Research Availability:
Open - all records in the subject category have been processed and are available for research
Partial - some of the records in the subject category have been processed and available for research
None - no records in the subject category have been processed nor made available for research
File Code Description Research

Foreign Affairs

A primary subject category containing material pertaining to international relations or in connection with the plans, policies, procedures and programs, regarding foreign countries or governments. Also included is material relating to the administration of foreign affairs; economic development; mutual security and foreign information and exchange activities.

FO001 Buildings and Grounds, U.S. Embassies Partial

Diplomatic Affairs - Consular Relations

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized: 501153

FO002-01 Personal - Special Rank of Ambassador or Minister Partial
FO003 Economic - Technical Development (.3 l.ft)
This secondary subject category contain material relating to United States aid to specific foreign countries for specific needs (i.e. food for Poland, medical supplies for Costa Rica, earthquake relief for Italy, renewed aid for Tanzania, increased aid for Sierra Leone); general economic development; readjusting Title X family planning aid towards economic growth and personal liberties; multiple Congressional requests to reverse the decision against South Korea blended credit package for buying cotton; and support for aid to Central America and the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
FO003-01 International Waterways Partial
FO003-02 Mutual Security Partial
FO004 Financial Relations Partial
FO004-01 Balance of Payments Partial
FO004-02 Loans-Funds Partial
FO004-03 International Investments Partial
FO005 Exchange Activities (.4 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to suggested exchanges of people, ideas and issues particularly between the Soviet Union and the United States; review and comments on the Exchange for Understanding Act increasing funding for exchange programs; information on foreign exchange individuals requesting appointments with White House staff or the National Security Council staff; international exchange programs by non-governmental organizations; program to bring Northern Ireland children to the United States for the summer; efforts to expand U.S. presence on Soviet media; implementation of the President's Exchange Initiative witht the Soviets; and efforts to place White House staff on foreign exchange travel.
FO005-01 Educational (1.6 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to two privately run student exchange programs with administrative ties to the United States Information Agency (USIA): People-to People and Youth for Understanding. Material concerns proposed President Reagan meetings with youth exchange students; sponsorship of students; foreign student experiences in the United States; American student experiences in foreign countries and administrative details for the students and hosts. In addition, material covers the larger university and graduate level exchange programs: the Hubert Humphrey Fellowships and the Fulbright scholarship program. Material also covers proposals for more student exchanges and individualized programs for specific high schools and colleges; a denial of Johns Hopkins University proposed exchange with the University of Havana; efforts to help Taiwanese students enter exchange programs; and increased funding for international student exchanges. The focus shifts in the second Reagan administration to the Soviet Union/ United States exchange peace initiatives; Presidential speeches and meetings with Soviet students and exchange students; increased funding fo US/USSR exchanges; volunteering by individuals and institutions for involvement in Soviet Union/U.S. exchanges; reports on the Presidential International Youth Exchange initiative and proposed memorials for student Samantha Smith.
FO005-02 Scientific - Cultural - Business Exchange Activity)(2.4 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requested meetings with Vice President Bush or President Reagan with business leaders creating cooperative or supportive business relations with certain countries, notably Japan, Brazil, Jamaica, etc.; reports on techological, scientific and medical cooperative research projects with other countries, particularly the U.S.-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program; annual reports on the use of United States involvement with international science and technology as a form of public diplomacy; United States withdrawal from the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); and the Fowler-McCracken Commission on Improving Government-Business Cooperation in the Conduct of U.S. International Economic Policy reports. Material for the time period 985-1989 relates to improving ties with the Soviet Union, including the possible visit of the United States soccer team; the President's meetings and briefings with cultural experts on the Soviet Union visits of various cultural groups to the Soviet union; and contacts from individuals and groups interested in participating in a cultural exchange with the Soviet Union.

Publicity, International (5.7 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to requests for interviews of President Reagan by foreign media; review of questions and answers for written interviews of President Reagan; summaries of foreign media reaction to the United States or President Reagan actions; progress reports on the launching of Radio Marti and Worldnet; efforts to obtain more U.S. access to Soviet media; advice from the Board for International Broadcasting; progress reports on Project Truth, a media campaign to combat Soviet propaganda; progress reports on expanding and ceremonies for installing extended radio relay stations for the Voice of America radio network and programs; and requests for interviews of President Reagan from foreign media

For more information on the United State Information Agency (USIA) and/or Voice of America, please see: FG298 or FG298-01


International Conferences (4.6 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to attendance at various international conferences including ones hosted by the U.S.; invitations to international conferences; proposed international conferences; the Office of Management and Budget requests for limited U.S. attendance at international summits; Office of Presidential Personnel involvement in choosing the members of the U.S. delegations; resignations of heads or members of U.S. delegations to long-term conferences/meetings; Congressional participation in international conferences; and pressure and continued requests for the United States and President Reagan to begin meetings, summits or at least conversations with the Soviet Union leaders, particularly on arms control, human rights and release of the Soviet Jews waiting to emigrate.

Material relevant to these notable conferences is contained within this secondary subject category: the United Nations Conference on Population, Mexico City, August 1984; the First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse, April 1985; the World Conference on Women, Nairobi, July 1985; The First Ladies Conference on Drug Abuse at the United Nations, October 1985; and the International Conferences on Private Sector Initiatives held in Paris, November 1986, Milan/Venice, June 1987 and London, May, 1988.

The White House Office of Records Management created a number of subcategories within FO006 to accommodate specific Conferences of Industrialized Nations (Economic Summits); meetings between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev, and other specific Summits or ongoing “talks.” Material found within FO006 which is relevant to these subcategories has been transferred to its' proper location. This category also includes material about non-conference “meetings and/or talks,” if international participants are involved. This material remains in this category.

The following Case Files in the Subject Category have been digitized:

541107 (1)  541107 (2) 541107 (3)

Economic Summit, Ottawa, Canada, 07/19/1981-07/20/1981 (0.8 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the planning and Reagan Administration positions on policies for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau of Canada. 

Organizationally this Summit is markedly different than the seven ensuing Summits, 1982-1988. This Summit was organized, planned and executed using the Cabinet style of government used successfully by President Reagan in California. It was Counsellor to the President Ed Meese who was ultimately responsible for this organization, but it appears that Craig Fuller, Director of Cabinet Affairs and Richard Darman, Deputy to the Chief of Staff and Staff Secretary organized and set up the planning. In addition, the Vice President was tasked by the President to begin work on economic briefing papers and to form a working group with the Cabinet to ensure the United States’ success at the Summit.

Material within this category reflects the involvement of the Vice President’s office in setting up planning meetings, issuing draft briefing books for review, and providing specific information from Vice President Bush to the President. It also contains position papers and input from agencies and individuals not necessarily involved in Summit planning later in the Administration.

The Office of Records Management was not sure how to file or provide access to this material and often gave material a general case file number with a vague reference to “Darman folders,” or “Fuller material.”  The Library has tried to recreate true case files within this category based on the descriptions.  For a fuller view of the planning and Reagan Administration goals for this Summit, please see the Craig Fuller Collection, OA 8981, and the Richard Darman Collection, Box 4-Box 4B.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized: 

Begin-000219 (EMPTY) 018699 (1) 019305-019805 (EMPTY) 030000-031999 035823 (6)
000220 (1) 018699 (2) 019806 (1) 032000-035699 035823 (7)
000220 (2) 018699 (3) 019806 (2) 035700-035822 035823 (8)
000220 (3) 018699 (4) 019806 (3) 035823 (1) 035823 (9)
000221-018599 018700-018749 019806 (4) 035823 (2) 035823 (10)
018600-018649 018750-019303 019806 (5) 035823 (3) 035824-043999
018650-018689 019304 (1) 019807-019999 035823 (4) 044000-end
018690-018698 019304 (2) 020000-029999 035823 (5)  

Twenty-Two Nation Summit, 10/21/1981-10/23/1981 Cancun, Mexico (1.0 l.ft)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the planning, policy positions, preparation for bilateral meetings and support or opposition to the Cancun Economic Summit of twenty-two nations, including the seven industrialized economies and 15 lesser developed countries. Material includes Reagan Administration positions on “global negotiations” and North-South economic issues. Material also includes briefing books for both the Summit and the pre-Summit planning meeting held in August 1981.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

BEGIN-018871 018874 (6) 018874 (16) 018876 (6) 040332 (4) 044849 (2)
018872 (1) 018874 (7) 018874 (17) 018876 (7) 040332 (5) 044849 (3)
018872 (2) 018874 (8) 018874 (18) 018877-018893 (EMPTY) 040332 (6) 044849 (4)
018872 (3) 018874 (9) 018874 (19) 018894 (1) 040332 (7) 044850-045899
018873 (EMPTY) 018874 (10) 018875 (EMPTY) 018894 (2) 040332 (8) 045900-046899
018874 (1) 018874 (11) 018876 (1) 018895-033699 040332 (9) 046900-047299
018874 (2) 018874 (12) 018876 (2) 033700-040331 040333-042499 047300-048999
018874 (3) 018874 (13) 018876 (3) 040332 (1) 042500-043799 049000-051999
018874 (4) 018874 (14) 018876 (4) 040332 (2) 043800-044848 052000-END
018874 (5) 018874 (15) 018876 (5) 040332 (3) 044849 (1)  
FO006-03 Arms Reduction Talks, Strategic (START) (1.0 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START) arms control  discussions with the Soviet Union and other related matters; U.S. and U.S.S.R. nuclear and military strength; USIA reports on foreign media reaction to the START talks; National Security Decision Directives containing instructions to START negotiators; appointments to the START negotiating team or the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA) ; the 1984 deployment of Pershing II missiles in western Europe and the IBM Treaty, the SALT I and SALT II Treaties; and the Reagan Administration's 1986 decision to abandon SALT II arms levels restrictions.

Economic Summit - Versailles, France, 06/05/1982-06/06/1982 (0.1 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by President Francois Mitterand of France. Material includes scheduling; preparatory meetings on scheduling and topics for the Summit; notes taken at a meeting; inclusion of the United States International Communications Agency (later USIA) at the Summit; a push by some Congressmen to include export of U.S. coal to other industrialized nations; high technology issues; international public affairs strategy; and energy and monetary policy briefing papers. 

Unlike other Economic Summit categories, no briefing book for the President was found within this category.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin – 069999 080000 – 081799 082000 – 092999 130000 – End
070000 – 079999 081800 – 081999 093000 – 129999  

NATO Summit, June 1982 (1 folder)
This secondary subject category contains material regarding scheduling meetings for NATO Summit preparations; a request from Senator Roth to name a Special Ambassador to work with NATO to reshape it for 1980s challenges; and an action plan for preparation for the Summit.

The Case Files in Subject Category have been digitized in full: Entire Category


Economic Summit, Williamsburg, Virginia, 05/29/1983-05/30/1983
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by President Ronald Reagan at Williamsburg, Virginia. This category contains material regarding selection of sites, scheduling meetings, preparing subject briefing papers; developing overall themes, preparation for hosting, and follow up reviews and gratitude for service to the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7). Subject briefing papers are focused on economic issues, particularly the questions about establishing value and stability in the international exchange rates of G-7 currencies. 

Michael Deaver’s Deputy Chief of Staff office was put in charge of the arrangements for this Summit. Michael McManus of his office was the official head of the independent group organizing the Summit, with the title of Administrator of the 1983 Summit of Industrialized Nations. The Group had an official Executive Director running day to day operations out of Jackson Place, near the White House. Please see the following collections for much more detail on the administrative and logistical planning for this G-7 Summit: Michael Deaver, Michael McManus, William Sittman, and The Summit of Industrialized Nations (Williamsburg, VA: May 1983).

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin-073339 133500-133799 144800-144941 145282 (7) 150193 (3) 152900-154999
073340 (1) 133800-135999 144942 (1) 145282 (8) 150193 (4) 155000-155399
073340 (2) 136000-138999 144942 (2) 145282 (9) 150193 (5) 155400-159999
073341-109999 139000-139499 144493-145281 145282 (10) 150194-150584 160000-167749
110000-114999 139500-139999 145282 (1) 145283-146999 150585 (1) 167750-169999
115000-127999 140000-140999 145282 (2) 146700-147979 150585 (2) 170000-279999
128000-128999 141000-144199 145282 (3) 147980-149099 150585 (3) 280000-299999
129000-129799 144200-144399 145282 (4) 149100-150192 150586-151299 300000-END
129800-133299 144400-144599 145282 (5) 150193 (1) 151300-151699  
133300-133499 144600-144799 145282 (6) 150193 (2) 151700-152899  

Economic Summit, London, England, June 1984 (0.4 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher of the United Kingdom. This category contains material relating to the preparatory meetings; some briefing papers, the President’s talking points on some topics; discussions on the U.S. deficit and its effect on worldwide interest rates, logistical details for this trip which included the President’s trip to Ireland and participation in the 40th Anniversary of D-Day, public affairs and communications plans, and Presidential gratitude for support and work of White House staff and State Department employees. This category included the President’s personal notebook used at the meetings and included his talking points in written and card formats. 

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin-205999 206108-217799 236510 (1) 238371 (1) 238371 (5)
206000-206106 217800-219999 236510 (2) 238371 (2) 238371 (6)
206107 (1) 220000-229999 236511-236999 238371 (3) 238371-End
206107 (2) 230000-236509 237000-238370 238371 (4)  

Economic Summit, Bonn, Germany, 05/02/1985-05/04/1985 (0.1 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Helmut Kohl of West Germany. This secondary subject category contains material relating to the preparatory meetings, transcripts of discussions at the Summit, discussions on the primary issue at the Summit, trade and trade protectionism, logistical details for the trip and Presidential gratitude for the support and work of White House staff and State Department employees in support of the.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin – 289999 308000 – 309999 315447 (1) 315448 – End
290000 – 307999 310000 – 315446 315447 (2)  
FO006-09 Gorbachev Meeting, November 1985, Geneva, Switzerland (4.1 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material relating to topics the general public and elected officials wished President Reagan to discuss with the Soviet Union’s General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev at their Geneva meeting including: Soviet Jewry, Raoul Wallenberg, the Helsinki Accords, human rights, international terrorism, captive nations (Baltic nations), Afghanistan, the Nunn-Warner Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, Refuseniks, Hare Krishnas in the USSR, nuclear testing, and the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). Also included are administrative matters regarding the Summit, including joint statements by Reagan and  Gorbachev; Worldnet coverage of the summit; summit communication themes, the Geneva oversight group; Geneva schedules and agendas; a report on public diplomacy support for the meeting and summit press briefing books. A large set of public mail praising President Reagan for his actions and the outcomes of the Geneva Meeting are also included.

Economic Summit, Tokyo, Japan, 1986 (0.8 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material related to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone of Japan.

Material includes meeting schedules; assignment of the “Sherpa;” selecting a “theme” for the U.S. for the meetings; communication plans for rolling out the theme; world-wide comments on the Summit; suggestions from citizens and legislators on topics for the Summit; focusing trade talks on Japan and the value of the yen; handwritten notes of the note taker; and standard “thank-you” letters for participants and members of the White House and government agencies who assisted in the preparations.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin-349999 356600-356699 392200-392209 392378 (3) 392421 (3) 410000-413999 419000-419999
350000-356365 356700-359999 392210-392299 392378 (4) 392422-396999 414000-414999 420000-439999
356366 360000-388999 392300-392377 392379-372420 397000-398999 415000-419999 440000-469999
356367-356384 389000-389999 392378 (1) 392421 (1) 399000-405999 418000 470000-End
356385-356599 390000-392199 392378 (2) 392421 (2) 406000-409999 418001-418999  

Gorbachev-U.S. [1986] / Pre-Summit Iceland, Reykjavik 120/11/1986-10/12/1986 / US-USSR, Washington, DC 12/07/1987-12/08/1987
This secondary subject category consists of material covering a two-year span of potential and actual meetings between President Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev of the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR), i.e. Russia. These meetings resulted in the signing of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty on December 8, 1987.

Material within this secondary subject category consists of plans for a U.S.-USSR Summit in the United States as an immediate follow-up to the Geneva Summit held in November 1985. Material includes proposals for stops outside of Washington, DC for the visit, and an ongoing proposal to hold the Summit outside of Washington, DC in Lawrence, KS, and other locations. Material also includes some preliminary planning at the White House for a tentative fall 1986 Summit, possibly to include a quick tour of the United States as part of the visit. Material regarding this planning is marked on the folders as “Gorbachev-US, 1986.”

A much larger group of material consists of planning for the meeting of President Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland in October 1986. For many reasons, most notably, the arrest of journalist Nicholas Daniloff in Moscow, a formal Summit was not agreed to in 1986. Instead, President Reagan agreed to a proposal for a quick, more informal meeting treated as a “pre-Summit” to discuss arms control issues and the Strategic Defense Initiative. Material includes logistical planning for this visit; requests from Congressman and the general public to discuss human rights, divided families, Soviet Jewish emigration from the USSR; policy position papers; issue briefing papers; schedules; reactions to the “failed” attempt to reach an arms control agreement; and the Reagan Administration’s formal communications and public relations plan to “sell” the results of the Reykjavik meeting. The folders containing material relevant to this meeting are marked “Pre-Summit, Reykjavik, Iceland, 10/11/1986-10/12/1986.”

The final group of material consists of planning for the December, 1987 meeting of President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev in Washington, DC.  When this meeting was originally planned, the dates chosen were December 7-8, 1987. The Summit was actually held December 8-10, 1987. 

Material relevant to the Washington Summit consists of logistical planning for the Summit; briefing and background books containing policy papers, themes and talking points for the meetings between President Reagan and General Secretary Gorbachev; White House planning meetings and coordination; requests from Congress and the public urging the President to discuss various issues with Gorbachev, including Soviet Jewish emigration, the situation in Afghanistan, human rights in the Soviet Union, the fate of Raoul Wallenberg, religious freedom in the Soviet Union, the status of Eastern Europe and the “Captive Nations” of the Baltic region, and possible exchanges and visits within the Soviet Union; standard “thank-you” letters for participants and members of the White House and government agencies who assisted in the preparations; and praise for the Summit and its outcome from world leaders, Congress and the public. Folders with these subjects are marked: “US-USSR, Washington, DC, 12/07/1987-12/08/1987” (sic).


Economic Summit, Italy, Venice, 06/09/1987-06/10/1987 (0.7 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material related to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Amintore Fanfini of Italy. Material includes preparations for the meeting, including a White House based planning group, establishing schedules, bi-lateral meetings, creating issue papers and briefing papers, and background and briefing books for the President’s use at the meeting; public diplomacy efforts;; notes and transcript of conversations by Heads of State and financial and foreign affairs ministers at the Summit; citizens and legislators on topics for the Summit; focusing trade talks on assisting lesser developed countries; and requests to press Japan on the semiconductor agreement and import of Alaska North Shore gas and oil. There is no additional material within this category for President Reagan’s follow-on visits with the Pope and his speech in Berlin at the Brandenburg Gate.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin-442999 475381 (1) 492802 (3) 495900-497399 502299 (3) 505900-505999 526000-End
443000-469999 475381 (2) 492802 (4) 497400-497529 502299 (4) 506000-512399  
470000-474448 474700-475299 492802 (5) 497530-499999 502299 (5) 512400-512499  
474449 475382-492801 492802 (6) 500000-502298 502299 (6) 512500-513299  
474450-474699 492802 (1) 492803-494799 502299 (1) 502299 (7) 513300-513399  
475300-475380 492802 (2) 494800-495899 502299 (2) 502300-505899 513400-525999  

Economic Summit, Canada, [Toronto], 06/19/1988-06/20/1988 (0.3 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material related to the preparations made for the Summit of Industrialized Nations (G-7) hosted by Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada.
Material includes a pre-selected theme proposed by the Canadians; preparations for the meeting, including a White House based planning group, establishing schedules, bi-lateral meetings, creating issue papers and briefing papers, and background and briefing books for the President’s use at the meeting; public diplomacy efforts; worldwide press reaction to the meeting; notes and transcript of conversations by Heads of State and financial and foreign affairs ministers at the Summit; citizens and legislators on topics for the Summit; focusing trade talks on assisting lesser developed countries; and requests to press Japan on the semiconductor agreement and import of Alaska North Shore gas and oil.

The Case Files in this Subject Category have been fully digitized:

Begin-499999 555959 (3) 562550-562581 575000-575099 583655 (3) 583655 (9) 584000-585599
500000-539999 555960-561511 562582 (1) 575100-579999 583655 (4) 583655 (10) 585600-585734
540000-555499 561512 (1) 562582 (2) 575100-579999 583655 (5) 583655 (11) 585735-589999
555500-555958 561512 (2) 562582 (3) 582000-583654 583655 (6) 583655 (12) 590000-594699
555959 (1) 561512 (3) 562583-571999 583655 (1) 583655 (7) 583656-583699 594700-596999
555959 (2) 561513-562449 572000-574999 583655 (2) 583655 (8) 583700-583999 597000-End
FO006-14 US-USSR, Moscow, 1988, (1.8 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material related to the meeting between General Secretary Gorbachev and President Reagan in May-June 1988 in the Soviet Union. This trip also included a pre-meeting trip to Finland and a post-meeting stop in London to meet with Prime Minister Thatcher and Prime Minister Nakasone of Japan. Nakasone was already in London for a separate meeting with Thatcher. Material includes preparations for the summit; scheduling of events for the visit; arms reduction positions and policies beyond the START treaty; briefing books and handling of briefing books for a Moscow summit and pre and post-trips; creating talking points/issue briefs for the public and the press; creating a public affairs program on U.S. leadership abroad; draft speeches and remarks for the summit; support from foreign leaders for success in Moscow; information on signing ceremonies for cultural agreements and the START Treaty; and requests from Congress and the public urging the President to discuss various issues with Gorbachev including: Soviet Jewish emigration; human rights in the Soviet Union, the fate of Raoul Wallenberg, religious freedom in the Soviet Union, the status of Eastern Europe, Azerbaijan and Armenia and the "Captive Nations" of the Baltic region; release of drafted Russian hockey players; and possible exchanges and visits within the Soviet Union.
FO006-15 NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), Belgium, Brussels, 03/02/1988-03/03/1988 (0.1 l.ft.)
This secondary subject category contains material regarding the summit of the NATO member's leaders held in Brussels, Belgium, March 2-3, 1988. Material includes preparations and possible goals for the summit; editing public affairs releases on the goals and expectations for the summit; public diplomacy campaigns in Europe regarding the summit; President Reagan's public statements for the summit; proposed agendas for the summit; correspondence from Lord Carrington, the then head of NATO; and European reactions to the summit.
FO007 International Law (1.4 l.ft)
This secondary subject category contains material regarding the United States' involvement with international law matters. The majority of the material concerns the Law of the Sea Convention; support for or against the U.S. government's positions on the convention; and the conventions' applications, negotiations, U.S. objections and ultimately the U.S. decision not to sign the Law of the Sea Convention. This category also contains material regarding the U.S. sea coast Exclusive Economic Zone; termination of the U.S. submission to the compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice; a presidential statement on the 61st anniversary of the U.S.de jure recognition of the Baltic nations; international law affecting U.S. aid to insurgents in a foreign country; boundary waters issues with Canada; reciprocal state agreements on ocean-bed mining; extending commercial arbitration to Latin America; and articles on international law and the use of force.
FO008 International Travel Partial
FO008-01 Foreign Travel of Administration Officials Partial
FO008-02 Letters of Introduction, Travel Partial
FO008-03 Passports - Visas Partial
FO009 Treaties Partial