic for the rescue of kidnapped American General James Dozier; appeals for United States assistance for the police officers who rescued General Dozier; Italian purchase of American made airplanes; repeated correspondence on behalf of scientist Americo Mosca and his attempts to market and patent pesticides in America; Italian involvement in Lebanon; US basing in Italy; an updated extradition treaty to deal specifically with narcotics trafficking; notice of Italian hosting of international conferences; a new convention on income taxes with Italy; repeated visits from past and present Italian prime ministers (President of the Council of Ministers) including Amintore Fanfani, Giovanni Spadolini, Ciriaco de Mita, Bettino Craxi and Giovanni Goria; and arrangements for Bettino Craxi to address a joint session of Congress.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-019999 130000-149999 298000-329999 524000-534999 562516 (1)
020000-034999 150000-159999 330000-443999 535000-537999 562516 (2)
035000-064999 160000-180999 444000-474299 538000-549999 562517-579999
065000-070999  181000-241999 474300-476999 550000-555549 580000-589999
071000-079999 242000-242499 477000-497999 555550-561514 590000-599999
080000-104999  242500-269999 498000-506499 561515 (1) 600000-END
105000-119999 270000-294499 506500-506999 561515 (2)  
120000-129999 294500-297999 507000-523999 561516-562515  

Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) (3 folders, Box 103)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the state visit of President Felix Houphouet-Boigny to the United States in June 1983; reports from USIA on media events for Ivory Coast television commemorating the state visit; and correspondence from Houphouet-Boigny regarding US aid to Africa and asking reconsideration of US decision on supporting UNESCO.

The Case Files in this subject file have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-149999 150000-499999 500000-END

Jamaica (.2 l.ft.; Box 103-104)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings with Prime Minister Edward Seaga in January 1981, February 1983, November 1983, April 1984, and October 1988; invitation to Iranian hostages to vacation in Jamaica at government expense; purchase of Jamaican bauxite for the National Defense Stockpile; the U.S. Business Commission on Jamaica periodic reports; involvement of David Rockefeller with the Business Commission; information on Jamaican economic reforms, tax reforms, and business investment opportunities; a Jamaican plan for dealing with international debt; implementation of a modern extradition treaty in 1983; and reports on the devastation of Hurricane Gilbert in Jamaica, September 1988.

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-007999 041895 080000-205999
008000-041894 041896-079999  

Japan (4 l.ft.; Box 104-114)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; meetings between Cabinet level members and their Japanese equivalents; defense spending burden sharing; Head of State US-Japan Agreement on Cooperation in Science and Technology; Japan and US studies of the Japanese education system; US-Japan Nuclear Cooperation agreement; protests against Japanese whaling industry; review of Japanese management practices and Japanese industrial policy; creation of the US-Japan Energy Working Group regarding export of US energy products to Japan particularly from Alaska; creation of the US-Japan Advisory Commission; the status of the yen in world financial markets; Japanese protests against US states using the worldwide unitary taxation method; commemorations of the bombing of  Hiroshima and Nagasaki; possible sanctions for Toshiba Corporation for the sale of sensitive machine tools to the Soviet Union; the Japanese FSX fighter plane; advise and assist Japanese government on establishment of a national security group and crisis intervention management; the visit of Prime Minister Suzuki in May 1981, the visits of Prime Minister Nakasone in January 1983, April 1986, and April 1987; the visits of Prime Minister Takeshita in January 1988; the visit of the Crown Prince and Princess of Japan; condolences on the death of Emperor Hirohito; and public opinions of Japanese elite on defense and trade issues.

The majority of this secondary subject category contains material relating to international trade between the United States and Japan.  Specific material relates to meetings with the head of MITI (Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry) with the President and other White House staff members; President’s meeting with the Keidanren (CEOs from Japanese industries); reports from the US-Japan Economic Relations Group commonly known as the “Wisemen”; sanctions against Japan for “dumping” semiconductors; United States Trade Representative and Secretary of Commerce reports on the US trade deficit with Japan and particular grievances for the following industries/products: US cigarettes, financial industry, machine tools, construction, microchip processors, telecommunications, pharmaceutical and medical products, agricultural products particularly beef, citrus fruit and rice, paper, cargo air freight and trans-Pacific air routes; the establishment of “MOSS” (Market-Oriented, Sector-Selected) talks on trade with Japan; Japanese “Plans of Action” for the economy and responding to US concerns about fair trade in Japan.

This secondary subject category also contains material relating to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.  The material relates to the passage of H.R. 442 (To Implement Recommendations of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians) paying reparations to the internees and their families.  The material was misclassified at the White House and the Library has decided to leave it within CO078 due to its volume.  The majority of the material on this issue can be found in secondary subject category HU013-22 (Human Rights – Japanese-American Groups).

CO079 Jordan, Hashemite Kingdom of (.4 l.ft; Box 114-115)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; visits of King Hussein and Queen Noor to Washington in November 1981; visit of King Hussein with President Reagan in May 1983, May 1985, September 1985 and June 1986; copies of King Hussein speeches given in America; sale of arms to Jordan; comments on the Jordan-Palestinian Joint Action Agreement of 1985; President and Vice President meetings with Crown Prince Hassan; head of state letters on the Middle East peace process and the Amman Conference in 1987.
CO080 Kenya (.1 l.ft.; Box 115)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; visits by President Daniel Arap Moi in September 1981 and March 1987; international conferences held in Nairobi in 1982 and 1985; Reagan support to Moi after a coup attempt in August 1982; and human rights concerns for dissidents, particularly attorney Gibson Kamau Kuria.
CO081 Kampuchea – Cambodia (.1 l.ft.; Box 115-116)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the UN recognition of the coalition exile government of Democratic Kampuchea; meetings by coalition leaders Prince Norodom Sihanouk and former Prime Minster Son Sann in September 1983 and September 1984; the occupation of Cambodia by Vietnam and policies and strategies for their removal; founding of a Cambodian Relief Association in 1984; Prince Sihanouk’s eight-point plan for peace and the official US reaction to the plan; conditions in Cambodian refugee camps; non-lethal US aid to non-Communist Cambodian groups; plight of Khmer Kampuchea Kron, ethnic Cambodians in South Vietnam; head of state correspondence with Thai Prime Minister Prem on Cambodian refugees and the occupation of Cambodia; presidential signing statement for H.J.R. 602, Support for a Free and Independent Cambodia and the visit of Prince Sihanouk in October 1988 and managing the withdrawal of the Vietnamese from Cambodia.

Korea (3 folders; Box 116)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to South Korean President Chun notification of 1982 talks with North Korea on reunification; the Advisory Council for the Peaceful Unification Policy for Korea and their legal status in the United States; a 1983 report on the general Korea situation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies; reports from exiled Korean leader Kim Dae Jung on possible reunification talks; reunification of Korean families; and establishing neutrality of a reunited Korea.The majority of material within this secondary subject category was misclassified at the White House and has been transferred to CO082-02 (Korea, Republic of (South).

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-149999 150000-259999 260000-End

Korea, People’s Democratic Republic of (North) (1 folder; Box 116)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the announcement of broadening US contacts with North Korea; and proposed changes in export control policy towards North Korea.The majority of material within this secondary subject category was misclassified at the White House and has been transferred to CO082-02 – Korea, Republic of (South).

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Korea, Republic of (South) (.6 l.ft.; Box 116-117)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Kim Dae Jung – his imprisonment, release, exile in the United States, return to South Korea, and as a candidate for president; calls for release of other political prisoners, notably Shim Bon Lee; civil rights in general and democratization of  South Korea; state visits of President Chun Doo Hwan in February 1981, and April 1985 and cancelled post-presidential visit of March 1988; visits with President Roh Tae Woo in September 1987 and October 1988; US trade sanctions against Korea for the insurance industry, tobacco products and intellectual property rights; security assistance for the 1988 Olympics; Seoul subway contract;  possible Korean purchase of US helicopters; Senator Jay Rockefeller visit to South Korea in 1987; decision on assistance for Korean purchase of US cotton;  and possible US economic sanctions for South Korea violation of Korean civil rights.

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized. 

034000-045999 300000-309999 320000-339999
220000-229999 310000-319999  

Kuwait, State of (.3 l.ft.; Box 118)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to US support for Kuwait’s newly elected assembly after a four-year suspension; Kuwait Petroleum Corporation investment in Santa Fe International; protection of Santa Fe subsidiary C.F. Braun; 1983 disqualification of Santa Fe International’s mineral land leasing rights due to discrimination against US firms in Kuwait; July 1988 official working visit of Crown Prince and Prime Minister Sheikh Sa’ad of Kuwait; and the reflagging and protection of Kuwaiti owned tankers in the Persian Gulf.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-059999 566000-583807 583809-585669 595643 (1) 600000-END
060000-499999 583808 (1) 585670 595643 (2)  
500000-565999  583808 (2) 585671-595642 595644-599999  

Laos, People’s Democratic Republic (2 folders; Box 118)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for information on POWs held in Laos, a Heritage Foundation report on POWs/MIAs possibly held in Laos; various Laotian exile groups asking for US help in overturning the Communist government of Laos; and assistance for Laotian refugees in the United States.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-499999 500000-END

Latvia (1 folder; Box 118)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to objections to US consular visits to Riga, Latvia in violation of the US diplomatic non-recognition policy; concerns for Latvian Catholics and religious persecution; Latvia-American associations calling for condemnation of Soviet oppression and Congressional resolutions in support of independence for the Baltic states.

TThe Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Lebanon, Republic of (.8 l.ft.; Box 118-121)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the continuing crisis in Lebanon in the 1980s including the Syrian invasion and bombing of Christian strongholds, the Israeli invasion of 1982, the Shabra and Shatile refugee camp incidents, the Marines’ barracks bombing in 1983, removing the Palestine Liberation Organization from Lebanon, ongoing violence and terrorism, the hostage-taking and peril of the American University of Beirut, and the need for free and fair elections in 1981 and 1988; visits to the United States by President Amine Gemayel in October 1982, August 1983 and December 1983; war powers issues for the Marines in the US Multi-national peace-keeping forces; presidential meetings with the Maronite and Armenian Christian leaders of Lebanon; funding for American University; numerous head of state letters with Kenya, Kuwait, the USSR, Australia, Morocco, Israel, Saudi Arabia, France and Egypt on resolving the Lebanese crisis; public statement guidance on the US policy in Lebanon; a typed copy of Reagan’s notes on his speech regarding the Marine barrack’s bombing; and pleas from friends and relatives of the individual hostages taken in Lebanon to assist in freeing them.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-020059 035900-069999 103301 (2) 143000-159999 190000-196499 303000-304199 462000-479999
020060-021999 070000-081399 103302-107499 160000-161999 196500-202999 304200-310999 480000-568999
022000-031092 081400-089999 107500-111999 162000-169999 203000-209999 311000-315999 569000-589999
031093 (1) 090000-099999 112000-127499 170000-184999 210000-259999 316000-427999 590000-594999
031093 (2) 100000-103300 127500-129999 185000-189499 260000-279999 428000-439999 595000-598999
031094-035899 103301 (1) 130000-142999 189500-189999 280000-302999 440000-461999 599000-END

Lesotho, Kingdom of (2 folders; Box 121)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to routine letters with Constitutional monarch King Moshoeshoe II; photo opportunity with King Moshoeshoe II in 1987; ambassador appointments; and the 1986 coup installing Major General Justin Lekhanya and deposing Prime Minister Leabua Jonathan.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-349999  350000-END

Liberia, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 121)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the instability in Liberia in the immediate months after the coup by Commander in Chief Samuel K. Doe, problems in 1985 during the presidential election period and again in 1988 with economic problems; August 1982 meeting of Reagan and Samuel Doe; Liberian-Americans calling for US assistance for return to democracy in Liberia; report from Doe’s hand-picked “Special Election Commission” to verify his election in December 1985 as president of Liberia; Congressional resolution declaring the election a fraud; ambassador appointments and the pull-out of US AID economic advisors from Liberia in late 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-044999 148000-259999 358311 (1) 358312-END
045000-147999 260000-358310 358311 (2)  

Libya, Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1.4 l.ft.; Box 121-125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the May 1981 closing of the People’s Libyan Diplomatic Bureau; correspondence with exile Libyan pro-democracy movements; economic policy towards Libya and sanctions; semi-annual reports to Congress on the state of emergency with Libya (harsher 1986 sanctions); yearly renewal of the state of emergency in 1987, 1988; freedom of navigation exercises in the Gulf of Sidra and exchange of fire with Libya forces; Congressional concerns about the War Powers’ Act and US actions towards Libya; nearly 1 cubic foot of reactions to the US bombing of Libyan targets on April 15, 1986; personal injury/wrongful death lawsuits brought by the victims of the Libyan bombing attack; public guidance on Libyan ties to terrorist acts and US relations with Libya; USIA actions regarding the Gulf of Sidra event and the 1986 bombing; plan of action for the White House on April 15, 1986; and a letter from the President of Chad about his successful military victory over Libya.

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-079999  206040-219999 350000-364999 366538 (1) 366539-387439
080000-206039 220000-349999  365000-366537 366538 (2) 606413-End 

Liechtenstein (1 folder; Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the private visit to the White House on September 30, 1985 of Crown Prince Hans Adam and Princess Marie and their family and includes the President’s remarks at the dinner and thank you notes.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Lithuania (3 folders; Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for the United States to ask about the release of Lithuanian Catholic priests imprisoned in the Soviet Union; support for United States non-recognition policy of Soviet subjugation of Lithuania from Lithuanian-American groups; copies of underground Lithuanian anti-Soviet literature; and Congressional resolutions regarding oppression of Lithuanian Catholic church.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-289999 209000-299999 300000-END

Luxembourg (.1 l.ft; Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings with Foreign Minister Collette Fleisch; scheduling the US visit for the Grand Duke and Duchess; state visit of the Grand Duke Jean and Grand Duchess in November 1984; correspondence from US ambassador John Dolibois and his resignation letter; ambassador appointments; short visit with the Grand Duke in October 1988; and farewell letters from Grand Duke Jean and Prime Minister Jacque Santer.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-179999 246000-269999 280000-499999
180000-245999 270000-279999 500000-END

Macao (1 folder, Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for Presidential assistance with the release of Chuong Truong, a Vietnamese 15-year old in a refugee camp in Macao.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category

CO094 Madeira (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.

Madagascar, Malagasy Republic of (1 folder, Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; New Year’s and birthday greetings from the head of state; gratitude for the visit of President Ratisiraka in October 1985 and the US ambassador’s report of the State Department Inspector General report on the US embassy in Madagascar.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Malawi, Republic of (2 folders, Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; head of state letters regarding the need for more US aid and US gratitude to President Banda and Malawi’s acceptance of Mozambique refugees.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-499999 500000-END

Malaysia (.1 l.ft.; Box 125)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with Minister for Home Affairs Ghazali Shafie regarding trade and ASEAN issues; the official working visit of Prime Minister Seri Mahathir bin Mohamed in January 1984; possible visit of the King of Malaysia in August 1984; speech by the Prime Minister on Asian economics; and a request for aid in freeing North Borneo from the Malay federation.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-179999 180000-249999 250000-499999 500000-END
CO098 Maldives, Republic of (1 folder; Box 126)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the delegation for the inauguration of President Maumoon Gayoom.
CO099 Mali, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 126)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to US aid policy toward Mali; the Vice President’s meeting with President Traore in Mali; ambassador appointments; and the state visit of President and Mrs. Traore in October 1988.
CO0100 Malta, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 126)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; transport of US Navy surplus items to Malta; request for diplomatic recognition of the Knights of Malta; concerns about the Eastern bloc affiliations of the Mintoff government by an exile group; attempts to see the President by President Agatha Barbara; request for US support of Maltese underwater preservation efforts; and the state visit of Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami in July 1988.
CO101 Martinique (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO102 Mauritania, Islamic Republic of (1 folder; Box 126)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Western Sahara/Morocco conflict; head of state correspondence on holiday greetings; and a letter from a Mauritian citizen supporting Reagan’s foreign policy.
CO103 Mauritius (2 folders; Box 126)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to concerns about 1981 developing political situation in Mauritius; Reagan meeting with Prime Minister Ramgoolam in 1981 and 1988 meeting with Prime Minister Jugnauth; ambassador appointments; and a request to name a library/school in Mauritius after Mrs. Reagan.

Mexico (United Mexican States) (2.2 l.ft.; Box 126-132)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to correspondence with border states officials, members of Congress and Governors, on immigration, maquiladora border labor/factory arrangements and border environmental issues; USIA reports on Mexican views of US-Mexican meetings; constructing a second San Diego border crossing at Otay Mesa; review of all US/Mexico border crossings; embargo on import of Mexican tuna and seizure of US tuna boats; meetings of the Interparliamentary Conference between Mexican and US legislators; organizing an association of Caribbean nations; Southwest Border Regulatory Commission; possible guest worker contracts; Mexican debt crisis,  peso devaluation and nationalization of banks; economic policy statements for Mexico; annual meetings between Reagan and the presidents of Mexico Jose Lopez Portillo and Miguel de la Madrid; traveler safety in Mexico; the US-Mexican Bi-National Commission; Mexican Central America policy and the Contadora peace process; the October 1985 Mexico City earthquake; restriction of Mexican trucker licenses for the US; the murder of DEA agent Enrique S. Camarena; Bilateral Commission on the Future of US-Mexican Relations Report; Report of the Agricultural Trade and Development Mission to Mexico; and ambassador appointments.

The following Case Files in this Subject Category have been digitized:


CO105 Monaco (2 folders; Box 132)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the death and funeral of Princess Grace; the visit of the Rainier family at the White House for the launch of the Princess Grace Foundation; and details of the private dinner for Prince Rainier on October 14, 1986.
CO106 Mongolia (Outer Mongolia) People’s Republic (1 folder; Box 132)
This secondary subject category contains a transfer sheet.   All material within this category was regarding Morocco.  See CO107.
CO107 Morocco (.3 l.ft.; Box 132-133)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; 1981 Vice President’s meeting with Foreign Minister Boucetta; President Reagan meetings with King Hassan in 1981 and 1982; 1984 Official Working Visit of Prime Minister Mohamed Karim-Lamrani; King Hassan report on 1981 actions in the Nairobi meeting of the Organization of African Unity; 1981 shoot down of two Moroccan aircraft; human rights concerns for political prisoners in Morocco especially M’Barek Touil; the Moroccan-American Foundation; report of David Rockefeller on Morocco trip; Caspar Weinberger trip to Morocco and the US-Moroccan Joint Military Commission; 1984 US-Moroccan Convention on Criminal Matters; the Oujda Treaty between Libya and Morocco of 1985; and the commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the US-Morocco friendship treaty.
CO108 Mozambique, People’s Republic of (.2 l. ft.; Box 133-134)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a 1981 and 1987 review of events in Mozambique and US policy towards Mozambique; Reagan meeting with President Machal in 1985 and the controversy surrounding the meeting; conservative concerns over US policies towards Mozambique and support for RENAMO; President Machal’s death in an plane crash in 1986; 1987 Reagan meeting with President Chissano; and various reports on RENAMO atrocities.
CO109 Nauru (1 folder, Box 134)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments and the Vice President’s meeting with President Hammer deRoburt in July 1981.
CO110 Nepal (.1 l.ft.; Box 134)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the state visit of King Birenda in December 1983; the Vice President’s meeting with Prime Minister Thapa in February 1983 and head of state holiday greetings.

Netherlands (.3 l.ft.; Box 134-135)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the official working visit of Prime Minister van Agt for March-April 1981. The Prime Minister met with the Vice President instead due to the assassination attempt on President Reagan on March 30, 1981.  Additional material includes the 1982 state visit of Queen Beatrix to commemorate the bicentennial of Dutch-US relations; Queen Beatrix’s address to a Joint Session of Congress; ambassador appointments; the working visit of Prime Minister Rudd Lubbers in 1983; meetings throughout 1983 and 1984 with Dutch cabinet ministers on the question of INF basing in the Netherlands; and a new extradition treaty signed in September 1983.

This secondary subject category also contains material relating to the Netherland Antilles and the renegotiation of a US/Netherland Antilles tax treaty.

CO112 New Caledonia (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO113 New Zealand (.2 l.ft; Box 135)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the visit of Prime Minister Muldoon in July 1981 and the working visit of Muldoon in February 1984; Vice President’s dinner with Muldoon in September 1983; maritime boundary treaties with Cook Islands and Tokelau under New Zealand administration; proclamation of new tax convention with New Zealand in 1983; ambassador appointments; refusal of port entry to US ships carrying nuclear weapons starting in 1986; US protests against New Zealand port entry policy; Congressional resolutions against New Zealand and USIA public diplomacy efforts in New Zealand.
CO114 Nicaragua (3.6 l.ft.; Box 135-144)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; 1987 expulsion of Nicaraguan diplomats from the US and later US refusal to issue non-immigrant visas to Embassy personnel; assistance in extracting Americans imprisoned or detained in Nicaragua; support for US policies in Nicaragua from citizens, officials and exiled Nicaraguans; offers of assistance with US policies in Nicaragua; general reports on the current situation in Nicaragua; concern for the persecution of the Miskito Indians of Nicaragua; opposition to US policies in Nicaragua primarily from church leaders and groups, citizens and US officials; US funding for both military and humanitarian support for the Contras/“Freedom Fighters” and Congressional refusal of funding; private funding for the Contras; the William J. Casey Freedom Fund for Nicaragua; linkage of drug trafficking to Nicaragua; semi-annual reports on the “state of emergency” with Nicaragua instituted in May 1985; pressing the State Department to call Nicaragua a communist state; the White House Outreach Group on Central America; the publication, “White House Digests” of the Outreach Group; the public diplomacy campaigns by the Department of State, 1983-1989; strategic memoranda on “how to win” in Nicaragua; polling information on US attitudes on Nicaragua and the Contras; reaction to 1984 Nicaraguan elections; the Nicaragua harbor mining and the World Court case; the Contadora Central American peace process; US problems with the Contadora process; the 1987 Guatemala City accord of the Contadora nations; head of state letters to Contadora countries; US bipartisan peace plan (President Reagan/Speaker of the House Jim Wright); president’s meetings with the UNO and DNR (Democratic Nicaraguan Resistance); statement of “beliefs and goals” of the United Nicaraguan Organization; and multiple publications on Nicaragua from the Department of State, the Department of Defense, and non-governmental opinion groups.
CO115 Niger, Republic of (3 folders, Box 145)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Vice President’s meeting with Foreign Minister Diallo and President Kountche in 1981; President’s meeting with President Kountche in 1984; ambassador appointments; aid to Sahel countries and relief for the African drought/famine.
CO116 Nigeria, Federal Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 145)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with the Vice President of Nigeria Alex Ekweume and Alhaji Shehu Musa for the bilateral US/Nigeria economic meetings; efforts to create a “special channel” of communication for Nigeria and the US; ambassador appointments; US assistance for Marie McBroom, imprisoned in Nigeria; Nigerian economic crisis and Nigerian Central Bank problems; possible establishment of School of Economics in Nigeria; Prairie International’s farming project in Nigeria; US visit of Chief Samuel Falae in October 1988; and possible US visit for President and Mrs. Babangida in late 1988.
CO116-01 Biafra, Republic of (Empty) 
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO117 Norway (.2 l.ft.; Box 145-146)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Vice President meeting with Foreign Minister Svenn Stray in November 1981 and Norwegian foreign affairs Parliamentary committee; ambassador appointments; President and Mrs. Reagan social meetings with King Olav in 1982 and 1988; President Reagan 1983 meeting with Prime Minister Kaare Willoch and April 1987 meeting with Prime Minister Brundtland; revision and renewal of Norway/US Cooperative Agreement on Uses of Nuclear Energy; memorandum of conversation with Norwegian State Secretary regarding leases in the Troll gas field; objections to Norway’s compliance with the international whaling conventions; and negotiations on Norway’s lease of I-Hawk missiles.
CO118 Oman, Sultanate of (3 folders; Box 146)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the invitation and state visit of the Sultan of Oman to the United States in April 1983; the Vice President’s meeting with the Sultan in 1983; the Smithsonian request to host the Sultan to view the new Near Eastern cultural exhibits; ambassador appointments and meetings with the National Security Advisor and the Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi.

Pakistan, Islamic Republic of (.5 l.ft.; Box 146-147)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the state visit of President Zia in December 1982; requests to allow Mrs. Nusrat Bhutto to leave Pakistan for cancer treatment; human rights abuses in Pakistan and support for political prisoners particularly academic prisoners; establishment of the US-Pakistan Joint Committee; Vice President meetings with President Zia and Foreign Minister Yaqub Khan; USIA report on Kirk Douglas visit to Pakistan and Afghanistan; US efforts to assist Pakistan in fighting the narcotics and drug trafficking in Pakistan; establishment of US-Pakistan Working Group on Narcotics; lending our customs assistance to Pakistan for control of drug trafficking; the state visit of Prime Minister Mohammed Khan Junejo in July 1986; head of state correspondence on military assistance to Pakistan, nuclear proliferation, restoration of representative government in late 1985; and the situation in Afghanistan; Indian and Indian-American protests against providing Pakistan with AWACS; President Zia cancellation of June 1988 visit due to domestic unrest; death of President Zia, Ambassador Raphel and Brigadier General Wasson in a August 17, 1988 plane crash; and Pakistan positions regarding the negotiations of Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 



400621 (1)

400773 (1)





400621 (2)

400773 (2)





400621 (3)










CO120 Palestine, Islamic Republic of (.4 l.ft.; Box 147-148)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to establishing a Reagan foreign policy for the West Bank and Palestinian issues; public citizens and groups urging the US to recognize the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people and to negotiate directly with them; positive and negative response to the direct talks with the PLO in 1988; human rights violations within the occupied territories; American Jewish organizations protesting the perceived “rehabilitation” of Yasser Arafat by President Mubarak; reports on private conversations with Arafat; the Anti-Terrorism Act of 1987 and the its requirement to close the PLO Information Office in Washington, DC and the Palestinian UN Observer’s Office; the decision not to appeal the District Court’s over-ruling of the closure of the Palestine UN Observation Office and opinions on the legal status of an independent Palestine state.

Panama, Republic of (.6 l.ft.; Box 148-150)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Congressman Eldon Rudd’s reports on talks with General Manuel Noriega in 1981 and his accession to head of the Panamanian National Guard in 1984; concerns about the Canal Zone and the School of the Americas under the 1977 Panama Canal Treaty; formal resolution of the dual wage scales in the Canal area by US government agencies; calls for the US to support a coup in Panama and return democracy; ambassador appointments; Reagan meeting with President de la Espriella in 1982; Reagan meeting with President-elect Barletta in July 1984; Barletta request to meet President Reagan after being deposed; human rights violations and general loss of civic rights in Panama; accusations of poor treatment of Americans and opposition parties by the Panama National Guard; piracy of videocassettes by Panama; resignation of Ambassador Briggs in 1986; October 1986 request for Congressional testimony of Oliver North and Bill Perry on drug trafficking in Panama; increasing alarm about the Panamanian situation in 1987-1988 and the safety of Canal Zone employees; Executive Order 12635 establishing a state of emergency with Panama and allowing the President to impose economic sanctions; Panama Canal Commission and the business community objections to certain aspects of EO 12635; May 1988 negotiations for the removal of General Noriega; protests against the possible removal of  criminal drug charges against Noriega; legal opinions regarding a General Accounting Office proposed investigation of government involvement with Noriega and awareness of drug trafficking by foreign governments; proposed Congressional amendment to force the White House to cooperate with the GAO investigation;  White House press release on decision to not cooperate with the GAO and financial and economic measures for post-Noriega Panama.

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized:

597000-605999 611000-618999
606000-610999 619000-END

Papua New Guinea (2 folders; Box 150)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to negotiations regarding American tuna fishing within Papua New Guinea adjacent seas; cancelled drop-by with Prime Minister Michael Somare; ambassador appointments; Caspar Weinberger interest in setting up a visit for Prime Minister Somare in 1985; and pleas to President Reagan to assist the “West Papua New Guinea” (West Irian) gain freedom from Indonesia.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-399999 400000-END

Paraguay, Republic of (1 folder; Box 150)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a possible Reagan meeting with President Alfredo Stroessner in May 1981; ambassador appointments; an invitation to Reagan to visit Paraguay and Paraguay participation in international drug abuse conferences and meetings sponsored by the White House.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:  

 Entire Category


Peru, Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 150)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with a Peruvian Senator in March 1981; discussion of the Peru/Ecuador border dispute; support for Perez de Cuellar as UN General Secretary; the visit to Peru of an American Agricultural Task Force; assistance for Americans incarcerated in Peru; Carlton Turner involvement in drug abuse and trafficking issues in Peru; Reagan meeting with Prime Minister Belaunde in September 1984; celebration of 40th anniversary of the Food for Peace program; civic aviation dispute with Peru and the suspension of AeroPeru flights; concern about the worsening domestic situation in Peru in 1987-1988; and President Reagan’s honoring Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin - 069999

270000 - 389999

070000 - 075999

390000 - 499999

076000 - 199999

500000 - End

200000 - 269999



This secondary subject category contains material relating to human and civil rights abuses and political murders of Benigno Aquino and Cesar Clemaco under the Marcos presidency; Filipino-American groups protesting the Marcos government; support for Marcos from World War II retirees and Philippine based American business; ambassador appointments; requests for US funding for various projects in the Philippines; Vice-President’s meeting with Imelda Marcus in August 1981; the State visit of President and Mrs. Marcos in September 1982; the Philippines statehood movement; the charges and trial of Catholic priests Niall O’Brian and Vicente Dagan; condemnation of the fraud in the February 1986 presidential elections by observer groups; Congress; and Filipino and American citizens; the transportation of the Marcos family to Hickham Air Force Base after his resignation; protests against costs incurred by the US government in extracting the Marcos family; the indictment of Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos for fraud; and support for a “Marshall Plan” for the Philippines to help with economic problems after President Marcos resigns.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Entire Category


Poland, Polish People’s Republic (1.8 l.ft.; Box 153-158)

This secondary subject category contains material relating to U.S.-Polish relations; possible US visit by Solidarity leader Lech Walesa; correspondence with Reagan by Lech Walesa; the Polish economic crisis of the 1980s including Poland’s international debts and food shortages; sending food and humanitarian relief to Poland through private groups and the Polish Catholic Church; the imposition of economic sanctions against Poland and the Soviet Union after martial law declared in December 1981; the Worldnet airing of USIA production, “Let Poland be Poland”; continued contact with Solidarity support groups; 1988 Reagan meeting with Solidarity leaders; Solidarity reports on human rights violation and political prisoners held in Poland; drafts of Presidential statements regarding Poland; the imposition and ending of martial law in Poland; Congressional resolutions in support of Solidarity and Polish resistance to Soviet rule; and relaxation of immigration laws for Polish exiles.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-021999 028000-035475
022000-027999 035476
CO127 Portugal, Republic of (.3 l.ft.; Box 158-159)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; US basing negotiations; Portuguese insight to African issues especially regarding Angola, and  Mozambique; Portugal State visit of Presidents Eanes in 1983; Reagan meeting with President Soares in 1987; Reagan meeting with Prime Ministers Balsemao in 1982, Prime Minster Soares in 1984 and Prime Minister Cavaco Silva in 1986 and 1988; the Luso-American Foundation; Reagan telephone conversation with President Soares on his 1987 trip to Moscow; and a Congressional tribute to Dr. de Sousa Mendes, Portuguese diplomat who helped refugees escape the Nazis in World War II.
CO128 Qatar, State of (1 folder; Box 159)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the cancellation of 1983 Qatar Independence Day celebration; reception of a gift for Chief of Staff James Baker; assistance for Creighton, Ltd. in a contract dispute with Qatar; and head of state correspondence on the Iran-Iraq War, Independence Day greetings, and an invitation for the Amir to meet Reagan during a UN session.
CO129 Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) (.2 l.ft.; Box 159)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; submission to Congress of required reports on Zimbabwe progress in economics and instituting democracy as required by the International Security and Development Cooperation Act of 1980; opening of textile trade show in Zimbabwe; July 1982 kidnapping of 6 hostages in Zimbabwe; the Thornhill trial of 6 white Air Force officers; official working visit with President Mugabe in September 1983; human rights violations in Zimbabwe; possible purchase of fighter jets; the deportation case of Terrence Karamba; report to President Reagan on the increase in the capitalization of the African Development Bank; and the 1988 African Prize for Leadership in the fight against hunger to President Mugabe.
CO130 Romania, (Rumania) Socialist Republic of (.4 l.ft.; Box 159-160)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to assistance with emigration cases from Romania; using cancellation of  Romania’s Most Favored Nation trade status to encourage great human rights, religious freedom and open emigration policies; campaigns for release of political prisoners; Vice President’s meeting with Foreign Minister Manescu in 1983; Congressional resolutions in 1987 to temporarily suspend MFN for Romania; partial manuscripts from high-ranking Romanian defector Ion Pacepa;  the status of Pacepa’s daughter and son-in-law in Romania; ambassador appointments; protection of the Hungarian minority in Romania especially Transylvania and protests against the cultural destruction of Romania by Nicolae Ceausescu.

Rwanda, Republic (1 folder; Box 160)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with General Bonaventure Habimana in 1982; ambassador appointments; the visit of Director of the Peace Corps Loret Ruppe to Rwanda in 1985; and attempts to schedule a Reagan and President Juvenal Habyarimana meeting for 1987-1988.


CO132 San Marino, Republic of (1 folder; Box 160)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to possible establishment of full diplomatic relations with the Republic of San Marino including an embassy located in San Marino.
CO133 Sao Tome and Principe, Democratic Republic of (1 folder; Box 160)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; and thank-you letters from President Pinto da Costa for US attendance at their first “Round Table” meeting of donors to Sao Tome and to the Vice President for meeting da Costa in 1986.
CO134 Saudi Arabia (.3 l.ft.; Box 161-162)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Vice President’s meetings with Saudi Ambassadors and Oil Ministers; requests for assistance for Americans incarcerated or detained in Saudi Arabia; accusations of torture and inhumane treatment for American prisoners in Saudi Arabia; commercial enterprises in Saudi Arabia; reports on Saudi oil policy; proposal for additional arms sales to Saudi Arabia in 1985-1986 and Congressional objections; head of state letters with King Fahd on visiting American Cabinet Secretaries; Middle East peace; the Iran-Iraq war; the situation in Afghanistan; Persian Gulf security; the Saudi purchase of Chinese missiles, and the beginnings of the first Intifada; the State visit of King Fahd in February 1985; 1987 Reagan photo opportunity with Crown Prince Abdullah and resolution of an American falcon smuggling case against Saudi royalty.
CO135 Senegal, Republic of (.1 l.ft; Box 162)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the Vice President’s meeting with President Abdouf Diouf in July 1983; the President’s meeting with Diouf in August 1983, April 1985 (includes a memorandum of conversation), and August 1987; and Head of State correspondence from Diouf regarding congratulatory messages from the President, holiday greetings; requests for more food aid due to 1980s drought; concerns about African representation on the World Bank Board of Directors, and condolences for various plane crashes involving Americans.
CO136 Seychelles, Republic of (1 folder; Box 162)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Seychelles government-in-exile and former President James Mancham and the US non-response to the government-in-exile.
CO137 Sierra Leone, Republic of (2 folders; Box 162)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; a California group promoting business and trade with Sierra Leone; praise for the Country Director for the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone; and a photo opportunity for President Momah with Reagan in October 1988.
CO138 Sikkim (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO139 Singapore, Republic of (.3 l.ft.; Box 162-163)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the lunch meeting for Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew with President Reagan in June 1981, the official visit to the United States in October 1985 and a private visit with President Reagan in April 1988; possible arms sales to Singapore; ambassador appointments; contract dispute regarding Air Force technical restrictions; assistance with Cambodia, the Philippines and Vietnam; Singapore disappointment at being “graduated” from the generalized system of preferences in January 1989.
CO140 Somalia, Democratic Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 163)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the meeting of President Reagan and President Said Barre in March 1981 and possible June 1988 meeting; Head of State letters concerning US military assistance and conditions in the Horn of Africa;  concern for political prisoners in Somalia; Vice President’s and Robert McFarlane’s meeting with First Vice President and Defense Minister Mohammad Ali Samantar in June 1983 ; and the National Academy of Sciences Report on Scientists and Human Rights in Somalia; and the NAS plea for US assistance for scientists on trial in Somalia.

South Africa, Republic of (4.7 l.ft.; Box 163-175)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; South African occupation of Namibia, Namibian independence and coordination of US policy with allies on Namibia; 1988 negotiations for a settlement involving removal of South African occupation of Namibia; South Africa involvement and invasion of Angola; South Africa raids in neighboring countries on African National Congress (ANC) outposts; comments on apartheid policies in South Africa and the US policy of “constructive engagement” with South Africa from citizens, interest groups –especially religious organizations, businesses and elected officials at all levels of government; 1985 anti-apartheid bill; declaration of state of emergency with South Africa in 1985; Executive Orders 12532 and 12535 declaring limited sanctions; Executive Order 12571 implementing 1986 sanctions; support for President Reagan’s opposition to punitive sanctions against South Africa and his veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986; Head of State correspondence from other foreign leaders concerned about the situation in South Africa and campaigning for US sanctions; Reagan meetings with Bishop Desmond Tutu and Mangosuthu Buthelezi; concern for human rights violations in South Africa and various political prisoners; diplomatic status of the “homelands” within South Africa; new consular treaty with South Africa in 1984; 1981 report from the Study Commission on US Policy toward South Africa; business compliance with the “Sullivan Code”; guidance for administration speakers on South Africa policy and the sanctions bill and veto; 1987 and 1988  reviews of US policy towards South Africa; 1987 report on the affects of sanctions; constitutionality of local and state sanctions legislation; South Africa Working Group and their public diplomacy program; and Department of State publications on US policy in South African and South African publications on their efforts to expand black South African rights and their new constitution.

White House Director of Communications, 1985-1987, Patrick Buchanan, worked extensively on US South African policy and particularly on the public affairs campaign to stop enactment of sanctions against South Africa and the effort to sustain President Reagan’s veto of the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986. This secondary subject category contains numerous examples of his specific work product including correspondence regarding South Africa, US policy and sanctions, internal memos, strategy ideas and extensive editing for his editorial published immediately prior to the vote on sustaining the veto entitled “Do We Have to Destroy South Africa in Order to Save Her?”    

CO142 South Pacific Islands (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO143 Namibia [South West Africa] (.2 l.ft.; Box 175)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to independence efforts for Namibia; reports from politicians and residents on the current situation in Namibia and the fear of SWAPO (South West Africa People’s Organization); multiple copies of a lengthy 1984 report on Namibia from the President of the National Rifle Association, Howard Pollock, after his visit there; religious group support for Namibian independence, particularly from the Lutheran Church; and dissatisfaction with the US led negotiation process for independence.For more material relating to Namibia please see CO141 (South Africa).
CO144 Aden [Yemen, People’s Democratic Republic of] (1 folder; Box 176)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to South Yemen’s (PDRY) protest against US policies in Central American and the Caribbean and an Amnesty International report on political prisoners and human rights abuses in the PDRY.
CO145 Spain (.5 l.ft; Box 176-177)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the February 1981 right-wing coup attempt; the State visit of King Juan Carlos I in October 1981 and various private meetings and conversations with King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia throughout the administration; negotiations for US basing rights in Spain and the extensions and resigning of agreements in 1981 and 1983; ambassador appointments; Reagan meeting and photo opportunities with Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez, opposition party leaders and Basque representatives; Spanish participation in the Louisiana World Expo and US participation in the Seville Expo ’92; signing of a routine postal agreement; Spanish/US cooperation for the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary; diplomatic protocol for King Juan Carlos’ trip to Puerto Rico; and the arrest of the head of the Church of Scientology in Spain.
CO146 Spanish Sahara [Western Sahara] (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.

Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 177-178)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Buddhist holiday Wesak greetings from Prime Minister Premadasa; ambassador appointments; Vice President’s meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Tyronne Fernando in November 1981; Don Regan’s meeting with Finance Minister Ronnie de Mel in 1985; State visit of President Jayewardene in June 1984; Head of State correspondence primarily regarding US aid to Sri Lanka and the Tamil uprising; human rights concerns regarding persecution of the Tamil rebels; state restructuring in 1986 to provide power sharing to the provinces; and the aid project, Thriposna, administered through C.A.R.E.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:




Sudan, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 178)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with Vice President and Minister of Defense Abd al-Majid Hamad Khalil in July 1981; the Vice Presidents meeting with President Gaafar Mohamad Nimeiri in 1982; the President’s meeting with President Nimeiri in 1983; ambassador appointments; the Food for Peace program; human rights problems in the developing civil war in southern Sudan; imposition of Sharia law on non-Muslims in the south Sudan; review of Chester Crocker visit to Sudan in 1986 and a review of problems in delivery food aid to relieve the famine in Sudan.

The Case Filesin this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

BEGIN-299999 310000-349000
300000-309999 350000-END

Suriname, Republic of (2 folders, Box 178)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; a possible security contract for protection of the New York City Consulate; the Council for the Liberation of Suriname; genocide of the Maroon population in Suriname and a 1987 report from an international visit by European, African, Caribbean and Asian representatives on the political and economic stability of Suriname.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

BEGIN-399999 400000-END

Swaziland, Kingdom of (1 folder; Box 178)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Vernon Orr’s attendance at the silver jubilee of King Sobhuza II; the sugar industry and export constraints; and Colonel Milton Frank’s attendance at the coronation of King Mswati III.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Entire Category


Sweden (.3 l.ft.; Box 178-179)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to private visits by King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia in 1981, 1982, and 1988; declaration of 1988 as the Year of New Sweden commemorating the 250th anniversary of a Swedish colony in America; the official visit of Prime Minister Carlsson in September 1987; Joint Resolution making Raoul Wallenberg an honorary US citizen; efforts to determine the exact disposition of Raoul Wallenberg; 1984 speech by the Swedish Defense Minister on increasing Swedish defense spending; and Soviet implications of US involvement in the assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

BEGIN-069999 450000-513036 513038-520488 520491-539999
070000-109999 513037 (1) 520489 (1) 540000-554999
110000-149999 513037 (2) 520489 (2) 555000-569999
150000-299999 513037 (3) 520490 (1) 570000-END
300000-449999 513037 (4) 520490 (2)  

Switzerland (.1 l.ft.; Box 179)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Ambassador John Davis Lodge communications and a speech given in Switzerland on the Western alliance; US visit by Swiss based Director General Francis Blanchard of the International Labor Organization; ambassador appointments; Vice President meetings with Swiss Senate President Peter  Hefti in 1981 and Vice President Furgler in 1984; NSC meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister Edouard Brunner; SwissAir landing rights for Houston and civil aviation negotiations between the United States and Switzerland; conclusion of World War II claims by Swiss citizens on German war property held by the United States; Congressional resolution in praise of Swiss support for international peace and understanding and photo opportunities with Reagan for Vice President Jean Pascal Delamuraz and Justice Minister Elisabeth Koop.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-149999 230000-279999 380000-539999
150000-229999 280000-379999 540000-END

Syrian Arab Republic (.1 l.ft.; Box 179)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; US pressure on Syria to permit Jewish emigration from Syria and the Abadi murder incident; Senator Hatch suggestions regarding Syria for Robert McFarlane’s Mideast 1983 shuttle diplomacy; and concerns about Syrian sponsored terrorism.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-099999 230000-445999
100000-229999 446000-END

Tanzania, United Republic of (1 folder; Box 179)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments, the cancellation of the working visit in 1988 for President Mwinyi; and a request for books to be sent to Tanzanian libraries.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Thailand (.3 l.ft.; Box 180)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the meetings with Reagan by Prime Minister Prem in October 1981 and April 1984; concern for Americans incarcerated in Thailand on drug charges; various private visits by Queen Sirikit and her children with the Reagans; Head of State letters exchanging greetings and gratitude for visits; concerns for Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Hmong refugees in Thai camps; signing of US-Thailand Science & Technology agreement; and a brief Reagan meeting with Foreign Minister Siddhi in April 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-029999 050000-129999 240000-299999 450000-529999 560000-END
030000-044999 130000-215999 300000-339999 530000-554899  
045000-049999 216000-239999 340000-449999 554900-559999  

Tibet (3 folders; Box 180)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for US and the President’s support of Tibetan independence, the Dalai Lama’s five point peace plan and condemnation of human rights abuses by the US Tibet Committee, the “government-in-exile” groups, legislators and private citizens, request for the Dalia Lama to meet with Reagan in 1984 and a Department of State meeting with members of the government-in-exile in 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-507999 508000-529999 530000-END

Togo, Republic of (2 folders, Box 180)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to NSC meeting with Foreign Minister Anani Alakpo-Ahianyo; brief Reagan meeting with President Gnassingbe Eaydema in October 1983 and head of state correspondence conveying gratitude for visit and visit of Loret Ruppe of the Peace Corps; report on the coup attempt against him and apologies for not seeing Undersecretary Bishop on visit to Togo.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-279999 280000-END

Tonga, Republic of (1 folder, Box 180)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; US assistance for Tonga after the March 1982 tropical cyclone and a letter of appreciation for his Washington, DC visit from King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 


Entire Category

CO159 Trieste (Empty)
From 1947-1954, the city of Trieste was an independent city-state under the protection of the United Nations.  The city was divided between Allied supervision and Yugoslavian supervision.  This was dissolved in 1954 as the Allied part of the city became a part of the Italian Republic and the remainder became a part of Yugoslavia.  This secondary subject category is no longer active.

Trinidad and Tobago, Republic of (2 folders, Box 181)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; trade issues regarding the steel industry and the Iron and Steel Company of Trinidad and Tobago (ISCOTT); and Colin Powell meetings with ambassadors in 1987 and 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Begin-499999 500000-End
CO161 Trucial States (Empty)
The Trucial States were a group of emirates in the Persian Gulf organized as a British Protectorate.  This protectorate ended in 1971 and the core group of states reorganized themselves as the United Arab Emirates. This secondary subject category is no longer active.  Please see CO166 (United Arab Emirates).

Tunisia, Republic of  (.2 l.ft.; Box 181)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; working visit of Prime Minister Mzali in April 1982; working visit of President Habib Bourguiba in June 1985; head of state correspondence exchanging get well wishes, gratitude for hospitality on visits, and regrets for cancelling a visit; preparations for an official working visit of President Ben Ali, later cancelled; closure of  Jewish synagogues on holy days to protect Tunisian Jews; November 1984 Robert McFarlane meeting with Defense Minister Slaheddine Baly; and request for President Reagan to intervene on behalf Islamic fundamentalists facing death penalty in 1988.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-047999 060000-083999 150000-289999 320000-549999 592000-END
048000-059999 084000-149999 290000-319999 550000-591999  

Turkey, Republic of (.6 l.ft.; Box 181-183)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; meetings with Turkish ambassador Sukru Elekdag, Foreign Ministers Turkemen and Kandemir, Prime Minister Turgut Ozal in 1985, 1987 and 1988, and the state visit of President Kenan Evren in 1987; Congressional resolutions on the Armenian genocide; public opinion on the Armenian genocide and Turkish occupation of northern Cyprus; human rights violations in Turkey; defense aid to Turkey; murder of a Turkish diplomat in Los Angeles in 1982; protection of Turkish minorities in Pakistan refugee camps and in Bulgaria and protection of the Orthodox community in Turkey.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized: 

BEGIN-019999 024000-030999 100000-153999 180000-234999
020000-023999 031000-099999 154000-179999  

Uganda, Republic of (2 folders, Box 183)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; pressing the UN to put Idi Amin on trial; human rights concerns for Sudanese Ugandans and other refugees; political prisoners in Uganda and a photo opportunity for President Musiveni with President Reagan in 1987.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

BEGIN-399999 400000-END

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)] (11.9 l. ft.; Box 183-213)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Soviet dissidents; Soviet political prisoners; religious freedom within the USSR; requests for emigration assistance to those wanting to leave the USSR; plight of Soviet Jews, plight of Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Ukrainians and Germans in the Soviet Union; status of Raoul Wallenberg; arrest of Nicholas Daniloff; Chernobyl nuclear accident; Soviet role in Afghanistan; meetings with Soviet officials; Gorbachev’s 1987 and 1988 US visits; US-USSR Summits in Geneva, 1985, Reykjavik, 1986, Washington, 1987 and Moscow, 1988; campaign by Lawrence, Kansas to be site of US-USSR summit; trade with the Soviet Union; restrictions on technology exchange; return of Alaskan Arctic islands to Russian sovereignty; assistance for victims of the Armenian earthquake of 1988; independence for Armenia; wheat sales; some issues of  Soviet Military Power; USIA studies of Soviet propaganda efforts in various regions; political humor in the Soviet Union; and articles, speeches and papers on US-Soviet relations.

For more material regarding emigration issues for Soviet Jews, please see CO074 (Israel).


United Arab Emirates (1 folder; Box 213)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; head of state correspondence thanking the United States for National Day Greetings; gratitude for gifts; and the possible Washington visit of Sheikh Zayed.

This subject file category has been fully digitized: 

 Entire Category


United Kingdom (2.2 l.ft.; Box 213-218)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Northern Ireland, including the IRA hunger strikes of 1981 and the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement; the 1982 Falkland Islands war with Argentina; meetings and correspondence involving President Reagan, Prime Minister Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth II, and other US and British officials; visits to the US by Mrs. Thatcher, the Queen, Prince Philip, and Prince Charles and Princess Diana; British politics and government, including the general elections of 1983; British economic, foreign, and trade policies; and a campaign to obtain President Reagan’s support for a granting of knighthood to Ian MacNab of Canada.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized: 

109000-117999 267000-270651
CO168 Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) (2 folders; Box 218)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments and the Washington visit of Foreign Minister Tientaraboumi with Vice President Bush in June 1982. The Republic of Upper Volta was renamed in 1984 to reflect a name from its tribal languages.  Our records include both Upper Volta and Burkina Faso.
CO169 Uruguay, Oriental Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 218-219)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to efforts to obtain the release of political cartoonist Francisco Laurenzo Pons; correspondence from Prime Minister Soares of Portugal regarding imprisonment of Uruguayan political leader Wilson Ferreira ambassador appointments; concern for other political prisoners; Nobel Laureates and other scientists concern for imprisoned Jose Luis Messera; the state visit of President Julio Sanguinetti in June 1986 and the US Trade Representative comments for President Sanguinetti regarding the Cartagena Congress.

Vatican City (.4 l.ft.; Box 219-220)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to meetings between US and Vatican officials; the 1984 establishment of full diplomatic relations with the Vatican; the appointment of ambassadors to the Holy See, the 1984 meeting in Alaska between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II; the Pope’s 1987 meeting with President Reagan during his pastoral visit to the United States; annual public Papal messages such as the “Day of Peace” message, and unsolicited recommendations for meetings between private American citizens and the Pope.
The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized: 

BEGIN-019999 190000-200999 400000-444999
180000-189999 205000-244999 470000-549999

Venezuela, Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 220-221)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the State visits of President Herrera Campins in November 1981 and President Lusinchi in December 1984; carnival equipment impounded in Venezuela since 1979; Vice President’s meeting and memorandum of conversation with Interior Minister Montes de Oca  in 1982; trade disputes with Venezuela; visit of Venezuelan state-owned oil company; a Venezuelan report for the President’s Task Force on Energy Security; a request for Reagan’s help in freeing Orlando Bosch from Venezuela and a complaint about the US embassy staff in Caracas.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

280000-299999 486000-529999
300000-485999 530000-END

Vietnam, Socialist Republic of (.2 l.ft.; Box 221)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vietnam National Salvation Committee; aid to Vietnam; political prisoners; Amerasian children; National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam; Vietnamese defectors; United Front of Patriotic Forces for the Liberation of Vietnam; human rights; US‑Vietnam relations; Cambodia; Laos; negotiations for the establishment of interest sections; and United States policy towards Indochina.

This subject file category has been fully digitized: 

BEGIN-023544 078000-149999 515000-559999
023545 (1) 150000-249999 560000-599999
023545 (2) 250000-399999 600000-604999
023546-077999 250000-399999 605000-END

Anguilla (1 folder; Box 221)
This secondary subject category consists entirely of transfer sheets.  Case files were misfiled within this subject category based on its former designation (West Indies).  The majority of the material was transferred to CO191 (St.Christopher and Nevis).

This subject file category has been fully digitized: 

Entire Category

CO174 Western Samoa, Independent State of (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.  

Yemen, Arab Republic (2 folders; Box 221)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; Vice President Bush meetings with President Ali Abdullah Salah’s representative and his meeting with Foreign Minister Abdul Karim al-Iryani; the release of American prisoner William Thomas, Jr.; and the official working visit of President Salah in January 1987.

This subject file category has been fully digitized: 

Entire Category


Yugoslavia, Socialist Federal Republic of (.5 l.ft.; Box 221-223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to US policy toward Yugoslavia as a non-aligned Communist state; criticisms and allegations stemming from mistreatment of Yugoslavia’s ethnic groups by its current government, or by the Nazis during World War II; the Andrija Artukovic and Rajko Medenica cases; the 1984 visit of Yugoslav President Spiljak to the United States; contacts between US and Yugoslav government officials; and ambassador appointments.

The following Case Files from this Subject Category have been digitized:

BEGIN-029999 050000-083999
030000-049999 084000-149999
CO177 Zaire, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to Presidential, Vice-Presidential, and cabinet member meetings with President Mobutu and Zairian officials; routine head of state correspondence; President Mobutu’s US visits; public correspondence re human rights in Zaire; ambassador appointments; and speeches re Zaire.
CO178 Zambia, Republic of (.1 l.ft.; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Vice President’s meeting with Zairian UN representative Paul Lusada; working visits with President Kenneth Kuanda in 1983 and 987; trade issues regarding copper; ambassador appointments; economic reforms in Zambia and head of state correspondence regarding the signing of the Brazzaville Accord in 1988 removing Cuban troops from Angola.
CO179 Djibouti, Republic of (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to President Gouled Hassan informing the US he would be personally involved in seeking peaceful solutions to the Horn of Africa problems.
CO180 Comoros, Federal and Islamic Republic of (2 folders, Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; head of state correspondence regarding a better Comoros-US relationship and gratitude for US participation in a donor’s conference in 1984.
CO181 Transkei, Republic of (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the “independent” Republic of Transkei, one of the “homelands” created as part of the Republic of South Africa’s apartheid policy.  The material is regarding possible recognition by the US of the independence of Transkei.
CO182 Solomon Islands (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests from Prime Minister Mamalani for closer ties and US assistance, a request for specific aid to East Rennel in the Solomon Islands; and ambassador appointments.
CO183 Tuvalu (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the 1983 ratification and proclamation of a treaty of friendship between the US and Tuvalu.
CO184 Dominica, Commonwealth of (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; the Vice President’s meeting with Prime Minister Eugenia Charles in June 1984; and advice from Charles to Reagan on Caribbean issues.
CO185 St. Lucia (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments and Prime Minister Compton’s gratitude for Los Alamos Laboratory help in capturing renewable energy resources in St. Lucia.
CO186 Gilbert Islands (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains a single transfer form.
CO187 Kiribati, Republic of (2 folders; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the 1983 ratification and proclamation of a treaty of friendship between the US and Kiribati and concern about a Kiribati-Soviet Union fishing agreement.
CO188 St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO189 Vanuatu, Republic of (New Hebrides) (1 folder; Box 223)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to establishment of diplomatic relations in 1986; head of state correspondence regarding Prime Minister Walter Lini’s February 1987 and requests for assistance for leasing of planes for Vanuatu airlines.
CO190 Palau (.3 l.ft.; Box 223-224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the negotiations, adjustments, enacting legislation (H.J. Res. 626) and local Palau voting on the Free Compact of Association agreement; 1988 implementation of the Free Compact; requests for US assistance while still a trusteeship; requests for continued US presence after the Free Compact is enacted; and the financial situation of Palau as trustee and as an independent nation.
CO191 St. Christopher and Nevis (1 folder; Box 224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to a possible meeting for Premier Simmonds with Vice President Bush; St. Kitts and Nevis independence celebration; establishment of diplomatic relations in 1983; Prime Minister Simmonds meeting with the President in 1983 and Reagan response to Simmonds regarding accreditation of a local veterinary medicine school.
CO192 Brunei Darussalam (1 folder; Box 224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to ambassador appointments; a donation by the Sultan of Brunei to Mrs. Reagan’s drug prevention cause; and a possible photo opportunity for the Sultan with the President in December 1988.
CO193 Aruba (Empty)
The Library currently has no case files for this secondary subject category.
CO194 Mariana Islands, Northern (2 folders; Box 224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the special representatives for the consultations between the US and the Northern Mariana Islands on establishing a commonwealth; and fact sheets on the Mariana Islands.
CO195 Marshall Islands, Republic of (1 folder; Box 224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the visit of the Director of the Peace Corps, Loret Miller Ruppe; the Marshall Islands as a possible site for the storage of nuclear waste; agreements between the US and the Freely Associated States; and the appointment of Wilfred I. Kendall as the Marshall Islands representative to the US.
CO196 Micronesia, Federated States of (1 folder; Box 224)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the inauguration of President John Haglelgam; and the visit of the Director of the Peace Corp, Loret Miller Ruppe.